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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton September 25th 2012, 8:35 am

Adirondack Mountains of New York State, a winding terrain that was the perfect holiday destination for families who wanted to escape the dreary happenings of city life and experience the gentle, sublime wilderness that offered great camping grounds and various other recreational activities. Above the hum of the whistling wind and the moaning trees, children would scuttle around the forestry, under the watchful eyes of their parents and explore the lush greenery that as so foreign to any person who originated from the concrete jungle. Nature had a way of bringing out the best in people, its calming and motherly qualities were just a few aspects that enticed people to return to the camping grounds. Although in some cases, where a person has not immersed themselves in the slightly disconcerting ritual of camping there will always be the few shocks and surprises that come along freely with doing so, maybe they'll encounter a lot of mud, possibly a bear or in the most rarest of occasions a psychotic concubine who they had merely, and unexpectedly bumped into on their adventures into the great pine forests of New York.

A young couple, more than likely originating from the upper east side of manhattan had wandered off into the grand expanse of the forest, their preppy white and blue outfits a sore sight to behold amongst the soft greens and gentle earthy colours that swamped the surrounding areas. What was originally planned to be an afternoon of romantic frolicking and passionate love making was soon turned into something much worse, something particularly henoius that if the other campers were to find out what had happened the Adirondack Mountains would never see the tourism industry again, all because an oriental princess had her afternoon stroll interrupted with the grunts and squeals down by the lake. Su Daji, the famed demon of old and self-proclaimed favourite of Elena Marie was on another exploration of the American wilderness, she wanted to immerse herself in the grand landscape, make friends with the animals and have a break from the unbearable antics of Tek and Volt back Shade Headquarters. However this woman of instinct, a primal almost feral sort, was never one to ignore the amusing antics of the 'peasants' around her and when the soft groans near the edge of the lake caught her ear she simply had to see what the fuss was about.

The young couple did not see her coming, nor did she expect them to, they were simply too focused on each other that the arrival of shorter than average woman was the last thing to cross their mind, the arrival of bear would have been less surprising. However the blonde haired girl, panting between the haze of lust and passion caught sight of the petite sword wielding woman and gasped, eyes wide in a mixture of horror and embarrassment. Daji wrinkled her nose in disgust as the naked duo shuffled frantically, not knowing what to do with their private audience as they scrambled for their clothes..desperate to cover up. "Oh don't was fun watching him try", she said flatly brushing her fringe out of her face as she took one silent, predatory step forward, "Now that I think about it, neither of you were trying,,", she snorted, biting her lips as she gazed at their blushing bodies. They were barely adults, probably 18 or 19...young lovers if one were to use a dictionary definition. The boy, who had lost all libido upon her arrival, was shielding his lover all the while trying to cover up his own body.

"Wh-what do you want?" he sputtered out, not knowing whether to look the delicate yet deadly woman in the face, opting to give her frantic glances. Daji raised her eyebrow, surprised at his level of clarity in this particular situation, "Oh you know, just on my afternoon stroll.." she said, hopping forward and proceeding to circle his body as she stroked her porcelain finger across his cheekbone, the girl behind him whimpering as Daji did so, "And here i find you two..." she whispered, the venom in her voice becoming more potent as she dragged her nail across his cheek making him swallow in a mixture of fear and uncertainty. ""It's a shame really...such a beautiful girl wasting her time on a worthless rodent like yourself" she uttered, glancing at the shivering girl behind him before clasping his face between her two hands, a cold burn sneaking its way through his skin as he began to breathe more heavily. A twisted grin spread across her lips, revealing canine teeth that would frighten almost any mortal unlucky enough to face her.

"But..But we jus -", the boy had no time to finish his sentence, a bubbling gurgle erupting from his lips instead as something sliced through his soft, warm exposed neck a startled look on his youthful face as blood sputtered from his quivering lips, some of it landing on the woman in front of him. She had sliced his throat, folding her fan immediately afterwards as she knocked his dying body to the side, a growing pool of crimson flowing freely from his neck as his girlfriend stood horrified, silent and clutching her body as she stared at her lover on the ground, his last breath escaping his lips as the air around him grew cold, he was gone. She stared wide eyed at Daji, panting..not knowing whether to cry or scream as her recently tanned legged buckled underneath her. She collapsed, shaking as she did so..too afraid to look at the murderous woman in front of her. This girl was now completely exposed, both physically and mentally and as the silent footsteps approached her quivering body she managed to utter some words, "..A-are..y-you gonna-a kill m-me to?" she blubbered hyperventilating as she did so.

"Of course not, I'll have some fun with you first...and if you manage to excite me I may keep you", replied the cheery voice of the woman who was now crouching over her body, an insane snarl on her face as she leaned in closer. That was all that as said, nothing left to say. Daji always got her way, especially with beautiful peasants and for the longest hour on earth passion and horror became one as the ageless princess revelled in a pure state of ecstasy and primal lust...

The sky had turned into a vibrant scarlet, a warmer hue than the blood that stained the grass next the crossed legged women, however regardless of the comforting breeze and the chirping birds nothing could excuse the stench of death and horror that reeked near the lake. What would have been an afternoon filled with the exploration of love and youth had been massacred by a monster, a relentless creature bent on satisfying her own needs. This woman sat still, legs crossed and sword laid out on her bare legs as her eyes glazed over the calm waters. A family of ducks floated by, the mother defiantly treading the water as her children eagerly followed behind her, letting out high pitched quacks as they floated past Daji. She delicately tied up her signature braid and stretched her arms, cracking her shoulders as she did so, the ducks were a cute addition to the picture perfect view and the oriental woman briefly grinned at the ducklings frantic attempts at keeping up with their mother.

Turning to her left Daji furrowed her sculpted brow as she casually observed the sight next to her. The beaten and bruised body of the girl was sprawled out on the ground next to her. She barely alive and almost dead, heavy grey tears rolling down her once youthful face as her body slowly rejected what life there was left in her. 'You could have just enjoyed it...your mistake not to", Daji said rather flatly, disappointed that the pretty blonde teenager wasn't as entertaining as her previous 'playthings'. Daji gently brushed the girls hair from her soulless blue eyes one last time before letting the meek, raspy breaths play their final chorus.

The girl perished, her last breath disappearing into the ever flowing current of the air above her.

It was silent, the scenery took on a magnificent hue of warm colours but the two corpses sprawled next to the Daji planted a macabre tattoo on the grand landscape. Taking in a deep breathe the woman closed her eyes, lolling her head back as she listened to sounds of the birds and the gentle moans of the lake and its steady movements. Nature witnessed her crime and yet still went along its business, it had no right to tell the princess that she was a monster. She was royal, she was judgement, she was death herself and as she quietly meditated the recent activities that barely quenched her desires something made her ears perk up. It was an unnatural sound, something or someone was coming...she could hear it...and she was ready..

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs September 25th 2012, 9:37 am

The only thing Ari could hear was the sound of her feet pounding into the Earth in time to her heart. Left, Right, left. Ari's eyebrows slowly pulled together into a frown as the automatic pacing tune that came to her head was that of the general who marched her fiance to war. Left, right, Left. Faster now, her feet desperately trying to out-run the pace of death. She could see his face as he looked over his shoulder one last time, katana on his back glistening in the sun. Clean and free from death. His smile was a wicked one, a hot promise wrapped in love that had her knees trembling, even this far from the past. Left, Right, Left. Left. Left, Right Left. Ari wasn't aware she was sprinting until a tree branch a little to low sliced her cheek. A thin trickle of blood rolled down her cheek like a tear, dropping onto the grass. The smell of her own emotions sent her skiddering to a stop. The grass provided no help to her sudden breaks, being wet from a spring shower that morning still, unable to be dried by the sun from under the protection of the thick canopy. Her left leg flew forward while the right one folded up under her. Laying on the grass like that, panting, Ari's memories disappeared from view. Her heart was not in time to the song of war, it was thundering against her chest like a trapped bird.

"Stupid," she muttered to herself. "And careless, Araballa," she chided herself for his benefit. Rolling onto her stomach she army crawled back along the grass to her blood, a ruby droplet hanging on to a white flower, bent over from the weight. Ari plucked the feather with her stolen life. Her hand flew to the cut on her cheek, smearing a little of her blood over the ivory skin that covered her delicate bone structure. With a snort she discarded the flower and crushed it into the ground to the earth covered her scent. If there were any other trackers around here she didn't want her blood being a signal to them. Fae blood was apparently very tasty. She didn't fancy attracting someone who wanted to test the numerous theories of her blood. Ari slowed her pace as she drew her blade, making to sure that her half of the twin katana's was not damaged in her fall. The casing seemed to have protected the blade, and the case itself only had a clump of grass attached to it. Brushing it away absent mindedly she made her way to the lake shore. She bent and cupped the water, splashing her face with the cold water and washing away her blood. The cut was already sealing up thanks to it's shallowness and with the blood gone, it looked neat and simple.

It was the voice across the lake which drew her attention first, but as the scent of her own blood cleared, the smell of emotions took its place. Fear, grief, sex. Sex was not something she associated with grief. Fear, maybe if it had been a virgin. But there was no excitement. Rape? She stood up, rocking onto her tip toes in an attempt to get a better look, but the shore of the other side was to far away. Curiosity killed the cat, her grandmother would have said. Arabella still had 9 lives, she was pretty sure she could afford to give in just this once. With her Katana secured in her hand, Ari slid it back into the belt around her waist. She was aware it looked weird to carry a blade but she didn't leave it anywhere. She wore a simple white skirt which came to just above the knee, paired with her sandy coloured ankle boots. on her top half she wore a loose sandy coloured top which came to the top of her rips, one sleeve naturally fell off one shoulder. Partly visible were the dormant wings of the faerie she had become, ready to come to hand when threatened. The black outlines shimmered in silver as she got a little closer. Death plagued the area and blanketed it like a curse.

"I could assume," she spoke, her Romanian accent made her voice husky. "That you defended yourself. But given their states," she looked to their exposed flesh with distaste. "I'd say, they should have had protection from you."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton September 25th 2012, 10:08 am

Squinted eyes darted across the grassy meadow then onto the rolling lush green forest and finally scanning the curved terrain that embraced the wooden wonderland around her. She was sure of it, a noise..something peculiar in an environment she had grown to adore. Unfortunately for whoever had disturbed her brief moment of peace they would come under her wrath and suffer punishment far grander than the two lovers by the lake. However fate seemed to be playing its cards well today and the arrival of the gypsy woman resulted in the princess reeling with a devious sense of lust.

Snarling with a furrowed brow the oriental princess blew her fringe out of her face, whipping her head to where the most recent visitor had tumbled into view. The lake which curved into the surrounding area became somewhat of a barrier between the two, the girl was barely one hundred metres away and other than a stream that cut into the river there were no obstacles in the way. The woman quite literally came out of nowhere, a sword was strapped to her slender form..causing the concubine to raise an amused brow. For a brief moment, nature took hold; the grand landscape completely overwhelmed the senses and the concubine sat still, mulling over the various options she had. Here she was queen, that was unquestionable in this environment and fortunately for her some pretty young flower decided to drop in and brighten her day.

"You could say that...I just took what is rightfully mine. A peasant like yourself would not comprehend such things", she muttered, waving her wrist in the air in a slightly exaggerated manner. No amount of intimidation from sword wielding tarts could halt Daji and her need for satisfaction.

A burning feeling rose from her core, tugging at her chest as she gazed at the woman and like a tiger watching through the reeds Daji focused all of her unblinking attention on the newcomer. This woman was her prey and from the looks of it quite an impressive one as well. The hair on the back of Daji's neck rose, a tingling feeling scattering across her lithe body as she bit her lip, the sharp canines almost puncturing the vibrant red lips. "I'm always up for seconds..", she muttered in a barely audible voice, glancing at the dead blonde beside her as she lolled her head back, a devilish grin creeping across her porcelain complexion and she glanced over the gypsy's taut and athletic form.

In one swift movement she hopped up, expertly catching her blade in the air as she stretched her spine backwards caressing the golden green grass under foot with her fingertips. This tense atmosphere made the shivering woman even more excited,like a child presented with the sweetest gift Daji simply could not contain her twisted desire and burning lust. Luck just seemed to be on her side that day, and for anyone who was not Su Daji that was a horrible thing.

"How about you make this easy for me..i grow tired of you peasants and your futile struggles"she grinned menacingly, caressing the edge of her pouting lips with a sharpened nail hoping the brunette woman won't be too much of an annoyance to 'seduce'.

This was all just a game to her.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs September 25th 2012, 10:28 am

Arabella was highly amused by the girls words and it took a lot of control to stop from laughing. She couldn't stop the little smile that made her lips curve up, dimpling her cheeks and giving her eyes a devilish edge. She didn't reach for her blade though, she folded her arms over her chest and lazily watched her. She was pretty sure she could take this girl, she worked the blade well but could she work it well against Ari? The girls emotions also worked in Ari's favour. Her lips parted a little as the taste of honey rolled over her tongue. it made her woozy. Lust had an affect on everyone, even if it wasn't their own. She pressed her lips shut, not wanting to taste the lust any further. She could use it, twist it. The woman thought herself better. She didn't know that Ari was not a simple mortal teenager. Ari decided to take the 'bored' route. Instead of trembling and giving into her, she gave the woman a wide berth and circled towards the bodies to take a closer look. She needed to get a look at how they had died, she'd have more of a sense on how to deal with her if she knew more. The blonde had the most of her attention. Bruised and broken. Ari doubted that the bruising and broken was just on the surface. The tear track on her dirty cheek suggested that her spirit had been broken too.

"How about you make this easy for me and leave," she sighed impatiently. "I just cleaned my blade, I don't particularly want to get your dirty blood on my blade," she sniffed. "You call me a peasant when you're speaking to a Queen," she sighed. "You are lucky you are not in my country, your head would not be attached to your shoulders for such an insult." Arabella glanced from the blonde on the floor to the male who seemed to have not been played with, simply broken. At least he hadn't suffered the mental strain. Her tongue clicked at the mess, she had seen more bodies before, laid out in a row ready to be dumped into a pit, but that had been war. This was peace. The balance had been flipped to one side and it made her uneasy. Looking back up to the woman she rose both eyebrows.


Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton September 25th 2012, 11:05 am

The woman spoke with a startling level of arrogance, so much so that she had not only incurred the petite acrobat's lust but also her unholy wrath. Daji grinder her teeth at the woman's ignorant claims, it was clear that the oriental princess' reputation had not enlightened the more squalid comers of humanity."Your claim of superiority is null, invalid and incredibly worthless to me"Daji seethed between pearly white clenched teeth, "I have lived for centuries, seen and done things a worthless child like yourself could only dream of. Your arrogance is the reason why I'm gonna enjoy taking your body, inch by inch and in the final moments of your pitiful life, when I have ravaged every corner of your being I shall kill you. Slowly, intimately and fitting for a queen" she spat, baring her canines as the macabre declaration hung in the air around them. The woman was provoking her, that was unquestionable and Daji, who had lived through years of being ridiculed simply because she was a woman knew all to well when another person was baiting her...this gypsy woman just happened to cross that invisible line.

Cracking knuckles and lolling her head back, swing her elaborate braid in the process Daji let out a horrid snarl, parting her blood red lips as her primal fury took hold. She was going to enjoy the last minutes of this arrogant woman's life and as a woman learned in the art of ancient torture such things would only come naturally to her. In a mere second of growling the oriental princess brandished her fan, swiftly flicking it open and slicing it across the air in front of her in one fluid motion. Barely visible flaming needles sprung out of the flaming weapon, cutting through the air as they honed in on the gypsy woman's warm flesh. This was not a killing move...Daji simply wanted to incapacitate her before she takes the woman's body for herself.

"You should learn some manners!" she holleredtouching her legs forward as she began a startling fiery dance towards the sword wielding European. Needles soared out of the fan in an erratic fashion, burning whatever it was that they launched themselves into. Flesh would melt, Skin will sizzle and bones shall snap under the intense heat of the minuscule weapons that rained down across the lakeside. With every thrust of her weapon the blood in her veins began to pump even faster, her bloodlist burned strong as she sent volley after volley of boiling metal at her next victim..she was going to be relentless until the gypsy was begging at her feet, pleading for mercy...

Last edited by Mr Wonton on September 26th 2012, 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs September 25th 2012, 2:33 pm

Arabella had never expected her words to work and so her body relaxed into the ideal flexible machine she knew it could be. She'd dodged fire and blades for a living for most of her life, but the flying needles of fire were new, even to her. Deciding to play it just like she would if anything else was thrown at her Ari bent over backwards, her legs bending so her shoulders were an inch from the ground. The needles whizzed past her and thudded into the trees somewhere behind her. Pressing her hands to the soft Earth she then pushed herself up and over. On each bending of her back the girls needles would shoot past her. it was when she had done five flips that she came to one of the corpses. Murmuring a forgiveness prayer she flipped onto their chest with one hand, barely staying there before she backward rolled into the air, the needles then passing under her. She landed in a dainty curtsy just before the girl gave another flick of her wrist. This was ridiculous. She could keep flipping backwards, technically, but she wasn't going to run from a fight. Just as the moody woman in front of her spoke about learning manners and threatened another attack with her needles, Ari jumped for the over hanging branch of a tree. She flipped round it once, twice, three times, to avoid the needles flying in her direction before she landed on top. Ari didn't leave much time for her to move to re-aim. She launched herself at the girl and landed on top of her, crashing with her into the ground beneath them. Unless the girl was incredibly fast then Ari's attack would have been successful. From there she would straddle the girls waist and pin her arms. Unless of course she moved, in which case she would hit the ground on her hands, spring to her feet and turn, blade drawn. Either way she asked the following.

"Who exactly are YOU to judge these mortals?" she raised an eyebrow. This was as much a game for Ari as it was for this woman. If it was serious, Ari would have thrown her blades already.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton September 26th 2012, 10:59 am

Her opponent's impressive display of dexterity and manouveribility had irked the seething oriental princess even further, if this game of cat and mouse was to continue in such a fashion it would be dusk by the time one of them was bleeding by the lakeside and the snarling woman was much too impatient for that. Daji gritted her teeth, flicking her wrist once more in an attempt to pin the woman midway through her little trick around the tree...and like her previous volleys all of her attacks were seemingly avoided with ease by the smirking gypsy woman. Although her next attack was immediately halted with her prey's sudden leap into the air...she was planning on tackling her head on. Daji let out an exasperated growl, scrunching her sharp brow as her body instinctively bounded backwards out f the way of the gypsy's attack.

If this was a game of speed both women were equal, their lithe bodies were dancing across the golden green grass as they traded barrages of gracefully attacks and parries and it seemed that the brown haired 'saviour' had finally come to her senses and resorted to her least she recognized Daji as a real threat. "You almost had me, almost!", she spoke in a rather sarcastic voice twirling her feet in a around her petite body as she pinned her fringe behind her ear, gazing at the woman's drawn blade. A devious grin crept across the ageless porcelain face, this gypsy girl just happened to be digging her own grave. The Asian woman simply let out an airy cackle, rolling her shoulders back as she slowly drew her ancient blade out of it's ornate sheath, the sound of metal sliding against metal rang through the tense air as both women stood still, swords by their sides as they waited for the other to begin.

"What gives me the right? Plenty of things...the very same things that will allow me to do this", she uttered in a deathly voice, immediately springing off her feet in the direction of the woman with sword raised once the last word rolled off the tip of her tongue. She soared just above the ground as the breeze beckoned her forward to strike at the woman with all of her vicious, unquestionable bloodlust. The woman would have to be particularly talented at parrying the vicious jabs and erratic strikes that came her way

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs September 27th 2012, 5:20 pm

"Oh don't tease me with almost," Ari purred, the cat like smile was back again. So maybe this girl had some moves - she wouldn't pull her blade on just anyone. She was glad her opponent recognized the gesture for she looked gleeful at the sight of her naked blade. Ari twirled it in her hand as easily as she would move her own wrist. Quick, simple and deadly. This blade had been made for her and by her. It was like an extension of her body and something she knew well. Not many people knew a blade as well as Ari did. They hadn't spent hours simply holding it, tracing every bump, groove and sharp edge with her finger till blood coated the pure silver blade. Even if she knew the blade well, she wasn't going to underestimate the woman in front of her. Maybe her blade shot evil fiery needles too. She'd gotten a little taste of what she could do, Ari wanted a bit more. Teasing apparently grated her which pleased Ari - bantering while fighting focused her despite the obvious downfalls to it. The attack was obviously coming, she was like a coiled spring that was near to snapping if it wasn't released soon. Ari remained lose, half tempted to cross blades with her if simply to see how well she fought. So she only bounced back half a step to catch the woman in front of her and not have her behind. The blade by her side seemed to move of its own accord like your arm would move to protect your eyes from harsh light. Rocking to the balls of her feet she made sure to stay light and fast, her weight dispersed all over her body to make it even. She blocked the attacks, content to simply gauge how well she fought. When she wished to change she bowed forward, the offensive weapon sweeping where her chest ought to be, as Ari rolled through he girls legs and up behind her, a lazy grin on her face despite the acceleration of her heart.

"You act like an arrogant Princess whom has had only people who fall at her feet. I'll give you a free lesson, in a real fight, status gives you nothing. There will be no easy openings, no letting you off when you don't position your feet right. In the real world you die the same as the farmers boy."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton September 28th 2012, 11:29 am

The wily brunette woman was far more skilled than Daji initially believed her to be, all moves were effortlessly countered and her agility was matched with level of footwork that exceeded many well armed men in the world. She would have made the perfect servant girl.. the oriental princess thought, scrunching her sharp brow as she reeled back from the woman's impressive movements. This brief moment of contemplation was only ruined when her opponent decided to tumble through the maniacal woman's legs..which was quite a feat considering she was quite a petite lady. Immediately jerking forward and spinning on the heels of her feet Daji snarled as the woman casually began speaking with that same level of cocky assurance. This sheer arrogance was a pet hate for the insane princess, only toppled by her loathing of men and their ridiculous patriarchy but nonetheless the woman's words brought forth a particularly acute jolt of anger through the acrobats core. She was once a peasant girl, one who ate the scraps out of animals troughs.. she witnessed her mothers death and in the years after that her lover's eventual betrayal. Yes she was a princess but she deserved all rights to be being one and there was nothing, no power in this world that could snatch that title away from her.

"You claim superiority on the battlefield and yet you also ignore one major factor that would lead to your demise. You underestimate me..first it was extremely aggravating but now it is just disrespectful. I wield powers that no peasant like you would ever comprehend. I guess I'll have to show you...", she spat, the venom of her words seering the cool air around her as she clenched her blade tighter, a faint grey smog that was barely visible to the average human eye began to leak of her if the very weapon itself was letting off a ghostly steam. Daji smirked, revealing her canines as she flicked her braid back swinging the Xuanlong blade in front of her form. "Let's just hope you last long enough for me to play with your body afterwards.." she uttered, a completely deadly aura dripped off her horrid statement as she slowly began to prowl across the grass, her gleaming golden eyes never leaving the body of her opponent.

The wind died down and the only sound to break the deathly atmosphere was the gentle lapping of the water against the lakeside. The grass that cushioned the soles of her feet quickly began to wilt and shrivel up as she hovered the blade just above the green pastures. Everything that felt the cold caress of the toxic smoke far began to build up from the blade perished, the poison that clouded the air slowly sucking out the life of everything it touched. The grass was no longer green, the flowers had lost their delicate beauty, butterflies that flew past Daji instantly perished..their fragile wings burning up in the process. "Beg for my mercy and you may see the light of dawn. If you refuse my kindness I will not hesitate in tearing away your beauty and life.", the princess said bluntly, gracefully moving the poisonous weapon around her body as she watched the colour surrounding her instantly shrivel up and perish..

It was only a matter of time before the gypsy girl tasted this deadly power...

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs September 30th 2012, 2:21 pm

"Oh these verbal wounds!" Ari put a hand on her heart and feigned injury. The giggle slipped past her lips even through her best efforts though, lips curling back up into a smile. Her tail flicked like a cats tail, cutting the air here before twirling and cutting a little piece somewhere else. It usually encouraged people to attack, they seeing her movements as a power show which would send a lesser swordshand scuttling away hurriedly. But Ari was quick with her blade and the little movements were to draw in those who didn't keep their head about them, looking for a weakness and lunging at the first opening they saw. The girl obviously had a little bit of brains about her because she didn't dive straight for her, in fact she was talking again. Ari listened and tilted her head, watching the girl like a cat watched a mouse. She wasn't sure when she said she was superior but hey, Ari was keeping a track - or was she? The girl was talking about powers there, and yes that was where the girl had her caught. Ari's only power was what she had shunned for her life. Feeling others emotions was not what Ari would call a significant power. Unless she could touch this girl, she couldn't manipulate her feelings to make her leave her alone. The smog that issued from the weapon had Ari's blade slowing to a stop. Smog was not good.

"I never said I was superior, not at all, but if you think so, well thank you," she flashed her a wicked grin and offered a mocking short little bow, never taking her eyes off of her opponent, unsure of how best she could combat that. Hold her breath, sure, but she couldn't do that for a very long time. "If you want to play with my body sweetie all you had to do is ask," Arabella purred, eyes darkening with a sense of playfulness. She could use the girls emotions, that lust and anger all molded together. The smog creeped a little closer and really before she could think of how to react, her wings unfurled from her back, their filmsy appearance hardened and then the fairy wings began to beat in the erratic movement associated with the fae, buffeting the smog away from her.

"It's flattering you have to use such magic against me."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton October 2nd 2012, 11:04 am

The blood in Daji's veins was pumping at an incredibly fast rate, her breathing had become more rabid and her general appearance was slowly taking on a more feral look. The girl was baiting her..this ignorant peasant was asking for Daji's retribution and her confident's smirks and patronising comments were only causing the petite Asian to fume and grind her teeth, "I know I'm going to put that mouth of your to good use later one", she growled, parting her ruby red lips to reveal her canines.Dark lines crept alongside the tops of her eyes, giving her a more feline appearance and her pearly white teeth slowly sharpened, their horrid predatory appearance did well in making the agile princess appear all the more monstrous. Her demonic blood was slowly coming into play, reacting to her increased wrath and lust as it slowly warped the already crazed woman's mind even further. The smog from her blade was also becoming thicker and thicker, a suffocating black pillar of smog gradually leaked its way out of the sleek weapon, threatening to choke her surroundings of all life and colour.

"Oh don't think too big of yourself, this will be over soon", she hissed, twirling the blade around her body causing the heavy plume of poisonous smoke to cover her and the surrounding area in a thick noxious smokescreen. All visibility was lost, the girl was not going know where the fierce woman was going to attack from. "Those pretty wings of yours aren't going to help you" cried the voice from within the poisonous obstruction. Flicking her wrist the Asian woman hurled a volley of the flaming needles at the gypsy from within the black cloud..this was merely a distraction though.

Almost instantly after throwing the barrage of needles Daji's pounced from her protective smog, leaping out of eat with sword raised as the pillar of fumes followed her lithe jump. The gypsy was going to have to react quite quickly to the triple threat, flaming needles, poisonous fumes and a raging princess.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 2nd 2012, 11:46 am

Arabella's escape was probably pure luck. No, not probably, it was pure luck. She didn't get off lightly though, no that would have required someone on a higher level, perhaps an angel or some crap like that. Someone who was this Princess's utter opposite, that might have helped. But Ari was Ari. The smoke was beginning to sting her eyes and she had to take a step back, bringing one of the many clothes that hung at her hip away from the waistband and around her mouth and nose to shield it a little. Her hair blew around her with the wind and she was glad the elements were not against her just yet Her wings worked over timer, flushing the fumes backwards as best as she good. I need to touch her, Ari thought, tasting the wrath more strongly than lust. If she could just adjust the scales so that lust was higher than the anger then maybe the fight would have a less violent edge to it. Ari doubted it'd stop her altogether but if the woman was more attracted to her, she would hope that she wouldn't want to harm her as much. The flying needles caught the Fae off guard. They flew from the smoke like angry bees and Ari only had a split second to make a choice. With her wings beating she shot into the sky instead, getting one of the horrid needles on her calf. The pain was sharp and fast, spreading up her leg like perverted fingers, groping at her thighs. The leg hung a little due to that, the other bent to try and balance out the one which was contorted with pain. Her teeth gritted a little together but her movement meant that the woman passed under her, probably a shock to the woman who would land on empty ground dotted with those needles.

Arabella didn't waste her time though, she dropped her wing beats and plummeted towards the ground, crashing into the woman unless she was quick enough to look up to find her and move. If she hit her mark the pair would tumble to where the lake lapped against the bank, their bodies getting slightly damp from the clear water. Ari grabbed the girls hands and that was when she would dive for the girls emotions. The sweet and acidic tastes molded together, acidic stronger than the sweetness. So she switched it, stroking the lust within the girl so it over rode the wrath.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton October 2nd 2012, 10:32 pm

Leaping out of the smokescreen Daji was certain she would have the girl unprepared, however it seemed that fate had other plans for the gypsy and empty space was all that the Princess slashed at. A snarl tore across her delicate visage as she swiveled on her heel, wondering where the girl had dissapeared to. This brief moment of searching for her prey was abruptly ended when said woman came plummeting from up above. The quick wingbeats and the rush of air above her was the only indication to the aerial charge and before the princess could even react she had the wind knocked out of her as the two bodies collided, tumbling down the grassy bank as they did so. Her blade slipped out of her grasp, getting flung over a patch of daisies as the horrendous smog instantly dissipated now that it was no longer in her grip. She felt her petite body get flung into the wet embrace of the lake, pebbles scraped the underside of her arms and legs as her body rolled across the shoreline.

She was covered in water and dirt, her silk coat was now in ruins and her hair had suffered quite a traumatic change in appearance. The gypsy's surprise attack had significantly took the princess off guard and the very thought of such a pitiful woman daring to attack her caused a new wave of shuddering wrath to wrack her small frame. A feral growl escaped the pit of her throat and before she was going to wildly charge at the woman something stopped her. Warmth. Something smooth caressed her body causing the fierce acrobat to let out a sharp breath of surprise. She felt slender fingers interlock with her own, the warm wet palms of another were tightly gripping her own as she felt an unfamiliar figure come on top of her. The blind wrath slowly edged away to reveal the gypsy woman, who had seemingly managed to take the seething princess off guard. Perfectly sculpted eyebrows furrowed as slanted golden eyes stared into the woman's own, the inescapable throb of lust began to return as the Princess gazed at the figure that was now on top of her own. Her grip on the woman's hands began to tighten as her nails dug into the her opponent's soft skin..her violent infatuation was slowly regaining precedence over her anger and frustration.

"You've caused me a lot of trouble..." she snarled, baring her teeth as she glared at the woman with unquestionable annoyance, "but it seems that you've finally come to your senses...", she whispered, glancing at the curvaceous form on top of her whilst biting her lip. "So what now my dear? Take my body before I have a chance at yours?" she uttered, slowly bringing her leg up to give herself a more comfortable position, caressing the woman's side as she did so. If only this had happened earlier.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 5th 2012, 5:54 pm

Well now what, geniu, she thought to herself, cursing the word genius in Romanian instead of English. She looked down at the girl under her as she tuned from a snarling demon into a purring and lustful creature who was ready to go right there and then. The only problem was that Ari had no interest in women, no interest in sex at all. She was also kind of weirded out by the idea of fucking a demon - how did it work? She came from a superstitious country where angels and demons were meant to be treated in a certain way, where the fae still walked in open daylight and the goblins still snatched children from their mothers breasts. Being near a demon like this was already driving her a little insane. How many times would she have to repent to get the feel of her hand off of her skin? Would it bring her bad luck? Bring down the angels down upon her? Ari found herself shrinking away from the woman's touch rather quickly, rolling back to the balls of her feet, only to remember the needle in her leg. Whilst she was slower to remember, the limb that was under the needles affects was not. Giving way she went back down on one knee, hissing and rubbing at her leg to try and get some life back into it.

"Well all I did was as a question, and you shot me with needles," she looked at the woman, wondering if the banter would be a little easier now. She waned to know the affects they would have on her. Would she lose her leg? She didn't like that idea... or were they meant to render her prey unable to escape her lusturous ways?

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember) Empty Re: A Fatal attraction (Closed to Ember)

Post by Mr Wonton October 9th 2012, 7:17 am

The gypsy girl, who was obviously humiliated with her current position and although Daji was considerably more pleased with this turn of events, a thin smirk on her red lips completely embodying her current amusement. However there was a nagging feeling clawing in the back of her throat. She had fallen so easily to this woman, was her powerful aura now whittled down by the effects of a woman's touch? Furrowing her brow she sharply inhaled, her golden eyes glazing over the woman's body...trying to pinpoint what is was that caused her to 'regain control'. Surely she wasn't getting weaker, Daji thought to herself clenching her jaw as she watched in mild amusement as her current entertainment attempted to walk with one of the needles in her legs. Here she was, in the company of quite a delectable girl and yet the oriental princess was barely doing anything...

"Like I said, if you hadn't been such a problem you wouldn't of gotten that stuck in your leg", Daji said in a rather blasé voice, flicking her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at the metal protruding from the gypsies' calf. Whilst the needles were rarely used to kill people they did have their merits, searing flesh and bone and allowing her to slowly torture her playboys. Propping herself up on her elbows she gazed at the woman with a superior gaze, a cocked eyebrow and pouting lips to be precise. [color=orange]"I'm not going to tell you what that thing is going to do to your leg, you'll simply have to do as I say if you want it removed. You know what I want and I can easily offer you your freedom once we're done,"/color] she smirked, smacking her lips open as she slowly dragged her teeth amongst her lower lip.

"If you refuse..I might as well kill you now..", she purred, flicking the blazing fan open an inch away from the woman's face...

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Registration date : 2012-06-25

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