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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton October 9th 2012, 7:17 am

The gypsy girl, who was obviously humiliated with her current position and although Daji was considerably more pleased with this turn of events, a thin smirk on her red lips completely embodying her current amusement. However there was a nagging feeling clawing in the back of her throat. She had fallen so easily to this woman, was her powerful aura now whittled down by the effects of a woman's touch? Furrowing her brow she sharply inhaled, her golden eyes glazing over the woman's body...trying to pinpoint what is was that caused her to 'regain control'. Surely she wasn't getting weaker, Daji thought to herself clenching her jaw as she watched in mild amusement as her current entertainment attempted to walk with one of the needles in her legs. Here she was, in the company of quite a delectable girl and yet the oriental princess was barely doing anything...

"Like I said, if you hadn't been such a problem you wouldn't of gotten that stuck in your leg", Daji said in a rather blasé voice, flicking her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at the metal protruding from the gypsies' calf. Whilst the needles were rarely used to kill people they did have their merits, searing flesh and bone and allowing her to slowly torture her playboys. Propping herself up on her elbows she gazed at the woman with a superior gaze, a cocked eyebrow and pouting lips to be precise. [color=orange]"I'm not going to tell you what that thing is going to do to your leg, you'll simply have to do as I say if you want it removed. You know what I want and I can easily offer you your freedom once we're done,"/color] she smirked, smacking her lips open as she slowly dragged her teeth amongst her lower lip.

"If you refuse..I might as well kill you now..", she purred, flicking the blazing fan open an inch away from the woman's face...

Mr Wonton

Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 9th 2012, 3:11 pm

Ari sat on the sand barely listening to the woman in front of her, and she was certainly not looking at her. Her leg felt bad and it seemed to be getting worse. It was like her skin was eroding and the needle was burying itself deeper into her. She knew she needed to get it out of her skin, but the bargain the woman was making was not something that she wanted to go through with. She didn't seem to be giving her much choice though. The fan was back out, the threat clear in her eyes. Ari gazed into her eyes calmly, watching if her pupils were dilated or enlarged. The lust seemed to have made them smaller but it was hard to tell as the girls eyes were naturally dark. She decided to appear like she was considering it, buying herself some time. She bent up her knee carefully and then pulled the knife from her boot. She pointed the tip of the blade at her skin and then slowly pushed it into the red puckered skin. This was going to hurt. She sucked in a breathe through her teeth a little.

"You want a sandwich?" she decided to delay. "I'd love one too - if you're heading off to get one. It could take me a few minutes," she grunted a little. Blood trickled down her leg slowly in big drops. It hurt bad but she was used to the pain. She'd been stabbed before by a trainee knife thrower. That had hurt much more than the pressing off her blade into her wound. She gently angled it so that it sliced upwards, cutting upwards to cut off the needles burrowing. Then began the painful process of pulling it out. Her eyes flicked back up to her to gauge her reaction, eyes flicking to the fan.

"Ya know, if you want to get me into bed, threatening me with fire needles won't get you very far."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton October 11th 2012, 11:49 pm

Daji sat still, exasperated with the woman's constant had basically killed the acrobat's raging libido and as she watched the peasant slice into her own leg she scrunched her nose, unimpressed with the gypsy and her methods. "I now regret not killing you earlier, you would've been such a bore anyways. All body no substance..", Daji spat, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, her annoyance had faded into a dull displeasure with being around such a was a shame the blonde teenager had died, she was fun. Gazing at the dead bodies scattered not far from where the girls lay and the blade that was standing upright on a patch of blackened grass, the deathly aura yearning for its master, it seemed that her aim to have the gypsy rolling around on the sun baked lakeside with her had not happened as she hoped. "You know what? You have completely destroyed any fantasy of me wanting to see you naked." The princess directly said, not caring how blunt she sounded, "maybe i should've cut off your tongue first.."

The fan was radiating heat that scorched the oxygen around it, blazing continuously as if the fire yearned to sear something, its red tendrils scraping at whatever unfortunate insect that flew into it. Staring at her weapon Daji felt a strange sensation bubbling in her stomach, was it her wrath or lust? Coughing slightly she felt a foreign sensation, like something was scraping from the pit of her stomach trying to claw its way up the back of her throat into her head. She blinked in confusion, everything up until now had been going so well..she was immortal by most standards but this strange feeling was not right, not right at all. Her breathing became faster, a strange tingling sensation burning its way at the edge of her fingers, which looked perfectly normal when she quickly glanced at them. This growing confusion was only quelled when an internal voice scraped passed her mental defences, uttering tis horrid words in her already twisted mind.

"You could not satisfy your let me satisfy your hunger my princess.."

She flinched, her lips peeling back in a snarl as she let the voice trail off into the far reaches of her mind. Had Daji not controlled the demon of old? Had she not tamed it's power, making her the boss and not it? Such questions plagued her mind as she hopped up, back onto her feet, not caring for the girl in front of her. "No I'm the queen of this body.." she snarled, clenching her fists and baring her teeth at an unseen force as she rushed over to pick up her sword, she had to retain consciousness. If she turned into the monster then she needed to be control, she wanted to to do the killing. She wanted to feel the intense satisfaction of having so much ungodly power. It seemed that the gypsy was going to face a death far worse than Daji initially planned if she did not control the bubbling sensation at the back of her throat.

"If you value you worthless life I suggest you run. Now. I'll simply take your body next time..", the princess panted, attempting to grin as she felt her limbs weaken. She would not let the demon kill the gypsy, only she was allowed to. She was a princess and not disgusting creature from another realm is going to snatch away her fun. Her mental attempts at controlling the burning sensation that now arced its way across her body was futile as she collapsed onto the ground, a pained cry escaping her lips as the demon took her body by force. The fan and sword dropped to her side, staying safe in a patch of daises as their master convulsed on the floor. Her back arched into a 'C' shape as the entity tore its way through her core, a horrid shriek escaping her mouth as she scrambled for control.

But it was too late.

The princess had finally lost control of her power and no sooner had her body gone numb did it quiver with a horrendous energy that scorched the very found she lay on. Her silk clothing instantly tore apart briefly revealing the naked porcelain flesh of the woman before it darkened into a deep orange colour. Bones snapped and muscles tore as her body slowly transformed into a much more horrendous creature. Spikes shot out of her elongating head as her bare hands and feet twisted and morphed into something much more animalistic. Her spin shot up, hunching forward as the bones on her elbows elongate dint a large 'blades', the tough skin capable of tearing apart houses with a mere flick of her arm. What was once a beautiful woman had eventually transformed into a beat, a hulking creature standing on four legs, a feral purple tongue dripping with acidic saliva completing the overall horror. A deep, guttural growl escaped her throat, fangs bared as it sniffed at the air...turning its attention to the woman laying on the ground a few meters away. The snarl erupted into a gurgling howl as the creature lept forward with startling speed, fangs bared to tear Daji's would-be playboy apart...

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 26th 2012, 1:11 pm

"What a shame sweet cheeks, but I don't swing that way," Arabella in all honesty didn't give two rahat lui what she thought. She was more concerned with the blood from her leg. She whipped a scarf from her waist and tied it tightly around the wound, snorting lightly at her comments. She crouched, one knee touching the ground, the other leg bent at a 90 degree angle so she could work on it. Her wings lay like a film over her back, dazzling in the sunlight. Her hair, auburn in the darker weather was now full of bright coppers making it look like a halo circled her bowed head. On the comment about cutting her tongue off she couldn't help but laugh, a musical sound she felt almost guilty about considering the two dead bodies that were close to them. Their laughter had been cut short way before their time. Ari coughed politely but flashed her a fae-like smile.

"Oh trust me beautiful, you would be missing a lot if you cut my tongue out," she purred and then stood up, testing her weight on the injury. It didn't feel good but it was better than before. Neither did she feel as dizzy or sick now. There was a light tingling in her leg bu it was quickly fading. She could run. Which apparently she would need to be doing soon. The girl was speaking to herself at the same time Ari felt the shift in emotions. A dark curl that made her eyes snap up and focus. The girl was trying to seem like she had control with her comment but Ari had a lot of doubts. She wasn't stupid though, she wasn't ignoring what she was saying. Ari snatched up her blade and shoved it into her belt, giving the girl a mock salute she started on a jog. She couldn't fly until she was back beside the mountain where it would shield her from sight of the humans until she was above the cloud cover.

She was half way through the forest when she heard the demonic roar. Ari paused. The birds, whom had been her only companions, fell silent.

"Rahat," she muttered under her breath and then forced herself into a sprint. The base of the mountain was only half a mile away, she could get there, hopefully. The slick warm blood rolled down her leg and dropped onto the ground. Curses echoed through her head as she crashed through the under growth but the demon was close behind her. It must have seen her before she'd heard it.

"Fangs don't suit you sweetheart," she panted a little and then leaped for a low hanging branch, swinging herself up and into the higher parts of the tree. Screw the humans she wanted out.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Location : England
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton November 14th 2012, 10:18 am

Rippling muscles throttled against the elements, bulging veins pumped crimson ichor throughout the snarling beast's body and the force of powerful legs thrashing against the earth shattered the last remnants of calm that resided in the mountain range. Although Daji herself posed a great threat to those who are unfortunate enough to incur her wrath this nightmarish form of hers was by all definitions a creature that haunted folk tales and myths of ageless demon hellbent on appeasing it's ravenous appetite. Mother nature now had to deal with a inconsolable creature that was quite literally from the foulest pits of hell. A snarling, howling beast that hurtled its way across the once peaceful lakefront, crashing through dense shrubbery and grand oaks in hopes of tearing the gypsy girl to shreds.

Daji's overwhelmingly skewed misandry and lust were but specks of silly emotions drowning in the demonic fury that pulsated out of her beastly form. Her sharp mind had been traded for sharp claws and what many would categorise as a slobbering beast were sorly was the embodiment of hunger and wrath, nothing could stand in it's way. The earth under its feet shrivelled up and perished and any unfortunate creature unlucky enough to wander into the beasts damage were quickly turned into a corpses and it was only a matter of time before the sharp tongued gypsy girl also faced the same fate.

Leaping several yards ahead of itself the creature swung it's massive paw into the tree the agile gypsy climbed upwards on. The bark instantly snapped under the immense strength put behind the blow and in a matter of milliseconds the tree had snapped in half, splinters of wood showering the nearby area as the monster scrambled upwards with surprising speed and agility..ready to consume the woman once and for all...

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs November 14th 2012, 2:56 pm

The tree snapping would have posed a problem for those without the power of flight. Naturally they'd fall to the ground and crumple. It did pose a risk if one of the branches were to crash into her and pin her under it. She yanked out her dagger as the ripping bark noise grew in volume. She slashed at the branches in her way so she had room for her wings and threw herself into the air. For a moment she was free-falling - though it felt like flying anyway. But then her wings snapped into action and she pushed up into the air, making sure to keep out of reach of the creatures claws.

"Now now, only the pretty one can rip my clothes off," she purred a little. She wasn't sure the girl had wanted the change - why would she had told her to run if she'd wanted to maul her to pieces? She brushed over the creature and connected with the sharpness of the woman under it. She brushed the dormant lust and flicked it to life just a little with her words. She offered a wink.

"She can come and find me when she's less ... ugly," she tsked and pushed up towards the clouds.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton November 16th 2012, 11:40 pm

A billowing roar boomed from the creature's gaping throat, steamy breath penetrated the cool evening air and the sheer destruction caused with a simple swing of it's arm was enough to awaken all forest life in a three mile radius. The gypsy girl was agile and quickfooted enough to avoid the rampage down below, her snide remarks making barely any sense to the woman who was now devoid of all sense and memory but merely hearing the brunette speak resulted in the gnashing of teeth and roars of frustration. She qa getting higher and higher, the delicate wings were helpful enough to assist the woman in evading Daji's carnage and if it weren't for the large oaks obstructing the sky above the monster would have pounced upwards, swinging its muscular limbs at its lithe prey. KILL KILL KILL was all that crossed the heaving behemoth's mind as it trampled under foot in the general direction of where the woman was fleeing. It's primal urges were getting trampled upon, ignored by a woman with silly little wings and in a last ditch effort the demon sprung into the air, it's muscular calves propelling it upwards in hopes of bringing the gypsy down with it.

Unfortunately fate had decided to step in and the awe inspiring leap into the sky was made null by the distance placed between the two. A deafening growl erupted from it's ravenous mouth as the heaving mass of ferocity and muscles plunged back down into the mountinrange. Trees snapped under the pressure and the earth gave way to the sudden intrusion into it's grass covered skin...and yet the creature remained unharmed. Unharmed yet extremely aggravated, roaring into the amber sky as of the very pits of its throat were being torn out of it's body. No prey had ever escaped Daji, not in her human form and most certainly not in her demon form...and yet the cocksure gypsy girl had managed to donut with ease...even if she had left a trail of blood in her wake.

The last remnants of the sun gently dipped its golden head under the horizon and no sooner had the endless ceiling taken on a vibrant purple hue did peace once new return to the mountain range. The creature was lumbering forward, snapping at anything silly enough to get in its way...the sheer exhaustion of being in such a form took a heavy toll on the demon princess and with or last guttural growl its whole body shuddered, rippling veins popped and shrunk back into thin little threads as the rippling muscles returned to the original pale slender body of the Oriental princes herself. She was naked, exhausted and quite a mess when compared to her usual demeanour...long shallow breaths escaping her blood red lips in an attempt to calm her shivering form down.

Daji attempted to shift her body and after much frustration she finally managed to summon enough strength to find herself a place of rest , the hollow of a nearby oak tree. Her brow was furrowed with discomfort and her slender arms loosely wrapped around her exposed chest as the silver tendrils of moonlight hit her naked form. This was the last place a woman of her stature deserved to be...but sheer physical exhaustion was a believable enough excuse for not going back to her clothing by the lakeside. She had not quenched her lust not her hunger, did not revel in the tangle of bare bodies that would have been the printed herself and the gypsy girl. Clenching her jaw she let out a long sigh, allowing the rhythm of her heartbeat to ease the frustration and exhastion. The princess was left still yearning for something physical...and yet she could not even properly move, all for the exception of her mouth...which uttered one last promise into the night sky.

"I will find you gypsy wait and see..."

(End thread.)

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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