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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Dylan September 10th 2012, 9:58 pm

Robert was in the city of Angels, why? Because he was running an errand for his dear friend, Cilian, as Cilian was a little under the weather. Though he probably stayed behind, so that he could flirt his heart away to Anna, Queen Chelle's assistant/servant. Cilian was a good friend, but his charming nature sometimes overpowered the friendship. "That man will be the death of me, I know it." Robert thought to himself on the Thrones private jet. Robert's errand was to pickup a fine suit, one that money could not possibly put a price on. From what he knew, Cilian paid for it beforehand, let's hope so at least. He would only be staying for a day or two, so he would be making the best of this stay, though he's been here more than a handful of times.

Robert stepped off of the jet and took a taxi to the city, the scenery was similar yet different to New York, a sight he had come accustomed to. He didn't bring any clothes, he would just buy the clothes he needed. A pro of being a member of Thrones was the pay, though he wasn't exactly wealthy, his pay wasn't exactly middle-class worthy. He stopped the taxi at a nice little cafe, a cafe he always came to when he visited Los Angeles. He went inside and bought a lollipop, a croissant, and a cup of hot tea. Robert placed the lollipop inside his jacket and took the croissant and tea outside. He placed his swords next to the table as he enjoyed his lunch, it began to get a little bit more crowded, but that was of no concern... or so he thought.

Robert then began to enjoy a cigarette and sat back in the chair, staring up at the sky. Back home in New York, there was some silly business about a dimension vortex of some kind. He didn't care for it though, as it did not directly affect him or the organization. The balance was being disrupted, but it seemed that a group of heroes were taking care of it. He still thought about it from time to time, this Holocaust character. "What an idiot..." said Ajax to Robert. Robert chuckled. Holocaust had a hedonistic and sadistic pleasure of destroying every world he visited. But perhaps the crazy ones are what made people like Robert sane.

It was getting more and more crowded, but Robert didn't really take notice. As soon as he ashed his cigarette, he heard a slight bang on the table. Someone had just taken the swords, which were sheathed and wrapped in a cloth. Robert then saw a girl sprinting off between the crowds, she was small, so she could squeeze easily. A smart little thief. Robert began to run, but he couldn't run that fast considering the crowd. The girl saw him following and made faces at him, sticking her tongue out at him. She mumbled something in French, but Robert didn't catch it, but he could assume it was an insult.

The little girl then broke free of the crowds and ran towards a quite park, Robert followed suit and began sprinting at full speed, that was until he began to go backwards. "What the hell was that?" Robert said. The girl seemed to be running fine, but she stopped when she reached a man with a familiar face and a iconic beard. He seemed to be the cause of this. He slowly made a couple steps into this odd zone and went right back out. He did it again, this time, stopping while he was in the zone and moving his limbs, everything was backwards. Robert looked at the man, he seemed to be the cause of this. Robert used the motion of walking backward, it seemed to move him forward. Mind over matter. He walked until he was about ten feet away from the man and his...badger? "You look familiar, have I met you before?" Robert said in a calm tone. He wasn't irritated, but interested. His curiosity and inquisitiveness were getting the best of him.

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Cornelius Caster September 11th 2012, 12:36 am

The dry autumn breeze lazily swept it's way across the golden foilage and the grand trees that huddled together in the national park. The season provided a whole new palette to the natural environment, what was once every shade and tone of green had assumed a more rugged, earthy look and the dense woodland provided a gorgeous canopy strewn with reds, oranges and yellows. This stunning environment was perfect for relaxation and meditation, one could easily lose track of time if they squandered away their day frolicking amongst the sleepy woodlands. One particular man was doing just that, his only company was the soft whispers of the wind through the trees and the hushed snores of a chubby black, white and grey creature that lolled around on the leafy carpet, enjoying the calm and quiet. The elderly fellow was sitting on an old timber park bench, it's rigid and almost uncomfortable form doing nothing to impede on the man's quiet contentment with his surroundings. This pensioner was none other than Cornelius Caster, traveling master of magic and beard enthusiast, and he was sitting quite comfortably on the seat, a leathery book in hand whilst a cool grey flask of Whiskey lay comortably on his lap. To him this was the life, a good read plus a good drink was always welcome..particularly when the more rowdy members of his little traveling circus had wandered off to have her own fun.

Amélie, his little gypsy accomplice regularly wandered off on her own, often finding herself in the ownership of other people's possessions, that is until Cornelius himself had to return said items. Whilst many would have scolded the bearded gentleman for letting a minor go out on her lonesome he knew she was quite capable of defending herself, growing up as a street child taught her many things and she was well learned in the art of escape, not only that but the little gypsy was quite a stubborn one...often making up her own rules on the spot and never paying much attention to the pieces of advice he gracefully laid out for her.

But of course, fate had quite a situational sense of humor and just as Corn was going to finish the last page of his book and the sun finally crept it's way through the rustic tangle of the leafy canopy a familiar voice squealed throughout the shrubbery, echoing deep into the woodlands as it woke up a whole manner of creatures. "Vieil homme! Aidez-moi! (Old man! Save me!)", cried a little girls voice as she scampered into view, her soiled bare feet taking her across the grass as quickly as her skinny little legs allowed her. She was not screaming out of worry or fright, but was simply alerting the startled sexagenarian of the person who was hot on her heels. Letting out a deep sigh, Cornelius lifted himself off the bench, putting most of his weight on the ornate cane that rested against his legs. This was uncommon, often people who had caught the 'attention' of the little thief gave up chase halfway through her escape, she was simply too dastardly and light on her feet for any normal person to keep up with and if they did happen to corner her, the enchanted charm she wore always provided her with the perfect defense. The fellow who was sprinting behind her seemed to have little trouble keeping up with her erratic steps and he would have easily caught the girl and more than likely, reclaimed his belongings from her stubborn grip.

That would have happened if the silvery haired cripple had not let a pleasant, and slightly purple aura expand from his body. This ability did not cause injury, quite the opposite in fact! Many who have experience this 'Inverted Zone' have said that it felt like one was in zero gravity with a pleasant tingling in the core of their body, although this was not it's only advantage. This ability spanned a complete radius of 47 meters around his body and it left his intended targets inside a particularly disarming illusion. The pistol wielding victim of Amélie's daily treasure hunt had run directly into the zone, and his reaction was quite amusing. Upon closer inspection however this man was no mere stranger but the very child of two of his oldest friends, and he had many friends. Being blessed with an eidetic memory had it's perks and remembering the names and faces of people he had only met briefly was definitely a positive.

"Well isn't this a grand turn of events! You may remember me. Remember me from a child's point of view that is, we haven't crossed paths ever since you were 6 Dylan.", Cornelius spoke in a jovial manner, giving the man a warm grin; the inverted zone was still erected however, just in case anything were to go awry. Amélie now stood behind the bench with arms folded and nose scrunched in a slightly annoyed look, not caring for this casual conversation, the badger on the other hand stared intently at Dylan, cocking it's oval shaped head in a curious manner.

"I see you have met Amélie", he smirked, nodding at the brunette child who was swinging the man's sword in the air, "this here is Bernard, he's not your average Badger and I am Cornelius Caster...Your Godfather!"

Cornelius Wendell Caster

Cornelius Caster
Cornelius Caster

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Dylan September 11th 2012, 10:56 pm

Robert's eyes widened with a sense of wonder and fascination, this was his Godfather alright. His previous calm nature was now replaced by excitement, but still curious. How could ever forget a beard like this? Though Robert wasn't much of a beard enthusiast, he always thought that Cornelius' beard was incredible. His parents had told him of return from his journey, he had expressed his feelings to them of how much he wanted to reunite with him. "Cornelius Caster! The years have been good to you." Robert laughed out, he had missed the man. "Who is this man?" said Alexa telepathically. "He's a man with unquestionable power, my parents left me in his care when they went on assignments. I haven't seem him in about 16 years." he responded by letting her read his ind. Robert looked at the man, the child, and the badger. He wondered about their connection.

Robert was smiling, he was happy that the girl had stolen his swords because it led to this momentous opportunity. "This isn't anyway to treat an old friend, is it?" Robert said regarding the inverted zone, which gave him a tingling feeling. "I wouldn't dare take an attempt on your life." Robert had no reason to do so, plus Cornelius was famous in the magic community for being one of the most powerful magicians. The zone was rid of. Robert then took out a lollipop out of his jacket and showed it to Amélie, who was at the moment swinging his sword. "Si vous voulez, vous devez me donner ceux qui reviennent. Trêve? (If you want this, you have to give me those back. Truce?)" Robert had a soft spot for children, he wouldn't dare hold a grudge against a mere child.

The girl came running towards him with both of his swords, Robert crouched down on his knees and they had an exchange. "Imbécile. (Fool.)" she said as she tried to slip her hand into his jacket, aiming to steal his wallet. Robert stopped her hand and shook his hand. She stuck out her tongue and rand back towards Cornelius, already enjoying the sweet treat. He stood up and said "I still remember pulling that magnificent beard as a child. Those were the good ol' days." He chuckled. "You're also the first person to ever call me Dylan, a name that has become quite infamous, as you're probably aware of. You molded me into the man I am today." Robert said regarding his infinite wisdom. Cornelius was considered one of his parents' closest friends and they believed that friendship was one bond that should not be broken, they have kept up with him while he was away. He smiled and walked towards Cornelius and embraced him warmly in the form of a hug. He made sure not to squeeze him too tightly, being wary of his cane. "I've missed you, old man."

He let go of him and said "So, how have you been?" he said as he motioned him to sit down on the bench. This reminded him of the days when he use to sit on Cornelius' lap and listen to his stories and wisdom. He's the one who taught Robert to express himself, this was done in the form of his artwork. He listened intently, wanting to grasp everything he said.

A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Cornelius Caster September 12th 2012, 7:22 am

"Oh you flatter me, all I remember doing was sending you to bed on time and making sure your parents came home to a clean house", the elderly gentleman chuckled, returning the hug with a enthusiastic pat on the his godson's broad shoulders. Dylan had surely grown into a fine young man, managing to take the best of both parents features and working it into his own quirky little style, One can never go wrong with wearing black Cornelius thought to himself, marvelling at the growth his godson had undergone since the last time they met. He was now adorned in typical assassin gear; swords, guns and the staple pack of cigarettes were the first items that the grinning Grandfather ticked off in his head.

"I have missed you and your parents more than i'd like to admit, your mother's casserole is one of the few things that brought me back here!" he chortled, patting his stomach as the thoughts of the tasty meal graced its way through his ever-shifting mind. Alongside a good drink, food never ceased to amaze the elderly savant and the very thought of a homemade casserole had his mouth watering from the very thought of such a simple delicacy. Dylan and his family brought back many more memories other than the joyous feasts they would have. Cornelius, on more than one occasion, sparred with the two infamous assassins, they acted in perfect synchronisation and in most cases they would reach a stalemate and drink the night away. "Yes, and your little exploits across the globe have most definitely caught my can't hide much from old Corn", He winked, clasping the man upper shoulder and shaking him lightly, Dylan was still merely a child to the magician and Cornelius had full rights to slightly patronising acts of godfatherhood.

Resuming his comfortable position on the park bench the silvery haired sage let out a sigh, shaking his head in amazement at this unexpected 'blast from the past' before clearing his throat and patting the book down by his side, "I have wandered across unseen deserts and treacherous seas, met the most fantastical creatures and made quite a few special friends along the way", he smiled, nodding at the child and animal who were now frolicking amongst the leafy golden brown carpet in a nearby opening. "Please excuse Amélie...she has a habit of ...borrowing things", he smirked, gently shaking his head as he tapped the young man's swords which, only a few minutes ago, were in the playful grip of the little French gypsy.

"Now tell me, what amazing adventures have you been on in these past 16 years? Do you have a girlfriend? a wife? a pet maybe?", he chuckled, mumbling onwards as he turned this head to watch the cool breeze drift across the landscape. Levaes were thrown into the air, forced to perform a hypnotising dance before they were swept away by nature into the vast was as if time itself had frozen just so that these two old friends could catch up and tell of their fantastical stories..

Cornelius Wendell Caster

Cornelius Caster
Cornelius Caster

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Dylan September 13th 2012, 11:04 pm

Robert smiled with a subdued chuckle, though he was incredibly powerful, he was still too modest. Robert rarely had personal moments with anyone nowadays, it was almost a rule for assassins to not get too personal with people, but that was a rule his family broken. Robert listened to the man talk of his mother's casserole, oh how he missed it. Her cooking skill was basically at a top-class chef's level, who knew where she found the free time to cook. "I have to visit my family soon, I haven't seen them in a while. The next time I visit, you should come along, I'm sure they'll be glad to have you. Possibly have a drink or two." Robert said while scratching the back of his head. Robert watched the badger and Amélie play around in the grass, they seemed to be so carefree, a life that he was envious of.

Robert responded "Oh, don't worry about it, it's no big deal really. I"m actually glad that she's with you, she seemed to have come from a tough background and you saved her. I'm not surprised honestly, you've always been a charitable person." Robert's psychology training had allowed him to analyze him most people, the child being one of them. From what he could tell, she probably lived on the streets and stole for the sake of survival. It was a hard habit to get rid of, but perhaps it was better that way. She had finished the lollipop rather quickly, he would have given her another one if he had one. Robert wandered where he met Bernard, the badger, what could have drawn Cornelius to him? Knowing Cornelius, there was something special about him.

Robert sat down on the bench next to Cornelius and crossed his legs. "I've traveled around the world, mainly for my line of work, learning the basics of a lot of languages, not really fluent in many. I also attended the University of New York for Psychology, I have my master's in it." Robert said with a nod, he was proud of his achievements. "I'm single, but I'm young, so why commit? But speaking of pets..." As he said this, two spiders climbed down his arm in on the backside of his hand. He moved his palm into Cornelius' line of view. "I acquired these two little guys on one of my earlier missions and have been raising them since. I've bonded with the two, they're also good combatants." "Nice to meet you kind sir." said Alexa telepathically. "Any friend of Robert's is a friend of ours." said Ajax telepathically. They then climbed back up his sleeves and into his hair. "As you can see, they're very special creatures."

Robert never knew there was such a quiet and reserved park in the loud city of Los Angeles, it was a huge contrast of what he was use to back in the city. Robert took in a deep breath of fresh air, something the smog of New York didn't allow without nearly vomiting. It was as if time itself wanted these two to meet at this specific time.

A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
Dylan's Items

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Cornelius Caster September 20th 2012, 11:33 am

The silvery haired spellcaster whistled between his teeth, blowing a faint breeze of air over his wispy beard. The memories of years gone by simultaneously flashed across his consciousness in a quick series of images, tastes and smells, all the times he conversed with young Dylan and his family all amalgamated into one big canvas of memories. "The last time I had a 'drink or two' with your parents we proceeded to break into an abandoned theatre and acted out Hamlet...albeit we added a few minor changes to it" , he chuckled, a deep hearty laugh that resonated across the surrounding area. These thoughts were but minuscule moments in his life that shone in the midst of the current situation he had found himself in; if he only he had returned to America to reunite with family an friends...but no, such a thing was not the case. Some great evil had made it's secret entry into this world, unnoticed by many and barely giving a glimpse to those who did know. Like the eerie silence before the rage of a storm the elderly man could sense the presense of this sinister being and the nagging sense of drea that threatened to quell his current joy was simmering in the very pit of his gut. The only thing that was not stopping him from seeking out this threat and vanquishing it was the younger generation, Dylan and his grandchildren...they could not know of this malevolent evil.

Shaking his head and turning to face the young man Cornelius raised his eyebrows completing it with an enthusiastic 'ahhh' as the two little spiders made their telepathic introduction. "Well, isn't this quite a treat! Talking arachnids! How splendid" he gleamed clapping his hands; Bernard would be most happy that there were other special animals like him. Quickly darting his head towards his mammalian companion and the gypsy girl the elderly gentleman could not help but crack a smile. These two were now part of the extensive group of friends and family he surrounded himself with and this day was white literally a day of the old and the new.

A whistling breeze sang between the golden canopy above their heads, sending down a rain of orange and red leaves that fluttered in the air, such a scene was quite poetic...perfect enough for those gifted with words to write a story. Clearing his throat Cornelius clicked his tongue for a moment before glancing at the young man, "I do wonder...if you have exceeded your mother and father's skills on the field. Why I remember when we would spar, they were quite the team them two. You are also now of good old Corn is now giving you all rights to challenge me to a little sparring match, not thy you would hurt an old man!" he chortled, sneaking hinting at the little challenge he had set forth for the pistol wielding assassin. His joints may be creaky and his cholesterol may be higher than it should be but the maverick magician could not turn down an opportunity to test the progress of his godson...particularly one whom he had never properly trained before. Magical users were the norm for him, why he was Elena Marie's teacher for quite some time before he went on his little holiday so fighting those with supernatural gifts provided barely any surprise when facing them in a friendly duel. People like Dylan on the other hand relied on their awe inspiring discipline with their physical development so facing off against them was always a bit more of a jolly ride....even if Conelius would have to handicap his vast magical powers.

"Do what do you say? Care to put an old man in his place", he uttered, trying his best to hide his grin as he cocked a silvery grey eyebrow...this might just be the thing to get his mind off the unknown evil..

Cornelius Wendell Caster

Cornelius Caster
Cornelius Caster

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A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster] Empty Re: A Corny Coincidence [Closed to Cornelius Caster]

Post by Dylan December 30th 2012, 6:21 pm

Robert chuckled at the notion, he was being challenged by one of the more powerful beings he knew. And from what he knew, his powers were basically built to keep close range fighters, like Robert, away. His parents had sparred with him, but they fought as a team, so they had a slight advantage. He knew that he was more skilled and physically dominating than his parents, but that didn't really matter in this fight. He did have a general knowledge on his godfather's abilities, he had to thank his parents' personal files for that. This would be a beautiful setting for a spar, it was a little wonderland away from the world. Robert, using the back of the bench, got up and stretched. As he got up, he placed his spiders on the back of the char with the hand he used to prop himself up. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get."

Robert grabbed his swords and unsheathed them, obviously he didn't plan on killing Cornelius, so he would fighting him with the back of his katanas. Robert said with a slight smirk "I hope your age hasn't affected your prowess too much." Robert hopped back about 75 feet because he knew that Cornelius would use that odd inverted zone of his. Robert took a deep breath and got into a fighting position. "You know what to do." he said to his spiders telepathically. Robert kept himself aware of Cornelius' companions, they would most likely be assisting in this little sparring match. "Let's try not to destroy this beautiful nature, it would be a shame if things got a little too out of control." He said while taking in a huge breath. He was going to let Cornelius make the first move, it was his way of being courteous.

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