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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Swordsmaster December 2nd 2012, 10:38 pm

What was he doing here? Well that was a stupid question, cause it had like a bajillion different responses but only two of them would really work right about now. "Same thing you are, responding to public disturbance, namely these three. Buta if you meant why I'm here in L.A. It's 'cause I wana meet some famous people, I mean have you ever watched an old Clint Eastwood movie? That guy is totally sway and I wonder if he's still alive, there's rumors he is you know. Like apparently his brain is frozen or something."Swords rambled off, getting completely off topic, but hey easily excited was an understatement when describing the Talons Hobo Kid. He was like an ADHD kid who was high and on anti-depressant pills that worked at the same time.

When Forcewave suddenly stepped in front of him and spoke all serious like Darren stopped whatever it was he was going to say next and straitened up. He knew when there was a time to be serious and a time for joking he just liked to integrate the two, but obviously now was not that time. Right got it, people first." He muttered back when he saw the skeleton walk up and start to talk. Now, most people think Darren moves too fast, talks too fast, and even does things too fast as a side effect of his ADHD and his superhuman speeds. Although that may be true but it also let him see things moving at faster speeds as if they were moving normally. Just like now for example when he saw the man dressed in red moving about the crowd.

The shuriken was expertly thrown and with some speed too, he probably could have reached it in time but he didn't think to interfere with what was going on. He simply watched as the man moved at speeds that matched his own cutting into skeletor's leg with a kusarigama. A weapon he himself had used before but it wasn't one of his favorites. Here he went to move forward only to be held back by John grabbing onto his wrist. He wanted to go, he wanted to fight, he wanted to do something other than stand there but he sighed staying place anyway. He knew that sometimes watching and learning your enemy inside and out was the best course of action. "The enemy of your enemy is your friend, right? But that guys a trained assassin I can tell by the way he moves... As much as I don't wana say it we gota help Skeletar, Mr. Shakalaka, and fly boy."

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb December 3rd 2012, 5:12 am

((don't think psych is getting involved after all.))

Womb leaned down and grasped hold of the handle of the sickle. It had a chain protruding from the end in order to use it with a longer reach. An interesting weapon. Womb had seen it before hundreds of years ago, it seemed that the Humans still favored primitive weaponry in hand to hand combat. As he leaned forwards two projectiles much like the first one to strike him passed over his head. Womb payed no mind to them, they had not hit their mark. With a grunt The Womb slid the sickle's blade out of his leg, its sharp edge scraping the bone has he did so. He held the weapon aloft and roared through the pain earning a gasp from the crowd. He looked towards his attacker. venom in his voice now. "You would thwart the plans of the Legion with violent means? If that is what you choose you will die a violent death. The Humans will know now that their days of ignorance are over with your demise." As he spoke the wound in his leg began to heal. It would take a minuet to fully heal, and in truth the pain was excruciating. However The Womb had sustained many injuries worse than this in his life span, a wound such as this only spurred his wrath and proved his anger justifiable against the atrocities of the Human race.

Using his fairly skilled hand Womb gripped the shuriken that had landed next to him after striking his head. He threw it hard, though untrained and inaccurately, in the direction of his attacker. However he didn't stop there. As soon as the projectile was in flight The Womb launched forwards to follow through with an attack. The Shuriken was just a diversion, a set up for a deadly swing of the newly acquired blade he now wielded. The Womb in his travels had fought in many battles though had never been formally trained. However he was not a novice in close combat, especially with a bladed weapon. Knowing that to dodged the shuriken his assailant would have to jump either left or right of it. Womb decided that in order for his attack to be successful he would swing the sickle by the chain in a wide horizontal arc. No matter the direction the sickle should be effective.

Unbeknownst to Womb both Miracle Boy and Split Shot had already taken action. Springing to protect their would be leader. An error that could cost them all their lives or their ultimate goal this day.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Orojed13 December 3rd 2012, 8:28 am

Red 53 was dead.

After his first time to be in a hurry, he had made a fatal mistake in seeing an opening that didn't exist. He had moved too soon and was going to pay the price with his life. His mentor and only friend, Hikaru Nakamura, had warned him about this. He could still hear the old man's voice, "Katsumi, everyone makes mistakes. Even the exceptional like you and I are only human. Unfortunately though, in our line of work never get a second chance to correct their mistakes." His master was wrong though. Katsumi had died holding the hand of his only friend and father he had ever known, and with Katsumi's death, Red 53's humanity had died as well. This shell was not human. It was a demon. A single tear escaped, but was gone in a flash.

A survey of his surroundings gave him what he needed to survive now as it always had. Instead of saving their leader, the two pawns had unwittingly saved the very enemy they were trying to destroy. Red 53 was in the air and had no footing, so he grabbed the flying makeshift javelin and jammed the tip into the ground. Using it's momentum, he followed the bottom of the pole up into a one-handed handstand at the highest point of the arc. Just as the energy hit the pole instead of it's original target, the head and chain of the kusarigama wrapped around the upper half of the pole. One of Red 53's hands moved in a pulling motion as the pole was blown in half. His other hand pulled on the pole with telekinetically enhanced strength. His body turned in a pirouette, landing his back to the two that hadn't chosen to attack, though not forgetting about them. If he had successfully pulled his weapon back, he would catch it. Otherwise he would drop it again.

Red 53 turned to the crowd that was slowly returning to watch and the other two players in this deadly game. "This man," he gestured toward the phantasm as rose his voice to the crowd, "says you are his children. When one of us raises in rebellion though, he shows his true colors, the drunken child beater. He threatens death and violence to those that do not follow his edict!" As he finished his sentence, the two shurikens would be returning on deadly course to strike his target from behind. Either way, he had used too much stamina from using his telekinetic powers so much. He checked his enemies and dashed toward the building he had started in, hoping to make it into the doors. As he passed the pair of neutrals, he waved at the only one who he had seen keeping up with his moves with their eyes, Swordmaster.Smart, fast, and looking to have the stance of grandmaster equal to him, he would be a threat if allowed to enter battle. If the young one chose to stay in Los Angeles while Red 53 finished his job, he would have to be taken care of.
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb December 4th 2012, 2:50 am

((since oro is leaving the order has been reset to what it was before but just without oro involved.))

Womb nearly screamed in outrage. The claims this attacker made against him were false! His slander had earnt The Womb's disdain. He was a mite to be stepped on and The Womb would see to it that it was his boot that vanquished him. He watched as the man ran after making his allegations. He had alluded death this time, in part because of his disciples intervention. No matter, their intentions had been pure.

"Do not be fooled by the red avenger! My attackers raised their hands upon me! in response to violence, they were met with violence. If you do not wish to be subject to such actions then do not provoke them! In all have words not been my primary medium to express myself? In all I wish only to talk. I am a being of pure emotion and right now I am livid to the point of eternal wrath! And for good reason! There!" He pointed to the beggar he had passed whom now stood among the crowd, gawking at the spectacle taking place. "Is a man left to starve, while you!" He pointed to the insolent teen who's remark had sparked a scuffle between The Womb and his father. "Walk adorned in fine clothes, necessities in abundance, you do not want. You all walk blind in this metropolis of arrogance and pride, failing to use the Humanity given to you to help another in need. It is evil, and such evil should be done away with! My wish is to educate you all! I am not like you, I was here while you were all spawned eons ago, at the dawn of your time. I watched you rise and fall. I have been despaired with Humanity but this time I wish for it to change! This time I will not see my children destroy themselves! I wished to leave you as interdependent beings, to seek out your enlightenment alone, but it is apparent that Life has tainted your minds insomuch that enlightenment will forever allude you! You must be educated, lest your world be forever destroyed by your ignorance."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by BrightChaos December 5th 2012, 3:59 am

After throwing his own attack he caught sight of Split Shot's attack also heading towards the attacker. But this seemed to actually help the adversary. He considered chasing after the guy but wanted to see if Womb was okay. The attacker yelled about Womb wanting to kill people. But from what he had just seen it was this guy who tried to kill Womb.

"Are you okay." Miracle Boy asked running up to Womb to see his injuries healing. So he can do it also, and even faster then I can!

"Do you know why that guy attacked?" He asked. Though as he know from his last fight not all people even needed a reason to attack, but this guy had a specific target in mind. He hadn't attempted to attack anyone else. He looked back to the other two who hadn't made a move during the brief fight then back to Womb. Did Womb or one of the other two know that guy.

Miracle Boy
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Jakal December 5th 2012, 7:48 pm

Split shot saw the carnage, his attack completly failed. "Ah crap" he said looking over to the other two newcomers. "Look we could really use you guys help in our team, what do you say, you in?"

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Forceaus December 10th 2012, 9:53 pm

Forcewave stood there and watched as the man dressed in the weird, almost ninja like outfit attack the skeleton.Unusual for him to do so true but he did not want to get involved in such a situation.He preferred just to watch and witness what happens and see how it went.The incident didn't last very long.It what seemed like mere seconds the attacker had attempted to strike down the skeleton and was quickly retreating in no time flat.In some aspects of the full moment that this was what just occured was just so strange and somewhat irrelevant.As soon as the assassin left things seemingly went right back to how they had been before he even showed up.

The attack had caused a few things to happen.One being some of the crowd retreating from this location in fear.It was probably for the best for everybody in this gathered crowd to leave.Safety was more important than this.After all the Skeleton was now extremely angry.Things could take a turn for the worse at any moment now.He reverted back to his speech but with much more vicious tones.After he finally finished speaking Forcewave turned back to Swordsmaster and whispered something to him"I'm going to talk to the skeleton, if any of them try anything attack on the spot.Ok?" he asked but barely waiting for a response before turning back around and proceeding forward a bit to respond.

"Say what you will, but I still have no reason to believe any of it.I've seen and heard enough to know not to simply trust you just because you claim to be trying to save mankind." he said to all of them while trying to remain calm in the situation.He was a bit edgy at the moment to be honest but then again he had good reason to be.Recent events were starting to get to him.It was just a little bit difficult to manage it all."Besides." he continued on after taking a second to breathe and relax a bit."I just don't believe you at all.Mainly because you're way too confrontational towards all these people for no reason.I'm asking you guys to please just leave."

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Swordsmaster December 11th 2012, 7:00 pm

Swordsmaster watched everything that transpired before him with a raised eyebrow, wondering just what to do. Part of him wanted to chase after the assassin, some of him wanted to bust in Fly Boy’s face just because he could, and part of him. Well to be honest most of him still wanted to go find Clint Eastwood’s brain, but obviously that would have to wait. Forcewave had something in mind, and so of course Darren was going to go along with it. He always did whatever he was told by his friends, because why not? That’s what good guys did isn’t it, they made sure everything was in place, that everything went the right way and nothing bad happened.

With all these people here he knew they were his first priority, it didn’t matter what the crazies were doing as long as they were safe. So, turning around on his heels he smiled and stepped forward towards them. “Hey there people of Las Angeles why don’t we all go home and forget every little thing the crazy guys over there just said, eh? Sound like a good idea. It sounds great to me.” He said taking a bow then ushering them all away, the smart ones left the ones with families left, and the idiot who was shouting about a shop or whatever earlier sadly did not leave. Oh, well Darren tried that’s all he was supposed to do, right? Shrugging he turned back to Forcewave only to have John tell him that he was going to talk to Skeletar and if anything happened to attack.

So, of course that’s what he did he leaned against a wall that was pretty close to where they were and listened to everything John was saying. Darren wasn’t stupid like some people believed, he was actually a genius, and he just didn’t have common sense or the attention span to listen to everything that went along. Basically that meant he heard about three or four words of what John was saying before he turned back around and was distracted by a butterfly that like came out of nowhere, and man was it a big butterfly. Okay, so well it wasn’t that big, it was about average size, but it was still a yellow and orange butterfly! Man did he want to run right after it, hold it for a seconed then go look for Clint Eastwood's brain.

Posting Master
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb December 12th 2012, 9:18 am

Womb furrowed his proverbial brow. "Confrontational!? All I have received from humans is confrontation, mistrust, anger and hatred! Is it not all you people know? It is all they have displayed to me. Yet I have done no ill to them. Only have I raised a fist to meet another. Never have I been the first one to strike." He paused for a moment watching the dispersing crowd. "And as I continue to observe Humanity I see that Life has spread his evil everywhere, it is rife! The tainting of minds has become widespread! As an example, I passed a man in this very rich and bountiful Babylon, sitting upon the ground starving to death. Humans walked by without a care for his well being, brainwashing themselves into justifying their actions. Not even baring to give him a glance. If this could happen here, I am perplexed at the thought of what the global scale of such atrocities are. And it is only one of many evils being committed by a race of sentient beings. A race of sentient beings who dare call themselves Humanity! Humanity! yet I have seen none thus far." He paused again, this time to look directly into the eyes of the man whom had begun addressing him. "Are you not ashamed? Or do you simply not care? Has your arrogance blinded you insomuch that you can not see where true evil really lies? And to destroy it, it must be targeted at the very heart."

Womb cocked his head a little and then pointed at the man. "You know I speak the truth, as a hero you know it. I can see it in you. Join me and we could eradicate Evil and educate this world. I am tired of seeing my children aid Life in his quest to spread misery. I am tired of it! And they do not realize! That is the worst of it! They do not realize that all of this" Womb signaled round about with his hands. "IS in their control, they could seek enlightenment and end suffering for their kind."

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by BrightChaos December 15th 2012, 4:21 am

"They did start the fight, and it's not like we hurt any of them." Miracle Boy justified turning to look up at the man who approached through his visor. He didn't feel like this guy would listen. From the way he acting towards the man with the sword he suspected they already had a club. But he would let Womb try if he felt it best. He leaned back against a light post waiting to see how this guy would respond.

Miracle Boy
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb December 18th 2012, 6:14 pm

((I'm not sure jackal is posting anymore so I'm going to carry this on with a quick post.))

Womb was inwardly impressed with Miracle Boy's zeal. "Yes Hero. What say you?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Jakal December 18th 2012, 6:19 pm

((Sorry been busy with exams. Im back next time around.))

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by frost knight December 20th 2012, 3:12 am

(OOC womb said I can join in so I did)

I Was in los Angeles of all places to get a rare stone to enchant some armor its found in the mountains of CA i was looking for hours and hours geting wore out I bent over to inspect a stone and out of th corner. Of my eye I see that red stone I needed so much I ran over to it picked it up with great relief and put it in my pocket. I still needed to go to town to get some arrmor I ordered from some old time black Smith. Hard guy to find I walked down the hill I was on and walked to the edge of town and after a good 10 min I made it to the place I walked in and seid "um I'm max" the man at the desk said " oh yes nice to meet you I admire" your look" lsaid "look can we get down to business. And before the man replied. I heard the sound of battle.

I walked out side and watched for a bit trying to see who I will side with the bone man made that easy with his speachs I could see the bone mans side was under powered so I was thinking of joining him I walked for ward to see what all the men will do. about 15. Yds away I was fully suited up I took the shield off my back holder and my sword from my sheath and said "what's going on guys"

My sheet:
My weapons:
frost knight
frost knight

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Forceaus January 22nd 2013, 3:49 pm

The response was something he expected from past experience and was ready for it. Forcewave had asked them already to just leave before they perhaps cause any further trouble to happen. No matter what they claimed to believe in or be actually doing as of this moment they were merely about to cause a riot that would certainly get them killed. He was trying to prevent anyone from getting unnecessarily harmed at this moment and would hopefully succeed. "Look, I heard you guys already speaking before you even noticed me here. I'm not joining you and nothing you say is going to convince me to change my mind. I asked you to leave before something bad happens and yet you refuse to even acknowledge the idea of doing so. I can't let you continue what you're doing. Leave, now if would so please." he asked feeling he already knew exactly what was going to happen next.

Forcewave awaited a response hoping that what felt inevitable would not truly come. These guys were clearly dangerous. It surprised him to see the kid among them considering what he had seemed like from seeing him last. Then again it could have just been an act. Would be a shame to think so though.

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb January 24th 2013, 9:58 am

Womb stopped everything, his screaming, his movements. His outrage and just looked at the hero. Just leave? And have nothing changed. This man is obviously too riddled with the brainwashings of this world to even realize the box he is trapped in. Fine if he wishes it, we shall leave, but only for now.

Turning to the group Womb raised his hands. "Stop, although we did nothing wrong here we are being asked to leave. To uphold our reputations, we must leave at once. Come come now, move along. We have things to discuss. These humans do not want to hear us, they are not willing, if we scream on deaf ears, nothing will change. Goodbye my good man I bid you adieu" With that, the newly formed Legion strolled off through the crowds, making their way back home.

((exit, finished))

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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