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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard November 30th 2012, 10:16 pm

Josie was happily skipping along, in the carefree way only children could. It had only been a few days since she had dug herself out of the ground, only to be confronted by massive buildings. It had been a day since she had grasped the concept of clothes, but only vaguely and after a passerby had been kind enough to explain it to her. Thus, the only item of clothing on right now was a shirt with symbols that looked 74, and some some squiggles Josie didn't understand. it was big enough to go past her hips, but she didn't realize that she looked like a very flamboyant hooker. A fact which didn't escape everyone's attention. As she was passing by a place which many rich scents wafted from, she noticed a gang of teenage boys walk towards her. There were four of them, and their expressions were strange.

"Hey there, girlie," one called as he got very close to her face, barring her way by putting his palms on the wall around her. "Let me get straight to the point. How much do you charge?" Josie cocked her head to one side in confusion. Charge? She stared at the boy like that for a few minutes without saying anything. "Hey, are you deaf or something?" she continued to stare before answering.

"Sorry mister, but i don't know what you're talking about," she said, over enunciating the words.

"Eh? You're a hooker, right? You have to be in that get up."

"What's a hooker?" she questioned, cocking her head to the other side. She didn't understand what these men were asking her. Was a hooker someone who caught fish? Suddenly it all made sense to her. He must think she was a fisher and wanted to buy some fish! "Sorry sir, but I don't have any fish to sell you."

"Huh? What are you talking about, girl?" a different boy asked this time. Why didn't these people understand?

"I'm not one of these 'hookers', so I don't have any fish to sell you. " she did a little apologetic bow, which was difficult with her restricted room and she accidentally bumped heads with the boy in front of her. While she didn't feel anything, the boy fell back clutching his forehead.

"Geez, what is your head made of, steel? What are you?" he yelled at her as the rest of the group took up defensive stances. Josie simply smiled and cocked her head to the side again. She didn't know what kind of game they were playing, but it seemed to be fun.


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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 1st 2012, 12:42 am

Jonathan was driving down the streets of a poor community street in his blue honda civic wearing a navy-blue business suit that's button up. The place was pretty much a dump where there were graffiti on the walls of buildings, homes that are so run down that construction workers would have to tear them down the buildings first to actually fix them, and than there were the hookers standing on the sidewalks to do 'business'. He had finally been hired for another heist. Hopefully this won't end up like last time when that 'Matician' guy showed up. It was also a good thing that news of that job didn't spread through the criminal underworld otherwise it would be bad for business. But those aren't really important to him, at the moment, he was driving to a cafe to meet his employer and the other hired helps. This would be one of his most rewarding job he had accepted when he started business in the United States. The place where the heist is taking place is inside a mansion that was holding an auction with all of its items that was worth about five-hundred-million dollars in total. And best of all, all the hired helps gets two percent of the cut. So by the end of the day he'll have about ten million dollars in his pockets.

"It's great to be a criminal.", Jonathan said amusingly as he turned a corner around a street and saw something that made him stopped the car. Around the corner were a group of boys surrounding a young girl. But the girl herself attracted his attention, she was practically wearing only a shirt. It made him furious that a young girl like her to sell her own body. And the fact that the four boys think they can take advantage of her. It makes him absolutely furious that their parents were so worthless that they failed to raise their kids right.

He proceeded to drive a bit closer to the group and parked his car. He than checked his watch to see if he got time to get this problem solved and get to the cafe to meet his employer, 6:47 A.M. was his answer he watch gave him. The meeting won't start until 8:00 A.M. so he got time to spare and got out of his car and walked towards them.

"Hey!", Jonathan yelled at them to get their attention, "What the Hell are you kids doing?!", he yelled at them. Hopefully when an adult shows up to interfere with what was going on was enough to make this boys leave the girl alone. Espeacially if the adult were to wear a suit to imitate a job that he may be an FBI agent to increase the possibility to intimidate these boys to leave peacefully.
The Conspiracy

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 1st 2012, 9:58 pm

Josie and the boys all turned almost simlutaneously to look at the professional-looking man. He seemed to have a problem with the game they were playing.

"Crap, let's scram guys." The boys ran off, while Josie watched their fleeting backs. She turned back to the man with a curious expression.

"Hi. Do you want to buy some fish too?" she asked him. Why did everybody think she was one of these 'hookers'? "Sorry, but i don't have any fish. Those boys must be stupid to mistake me for a 'hooker'. I mean, I obviously don't fish, yet they think I'm a hooker! isn't that crazy?" she asked him. She had to stand on her tippy-toes in order to look at his face, as he was much taller than her. "Who are you mister? I'm Josie!" she told him excitedly.


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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 2nd 2012, 3:55 pm

Jonathan watched as the boys ran around the corner and out of his sight. With that problem solved, he than turned his attention back to Josie to ask if she was okay but that may have to wait. He listened to Josie's questions and explanation. He was very confused at the moment. At first glance, everyone could've confuse her to be a prostitute, but after hearing her explanation about her not being a hooker, he had some ideas of what is wrong with this picture. His first guess was that she most likely an orphan and never got any decent education and was practically raised on the streets, but that doesn't explained why she was walking in this part of the city wearing what only clothes she had. She would've known which street to avoid naturally if she was raised on the streets so why is she here?

"It's nice to meet you Josie. My name is Jonathan.", he replied to her question. "A girl like you shouldn't be in this part of town. Are you lost? Do you need help getting somewhere? I can help you if you want.", he sincerely offered. He couldn't let this girl by herself in this god foresaken place, espeacially what happened with those boys.
The Conspiracy

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 2nd 2012, 5:37 pm

Will walked down the street, wearing a large black hat, and a large fur Coat. He had his red sunglasses donned, and in all reality looked like a pimp. It was accidental really, this was the only thing at the thrift store that was to his liking. He didn't pay for them of course, but it was still a nice sentiment. He walked around the corner, almost being knocked over by three young guys who were still running.

His hand went to his cane, but he decided with a scowl that is wasn't worth it. He kept walking shaking his head, when he saw two people standing on the sidewalk, a well-dressed man, and a young girl dressed like a prostitute.

This was disgusting, how the rich and powerful believed they could take whatever they wanted. Will was slightly perturbed and decided to go and investigate. As he got closer he adressed the man.

"Hey, what's going on here." he said.
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 2nd 2012, 6:29 pm

Josie contemplated Jonathan's questions, waiting a full minute before answering. What did he mean she shouldn't be here? Was there something wrong with this place?

"Well Johnny, I don't think I'm lost because I don't have anywhere to return to. I'm just wandering around figuring out what to do. What is this place anyway?" she waved her arms around, gesturing to the buildings around them. "Why were those boys so interested in me?" she looked him directly in the eye when she asked that., and slapped her fist into her palm in realization. "I know! it's the hair isn't it?" while Josie didn't know she was incorrect, her hair did attract some attention. Being as long as it was, her white hair was still very tangled and dirty from when she had dug herself out of the ground. She whipped her head to the side when another man walked up to them. He was dressed quite differently from Johnny, and Josie found his attire a bit odd. Not in a bad way though, Josie would never think that way if she could help it. His tone when he spoke was demanding.

"Hellooo there. If you want to buy some fish, i don't have any. Sorry!" she bowed apologetically again."Me and Johnny here were just talking. He made a bunch of boys leave me alone. They thought I was hooker! Isn't that weird? I like your coat by the way. It's so fluffy!" she exclaimed. "So do you need something?


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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 2nd 2012, 7:50 pm

"Oh, I see." , Jonathan said curiously, "But anyway, to answer your question, this place is a dump. An area where some of societies worst inhabitants lives. It is filled with people that are evil, cruel, and so terrible that they tend to make business of the suffering of others.", Jonathan as he was implying drugs, prostitution and robbery. He wasn't much to talk about making business on the suffering of others, but at least he gets it over it and make sure that they don't suffer that much.

His speech explanation however was interrupted with Josie asking another question and making a ridiculus guess about why the boys were interested in her. Sure, her hair would attract some attention, but he highly doubt that it was the reason why they were interested. "No, they were interested because they thought-", Jonathan's explanation was interrupted when Josie acknowledge someone behind with her ridiculous question and explanation again. "Look sir, I'm kinda-", Jonathan in mid-sentence as he got a good look at the guy. It was a pimp. An actual pimp with the fur coat, glasses, and everything. The only time he met a pimp with this get up was when he was hired by a family to get their daughter back and kill the guy that got her into prostitution. After he killed the guy, he gave the family a twenty percent discount after finding out that childrens were also used as prostitute.

"Nothing.", Jonathan replied to the man. He than got closer to Josie and whisper into her ear, "Josie, do you see the car I got here in?", he asked as he looked at his blue Honda Civic, "I need you to get inside the car while I talk to this man.", he continued, "Because this man is a very bad man. In these parts, he is known as a slave owner.", he explained. He may have exaggerated a bit on the slave owner bit, but it summarize what he is. He than turn is attention back to the man, "What would be the problem, sir?.", Jonathan asked.
The Conspiracy

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 3rd 2012, 9:42 pm

Will smiled at the young girl, she wasn't a prostitute, she was just... special... That made this even worse. But this guy didn't seem to be the pedo type, in fact he seemed to be trying to help the girl. This would be a difficult task for anyone by themselves, so he decided to try and help out a bit.

"No problem actually sir," he said with his thick gypsy accent, "I just thought you had a more malevolent intent." He looked at the guy again, "You don't, do ya?" He shook his head, this guy was definitely not that type, so he smiled at him.

"Now, What seems to be going on?" He said.
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 6th 2012, 6:49 pm

Johnny indicated to Josie to enter the blue monster he had arrived in. She had seen plenty if these strange beings in the streets, coming in different shapes and colors. Was it safe to enter? Johnny had easily exited it's stomach, so it should be fine, right? But what was a slave owner? Was it something bad? She might as well do as he said, since he definitely had a better understanding of the situation.

"Okie-Dokie!" she said slightly too loudly to Johnny, and slowly inched toward the door. She was afraid it might suddenly jump out and eat her. When her hand reached the handle she touched it for a second, and drew back her hand, waiting to see if it would attack. Seeing the beast do nothing, she slowly tugged at the handle until there was a soft click, and she stepped inside once the opening was big enough. After closing the opening behind her, Josie looked around the inside of the beast. After doing so she looked out the clear hole in the side to watch what Johnny and the other man would do.


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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 6th 2012, 8:30 pm

"Oh, I'm just going to drive the girl to a police station and get her into foster care.", Jonathan replied, "It's not healthy for a girl like her to be out in these streets by herself.", he added as he stared at Josie from his window in the car. He also noticed how she reacted to touching it too. Poor girl probably thought it was some kind of monster. It really is depressing that someone would abandon her here. Of all places to even live in. He will get her into foster care before the day ends hopefully.

Jonathan clap his hands together and continue to speak with Will, "Well, this have been a pleasant chat, but I kinda on a tight schedule at the moment so I need to hurry and get her some help.", Jonathan said as he slowly approach his car. He wonders if he got time to get her some decent clothes for her to wear before he get to meet with his employer.
The Conspiracy

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 7th 2012, 11:24 am

Will grinned widely at the girl as she walked toward the car. She was not from around here, maybe not even this time period, he thought. He would definitely know about being in the wrong time, it wasn't a pleasant experience. This poor girl could easily be taken advantage of, and he really didn't want that to happen.

"Foster care, huh" he said, "And you really think I'm going to believe you?" he said, "Why don't we just call the police and have them come here, that way you don't have to waste precious gas." As the man clapped his hands and tried to walk away, but not before Will blocked his path with his cane. He was really proud of his cane. It was white Ivory, engraved with ancient symbols and hiding a nasty blade that he knew how to use well. He hoped he wouldn't have to use it, but he wasn't sure.

"Well if you're in such a hurry, perhaps I could take care of her?" he said.
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 8th 2012, 9:25 pm

Josie continued to watch the proceedings from inside the car. The man in the fur coat, who she dubbed 'Coat Guy' until she could find out his man, blocked Johnny's path with a very pretty cane. Her eyes widened in alarm as the the situation started to become tense. Would they start fighting? Were they fighting over her? She would have to stop them before it got worse. The only problem: how did she get out of here? She looked over the interior of the car once more, taking in all the details. Nothing lended itself as a possible escape. Unknowingly, she pressed her elbow against the lock on the car door, preventing it from opening. So when she tugged on the handle, she found herself unable to escape. While she struggled with the door, it never occurred to her to flip the little switch that would grant her freedom.


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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Conspiracy December 8th 2012, 9:48 pm

Jonathan stared at the cane that was blocking his path to his car. "Well forgive me for my rudeness but you don't exactly appear to be trustworthy at the moment.", Jonathan replied to Will. This was slowly escalating fast. He needs to get this girl out of here and somewhere safe. He was completely serious about taking her to foster care and the idea of this guy taking care of her doesn't fit well with him. Only a blind man would ever trust this guy. Who the Hell does this guy think he is? A man that look exactly like a pimp asking to take care of a young girl? That is the most ironic thing he had ever heard.

"And also, to answer your other question. I prefer to take her to a police station away from this dump. I'm pretty sure the police station in this place is pretty corrupt and trust me. Those morons would sell the girl to some pimp to get some extra bucks.", Jonathan said, he had few run ins with corrupt cops and most of them were mostly for business to him. He again stared at the man's cane once more to see how much this guy could be a problem. 'A pimp with a cane will barely be a problem. Even if he were to have a gun, he still won't be a problem.', Jonathan thought to himself as he return his attention back to Will. "So back to the topic. Move your stick and let me drive the girl to a police station that's much more nicer than the one in this dump.", Jonathan ordered. He really is on a tight schedule and this guy is eating it up as they continue talking.
The Conspiracy

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by The Illusionist December 9th 2012, 2:12 pm

Will watched as the girl struggled against the door. The situation kept changing moment after moment. She didn't seem to belong, and perhaps she didn't seem to belong in the same way that Will didn't belong. In other words, perhaps she was a super. He half listened to the well-dressed man, as he went on and on about corrupt cops and how untrustworthy he is.

"Shut up." Will said suddenly, cutting the man's speech off. He moved the cane, pointing it at the girl. "Look at this girl for a moment," he said, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, "She's a meta, a super. Not like you." he said, "In fact, she isn't like most people, but good for her I'm not most people." He grinned at the man, "You take her to a police station, you may as well sign her death warrant, corrupt or not she'll wind up dead, unless we keep her off of the radar."
The Illusionist
The Illusionist

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What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants? Empty Re: What Do You Mean, I Have to Wear Pants?

Post by psychocard December 9th 2012, 9:51 pm

Unable to hear their conversation from inside to car, Josie attempted to read their lips, pushing her face against the glass and squinting to make out their lip movements. She couldn't tell what they were saying at all, being an amateur at lip-reading, besides a few words such as 'puh-leece', 'grrl', and 'mahta', nothing she could make sense of. She struggled with the handle again , but after hearing an ominous crack she quickly gave up and sat back, defeated. She wasn't going to get out of here anytime soon. When Coat Guy pointed at her with his cane, she waved happily at the duo. She'd just leave them to solve this by themselves.


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