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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by MIKO-7 December 17th 2012, 9:54 am

Oh god! Erm... What to do? Quick to jump to conclusions, Mikona quickly held his arms out, as if to protect him from any hits, and spread his feet apart. His palms were straight in alignment to his fingers, giving him anopen hand. The moonlight followed, creating a transparent spere around him. His face, scared and with a comedic light tear on his right eye seemed to tremble while his voice gave the same amount of fear off in that impossibly feminine way.

"I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!"

Now is the time to panic.


Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2012-12-14

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 18th 2012, 2:24 pm

Was this really happening? God this day just kept getting weirder and weirder, which for the Illusionist took a lot to happen. When the boy felll from the sky, Will became slightly afraid, and his unsheathed the sword from his cane and backed away from both of the people that were now present.

He brandished the sword at them and the illusion faltered momentarily, then picked back up again. The fog started to subside and the moaning quieted, but it was all still there.
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2012-11-29

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 18th 2012, 7:08 pm

Josie was getting incredibly bored just watching them, and was also feeling quite useless. Johnny had attempted to be nice to her yet a man tried to stop him, and she wasn't even doing anything about it! With a little pout, she sat down on the dirty ground, her back leaning against the brick wall and her legs pulled up to her chest. This world was incredibly fickle to her, and perhaps she would have been better off staying in the ground. At least then everything wasn't so confusing. Well, besides why she was in the ground in the first place and why she couldn't remember anything. Josie had to do something to help Johnny! But what? As she thought hard about it, she eventually came to a conclusion, but she didn't like it one bit, yet there was no other choice. Sighing, she stood up, dusted off her backside and took to the air again. She dived toward Coat Guy and attempted to lift him into the air by holding onto his coat.

"I'm really sorry! But I need you to back down so Johnny can help me, cause I know he's a good person! That and I'm getting bored and I think someone's going to get hurt. So please give up so I don't have to drop you!" she pleaded with him while struggling to keep her hold on his coat. She noticed a blue haired figure not too far away and squinted to make out their features. "Who is that?" she asked under her breath.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 19th 2012, 2:08 pm

Jonathan was about to question the boy about where he came from until Josie got his attention again. "Uh, Josie? What exactly are you doing?", he asked. He was about to throw in his ace when Josie decided to save him from that predicament. It would've just bring them back to square one. But the idea of threats would also do just fine. Kinda makes him wonder why he didn't done that from the beginning when the guy was clearly pimp. He would've just killed the guy but that would just cause problems between him and her. He'll just hope that Josie can talk the guy into trusting him.
The Conspiracy

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 20th 2012, 11:59 am

In the air... He was high up in the air. This was bad, bad, bad. He didn't like being up in the air. He was not ok with this, but he knew when he had been defeated. He nodded to Josie and glared at the man on the ground.

"Ok," he said, "I'm not going to force you to come with me, just put me down and I'll go on my way." Part of him wanted to stab the girl, but he felt like it wouldn't help him out very much.

(Alright, I'm about done with this topic)
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2012-11-29

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by MIKO-7 December 21st 2012, 3:05 pm

[Sorry, forgot the turn thing. I'm a bit new, forgive me.]


Wait... was she flying? Another super? Closing his defense, his worry transfigured into curiosity as he himself flew up to her, circling the girl slowly to check her form. He was holding his chin and he nodded in a cute focus. "You're a bit unbalanced on your left, and you'll turn upside down in a few minutes." Oh, yeah! The guy who was; might; going to hurt him. Might as well hit that problem as well. standing in midair and bowing to the two, he apologized. "A-Ah... sorry for causing a fuss, I'm a bit clumsy. I fell asleep mid-flight due to the warm weather. My metahuman alias is Kaguya, from Japan, nice to meet you two."

Just then, his light appeared in his radius and loudly charged up a beam, aimed for the man on the ground. HIssing at it, The Rabbit suddenly went into serious mode. "Q-Quiet!" The charging stopped, and the bluish energy dissipated. The bluenette then whispered to himself. "I'm trying to make some friends here...."

Status :

Quote : winter moonlight
my bones, too,
are transparent

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 82
Location : Tokyo, Japan
Age : 29
Job : National Police Agency / Professional Magical Girl
Registration date : 2012-12-14

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 21st 2012, 9:29 pm

Josie watched the blue-haired man float up and examine her a little creepily, and she backed up a bit as he got too close. He noted a few things wrong with her position, and she simply stared at him with her 'head cocked to the side' look before grinning widely.

"Nice to meet you Kaguya! Wait, what's an alias and what's Japan?" she asked. Why did everybody know so much more than her, "i'll talk to you after i set this guy down and talk to Johnny, ok?" she flew back down and gently set Will on the ground. "Sorry about surprising you and all, but i was getting bored and I really didn't want anybody to start fighting which i thought you were going to even though Johnny said you weren't fighting," she took a deep breath and continued, "I'm sure you're nice and all, but I guess we just met at a bad time. So can you not hold this against us? Please?" she waved to Will in fare well and walked over to Johnny

"Oh! I was just sort've speeding things up since you guys were taking forever, though I'm not really all that patient and I hate being bored, but I'm sorry for disturbing your fight or whatever it was since you didn't say it was a fight." she looked up at him with what she hoped was an apologetic look.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 22nd 2012, 5:36 pm

Jonathan was left speechless by every minute today. He keeps on meeting more metahumans by every minute passing. He met a man that can create illusions, a girl that is able to fly and the light from before, and a blue-hair boy that also able to fly. This day keeps getting weirder. He was glad that Josie managed to resolve the issue on her own, but he don't know about the other boy. He finds the boy to be weird mostly and possibly a idiot, but that's besides the point. The boy was generating some form of light and making a loud sound. He thought the boy was charging an attack but later stopped and started talking to himself. Yep, today is a weird day.

He than got his attention back to Josie when she explains what she was doing exactly. "It's fine, Josie. I'm just glad that we can just get this over with.", Jonathan said, "Come on. I'll drive you back to my hotel. There you can stay while I can finally get to my meeting. After that, I'll contact a friend of mine to see if we can get you a home.", Jonathan said to Josie. Hopefully his plan is alright with her. Hopefully, she won't cause any trouble while he's gone.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by MIKO-7 December 24th 2012, 1:08 am

[This is off the guess that the other guy is done, so...]

"O-Oh, maybe I should come. You don't know if theres a big bad group out to hurt people like me and her..." He gave this sentence with fear in his voice. He's spent too many years ALONE dealing with villains, heroes, and the sort hunting him down. It's how he got his alias. He wasn't going to let another life be hunted down by those people. HIs voice was then laced in sadness as he looked to the ground, mouth pursed in memory and eyes in a sad slant from remembrance. "I know firsthand..."

He then looked to the other man. Clearly, he was like a police, or something something something. Clearing his voice, the feminine male gave his thoughts on the situation from his own experience. "I know I may l-look like I don't know what I'm doing, but I've been r-running for a long time from villains and whatnot trying to recruit me or chase me. J-Judging by what she can do, she's a lot like me. I-I'll help her find a home, and maybe teach her a few things. C-Could I at least help?"

Status :

Quote : winter moonlight
my bones, too,
are transparent

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 82
Location : Tokyo, Japan
Age : 29
Job : National Police Agency / Professional Magical Girl
Registration date : 2012-12-14

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 24th 2012, 3:45 pm

"What kind of people? Why do they want to hurt people like us? And what do you mean like 'us'?" Josie asked question after question, not even pausing to get a breath. She didn't remember doing anything wrong, so who would want to hurt her? She noticed the note of sadness in his voice as he spoke. Acting on impulse, she jumped forward and tried to engulf him in a hug. "Aw, you must've gone through a lot of hard stuff! Well, you don't have to go through it alone anymore! We can be friends, if you want to! Though I'm not sure you can come with us, you'd have to ask Johnny, but I don't think he could handle one more person, as I'm enough trouble to handle myself. I mean, look what happened!" she bounded over to Johnny and looked up at him.

"So can Kaguya come along, if just for now? He seems pretty nice! Though if it's too much trouble, I'll go with you alone. But he could help teach me stuff!" she rambled on as she got into the car through the door Coat Guy had opened, as it was still wide open. She wondered if Johnny would have the patience to take care of her. She leaned out the doorway to look at the two. "You know, if you can't find me a place after a few days, maybe I could travel with Kaguya?"


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 26th 2012, 1:52 am

Jonathan stared at Kaguya with annoyance. "Cut it out, Kaguya. Your making her worry.", Jonathan said when he noticed how worried Josie was getting. "Don't worry Josie, I'll make sure you'll be safe. You just need to trust me.", Jonathan assured Josie. He than turned to Kaguya and began thinking wether to take him with them. Jonathan knows that what Kaguya saying about certain groups having certain vendettas against meta-humans were true and he's well old enough to take care on his own. But that also means the he has some important information for later. And he need someone to keep an eye on Josie while he's gone. "Fine, he can come with us.", Jonathan said. Hopefully he won't regret his decision. Jonathan proceeded to get in his car and start its engine.
The Conspiracy

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by MIKO-7 December 26th 2012, 3:35 pm

"O-Oh, thank you. If you need to know absolutely ANYTHING about me, you can just ask." Kaguya, with a bit of a stutter, said. He knows what it's like to not trust somebody who popped out of nowhere, it's happened way too many times in the past. Divulging background information was only the right thing to do. Getting in the backseat of the car, he buckled himself in like a good boy and wondered how to go about this situation. She has flight down, yes, but where it came from...

Shaking his head mentally, Mikona's good cop won out. 'I-I shouldn't care! It doesn't matter what happened to her, I'm going to help!' Nodding yet again mentally, the moonlight meta began fiddling around with his trenchcoat, trying to make himself look presentable in case they were going somewhere fancy.

Status :

Quote : winter moonlight
my bones, too,
are transparent

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 82
Location : Tokyo, Japan
Age : 29
Job : National Police Agency / Professional Magical Girl
Registration date : 2012-12-14

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 28th 2012, 11:47 am

"Thank you thank you thank you Johnny!" Josie said much too excitedly. This was awesome! She already made a new friend! She hugged Kaguya again in her glee. She watched him fiddle with the long strap hanging out of the wall and touched the one next to her, seeing if it would move. Seeing it remain limp, she pulled on it experimentally, surprised when it part of it slid out if the wall. "How do you do this?" Josie brought the silver buckle up to her face, examining it. She held it out to Kaguya to show she needed help. "Could you help me with this?" she waited patiently, wondering how Johnny could control this beast.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 28th 2012, 2:27 pm

As the engine came to life, Jonathan looked behind him to check on Josie and Kaguya. He wanted to facepalm when he saw Josie having trouble with her seat belt. "Josie, so you see that silver metal part of that?", Jonathan said, "Just put that into the buckle that's right next to your hips.", Jonathan explained. Hopefully that was enough information to give Josie to do it on her own. He than gently pressed down the gas pedal and began making their way back to his hotel. He made a mental note to do a background check this Kaguya guy. He was well old enough to take care on his own and yet he's here all by himself in this pitiful slum.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by MIKO-7 December 28th 2012, 11:04 pm

He found Josie holding a seatbelt out to him, unsure on how to use it. Even the poor children of the lower class knew how to... unless... not from here? Alien? That's a possibility. Either way, he followed off of what the other man said and explained it more in-detail to Josie. "See, Josie, this is a seatbelt. It's so nothing bad happens to you if the car gets fast. A car is the thing we're in that makes non-fliers like Mr. Policeman there faster." The bluenette held the metal part first, speaking gently. "See, this is supposed to hold on to the red part." softly, he put the metal into the slot to it clicked. "As soon as you hear the click, then the red is holding on to the other part. And now you can't get hurt too much!" Kaguya smiled at her. It was nice, helping kids like this.

What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? - Page 3 LwhAIIk

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Quote : winter moonlight
my bones, too,
are transparent

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 82
Location : Tokyo, Japan
Age : 29
Job : National Police Agency / Professional Magical Girl
Registration date : 2012-12-14

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