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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 17th 2012, 5:21 pm

My ears are ringing. I've fallen down, blown to the ground by the concussive force of the explosion. The guards posted at my door, or at least where there used to be a door, are dead. Or they're busy dying; doesn't matter either way. Shrapnel's done its work already, so their deaths are a foregone conclusion. I don't waste my thoughts on it, and just feel grateful that it wasn't me that got hit. I gather up the strength to move and crawl towards the remains of my desk, seeking refuge from the chaos. A moment to catch my breath. I try to collect my thoughts, get back to my senses. Panic's hit me pretty hard, and I'm breathing heavily. I try to suppress a sob, but fail miserably. You coward.

What a fucking mess. This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out. It was going to be great, going to be the gig of a lifetime. They called themselves the New Amsterdam Alliance; a merge between the Amsterdam Vipers and the Sons of Necrodium. Two gangs in post-Necrodium New York that used to fight each other over territory. Flea-ridden mongrels fighting over a slab of rotten meat. This part of the city's barely habitable anymore. Besides the utter devastation good ol' Doc Necro left in his wake here, the constant gang wars and lack of basic amenities don't make it much easier to rebuild. The gangs consist mostly out of people that stayed during the assault, thinking they could seize control of the city after all the chaos subsided.
Quite a gamble they took, betting on Pain and those other boy scouts to take down the devil and his army of monstrosities, metal and magic. Now I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I would have bet against the good guys. No, I'm not one of the survivors. Just a guy who smelled a chance to move up in the pecking order, become one of the big dogs. Use magical powers to generate the best gang with an endless supply of weapons and ammo, then rake in the profit. Thought I'd wait things out, stay in the NAA as long as it lasted; until the heroes, police or whatever party claiming to be on the side of justice would swoop in and take them out. Guess that didn't turn out like I planned it to.

It was around eleven PM when it started. I was in my quarters, hoping to finish a batch of grenade launchers for a raid the boys were planning to make tomorrow. Take down some smaller gangs on the fringes of our territory, simultaneously spooking the civilized parts of the city; make sure they know to stay away from here. Instead, they beat us to it. Not sure who they are, but whoever just attacked us has to be a big group. It started with explosions, grenades, then screaming, gunfire. Immediately started packing my escape kit. Supplies to survive the wasteland, maps, and water. Stupid.

My panicked sobs, muffled by the rubble I'm hiding under, begin to subside. I need to get my shit together. Think of how I can get out of this situation. Think, think, think. Fuck. With a mere thought, I materialize a 9mm and clutch it in my hands. I forgot to materialize it loaded, so I create the bullet clip separately and hurriedly load the gun. Fucking curs won't get to me. I'll put lead between their eyes before they can even entertain the thought of ending my life. I'm the fucking Blacksmith. I'm who's going to win here, I'm who's going to survive!

When I hear the sounds of hurried footsteps racing ever nearer I don't hesitate for a moment. I jump up from under the broken desk and point my piece at whatever I can point it at. I wish I weren't so scared.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 17th 2012, 9:01 pm

"Lilia, where's my arm guards?" Skyler shouted across the house, well, from the basement. She was stuffed down there, getting a few last minutes touches on her latest beautiful piece of artillery. Her Brotherguard Higpoly Revolver. A simultaneous double shot revolver with special 'DAD' ammunition. Discreet Ammunition Deployers are the formal name, but DAD for short, of course. They've been nicknamed Daddy's Favorite, mainly because of their lightweight and very transportable form. Skyler spun the ammunition chamber and then flicked her wrist, the gun snapping 'closed.' She set the hammer into place and slid the safety into place, as well. "NEVER MIND!" she yelled again, her rustling around her workstation moving a few papers which was laid on top of her arm guards.

She slid them into place, pulling the straps into place and looping them into a secured position. She stretched her fingers and wiggled them. Her digits then curled into tight fists and she squeezed, her knuckles whining and then popping in protest of the harsh action on her joints. She flared her left nostril and sucked a sharp breath through her nose before clearing her throat and flicking her silver bangs from her face. The thirty-five year old woman was ready for her mission, and she hoped Lilia was, too. Skyler was in the basement, but the sound of a helicopter over head was not something she was unfamiliar with. She dashed up the stairs and skidded around of the corner, the heavy door to the basement being slammed behind of her out of bad habit. She whirled around the corner, moving almost too fast for herself. "Lilia?" she questioned, a bit of panic racing through her. She then found Lilia training with headphones on. "No wonder she couldn't hear me.." Skyler thought to herself and then waved both her arms around in front of Lilia.

"Salt's here," she said, the sound of the chopper still running just a short distance away. She felt bad that Lilia was prepared, but could never be fully mentally prepared for Salt's presence. Skyler fixed her gun holster and slid the weapon into place on thigh, the gun's holster attached near her ballistic knife. Salt's heavy steps came to the front porch and the door was slung open. Skyler was heading for the door, Lilia hopefully on her heels. "Fucking hell, you shoulda been by the drop zone. Get the fuck to the helicopter you fucking nympho bitch." Salt was freaking out and it almost made Skyler laugh, but she got her pace into a hurried jog and started for the chopper, Lilia hopefully behind of her. "Get your little bitch ass after your mistress," Salt said through a panting set of words, his voice hoarse, his tongue licking his chapped lips. His hand lashed out as he jogged behind of Lilia, getting a good smack onto her ass.


The ride to New York by the High Performance Helicopter was quick; a lot faster than one would think. They were likely a bit late, but their mission was extraction. "All right, here's the fucking deal. We, and by we, I mean you two bitches, will be on foot with a couple other shit headed agents." He took out a flask and rank it's contents. "The target?" she asked, meaning who would they be extracting. "That's for me to fucking know, and you to fucking find out." He then scratched at the crotch of his pants and reached for a smaller laptop. He opened it and shoved the electronic device toward Doctor Karma. "There ya fucking go, ya little nympho," he wheezed, his yellow teeth being shown with a smile, and stank breath filling the cabin of the helicopter. Skyler glanced over the file for 'The Blacksmith.' She read that the kid, no older than his early twenties, was capable of some magic that could conjure weapons. A nice skill, but it looked like he got messed up and stuck in the middle of a gang war. Good thing Dominus wants his skills, Skyler guessed. She let a soft sigh pass her lips and she pulled a hair tie from her wrist and started to tie her hair up.

Salt reached and grabbed her wrist. Her hand moved so quickly, it was hard to notice that she grabbed her ballistic knife. It was held, steady, right at his 'family jewels.' She narrowed her eyes and Salt started to laugh with an uneasy tone. He then let his hand drop from her wrist and she proceeded to put her hair up. The helicopter landed not too far from the extraction point, and then Skyler and Lilia were set out to do their thing. There were guns, small explosions, and lots of screams and yells filling the rubble and mostly destroyed neighborhood. Skyler put away her knife and pulled out her Brotherguard. Salt was way behind of them now, a lot of foot soldiers being his guards to keep him safe. It was mainly up to these two women to get into the building as quickly as they could. Skyler started clearing as she barked orders to the troopers behind of her. "You will split up into groups of three, and you will take out as many strays as you can. Do not kill The Blacksmith. If he is wounded, pull him to safety. His life is more valuable than yours," which was true, to Dominus and by the company's standards. As she spoke, she fired a shot with nearly each pause when appropriate punctuation was articulated. She had taken out six enemies in less than eight seconds. Boy was she good.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 18th 2012, 2:52 am

The rise and fall of the melodic symphony sung its flawless rhythm into the ears of an equally captivating beauty. With eyes closed and body completely taken over by the sensually rhythmic pulse of Tchaikovsky's Swan lake a young ballerina twirled around on the tips of her blushing toes. The pale lithe body freely flowed against the warm sunlight that crept through an open window, ignoring everything else yay was happening in her bedroom and allowing the playful classism to take hold of her dazzling display of dance. Lilia Ivanov was confiding in her oldest friend, letting his music take her body through the fluid motions of a dance form she had come to love and what many people believed she had mastered. Although this exercise was not merely to relax her mind but to warm up her body, for both her and her guardian were about to be thrust on a mission together and face a multitude of unknown foes that Dominus deemed a threat.

The song was reaching it's crescendo and just as the speed began to build up in a dazzling pirouette she was practicing she felt a brush of air caress her skin, alerting her to the presence of Skyler. The white haired woman was geared up with her flashy new toys and the petite teenager blinked with an impressed gaze at the firearm, shuffling in her place as the urgency in Skyler's words hit her. Salt was on his way, the distant throb of the helicopter was the like the sickening heartbeat of a creature prowling in the fields nearby. Even though she now had Skyler she still could not shake the suffocating fear she experienced whenever that man was near her. "Okay..." she mumbled, brushing sandy hair out of her eyes as she hurriedly went over to the bottom of her wardrobe and slipped on her flats. Unlike other supers who wear specially made outfits Lilia simply wore her typical pure white ballet outfit...why wear armor when she was the armor?

Stretching her stockings back up her thin legs so that they didn't crease Lilia looked up and followed a solemn looking Skyler. The girl meekly followed her protector as Salt came rushing through the door, screaming in English with his angry voice and bad words. Lilia quite literally clung to the back of Skyler as the man let his mouth tear into the atmosphere, immediately ordering them to go outside into the waiting chopper. The ballerina scurried after the older woman only squeaking in pain as she felt the hard smack of Salts hand against her bottom...even when he was in a rush the disgusting man still had time to defile her rights, but she could not complain due to the urgency of the situation. No sooner had she hopped into the large black helicopter did it instantly lift off causing her to flinch in her spot from the sudden liftoff.

The chopper ride was indeed much quicker than she thought it would be, less time to be near the horrid man and his perverted gaze. "If you fail this I'm gonna wreck you so bad...and your mistress is going to help me.." Salt hissed, recoiling from his previous attempt of rouching Skyler...might as well attack the meek one he thought. It seemed he still believed both women were mistress and slave and the gut wrenching stares from his beady eyes made the girl shudder in her spot. But that was how things were for a good fifteen minutes and the instance the helicopter hit the ground she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and scampered after Skyler not wanting to stay bear Franklin Salters anymore than it was healthy.

The scene was devastating...she had quite literally landed in the ruins of a once great city. Topple buildings and debris littered the scarred earth and the distinct smell of smoke and gunpowder filled her nose. Stray bullets zoomed overhead and cries of terror and pain created a macabre chorus that only made the current situation worse. Skyler was effortlessly taking down any visible threat, subduing them with her deadly aim and athletic prowess. Lilia on the other hand had since transformed into her diamond form, the glistening translucent skin was an exceedingly beautiful yet strange sight to behold in the current carnage that wracked the surrounding streets. Bullets bounced off her like children's toys and shrapnel from nearby explosions were but dust against her skin.

She was leaping over burnt bodies and fallen beams, cringing whenever her innocent eyes laid upon particularly gruesome sights. Her shining body sparkle in the late afternoon light, it wasn't the most subtle power but it got the job a awe inspiring fashion. She was a dainty juggernaut; an unstoppable force of nature that was stood at the shoulders of an average woman. She did not exactly understand twit mission but lilia knew she had to come out of it not fearing for her life and safety, the mere thought of failing was almost as sickening as the thought of Salt and his various fetishes. Lilia was going to live up to the name of Dominus' blood diamond...even if she hated the title with a passion..

Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 31
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 18th 2012, 4:04 am

With trembling hands I lift my piece and attempt to keep it trained on the opening in the room that leads to the hallway. No one there, at least not at the moment. Several corpses are strewn across the corridor, which had once been filled with the buzzing and chittering of children reluctantly traversing its length in order to get from classroom to classroom. Building used to be a school; pretty fancy one too at that. Wouldn't have been my first choice for a gang territory base, but its position on the map and the fact that the structure's still largely intact make it a key location. I'm currently holed up in what used to be the school's arts and crafts classroom. Told them it would make for a good workshop, but truth is I just wanted a big room that had walls still standing. That might've been my salvation, since it's harder to toss a grenade into this room from outside. The only windows the room has are on the courtyard side.

Diverting my attention from the empty hallway, I point my gun at the windows, glancing over the desk I'm using as a shield in order to see what's going on outside. The darkness is illuminated by the flashes of gunfire and explosions. The courtyard is a warzone. I'm not used to seeing this, and the stress starts building up again, a timebomb about the destroy what little nerve I've got and override my courage with primal fear. I turn away from the sight. Fuck. Fuck.
Never been in a situation like this. Thought I'd be safe here, away from the raids and scuffles. Stupid, careless. If we brought the fight to others, only makes sense they'd bring the fight to us eventually. Idiot.
My thoughts dart all over the place. This room's safe right now, sure, but for how long? I could hole up her all night, waiting for the battle to end. But if my gang loses, what guarantee do I have the enemy won't take me down? Sure, the rational decision would be to take me captive and force me to work for them instead, but who's to say these rabid wolves are still capable of any coherent thought at all. No, I need to get the hell out of here. Every fibre of my body is screaming 'Escape!', and I'm obliged to follow their direction. But where do I go?

Doesn't matter. Just start running. I lose my nerve, and abandon my frantic thoughts to primal instinct. I jump over the desk and start to run through the hallway, hoping all enemies are still outside and will stay that for a while. If I can reach the phys. ed. building I can climb through the hole in the wall there and make my escape. Yeah, that's my chance. Get out of here, keep running until dawn breaks and I find myself back in the civilized world. Thoughts of comfort and safety race through my head, strengthening the resolve my body needs to keep going.
I dart through the empty hallways at full capacity, my lungs burning already. Hey, it's a big school, give me a break. Moonlight shines down on me through the cracks and gaping holes in the roof and walls. Hope returns to me when I see soldiers of my gang running outside, pouring from classrooms they used as weapon and ammo depots to take the fight to the invaders. I think to myself maybe we'll win after all. No. Can't take that chance, need to get out of here. Run. Keep running.

When I reach the bend in the hallway that leads to the east wing, I hear gunshots around the corner. I instinctively summon a combat dagger into my left hand and, against better judgement, turn the corner with gun trained. And then I come face to face with a killer. Tall guy, slim but athletic. Face hidden by a gasmask, and he's wearing police body armour over plain clothes and jeans, torn and dusty. Moonlight illuminates our encounter, shining on both of us through the broken windows. A NAA-thug lies dead on the floor in front of him, throat slit. The killer-he's just a thug around my age, but in my panic this is all I can think of him-brandishes his gleaming steel and stares at me menacingly through the blackness of his mask. With a bloodlust grin behind his mask, at least that's what I imagine, he darts forward, ready to take my life.
Adrenaline shoots through my body, take aim, and fire.

I miss.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 18th 2012, 2:52 pm

Doctor Karma glanced toward Etoile before her skin turned into that beautifully exotic diamond coat. She allowed her words to switch from English, to Russian so that Etoile could better understand her. "Salt's going to catch one of my bullets in his chest if he doesn't stay away from you.. And I'll make it look like an accident," she growled out her last few words, not in anger at Etoile, but at Salt's actions before their helicopter ride. Skyler's feet, heavy with her boots, were still light with each step she took forward. The moonlight's gentle caress of the ruins of this neighborhood made this area seem like a very realistic post apocalyptic painting. She inhaled through her nose and looked up to the sky. The clouds swirled, and then she let herself focus on the task at hand. A few of the gang members noticed their arrival, but she took them out without flaw. She ducked down onto one knee and slid her thumb along the switch that activated her laser sight. She then hoisted her gun up and aimed with ease.

She shot twice, four bullets exiting the chamber. It was an ammunition wasting gun, but because of the path the bullets took, the simultaneous shots were a nice additive and ensured death wrapped it's heavy embrace around Karma's targets. She licked her lips lightly and then let her form rise to her feet. She rose her right hand up and signaled the other Dominus agents to flood passed her and move into the school building. She then turned her attention toward Etoile's general direction and had a moment of panic before she brought her gun up and squeezed the trigger. The double shot caught the attacker in the head, making the gang member flail and hold down the trigger of his silenced Mini-Uzi. The bullet spray sent a few strays toward Etoile and Karma. Thank God for Etoile's diamond body, and Karma's new armor. She rose her right arm up and her plating deflected the few stray bullets that came her way. She then nodded to Etoile and signaled her to follow and pick up any strays behind of her.

Skyler made her way inside, and shot down any strays that were in her way. She saw, down the length of a corridor, a figure readying to slice and dice another gang member. She decided the one that was closer to her would be a better target, so she pulled her gun up and fired off a round. The sound of another gun being fired also echoed down the hall. Once the gas mask wearing gang member was down, she held her gun up and was about to fire at the second thug. The thug, however, was a bit scrawny compared to some of them, and his form was hunched and looked out of breath. She noticed all of this in a matter of seconds. It was a nice thing to have been trained in; knowing your targets. She finally, out of a moment of epiphany, noticed it was The Blacksmith. Their extraction target. She was about to speak, when Etoile moved passed her to take out two other thugs that were coming toward the Blacksmith. Karma shot one of the thugs, and Etoile would likely handle the other. Before Karma had a moment to handle this situation and pull Blacksmith out, Etoile was bludgeoning him as if he were a thug. "Etoile! Stop!" she shouted in Russian, a very stern barking command down the hallway.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 18th 2012, 9:53 pm

Dashing forward and leaping over a toppled fence Lilia had unwittingly sprinted into the heart of violence...what looked to be a school. The red brick buildings were now plagued by death and violence and what was originally a safe haven for children to learn was turned into a killing field. The lifeless bodies of innocents scoured the blood stained concrete and if Lilia were not in her current form she would have cleared out her stomach from the sheer horror on display. The corpse of a young girl lay in a pool of crimson, her limbs splayed out in an awkward was if she had been torn apart by gunfire. Bullet holes riddles her body, eyes still open in terror and mouth agape with lifeblood trickling from the pale open lips.

Lilia stood frozen, amidst the debris and the ricocheting bullets she could not take her eyes of the little girl whose mangled body stared with a lifeless gaze into the young agent's soul. Of all the horrific things the Russian had experienced staring at the dead body of a child was all too much, no torture could compare to the utter devastation felt for an innocent life lost amidst the wars plaguing America. Lilia slowly walked over the charred earth and pools of blood, dropping on her knees next to the dead child. Her shimmering body covered the corpse in a ethereal glow, as if Lilia was an angel there to protect the little girl. Reaching over the girl's face Lilia tenderly closed her eyes with her glistening fingers...the mere feeling of the dead cold flesh made it all the more horrific.

There was nothing the young agent could do, she could not bring people back to life nor could she reverse time to stop this terrible death. Her diamond form made her incapable of tears but Lilia felt a bubbling anger rise up in the pit of her stomach, a pure white rage that stemmed from her utter grief of witnessing death cradle a child much younger than her. Her shimmering pale blue crystal physiology slowly began to transform into a deeper red, the core of her body radiated with a crimson energy that slowly filled her translucent body until only the tips of her fingers and feet were the original pale blue shimmering colour.

Wrath permeated through her slender form and no sooner had she snapped her head to her left to did she hurl a rain of red shrapnel at three gangsters aiming their weapons at her. She leaped upwards, spinning in the air as she released an indestructible rain of red diamond shards on anyone foolish enough to attack her. The display was deadly as it was beautiful and the glistening red figure she had become darted across the blood soaked field, not leaving anyone who dared stand in her way alive. She skewered, decapitated, eviscerated and riddled her opposition's bodies with shrapnel that tore flesh and bone apart. She was attacking blindly, she now knew how Shayla felt when she was out on the field, although Lilia was not doing this for the thrill of the fight..she was avenging the death of a child caught up in the despicable wars that these men created.

No sooner had she entered a building did she sprint after Skyler, dashing passed her guardian as she slammed into a boy. She cared not for his cries of help nor his tears or feeble attempts at getting her off him. She was going to cleanse the area of all atrocities that resulted in that child's death. She slapped him, her diamond skin smashing into his cheekbone probably dislocating more than one area of his face and when she was about to plunge her spiked fist into his neck she heard a voice screeching across the hallway. Someone was calling out to her, screaming her name and telling her to stop. "NO!" she yelled, not caring for whoever was telling her to halt her bloody crusade. Her voice screeched much louder than ever before, the gentle, demure Lilia had transformed into a being whose indestructible blood boiled with wrath that had never graced the petite ballerina before.

She was going to kill this man and there was no way of stopping her..

Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Status :

Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
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Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 19th 2012, 3:20 am

The first thing I notice after shooting is that I'm not dead. No metal objects have penetrated my flesh, and my essence has yet to be spilled from its vessel. As I realize I'm still very much alive and see the form of my assailant crumpling down before me, a wave of relief and gratitude comes over me and for an instant I celebrate my continued presence among the living. My legs are shaking, my heart a-racing; I would be chastising myself for being weak and stupid and lacking in foresight if it weren't for the mixture of fear and happiness that has taken over me.

I am about to turn around to my savior, expecting it to be one of the New Amsterdam boys standing triumphantly, having protected one of their greatest assets. The reality is far from that. I am allowed only a glimpse of the figure I owe my gratitude to before fate body-slams me to the ground and gives me the same treatment it has my entire life; albeit a little more on the physical side this time. I'm given little time to collect my thoughts, let alone to steel my body and mind, as a blood-red crystalline figure jumps me. She -at least I think it's a she- pummels me without a second thought, focusing on my face. I attempt to raise my voice in protest, but nothing will come out. I flail my arms wildly, knowing fully well that it will be of no use to me. My powers are useless to me here; I lack the time and focus to make weapons, let alone the ability to stand up and wield them against this monstrosity. I try to imagine my skin as hot steel, the repeated strikes coming from a blacksmith's hammer instead of an unknown malevolent aggressor. I try to imagine it, but I can't. There's something missing inside me. Incomplete.

Cuts and bruises form on my face, bones dislodge. In my last moments of consciousness, I think about what I've done to deserve this. Relatively little. I think about my life with the Atmans, my biological parents, my powers, and think on how a long string of history that predates my birth will come to an end with my passing. I think about leaving this world for a better one, but I don't think there's such a thing. There's nothing else.

Last edited by Blacksmith on October 20th 2012, 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 19th 2012, 1:46 pm

Skyler can think of only one thing to do. She has to put herself between Lilia and this kid. She runs, full speed, and shoves herself into Lilia. As bad as it hurts, it's worth saving this early twenties boy over. She placed herself, with a bit of struggle, into the path of Lilia's destructive punches and slaps. Skyler blocked as many as she could, but a lot of the hits caused some major damage; nothing she couldn't recover from, though. Ever punch, despite nearly cutting her to the bone, healing as soon as the diamond fist lifted from her flesh. Skyler was not very strong, but she pushed forward, her boots infused with nanomite technology giving her an added boost to standing her ground against Lilia's Blood Diamond form. The red tint was evident, and Skyler feared that this girl hadn't grasped her full power yet. Lilia would need to train her anger, because it was obvious it was showing through.

Skyler started to speak in Russian, soft and calm, despite the situation. "My lovely Lilia.. my little girl.. my sweet baby.. Calm down my love. Don't you see the pain you are causing? For whatever reason you are mad, please.. see through the cloud of revenge.." Skyler kept repeating her mantra, telling Lilia to calm down, to relax. The boy was behind of her now, a heap of bruises and cuts, his poor body mangled from Etoile's raw power. Skyler was lucky to have even gotten into Lilia's line of destruction fast enough. The kid could be dead right now, but by sheer luck, Skyler managed to be this boys shield and savior.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 19th 2012, 6:18 pm

Lilia's pure and somewhat justified fury encouraged every swing of her arm, every attack that would seek to eliminate all evil that haunted the decrepit school. The ballerina was blindly swinging, her usual grace and refinement all but lost in the rage filled attack directed at the boy. She had to avenge the little girl and by the time Lilia had opened her eyes, expecting to see the bloody mangled corpse of the young man all that was in front of her was Skyler, her beautfiul guardian. A sharp gasp escaped Lilia's lips as her senses finally returned, Skyler's soft gentle voice was calling out to her...her lips were cut and bruised from Lilia's blind assault. The girl's legs buckled from underneath her small frame causing the teenager to crumple to her knees in absolute shock, "Oh no...", she whispered in a barely audible voice. Surely Skyler would hate her now that she's committed such atrocities, what woman would ever take back a raging blood stained freak of nature?

Lilia shook her head, she looked dazed and confused..staring at the dripping crimson that was slicked over her equally red form. "...blood..", she mumbled with eyes wide in absolute horror. Her lips trembled and a desperate whimper escaped her lips as her body slowly resorted back to its vulnerable human skin. Her rise and falls of her terrified breaths became quicker, lower lip trembling as all the sheer and utter rage that had spread throughout her body a few moments earlier quickly evolved into wave of tears and pained sobs. She had hurt Skyler and there was no way that she could forgive herself, was this her gaurdian's blood on her hands? She asked herself, desperately trying to scrape the metallic smelling liquid off he pale skin.

Lilia was no longer in blood diamond mode...she was now a mere girl, frightened and absolutely traumatized from the sheer horror of her actions. Heavy, hot tears streaked down her smooth pale face, hurtling towards the ground only to get mixed in with the blood that stained it. She gazed around with eyes glazed over with tears. Gunfire still chattered away outside, causing the poor girl to flinch and shudder with every explosion and before she knew it she had scrambled back onto her feet and dashed Ito a nearby room, painful sobs escaping her lips as she proceeded to curl up underneath a table. Waiting for her world to come spiraling back down..

Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 20th 2012, 12:14 pm

It's sunny outside and I'm playing baseball with some of the kids from the block. My team's winning by a landslide; the other team doesn't stand a chance. I'm not happy though. I'm frowning, almost pouting, ready to throw a tantrum. The other kids don't understand, tell me to cheer up. 'Cheer up Eric, you're on the winning side now', they say. Their words of comfort ring hollow, and echo whispers of pity and condescension. They're all bigger than me, stronger and better at baseball. When it's my turn to swing the bat, I hesitate. I don't want to make the swing. I'm afraid I won't hit the ball, afraid they'll point their fingers at me in accusation and laugh. But another image burns in my mind even brighter than the fear of ridicule. Giving me another chance, telling me it's just bad luck, that everyone has an off-day.
I'm sweating now; the heat and tension biting into my pores, opening the floodgates. My shirt is drenched, fingers and knees shaking. I step forward and take the batting position. Before the dread moment arrives where the pitcher lets go off the ball and delivers me to my fate, I glance over my shoulder. I'm hoping my parents will be there, telling me it's time for dinner, even though it's nowhere near six. And if not that, I'm hoping they'll be there to comfort me when I miss, or praise me when I hit. They can even scold me for being bad at the sport, that's fine with me too. I just want them to be there; just want them to care. For a split moment, I think I see the figure of a woman there, smiling at me warmly. There's no one there. The pitchers delivers my sentence, and it comes soaring at me. I ready myself and swing.

Everything fades, leaving only a void of cold, unfeeling blackness.

Then I hear a sound, distant at first, but steadily growing louder, closer. Clang. Clang. Clang. Warmth returns to my world as the beat approaches. A glowing heat inside of me, pulsing to the rhythm.
I think the sounds to be war drums, an omen heralding some terrible purpose into my life. Clang. Clang. Clang.
They're not drums. It's the sound of steel striking steel. A monotonous hammering of metal, the crude music serving as the sole companion to a work of brilliance. Clang. Clang. Clang.
It is beautiful, and it moves me to tears. The heat engulfs me, threatening to burn up my entire being, offering my soul as fuel for the embers of the forge. A small price to pay.Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang.
But just before I consumnate the deal, before I strike the bargain, I hesitate. I'm afraid. I don't want to lose myself. I want to be someone. I withdraw from the heat, curse it, cast it out. I shout out 'No!' at the top of my lungs as the hammer comes down on me and crushes me. Clang. Clang. Clang.

And then it dawns on me. I never played baseball.

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Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 20th 2012, 4:42 pm

Skyler was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling with a slight struggle. Lilia had done a bit of damage to her, but before the girl could even notice how much damage, Skyler's regeneration took over and did it's magic. Her flesh became one again, no more gashes or cuts. Not a single bruise. She was on her knees, and the blood around of them was from that boy, their target. Blacksmith. She needed to get him, Lilia, and get out of there. Only to complicate things more, Lilia felt horrid and fled to a vacant room. Skyler sighed heavily and shook her head. "It's not your fault baby.." she muttered this beneath her breath in English, her form turning on her knees. She saw how beaten and bruised the guy was. He was young, at least his features were. He was a medium build, and he looked to come from a rich background; his choice of clothes, the way his hair was groomed. She heard a few foot steps and she rose her gun and turned sharply.


Salt had been wandering almost aimlessly, barking an order or two while he tipped a flask to his cracked lips. He emptied the contents into his mouth and gurgling on the alcohol before swallowing it down hard. He belched and laughed at a passing trooper. His armor was his shield, and he had not a care in the world, especially with him safely being escorted into the bowels of the destroyed school where children used to play. "Oh god.. Children.. So many cute little girls.. Oh hehehe.. fucking bitches." His eyes fell upon that one mangled body of a girl who's eyes were closed, yet her mouth was open in shock. He thought of all the things he could've done to her, but then instead of that girl laying there, it was Lilia. He rapidly licked his tongue around his lips and smacked his mouth open and closed and then lifted his gaze, his thoughts still deep into the gutter while he followed the troopers into the school.


Skyler's gun was aiming down at Salt. She lowered the weapon, flipped off the green laser sight, and then holstered the piece. She turned back to Eric while Salt called out to her. "So, what the fuck happened here?" he hiccoughed and stumbled over a piece of broken school building and recovered with the help of his suit. It had a reflexes module that corrected his stance if he started to fall. She glanced to Salt and shrugged. "Seems Blacksmith wanted out, so he fought, and almost got himself killed.. my pet should be somewhere. You take care of Blacksmith, I'll find my prize," she said and stood, ducking into that abandoned room where Lilia was. Skyler came to her and gently pushed a bit of her messy hair from her face and used her thumb to wipe some tears away.

"Be strong.. we have to get back to headquarters.. Salt is just outside of the door.. I am going to yell at you, but it's only going to sound mean to him.." she was whispering in Russian for now, and then she started to yell, still in Russian. "I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE LIKE A DAUGHTER TO ME! YOU DID NOT HURT ME!" she was trying not to smile while she shouted in Russian, her tone sounding harsh to Salt, but to Lilia, maybe she would suck up her tears and come with her. Skyler took her hand but slid her grip to Lilia's wrist to guide her outside to the chopper.


The ride to headquarters was quick, and what was even quicker was how they used some kind of serum on Blacksmith and his wounds started to revert. Salt had a new flask in his hand, and he was guzzling it down. They were then just standing around waiting for Blacksmith to wake up. Salt leaned over Blacksmith on his table and almost had his nose to the boy's. He then shouted, "HEY FUCKER. RISE AND SHINE."

What a dick.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 22nd 2012, 8:21 am

Lilia's bottom lip quivered as she felt gentle hands wipe away the tears that stained her youthful complexion, she just wanted to hug the woman and escape from all the violenc and terror, yet such a thing would prove particularly challenging with Dominus just outside the door. The very fact that Skyler just said that she loved her like a daughter sent a whole flood of renewed moisture pouring out of her eyes. Love was a foreign word, she had not heard the simple yet powerful four letter word grace her presence and the very fact thy it was directed at her felt like she had been ran over by a train...the feeling was so strange, her affection and innocent loyalty was finally returned by another human being and the years of isolation and doubt had finally washed away in overwhelming relief as Skyler 'screamed' at her.

Sniffling away the emotions that profusely flooded from her being, the petite agent nodded her head and followed her guardian as they walked out to see all the troopers and their particularly sickening boss waiting around...prodding the boy she beat up earlier. "Don't you just love it when a woman screams..", Salt chuckled, resulting in the men present to also chortle underneath the layers of armour. The ballerina could feel eyes on her, the perverse stares and snide comments were a common occurrence whenever she was around the Theta squad...but knowing that Skyler was there made the lewd remarks a bit less intimidating.


The ride on the helicopter was tense, merely waiting for Blacksmith to wake up seemingly took forever as they soared above the countryside in the dead of night. Lilia was nestled between Skyler and the very end of row of black chairs, hidden from the seated trooper's view. Lilia clung onto Skyler, not daring to let go since she was in such a close proximity to Salt. No one was going to notice anyways..the men were too preoccupied to see the pale slender fingers wrapped around the older woman's elbow, even if they did Lilia was sure some excuse would be made for their apparent Dominant/submissive relationship. Her pristine white outit was creased, not only that but pools of blood were now drying up on the white material...the metallic scent filling te girl's nostrils with a particularly sickening smell. Hopefully it wasn't going to be a permanent stain..she thought to herself, trying to take her mind off her current loation and who was present.

"Oh look the little dickwad is finally waking up..", Salt chuckled, rubbing his palms together as he propped his flask back into his pocket, "If he didn't wake up in the next five minutes I would have gotten the little slut to give him our good morning presents..You remember those don't you boys?" he cackled, closing his fist in front of his mouth and pushing his tongue against his cheek, it was quite obvious as to what he was implying and the vulgar action only caused the young agent to shudder from disgust. "Maybe once we get back to base she can give us some well deserved relief!" he drawled, licking his lips in an exaggerated manner..completely ignoring the fact that Skyler was present. Lilia muffled a gag from the very thought of committing such a foul act on this group of men and her grip on the older woman's arm only tightened even more.

"Ahwells..let's get this idiot up and see if he's not a vegetable.."

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Blacksmith October 22nd 2012, 9:51 am

"Gaah!" is the first thing my lips utter as I am shaken awake rather violently. My brain hasn't yet processed the meaning of the words that shouted me back into consciousness, but quickly jumps into gear when presented with all the new data. A man's face hovers above mine; his yellow grin reeks of strong drink, the kind I try to avoid in order to keep my faculties running at full capacity. Before taking further note of my environment, I jump to the conclusion that this is in fact not a good situation, and should resolve to regain control over it as soon as possible.

I jerk my head forward and ram it into the foreign face with all the strength I can muster. My body is surprisingly cooperative given the circumstances. I remember being beaten to a pulp by a crystalline figure, a crimson demon hellbent on bringing forth my destruction. If I were in any other position, I would probably celebrate the fact I am still alive, but I'll have to save that for another time. I scramble up, and notice too late that I had been laid down on a table. I lose my balance and fall backwards. While still falling, I realize the moment I land I'm fucked. They took off my shirt for some reason, and I have no way to defend myself. Time to fix that. Mid-fall, I arm myself using the only way at my disposal.
Barrel jacket, storage tube, feeder spring,, no time to do a perfect projection; I'll have to use instant creation and skip the whole process. I call upon the image and concept with all my might, and with a crackle of energy a simple handgun materializes and finds its way in my hand.

"Where am I? Nobody move or I'll fucking shoot!" I shout at the top of my lungs, having just landed. I wave around the piece in an attempt at intimidation, but I point the weapon at random, not locking on anyone in particular. I'm still in a bit of a daze; feels like I've just had the worst hangover of my life. Still, that's pretty good compared to when I was last conscious before this, though this is of little consolation. Out of the frying pan, into the freezer.


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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Chellizard October 22nd 2012, 1:13 pm

All the talk of how Lilia use to treat them to their devilish fantasies made Skyler sick, and not only that, she was getting pissed. She had her hand on the hilt of her blade, her other hand protectively placed on Lilia's back, hidden in the shadows of the room save for the bright surgical lamp over Blacksmith. When Salt made the motion with his hand and jutted his tongue into his cheek, Skyler just laughed and shook her head. "You boys forget.. Lilia is a vegetarian now," she smirked, one of her eyebrows raising slightly. The smirk was forced, but she had very high acting skills. The other troopers started to laugh as well, a few rude comments muffling passed their helmets. Skyler's hand shifted on the hilt of her gun, flicking the safety off, just as Salt awoke the target. Skyler's silver eyes moved from Salt's yellow grin and to the startled man that obviously did not like this situation at all.

Skyler's gun was drawn, cocked, and ready to go. The green laser sight was on Eric's forehead, and she had little to no mercy for him at this point. He was alive. He was just a kid, but he was alive. She had no idea his age. He was probably twenty-one, maybe. He looked like he could hold a few drinks. Her hand was loose on the hilt, meaning she could pull it away and not bother shooting him. Or she could fire a warning shot and scare the living shit out of him. She let her eyes, lazily half lidded, stare at the boy's own. She was standing with feet shoulder width apart, her body having slightly moved in front of Lilia to guard her. "Go ahead and shoot," she said, all the other troopers guns clicking and snapping into position. A few more laser sights were then aimed on Eric, around his chest. Skyler rose a hand, signaling the troopers to lower their weapons, her own gun being lowered.

"Stand down.. the kid forgot to take the safety off," she shook her head and sighed. "If you were going to be killed, you wouldn't have woken up, son" she said sighing while she crouched next to him. She moved a hand trough her silver locks, pulling it out of her face so she could get a better look at him. He looked a little sacred, but other than that, he was fine. She stood and offered him her hand while she glanced back toward Salt. "So, what're your plans for him, eh?" she asked, waiting for Blacksmith's hand to meet her's.

-My DeviantArt-
Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink) Empty Re: Striking while the iron's hot (Chelle and Ink)

Post by Twinkletoes October 22nd 2012, 9:16 pm

Lilia huddled behind Skyler's form, her head peaking just behind the silvery haired woman's hourglass shape as she watched wide eyed at the boy who was waving around his weapon. the young agent gasped silently as the young man attempted to intimidate the people present and for the most part she was merely surprised that he was still capable of moving after her violent assault on his body. She tugged on Skylers sleeve, worried that the woman was going to get hurt by the raving lunatic and also a bit stressed that he was goin to injure himself as well. She was hidden in the corner, away from his desperate attempts of subduing Dominus and the people present; if she wasn't so guilt ridden over beating him within an inch of his life she would have attempted to calm him down, not only was he vastly outnumbered by a whole plethora of talented killers but he just embarrassed himself, forgetting to take the safety off.

Salt burst into a fit of giggles, to the point that he was weezing like a the chain smoker he was; the unshaven face was now a beetroot colour and any attempts of stifling his amusement was only overridden by more cackles. "Shit! You are one funny little fuck aren't you!", the greasy man said in between breaths, slapping the boy over the shoulder. Wiping away some moisture from his eyes Salt continued to snicker under his breath, "We're taking him in for evaluation if you must know...his power is the best shit ever and big boss man said he'll be helpful...that is if he remembers to get rid of the safety first.." another round of belching laughter escaped his mouth, drowning the entire room in disturbing fits of giggles and laughter.

Lilia only caught a few words in the brief exchange, was the boy she relentlessly beat up going to join Dominus? Why would they want such a sad boy? The sadness hidden from public view but easily discernable to a girl who knew pain all too well.

"Ohyeah..the slut has also been ordered to ward C...some dicknerds want to check on her.." Salt grinned, glancing at the girl only briefly with a devious glint in his eye.

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