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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 22nd 2012, 9:16 pm

Lilia huddled behind Skyler's form, her head peaking just behind the silvery haired woman's hourglass shape as she watched wide eyed at the boy who was waving around his weapon. the young agent gasped silently as the young man attempted to intimidate the people present and for the most part she was merely surprised that he was still capable of moving after her violent assault on his body. She tugged on Skylers sleeve, worried that the woman was going to get hurt by the raving lunatic and also a bit stressed that he was goin to injure himself as well. She was hidden in the corner, away from his desperate attempts of subduing Dominus and the people present; if she wasn't so guilt ridden over beating him within an inch of his life she would have attempted to calm him down, not only was he vastly outnumbered by a whole plethora of talented killers but he just embarrassed himself, forgetting to take the safety off.

Salt burst into a fit of giggles, to the point that he was weezing like a the chain smoker he was; the unshaven face was now a beetroot colour and any attempts of stifling his amusement was only overridden by more cackles. "Shit! You are one funny little fuck aren't you!", the greasy man said in between breaths, slapping the boy over the shoulder. Wiping away some moisture from his eyes Salt continued to snicker under his breath, "We're taking him in for evaluation if you must know...his power is the best shit ever and big boss man said he'll be helpful...that is if he remembers to get rid of the safety first.." another round of belching laughter escaped his mouth, drowning the entire room in disturbing fits of giggles and laughter.

Lilia only caught a few words in the brief exchange, was the boy she relentlessly beat up going to join Dominus? Why would they want such a sad boy? The sadness hidden from public view but easily discernable to a girl who knew pain all too well.

"Ohyeah..the slut has also been ordered to ward C...some dicknerds want to check on her.." Salt grinned, glancing at the girl only briefly with a devious glint in his eye.

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 23rd 2012, 2:54 am

An involuntary grunt escapes me when I'm faced with a reaction I didn't quite expect. Several heavily armed men, outfitted with military-grade armor and gear have their weapons pointed at me, ready to fire. The woman closest to me aims at my head with a type of handgun I've never seen before. She looks familiar, but I disregard the notion. It has no relevance whatsoever concerning my current predicament. I consider the possibility that this could very well be the end of me. A string of bad decisions leading up to this point, its inevitable gruesome outcome. But it's not.

The silver-haired woman lowers her gun and tells the men to do the same. I'm puzzled for a moment, but then she points out yet another one of my mistakes. Imbecile. Forgot to pull off the safety, make the gun ready to fire.
With my resolve broken and any delusions of having control over the situation done away with, I resign myself to my fate, whatever it might hold for me. My weapon dematerializes, having never been more than a crude reproduction made to last for only a moment.

The woman crouches down and offers me her hand, wanting to help me up. I decline her gesture of pity and condescension with a scowl and violently jerk her hand away from me.
"I can stand by myself, thank you very much." I say with all the spite I can summon with my tired brain, and force my wobbly legs to standing position.

The dirty man, whom I had earlier only identified as an enemy and headbutted in order to save my hide, starts laughing and chuckling. I don't get it. He's the one I hurt, yet he seems to be showing the least aggression here. Well, asides from the pretty little thing trying to hide herself from view. I ignore her for now. Business before pleasure.
He slaps me on the back in a surprisingly friendly manner and tells me I'm one funny fuck. I don't see how any of this is funny, but I force a confused grin.

When the woman asks him what his plans for me are, he gives me a satisfactory answer. I don't know what exactly he means by evaluation, but I like his attitude. Good to know someone's smart enough to appreciate my powers. I am a one-man weapon factory, a born dealer of arms and death-bringers. I regain my composure, the cool attitude that befits a man of my station and I start to talk shop.

"Well then, if you brought me here for an evaluation of my..talents, I suppose I can cooperate. After all, I'm sure we can work something out that will bring us mutual benefit."
I say, while my balance restores itself and I correct my posture.
"Before I agree to anything however, I'll need a fresh change of attire and a bath. And a stiff drink would be nice. You can imagine this all comes as a bit of a shock to me, considering I nearly died and all that jazz. I'll have to ask you about the monster that tried to end me later I suppose."

That's right. I need to find out what exactly happened. Maybe it was part of their plan, or maybe they're who saved me from the creature. Whichever it is, I want to know what took me down so I can pay it in kind. Nobody fucks with Eric Atman. Nobody fucks with the Blacksmith.

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 23rd 2012, 7:27 pm

Skyler lowered her hand after it was shoved away. She had a feeling he wouldn't accept her offer. She shrugged and stepped back from him, holstering her gun properly before looking to Salt. "For poking and prodding? Hehe. Honey, Lilia is only allowed to be touched by the best of the best, and that's me." She narrowed her eyes, at Salt, her arm coiling around of Lilia's waist to yank the girl into her side. Skyler turned her gaze down on Lilia and kissed the girl's temple and then licked her cheek. She tried to rid the taste in her mouth by biting her tongue in a subtle manner, her eyes looking toward Salt in a daring manner. At almost the same moment, a trooper came to Salt's side and started speaking in a hushed whisper, but the small room let the words carry to everyone in the room. "Agent Etoile was in Blood Diamond mode, sir. She's the reason Blacksmith got his shit beat out of him." The man then saluted Salt and backed up.

Salt, looking directly at Skyler, came forward and snatched for Lilia by the wrist and pulled her forward. Skyler, trying her best not to take her knife and cut Salt's head off right here, right now, let him. She had to play the role. She had to. "Is that right, you little slut?" He hissed toward Lilia and started to laugh, his yellow teeth catching the surgical light as he tilted his head back, guffawing quite obnoxiously. Skyler allowed a devilish laughter to pass her lips as well and looked to Blacksmith for a moment. She did not know him. She had no reason to. He was just some punk that got let himself get placed into a situation like this. Skyler was more worried about Lilia. "Salt, baby," she cooed, swaying her hips lightly as she came to him and moved a hand through Lilia's hair and tugged her head back slightly. "What, bitch?" He snapped, his eyes on Skyler. "What's your plan now?" she asked pressing her form to the back of Lilia, pinning the poor girl between herself and Salt. She hated this. Every fiber of her hated this. But she had to. She had to do it for Lilia. The more trust Salt had for Skyler, the less suspicious he was when Skyler and Lilia were alone.

"To the testing room," he said and shoved Lilia into the hands of another trooper. Another pair of men snatched for Blacksmith while Salt looked down at the boy. "I hope your ready to have some fun, boy," he sneered at Eric, his hand then smacking onto Skyler's ass and lingering there while he guided her toward a viewing box slightly above the test room. 'The Test Room' is a place for them to witness and push their agents to the limit. But, in this case, Lilia was going to become a punching bag for The Blacksmith. Salt would tell them what his main idea was when everyone was in the appropriate places, of course. Skyler, when she could, stepped away from Salt and laced her arms in a cross fashion beneath her bosom. Her hard, saddened gaze fell upon Lilia, her poor form being tossed onto the large rooms floor, Blacksmith also being placed near a basic table set up. The table would be for him to set up his numerous weapons. Salt leaned forward toward the glass and pressed the intercom button.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5020
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 23rd 2012, 8:44 pm

A pained whimper was all that Lilia could muster as a trooper dragged her body into the testing room. One large hand was clasped against the strands of sandy brown hair, tearing at her scalp whenever she moved and the other was conveniently placed on her abdominal region. She desperately clawed at the plated armor alongside her captor's arm and forced herself to not scream out for Skyler to save her...such a thing would definitely compromise the current roles they had to play in deceiving Salt. Her body was worn out from utter exhaustion and every defiant kick against her captor became more and more futile. Her human skin was only just a bit more durable then the normal person and no sooner had they reached the training room had the trooper already lashe out at her, swinging his hand across her face several times forcing moisture to bubble in the edges of her pleading eyes. Her face was red with pain and her body was completely fatigued, the mere stress of being around these men took a heavy toll on the girl and as soon as the door slid open she collapsed, falling to her knees onto the cold, hard metal flooring...completely vulnerable.

Hands instantly clasped her slender neck, choking the air in her throat as a familiar cold sensation wrapped itself around her skin. A new collar was now in place, her sobs of pain were once more silenced and any hope of calling out for help was now void. She was but a normal girl now, her life was now in the hands of the young man she had assaulted earlier that day. Lilia shuddered from the cold, her slender limbs almost giving way from the exhaustion. She was a mess, horribly so and he could not do anything to help that. Her once pristine white outfit was now stained in the blood of the boy who stood across her in the room, and no amount of silent pleading would convince him otherwise.

She sniffled profusely as the room seemed to close in on her; hot tears masking her numb cheeks with streaks of sadness and pain. This complete and utter helplessness was only made worse when a sneering voice cackled over the intercom, speaking in a language she had yet to properly learn but completely drenched in malice and the worst kind of evil known to man.

"Attention. This is your captain speaking," the voice sarcastically droned through the intercom, "Apparently the little whore laying on the ground had a little tantrum today, even going as far as almost killing our newest recruit",Salt gleamed, stifling a giggle as he continued, "Yes that is right sonny had your ass handed to you by a ballerina...but don't worry, now is your time to take her ass, by however means you interpret that!". Lilia could not fully understand what was being said but the flashes of emotion passing over the boy's face was enough to tell her it wasnt good. "There's also no need to worry about her going all blood diamond on you...she's just a normal little tramp now. If it makes you any better consider this an initiation of sorts. Now get to it and fuck her up!" cried the voice with perverted glee, a low chortle the last sound to be heard before the intercom was switched off.


Salt rubbed his hands together in delight, giggling under his breath as he peered from the one way glass down at the two youngsters trapped in the training room. This was but another perfect excuse to see Lilia in pain. The training room brought back memories over the years as a handler, Salt would drag his girls into the room and subject them to multiple forms of perverted torture...Lilia being the only one to survive said sessions til this day. Her crying face just turned him on so much and if it weren't for his current company he would be doing more than merely watch the events unfold, he was watching his lewd fantasies unfold before his eyes and the man knew that it was going to be entertaining regardless of whether the boy takes her body.

Shifting his eyes over to Skyler he sneered, rubbing his crotch as he looked the woman up and down, not caring if his gaze disturbed her."You know..if you don't want to watch we could always get down and dirty up here...Lilia shouldn't be the only one getting spoilt now should she?" he whispered in the woman's ear, caressing her jawline as his body shifted closer to hers, pressing his abdomen against Skyler's side.

"Unless watching the little tart getting fucked up turns you on as much as it does for me..."

Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 31
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 24th 2012, 3:06 am

Things are moving too fast for me, and just when I think I've got a handle on things they slip right out of my grip. It's enfuriating, really.

So, let's recap on the things I've just learned. I've been 'collected' by some shadowy organization. Well-funded and militaristic, judging from the lay-out of the place and the quality of the equipment carried by the people. Maybe even government-funded? Wouldn't surprise me after the New York Assault. That wasn't exactly the best PR for the country's metahuman population. And that's probably why I'm here. Because of my powers. I suspect the girl is as well, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Alright, so that's the general situation. Let's get into the details. The scruffy creep's called Salt, and from what I gather he seems to be in charge here. Unlikely to be the big boss, but ranking higher than all the others I've seen so far. The silver-haired woman seems to listen to him to some degree, and he's got the absolute obedience of the troopers. Then there's the woman and the girl. This is where it gets complicated, and kinda weird.
The woman seems like some kinda mercenary, with her tough exterior and obvious skill at using firearms. But she's also in some weird kind of kinky relationship with the girl and Salt, though she seems to focus primarily on the former. I hear my name mentioned at some point, at least my codename, but don't make out th
Well, that's the play's dramatis personae. Now back to the scene.

They herded me into a large room; the testing room they call it. The girl got dragged in kicking and screaming. This can't be good. We're left alone in the room. There's a table next to me, presumably for me to place my weapons. Before any instructions are given I piece things together, and the picture on the puzzle isn't pretty. Salt speaks to me through the microphone, and tells me what I already expect to hear.
The monster that tried to kill me and the meek, sobbing girl in front of me are one and the same. Salt wants me to 'fuck her up', take my revenge and let out my anger. It's true, I find the thought of this sad, meek girl in bloodied ballerina dress turning into a diamond monster and beating me within an inch of my life to be a rather distressing one. And considering the fact that actually happened, I am pretty angry.

But despite that, I can't really put my heart into it. Maybe if she were feral again, trying to claw my face off, then I'd want to put her down like a dog, torture her in whatever way I can imagine. But they can't seriously expect me to do that to a defenseless girl like this. I don't even know why she did what she did; maybe it's some dark drawback of her power or something. No, I definitely don't want to have to demonstrate my powers on this cute girl. In fact, I'd rather just hug her and tell her everything's going to be alright. Brush her hair out of her face and look her in the eyes when I say it. A little uncharacteristic for me, sure, but I'm still just a guy, and it's not like I'm heartless.
But all that's just wishful thinking. I don't appear to have the luxury to play the hero today. As if I ever have. As always, I get to play the bad guy.

I suspect neither the girl or me get to walk out of here unscathed. And if I don't give them a display of my powers they might get rid of me. Can't take the risk. I have to do this. I steel my body and mind and approach the table. I have all the time in the world to focus on the creation process, so I take my time. The girl's sobbing is starting to annoy me. I want her to shut the hell up, and stop distracting me. Its not like I want any of this either, but it's the only way. No way out. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop making me feel like that! I lose control.

"Shut the fuck up woman! You're ruining my concentration!" I shout angrily, then return to the smithing, trying to block out any feelings or doubts. The way I always have.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 24th 2012, 3:42 am

Skyler's eyes were panicking back and forth between Lilia's kicking and screaming form. What tore an even bigger hole into her heart was the new collar they placed on Lilia. Skyler's eyes started to tear up but she closed them to hide the muted tears. She opened her eyes, one small tear sliding down her cheek. She masked it by smiling and sighing in some kind of relieved manner. "It's so.. beautiful. Look at her." She said, gazing upon Lilia while Salt sat over to her side. She turned her gaze to Salt when he stood and started turning his full attention on her. She was dressed, of course, in her corset and skirt combination. Her silver hair fell around of her face so perfectly, so beautifully. She was staring at Salt with her lips apart, her eyes a bit wide when he pressed himself up against her. She wanted to push him away, to kill him where he stood, and to go to Lilia. She wanted to, with every fiber in her being. She couldn't, though. She had to think of something. She had to.

All she could, though, was mutter a reply to Salt's question. "Yes, of course." A sigh passed her lips, but it came out like a weak moan. Her head tilted back, cupped into his grip while she avoided his breath as best she could. "I spend almost all my spare time fucking her up.. Why not spoil me for a bit? It makes me jealous when you think of her and I'm right in front of you.." she lied, right through her teeth. Her voice was a soft whine, her hands cupping around of his waist. She slid her hands away from Salt for a moment and took off her hip holster and let it fall to the floor in a heavy pile. She removed her arm guards and then smacked Salt right across the face. She wanted to do that so bad, and to make it seem like it was all part of the sex game, she laughed and bit her lip and grabbed him by the throat and pulled him closer. "Say my name you filthy bastard," she growled at him, attempting to make it sound as sexy as possible, even though it was evident some form of hate flooded her tone.

She got herself wrapped up into the game, just to keep her mind off of Lilia's pain, which she couldn't stop. She probably could, but it would bring Dominus' full set of Agents down on her and Lilia and the two of them would likely be executed. Salt recovered from the slap and choked for a moment before Skyler released her grip just enough. "Bitch.." he growled through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. "Say it!" she demanded, pressing her nails into his flesh now. "Skuh-Skyler Snowden!" he yelled. Just as he said her name, she had pushed Salt back, his ass smashing down onto the intercom button. His choking voice was heard in the metal room with Eric and Lilia, screeching out Skyer's name. Lilia and Blacksmith's point of view was a bit odd, but they could see Skyler squeezing Salt around the throat, his hands groping and grabbing for all of Skyler's curves and bosom. The expression on her face was complete malice and hate, but Salt, he was enjoying this. He let out a cackle and stole a kiss when Skyler let go of his neck. And then she was his toy. With his ass off the intercom, the room was mute again, their bodies becoming a heap on the floor. "Baby, I'm sorry.. I wish I could be there for you.. be strong." Skyler thought, her eyes closing to attempt to ignore Salt's gruff handling.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5020
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 24th 2012, 4:25 am

Everything was chaotic, the malice within the dimly lit room was peaking and the muted sobs and sniffles were all that breached the tense atmosphere. She was scared. It was clear the boy was going to show her no form of mercy and even though she had experienced torture far worse than what many could comprehend...but merely watching him get ready, using his gift to begin this twisted game only made the dread within her body even worse. He screamed at her. Angry, bad words burst out of his lips like shrapnel making the terror even worse. Her mind was screaming for release, release from this hellish place that wished every sin onto her body...maybe if it were another life Lilia and Eric could have been siblings, friends or even young and innocent lovers. It seemed fate had skewed all other possibilitie, then and there the girl knew she was his punching bag, a feeble and poor excuse of a metahuman who was too meek to fight back, too weak to escape this place and never return but no...she had to endure this one way or another, whether it's because she wanted to see Skyler one last time or merely because she had not experienced everything there was to experience in life.

A voice screamed over the intercom, shattering the atmosphere for that very moment..almost as if it signalled the start of the torture that was too begin in the metallic cocoon. Lilia cried out, yet no sound escaped...why was Salt screaming Skyler's name? She could not see anything from the glare of the hanging lights but something was definitely happening up there, whatever it was the girl keyed that her guardian was okay, that the woman she had grown to love was not there to witness the terror that was about to begin. Slowly turning her head she looked up at the boy, she barely had the strength to prop her body up on her arms and even then they shook with fear. The boy was done and as if time had slowed down she stared into his eyes, her glistening sky blue eyes drenched with fear, pain and ...hope. Hope that this would end quickly and that she would reunite with her guardian.



"OH SHIT YOU ARE SO HOT!" Franklin Salters gurgled with a satisfied voice, licking his lips as the lithe female body slid up and down his own. Their bodies were intertwined in a messy heap on the cold floor, sighs drenched with sadistic pleasure danced from the two rolling around on the floor. One was legitimately enjoying this whilst the other desperately tried her best not to kill the perverted heap of flesh on top of her. Salt smacked, bit, pinched, scratched and choked his way across Skyler's body and highly disturbing moment of passion was broken when a shot was fired in the room below them, shattering the feigned pleasure with equal amounts of amusement and dread.

Salt cackled, crushing his hand against Skyler's throat as a devious grin scarred his great face.If Eric doesn't kill Lilia I'm gonna tear her up after this.." he panted, clawing at the woman's body with his chipped an yellow fingernails.."He's just like his mother, I guess fucking little Russian ballerinas is in your blood!" he cackled, resuming coitus as his mind slipped into the lust ridden ecstasy...completely unaware of what he just revealed...

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 24th 2012, 5:10 am

I try to suppress a smile when I finish making my weapons. It's normal for a man to take pride in his craft, but current circumstances won't allow me that pleasure. It's a grim thing, what I'm about to do. Nothing to be proud of.
Four rapiers, a pair of brass knuckles and a small revolver. I take out the revolver first, intending to show it to my captors, demonstrate my ability. Before I get the chance to show off the gun, the intercom switches on and shouts out a name I really didn't want to hear.
Skyler Snowden. Skyler motherfucking Snowden. A woman I've never met, and don't intend to. Both a brilliant surgeon and decorated soldier, she's a real prodigy. And my biological mother. Oh, I did my research. Dumped me onto the foster system the moment I was born. Teenage pregnancy, rape; real nasty story. Always bothered me as a kid, not knowing who my real parents were. When I finally found out, I decided I'd rather not know. And now that pig-faced bastard has the gall to shout her name to me? How did he find out, do these people know everything about me? Am I truly at their mercy? The questions choke me up inside, and unleash a torrent of suppressed rage.
I fire the revolver in the air twice, then shoot in the girl's general direction for the remaining four shots. Click-click. Barrel's empty. I drop the gun.

This isn't the time for words. I want to yell at the people watching me from above, hidden from my view, but I know it won't help my situation one bit. I'm completely helpless here, powerless, forced to go through with a course of action I detest. But I have no choice. Doing the moral thing is rarely the right thing. If I don't do this, I fail their test, and god knows what they'll do to me then. Besides, the girl tried to kill me earlier as well, right? She did it first; nearly killed me is what she did, that's right. This is just Karma, she'll understand, she's just getting what's coming to her. In the end, we all do. That's just how life works. I'm just going along with the joke, that's right. Nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm breathing frantically, almost to the point of hyperventilating. Rage and despair contort my face, bring me to the brink of tears. Confusion takes hold of me, but not enough for me to lose focus on the task at hand. I grab the two rapiers and the brass knuckles and stomp over to the girl.
When I slip on the knuckles and turn my undivided attention at the girl, she kills me. She looks up at me with those big blue eyes, with that sad, pleading look on her face. I can't stand it. My muscles tense, my body revolts against me. Why does she have to fucking do that? Can she make it any easier goddamnit? I fail to stifle a sob, and start wailing on her with my fists.
I beat her, I beat her hard, the metal imprinting on her flesh, bruising her. I keep beating until I feel blood on the skin of my hands. That's the cue.
I allow the brass on my right hand to dissipate into nothingness, and replace it with an instant projection of a tazer knuckleduster. I punch her with it, sending a stream of electricity throughout her body. I choose a particularly strong model to project, strong enough to put her to sleep with a good hit.

I want her unconscious for what I'm about to do. When she's crumpled to the ground and becomes motionless, I take a moment to feel her pulse. She's still alive. Alright.
I move her body around a bit, put her up for display. Then I take out the rapiers and stab her through the hands and thighs, careful not to pierce the bones.
I turn to where I think my 'handlers' are observing us from and raise my arms.

"There you have it! I made weapons with my mind and fucked up some little tramp. You happy now? Can I get a fucking change of clothes and a nice shower now, is that too much to fucking ask after being abducted, huh?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 24th 2012, 3:17 pm

Keeping her eyes shut, and her breathing as normal as possible, she moved underneath of Salt's grotesque motions. Her mind was on her house, and mainly cooking breakfast with Lilia. She felt tears well up behind of her closed eyes, and what made it even worse was she could hear The Blacksmith beating up Lilia. Every single punch echoed throughout the small room Skyler and Salt were stuck in. She took advantage of this game, though, and laid in some heavy hits on Salt, disorienting him a bit and making him a bit more wild. A bad mistake on her part, but it was the best she could get out of this. Once Salt announced he'd fuck up Lilia if she were still alive, Skyler hissed and slammed her fist down on his lower back, sending a shocking punch into his kidney. "You should have picked watch her writhe in pain, Salt. Blacksmith beating up my pet was your choice. If you wanted to have fun with her, you should've said so. Too bad." she managed to get out passed huffed grunts and gasps.

She hated this, and hated this man, and hated this organization. She wanted to go home. Hell, she even wanted to go spend time with her true blood; the Casters. She pictured herself, with Lilia, relaxing in a large fluffy bed with the windows open, and the soft breeze pouring in. With Swan Lake playing sweetly in the background, and the smell of freshly cut roses filling the air. Her thoughts were broken when Salt muttered something else through gritted teeth and a tensed jaw. "What?" she asked, pushing Salt up off of her and scooting back away from him. Her corset was still on, but unbuttoned and wrinkled. Her skirt was around of her waist, but flipped up and wrinkled. She even had on her boots, still. She adjusted herself and looked at him. "What do you mean "he's like his mother,"?" She asked, her brows furrowing with confusion, anger. Salt had to mean Blacksmith, or Eric as his file said. But.. no.

She slid back on her arm guards and stood up, Salt whining with anger. "What the fuck, bitch?! I wasn't done!" she gave him a threatening glare. Her weapon holster was secured back around of her waist while she shook her head, making her hair fall back down her back. She smoothed the silver tresses, her mind still racing about Eric. 'I.. I gave my son up for adoption.. he was suppose to go to a good home.. Could Eric be my kid? Could he?' She was staring down at him, watching him yell up at her, even though the glare off the lights likely hid her. Skyler pressed the intercom and spoke. "That's enough then. You will be escorted to the showers." She then turned her attention to Salt, his form finally standing while he fixed his pants up and ran a greasy hand through his greasy hair. "What the fuck are you looking at?" he sneered, narrowing his eyes at her.

"How the fuck do you think you could do this to him? Are you trying to make me choose between my son? How do you even know? He cannot be my kid. My kid was adopted by a family; was put into a good home. No way is he mine." she said, growling passed some of her words. "He's yours, babe," he sneered again, laughing a wheezing laugh before scratching his crotch and heading to the door. "I'll be tending to my pet's wounds. She has to be in peak condition to be able to withstand what I put her through." she commanded. Salt raised his hands and shrugged. "Whatever you little nympho. Do whatever the fuck you want. She looks about an inch from life to me," he finished and stepped out of the door to likely to speak with Eric. Skyler took this time to rush down to Lilia and carry her to the infirmary.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5020
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 25th 2012, 8:41 am

Salt strolled past the large metal sliding doors, rearranging his pants as he slowly stalked after Eric into the shower-room. It was small and sterile, housing two shower-heads adjacent to one another, the only thing separating them was a foggy glass that distorted the naked forms of those cleansing their bodies. Franklin Salters did not care if the boy was showering, he was a man who enjoyed many things in life and it was no surprise that younger males also picked his fancy if the situation called for it. But such a thing was rare, Lilia was his personal favourite...even if she might possibly die from the assault dished out onto her little body that night. His mouth was formed in a small 'o' shape, whistling an ebullient tune as his loud steps echoed across the stark white corridor into the washroom where Eric was currently located. Salt did not knock, nor did he ask permission to enter... he simply walked right in with a distorted smirk on his unkempt face. This slightly disturbing entrance was only made worse with his complete shamelessness on walking in on the young man, this complete and utter disregard for the boy's current state of undress was further made worse with Salt casually sitting on top of the basin, his eyes lazily glancing across the moisture ridden space.

"You felt powerful didn't you? Fucking up that girl...knowing that no one was going to stop you",he mused in a surprisingly solemn voice, scratching at a scar on his neck as he waited for the young man to answer. "First time it was just me and Lilia i let all my cares slip away into that tight little body of hers...and ever since then mt life has been fucking fantastic", his voice reached a higher pitch at the mention of the Russian agent. Tossing a towel at Eric's face the greasy handler snorted, coughing up some flem before continuing his little monologue, "If you keep it up, if you realize that what you're doing is what makes you a king then do it. Now don't get me wrong, metahumans are scum. But have talents that exceed what many of my men would kill off.. ", he spoke with startling conviction, his silver tongue doing all the work as he slowly stroked the boy's ego..

Standing up, he stepped over to Eric, slapping his shoulder and giving hima yellow toothy grin, "If you ever want to have playtime with Lilia or any other little whore just come to me...I'll let you borrow them...", he sneered, baring his canines as a devious glint crossed his eyes...maybe he should check up on the little Russian now, who knows...maybe she was actually dead..

(Lilia is currently unconscious and on the brink of dying from blood loss and the trauma from the training session...)

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Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 31
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 27th 2012, 6:08 pm

My heart is still thumping when the warm water hits my naked body. The adrenaline courses through my veins like a chinese firecracker, setting me on fire from within. I lean against the wall with my hands and begin to pound on it. I put in very little strength, not intending to hurt my fists. What is my intention in doing this, I haven't the slightest clue. The image of impaling that girl flashes through my mind, and I can't get rid of it. The feeling of her soft flesh bending to my fists is still imprinted on my hands. The blood's been washed off, but I can still feel it there. I nearly killed a girl there, and for what reason? Was it self-preservation? It was, wasn't it? I had no choice in things. I had to hurt her with my weapons, I had to demonstrate my abilities, do whatever that nasty man wanted me to. I did it because I had to. I didn't want to, but I did it. And the girl. Yes, the girl; she isn't normal either. She tried to kill me before. Whatever her reason may have been, doesn't this make us even? Regardless of circumstances, this was karma too, wasn't it?

I ask myself these questions over and over, praying to hear an answer amidst the racing thoughts. And my prayers are answered. The man whose name I know only as 'Salt' enters the room, the only announcement being the echo of his footsteps and the whistling of a tune that's just a little too merry for my tastes, considering the situation. My mind is too numb to feel the pre-conditioned shame society has programmed me to feel at such intrusion of physical privacy, and merely question why he would grace me with his terrible presence.
"What?" I say demandingly as he enters the room. In reply, he takes his time to sit on the basin, taking his time to answer. And the answer I don't like. Not one bit. He implies that I did what I did because I liked it. Because it made me feel strong. He reveals to me the depths of his depravity and along with it his true character, as he mentions having bedded the ballerina against her will. Then he tells me my power is something great, something worth keeping around. At least that's what he suggests. And he tells me to just ask him whenever I want to bed the girl, or any other of his sex-toys.

All of his words reek of malice, the stench of a boundless depravity that would crawls up my nostrils and burrows its way into my brain, polluting it with its filth. He's evil. Even without saying a word that would have been obvious. It's out there in the open, on full display. I don't even question it. But that only makes it worse. Because no matter how much I resist it, I sense truth in his words, resonating within me. I did feel powerful. I didn't like doing it, it was...but it did give me a sense of fulfillment, no matter how I look at it. It came so easy, so naturally. And at that moment, I felt like I could have unleashed all of my rage; everything bottled up in me, flooding out of me, purifying me, emptying me of pain.

"Sure." I respond to his monologue, never turning to face him. I don't think I can. Not now. I continue my shower, and wait for him to leave, though part of me wishes for him to stay. At the moment I can think of no company less desirable than that of my naked thoughts and the conflict they stir within me.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 28th 2012, 4:34 pm

"Get the fuck away from her!" she screamed, at the hands of the soldiers that were coming to carry Lilia to the medical bay. Skyler was going to carry her, not these filthy bastards. She had her gun up and she narrowed her eyes at them. "I am Doctor Skyler Snowden, and if that name doesn't ring any bells, go pick up Medical Journal or Google my name." It was risky for her to be able to Google herself, but that was her old self. There was no dirt on her new identity, Doctor Karma. The foot soldiers backed up away from Skyler's gun. She holstered the piece while one of them spoke up. "Follow me," he said, his voice a bit distorted by his helmet. Skyler felt tears well up and spill over down her cheeks while she scooped up Lilia; her daughter. She felt so much closer to this girl than she had to any one in her life. A bond inseparable by any distance; any fight.

Her arms coiled underneath of Lilia's legs, and around of her thin upper body. She held her bridal style, gentle with her frail, beaten form. The wounds were not so deep, but there were many of them. It was amazing that her petite body could withstand all of this. Skyler walked nimbly behind of the soldier, keeping Lilia cradled to her form. "If any of you utter a word of my emotions to Franklin Salters? You're dead." she said, cutting dagger filled glares to the few men around of her. They all nodded and a few even admitted they didn't even like Salt. They were just in it for the big guy; Paxton. As soon as they were in the medical bay, she carefully laid Lilia down and ordered the men to clear out. One stayed, and that made Skyler uneasy. She turned to face the soldier, assuming it was a boy. "Doctor Karma," the distorted voice said again. The helmet was then removed, to bare sight to a woman.

Skyler sighed with relief and ordered the door to be shut. "I need suture kits, fresh wrappings, alcohol, and morphine. Two needles; 10 cc's each. I need a saline drip; and blood; O negative. I need gloves." she was taking off her weapons belt and hastily washing her hands, scrubbing in, so to speak. She kept crying, the tears silent, but a few sobs passing her lips as she moved and worked as quickly as possible. "What about this?" the soldier said, pulling out a medical kit with clean tools. "Maybe, soldier. Your name?" she asked, trying to get her mind off of all the pain Lilia was in. Skyler grabbed for a butterfly needle after she cleaned every bit of blood off of the girl, as well as article of clothing. "Katherine. Kat for short, or even K." the woman said. Skyler nodded and rubbed her cheek against her shoulder, shrugging as she did to help wipe away the tears. Kat had washed her hand's thoroughly as well, and had a clean cloth and wiped Skyler's face.

Skyler carefully inserted the butterfly needle for the blood and hooked up the appropriate monitors, she also hooked up the saline drip on the other arm, and flooded the IV with 10 ccs of Morphine. All the pain would be numbed now while she worked. Skyler started by making sure there were no foreign objects in any of the cuts, and also cleaning up any blood she missed during the first cleaning. "She's all I have.. She's my daughter. She may as well be. I found out today that my son is going to work for Dominus, and in short, he's a metahuman. I had no idea he would be.." she was just talking now, trying to get her mind off of all the pain Lilia would be feeling if she were awake and the Morphine wore off. She was stitching wounds, dressing wounds, and cleaning cuts. Skyler's hands were steady, even with the sobs that raced through her, and the tears that damn near blurred her vision to blind.

"I have a son and a husband; my husband is crippled now because of the Angel and Demon war.. I work for Dominus to put food in my family's bellies, as twisted as it may be, and to kill all metahumans. There are only a few good ones, like Agent Etoile. She.. she's inspiring. She takes a beating, and keeps her head as high as she can." Kat said, sighing while she wiped more tears from Skyler's face and handed fresh bandages to her. "She is strong, isn't she? I was a small part in the Angel and Demons war. That was a scary time, wasn't it?" Skyler said, keeping her voice hushed, and her hands working. As soon as every cut was clean, all the major wounds were stitched, and Skyler was satisfied is when she just leaned her head down and cried. It was a little over four hours of work, making sure every stitch would hold, and every bandage was wrapped precisely. Kat had left to do some other job, and Skyler was alone, with her daughter, and the thoughts of her actual blood related son.

Eric. Was he really like her? A metahuman? Did he have her regeneration? Likely not; he hadn't recovered from the beating as easily as Skyler had. Did he know who Skyler was? Did he get to live in a good home like Skyler was promised? Was he working here because he found out that Skyler did? She had to know. She dried up her tears and cleaned her face. Lilia was moved to the ICU of Dominus, her body only hooked up to fluids and a morphine drip. The blood bag of O negative had replenished what she lost, and she was also being given pure oxygen. The girl looked so beautiful, and it was so terrible that she had to suffer that beating. Skyler was mad, but Salt was to blame; not Eric. Lilia did beat him to a pulp, so karma really did play a part. Skyler plopped herself into a chair right beside of Lilia and dozed off. She was more tired than she though, but her hand was on her gun, and she was always a light sleeper; that was never going to change.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5020
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) - Page 2 Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 28th 2012, 9:33 pm

Lilia was shrouded in darkness, there was nothing, nothing but pain. She wandered in the desolate expanses of the cold empty space that she lay in, was she dead? But, death was meant to be comforting; did fate punish her to an eternity of solitude in this despicable place, forever frozen as a mangled mind within tainted body. Lilia tried to scream but no sound came out, her voice was ripped from her control...any attempts at pleading for help were drowned in the black pain that enveloped her body. This was different from the other times. Being sent into unconsciousness was not uncommon for the girl who suffered exhaustion that many would die from, her body was merely used to the abuse and stress..but why...why could she hear voices? Were they angels planning to whisk her up to heaven or demons planning to drag her body down into the most decrepit pits of hell? The ballerina's thoughts ran wild, scampering over every possibility that may befall her current state of consciousness.

The slow burn of her exposed blood against the stale air seeped into the depths of her wounds, but why was the pain slowly receding? It was as if her body had become shrouded in a cloth, suppressing all feeling. She tried to move but she could not, were there iron shackles chained to her feet...was she being subjected to this frozen numb state of being for the rest of her life? If such a thing were true she would not have heard the pained sobs reverberating in the distance, someone was there...someone was crying. She stretched her mind out to regain control of her body, but it felt like she was under ice, where was this person? Lilia clenched her fists, feeling her nails dig into her palms.

She had to wake up.


Bright blue eyes flashed open flooding Lilia's vision with a heavily disorientating light forcing her to turn her head to rid the eyes of the horrendous glare. Her breathing was shallow, every breath was painful but the steady rise and fall of her chest allowed the girl some comfort...she was still alive. Creaking open her eyes once more she found herself laying limp on a bed, her body covered in a whole assortment of bandages, needles poked into her pale bruised flesh and tubes were a controlled mess surrounding her bedside. She was naked, except for the stark white cloths wrapped around her chest and womanhood, shielding her vulnerable body from any prying eyes. Not that anyone would want to look, she was a trampled flower, a girl forced to endure the consequences of getting beaten within an inch of her life and the large purple and crimson blotches and scars that ran across her skin were quite horrifying to look at.

Her body reacted instantly to the metal intrusions that penetrated her skin and right before yanking them out with fumbling hands her eyes laid upon a figure huddled on a seat next to her. Silvery hair cascaded down a womanly body, the soft breathing providing a constant rhythm alongside the heart monitor. It was Skyler. The woman who Lilia had come to love as a mother sat vigilantly next to her adopted daughter..eyes closed in what appeared to be a light slumber. Long eyelashes fluttered, blinking away the tears of relief as her friend and guardian eased all fears she had earlier.

Her body was still heavily drugged from the morphine and her limbs did not operate as gracefully as they usually did, a clumsy quivering variant rather. Stretching out her pale hand, which was heavily bandaged and stitched up, the young agent brushed the woman's face; lightly and gently like a soft breeze. This temporary movement was exhausting and as soon as her fingers lingered against the warm skin of the woman's face they dropped onto the bed, tingling with the sudden movement. She swallowed her drowsiness and continued to gaze up at her guardian with bright innocent blue eyes. This woman had done so much for her and the very thought of anyone bothered to exert any time helping the lonesome teenager was more than enough for the girl to silently shed more grateful tears.

"I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE LIKE A DAUGHTER TO ME! YOU DID NOT HURT ME!" echoed across the drowsy teenager's mind, ushering a small smile to creep across her peachy lips. Parting her lips the girl let air escape her open mouth all the while feeling her neck for the collar. She flinched from the sensation of bare flesh...the collar was no longer there! Taking in a deep breath, Lilia whispered four words that had never graced her mouth, not ever since her years as a child back when everything was normal and pleasant. Her gentle voice rang true and clear, hushed by her naturally quiet voice...but there was no denying she meant what she said..

"...I love you too.."

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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