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First Day on the Job (Done)

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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by ScarletteGoddess November 16th 2012, 8:58 pm

[center]Essmerelda being a skilled street fighter and martial artist, she knew perfectly well how to respond to the situation. First off, however, a kid tried protecting her, then got shot down, and now the skeleton-guy person, thing-y . . . was talking to her and referring to her as, 'woman'. Cocking a milky white eyebrow and taking a long drag and blowing out the smoke as if the world could wait a few more minutes for her to finish, she slowly strolled over and fiddled around her belt and scowled. Keeping the cigarette between her teeth, she glanced down only to see that she didn't have her costume or belt on. "Well, fuck."

The Amazon then started mumbling to herself and completely disregarded the fact that she was supposed to be promptly moving to accomplish something important. Feeling around the pockets of her pants, she finally grinned as she found something. "Ahah---AWWW FUCK. You know what? I can't do this shit." Stretching out the used piece of latex she had in her hands, she shook it out with a scowl.

As she approached the three guys, she squirmed around the struggling villain and let out a, 'HEY WATCH IT, MOTEHRFUCKER,' as his writhing arm knocked her off balance. And with all of her long limbs and wearing stiletto heels, it was easier to lose balance. But still, on shaky feet, she leaned down slowly to tie the piece of blue latex around Songbird's mouth and then secure it behind his head. "Alright, I've done my part, peace out, bitches." She grumbled, taking out a rather random chocolate bar--Almond to be exact--and began eating it as she watched to see what would happen. Though, she was fully ready to step in if she needed to . . . Even though she too was a 'villain', but she chose to leave that out of the proportion.

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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by psychocard November 16th 2012, 10:00 pm

Songbird had never been in more embarrassment than he was at that moment, even more when he had peed his pants on the playground in 2nd grade. And that was because he was gagged with a freaking CONDOM! And it was even USED! For gods sake, this lady couldn't at least use a clean one? A bright blush quickly spread across his face as the albino stepped back and randomly started eating a chocolate bar. He ducked his head to hide his red face and resisted the urge to barf while he determined how to escape. Should he try to run? No, the heroes would catch him in his state. Fight? Hell no. He was left with only one option. He would have to seemingly give up and wait for the right moment before...Mickey shuddered and gagged as he thought about it. As skeleton guy and Miracle Boy moved to turn him into the police, he started unnoticably chewing through the thin plastic, trying his best to ignore the taste of another mans sperm. Mickey sighed, or at least tried to through the gag, at how bad the day was going.

This was the worst birthday ever.


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Number of posts : 80
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Registration date : 2012-11-03

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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by BrightChaos November 17th 2012, 3:25 am

Miracle Boy took some relief now that Songbird was gagged by some rubbery thing. He gave a gentle sigh to signal this.
"You got him?" He asked making sure that the skeleton man could hold him before he released the villain. Miracle Boy floated to the ground winching slightly when his injured leg touched down. He limped over to a patrol car and leaned against it closing his eyes as he relaxed his muscles.

His wounds began to heal and his clothing mended themselves in a little over a minute. With his health restored he felt energy swell up.
"Yes!" He shouted leaping from the car landing his his feet.
"I did it!" He said throwing his first up in the air.
"I mean, we did it!" He said realized after a second thought that he did have some help.
"Did you see the part where I got him with my shield!? It was like BAM!" The boy exclaimed cheerfully.

"Then there was this part where-" The pint-sized hero trailed off seeing the treat that the tall woman was eating.
"Do you have another one of those?" He asked curiously looking up to her with hopeful eyes.

Miracle Boy
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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by The Womb November 17th 2012, 11:24 am

Womb watched as the warrior in black was taken away, he was dubious of their abilities to confine their captive. It was of small consequence to The Womb what befell them, he was not truly of this world.

He began to approach the warrior in green, as he did so he noticed the boy's wound heal near instantaneously. Could he be the one? Could he be, like me? I must know! He stood in front of the exited child watching him rejoice at his victory. The scene warmed the heart of The Womb. Please, let him be like me.

"Warrior in green! I am The Womb. I watched you fight gallantly and with much courage. This is why I helped you. I must know your name, I have a lot to ask of you if you could spare me some of your time?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 33
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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by ScarletteGoddess November 17th 2012, 11:42 am

Snickering and holding her sides as she laughed, Essmerelda didn't respond to the Boy for awhile. She was simply amused by the fact that Songbird was actually trying to chew through a condom. But after the moment passed, she glanced at the Skeleton and then at the Boy. "Uhh . . . nah, but if you don't mind getting herpes, then here." Handing him the rest of her chocolate, the Amazon swiped her tongue over her teeth to get the remnants of the sweet candy off.

"So, yeah, I'm Essa. Silver Hellfire, Amazon, 'That White Bitch'---Call my whatever. You're an interesting group." Beginning to snicker again, she clicked her tongue and glanced at the struggling Songbird and pulled her long curly, milk-white hair from its hair-tie and let it ripple over her toned, hard shoulders. "Now, don't be shy--Lets get the name game goin'. I'ma call you Little Latex." She laughed obnoxiously, lightly kicking Songbird with her stiletto heel.


First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by psychocard November 17th 2012, 1:14 pm

As the police slapped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists and marched him to one of the few remaining patrol cars, Mickey shot one last glance at the heroes who had degraded him to this. He would get his revenge one day. But for now he had to escape the authorities. The policeman roughly shoved him into the backseat, their egos having been boosted by his humiliating defeat. They shut the door behind him, and he heard them talking as they climbed into the front and started the car.

"Can't believe all it took was a condom to stop this psycho," one mocked him.

"Well, he deserves it. Was one hell of a fight, though. Especially that albino bombshell," the other answered. Their conversation went on as they commented on the Silver Hellfires' figure, time Mickey used to chew through the last remains of the condom. Once his mouth was free he coughed loudly, interrupting the policemans conversation.

"Hey buddy, you okay back..." the man trailed off as he turned around, the blood quickly draining from his face as he saw a now gag-free Songbird. He smiled maliciously at their frightened expressions. The poor men didn't even have time to scream before their voices were silenced.

Several hours later, as Mickey was scrubbing out his mouth for the fifth time, he contemplated his next course of action. For now he should probably visit a doctor to see if he had herpes. That thought brought up another wave of bile, and Mickey rushed to the toilet. Oh, he was SO getting revenge!


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 80
Job : Student
Registration date : 2012-11-03

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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by BrightChaos November 17th 2012, 3:31 pm

“Thanks!” He said loudly taking the candy bar. He tore off the part she had bitten and devoured it quickly. Both of the others asked him his name.
“Muuahrr-” He attempted to say before swallowing.
“I'm Miracle Boy! The greatest hero of all time!” He declared proudly pointing to himself with his thumb.

Miracle Boy
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First Day on the Job (Done) - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day on the Job (Done)

Post by The Womb November 18th 2012, 10:51 am

Hero? I must learn more about this Miracle Boy. Womb looked at the boy. "It is an honor to have met you Miracle Boy, I am intrigued by you. Would you mind walking with me? I have many things to talk with you about."

The scene around them was becoming less chaotic. Police were cornering off the road, ambulances had arrived and gawkers were watching the trio as they conversed. As they stood there Womb noticed a man dressed in a dark studded leather jacket, sturdy boots, black leather gloves and black denim trousers. Intrigued by the look Womb instantly materialized the costume onto his body. Maybe now I will seem more human to them.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
Humor : Abstract
Registration date : 2012-11-12

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