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6 gun qouta [closed]

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Arcana September 9th 2012, 10:37 pm

Holocaust had started off with a bang and Sean was excited to see how things would go. He and Paine would show the people of New York a good time, a time that they were sure not to forget. New York was in the best shape that he had ever seen it and he was feeling nostalgic, almost to the point that he could simply gaze at it for a while. He was with his sister Paine and that would only mean that the fun was doubled for the duo and Sean was even more excited by that prospect. There was a sort of primal excitement coursing through his limbs like electricity that drew a grin upon his face, revealing lime green braces. Only adding to the kiddish exterior that was Sean Michael Collin,son of the crimson witch and the lesser known Michael Collin.

”Woah! Look at that! Everyone is looking at us!” Sean crowed standing on the edge of the empire state and looking down upon the people below. His tone was almost like an excited child's but was slightly deepened by puberty. The heroes have arrived already and man did they look tough, all ready for him to fight. Hell, he was ready to take them all on at once. ” I wonder who we can fight. Maybe you, or you, maybe you? Whoa, they all look so strong.” Sean muttered to himself picking out his opponents among the small crowd below. His mind was reeling from pent up energy that was now spilling out.

With Earth having become a barren waste he was forced to live on a separate plane until he was contacted by Holocaust, which lead to this. ”Come on Paine; let’s show these guys a good time.” Sean said before leaping off the edge as the water seemed to form a slide beneath him and he was hitting the ground, cracks spiderwebbing beneath his feet.

Sean formed a sort of microphone with his hands and then shouted. ” Hey people! I know Holocaust is like the main attraction and stuff but someone should fight me. I’m like bored and stuff.” he said loud enough for everyone to hear, spinning on his heel before laughing out loud as if it were some sort of joke. People running away looked at him with confusion. This short boy with a graphic- tee, blue jeans with the knees ripped to nothing and ink black hair that seemed messy in a cute way. Paine may have not liked him shouting like that but he was having too much fun.


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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Chellizard September 10th 2012, 8:07 am

Paine gritted her teeth, her jaw jutting forward slightly. Her hair was long, silver. She had flawless features, and her eyes were bright blue. One of the brightest blues one could possibly have. She snarled slightly. "Sean.. control yourself; you want to strike fear into these measly humans, and weakling super heroes.. if they even have any. You're going to be a laughing stock soon if you don't compose yourself." she growled, her hand of ice threatening to smack into the back of his head. She had her left arm cut off by the Heroic Andrew Pettiglio, or Phoenix. She was bitter about that, but she would be fine. Her powers took care of some things lost; especially her left, mainly useless, arm. She lightened up slightly, though, and allowed her eyes to sweep the whole area. She was wearing skinny jeans, a tank top, and an over jacket. Her feet were snug in a pair of converse, flat black with hot pink swirls and silver accents.

"Sean.. I think we should make our grand entrance.." she said, looking to him with a smirk. Ice start to crawl over her whole form, her core temperature dropping to below zero in seconds. She gave him a Cheshire grin. "Little brother; let's have fun, shall we?" she cooed, her voice malicious despite how caring and fond she was of her younger sibling. They were sharing a bond unlike any other, and it was going to be a great experience to do this together. Their grand entrance, if Sean had remembered, was going to be Paine building a staircase of ice right down from the top of this building to the street below. She started to build the construct, the ice solid and perfectly flawless.

Each step would be made, but another would follow shortly after, filling in a slight gap. Her thoughts were racing, her eyes on all of the horrified faces that gazed at them. "We will rule this realm, Sean. We will be the ones that take over, Holocaust may be the 'leader' but we're going to be the brute force of destruction and chaos. Prepare for a symphony of macabre!" she laughed maliciously, her form stepping off from the very last ice construct and onto the concrete. She lifted a fist and then waved her hand and stepped into an offensive position. A large mallet type hammer of ice was then held in her hand and she slung it down, her strength unimaginable before she smashed a taxi cab into a flat piece of sheet metal. Good thing there was no one inside. The next vehicle wouldn't be so cleanly executed.

Last edited by Queen Chelle on September 14th 2012, 12:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Jack Maroon September 13th 2012, 6:01 am

They're here. I've been waiting for this day, preparing myself to succeed where once I had failed. I won't fail again. My world was destroyed; my efforts to save it, for naught.
I'm standing on one of the buildings surrounding the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street in Midtown Manhattan. They're standing on top of the 4th largest building of this world, at the center of the intersection.

Deluge and Paine, rank S superhumans, part of Holocaust's entourage. They are the reason I'm here. I am going to kill them.

My coat flutters in the wind, my hair tosses around wildly. I haven't had a haircut or a shave in weeks. Since taking over this body as my temporary vessel, the body of this universe's version of me, I haven't given myself a moment's rest. Had to discover the extent of my powers in this body. Had to collect intelligence about this world, figure out its differences with my own. Surprisingly few. No, not surprising. If not similar, they wouldn't be as interested in destroying it. Again. I won't let them. I can't.
Magic courses through my body, waiting for my command to be used. This body is a useful conduit for the magical forces I utilize for my particular brand of sorcery. The burden of the energy I let it contain has weakened it, but it is well-suited for assuming the Heroic Aspects I can summon.
A useful vessel indeed.

The mind that accompanied this body resisted at first. It fought my psyche bravely, refusing to be commandeered. Only upon sensing my drive, my rage, my sense of purpose, did the other me finally relent, and relinquish his control. His affinity for combat and strife seems to synergize with my goals; his combat abilities and reflexes have replaced mine. I will take this as a sign of cooperation. Though he was a fool, driven by nothing but his own selfish and childish desires, I think he understands the scope of my aspirations. I will save the world. I will not allow anything to stop me, and I will not fail.
I cannot allow it.

I take a deep breath and summon the golden bow Gandiva into my hand. I steady myself, prepare the arrow, take aim, and release. I will save this world, no matter what the cost.

The man who stood on a building not far across the Empire State Building was none other than Jack Maroon. It was however, not the Jack Maroon the people of this world knew. If they knew him at all, that is. Unlike the blond-haired beast, dressed in casual combat attire and wielding a katana, this man had black hair, wore a formal suit and coat, and had only a couple grenades and a semi-automatic pistol on his person. The cool and neutral expression on his face in no way resembled Jack Maroon's overconfident grin, and erased all doubt that this was indeed a different person altogether. Yet it was the same body.
About a week before Holocaust and company's departure to this world, Jack Alter had given up his life in a ritual of dark magic which would allow him to make the trip himself, taking a shortcut through the soulstream. Then, he forcibly took over the body of his counterpart in this universe.
For this was a man who had no doubts or fears left. His sole conviction was to save this world from destruction at whatever cost.

For now, his goal was to stop the advent of two of his most dangerous adversaries. The brother-sister team of psychos who, just like their ringleader, were hellbent on causing mayhem and destruction. To Jack, it did not matter why they did what they did, or how they had come to be this way. Their motives were of no importance; all that mattered was that these children were a menace to this world, and needed to be ended.
To achieve this, Jack summoned one of the heroic artifacts he was capable of conjuring, albeit for limited usage. Gandiva, the golden bow of light. Wherever they struck, its arrows would cause a massive explosion of light magic, more powerful than many manmade rockets. However, the explosion itself could never harm humans. Still, the weapon had its usefulness, and Jack intended to utilize it to its maximum potential.

When Paine had just finished her descent from the glacial stairway, her brother a bit behind, and she took her time to destroy a single taxi, Jack saw this as the opportune moment to strike. The three arrows were fired in rapid succession, as fast as his body would allow it. The first shot was aimed for the stairway, on which Sean still walked. The attack was meant to make him lose his footing, and if at all possible force him to plummet to a quick but painful death. Although this was unlikely, the attack would at least cause the staircase to disintegrate, causing distress among the civilians and hopefully also in the villains themselves.
The second shot would make use of Paine's reaction to the first explosion. As she would turn to see the locus of impact and the results, the second arrow would be aimed right under her, creating a large crater to contain her in for a short amount of time. The third shot was strategically aimed at the top of the building closest to them, and was intended for the rubble resulting from the explosion to bury the beautiful but sinister girl.

It was likely this wouldn't kill them outright, but that wasn't the goal. The goal was to destroy their sense of superiority and control over the situation. He would not allow them rest; he would force them to endure pain, to draw out their anger. For there lay their greatest weakness. Whereas they think rage will strengthen them, it will only make them more careless. Stronger, perhaps, but rage dulls the intellect, and when the mind has lost, the battle is already over. If others would join the fray to aid him, then Jack's victory had already been assured. If not, then he would win nonetheless, be it at the price of oblivion.

After the third shot, the bow of Gandiva disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Jack with only his gun, grenades and his near limitless combat prowess, courtesy of his counterpart. In order to escape his opponents' now far less watchful eye, he quickly retreated into the building, running down flights of stairs, headed for the streets. The battle had begun.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Andrew October 30th 2012, 9:02 pm

For the first time in his life, Phoenix had yearned for blood. This wasn't about saving the people he cared for anymore. This wasn't an assignment. This was Andrew Pettiglio getting vengeance. As he stepped out of his car, he walked slowly and methodically towards the deadly duo. A smug grin formed across his face as he pictured himself making Paine squeal like swine. They had both showed him their true power while he had yet to show but a fraction of his. As far as Andrew was concerned, this was over today. As he saw two of the three responsible for the death of his family, his blood began to boil. His heart told him to leap at them and attack, but he was planning something else. Something more...torturous. Phoenix was broken and the remedy he needed to be fixed was revenge.

Paine had smashed a car, and Phoenix continued walking towards her. His body marching forward, almost on auto pilot. "I won't let them get away with this Dad." Andrew said to himself as he looked up to the portal in the sky. He had gotten a transmission for A.I. about how to close the portal, it appeared he needed to get inside and pack one hell of a punch. The only thing standing in his way of ending this nightmare was the duo, and Phoenix intended to get past them by any means necessary. White fire started to surrounded him as he was now right behind Paine. "Excuse me."

As the fire around him began to get hotter, he prepared for this final battle. "You made a BIG mistake leaving me back in Boston alive." Phoenix fired his first blast of fire. The earth below the blast scorched with the tremendous power of the blaze. His smile grew wider as he was finally able to bring these murderers to justice.
"I took your left arm last time." Another blast of fire escaped the palms of Andrew Pettiglio. "I'll take the rest of you this time." With a loud scream Phoenix blasted two streams of fire directly at Paine. "Im going to make you beg for your life, like you made my mother do."
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Arcana November 10th 2012, 11:04 pm

There was a flash of light as the stability of the icy cold stairway gave way and Sean was sent plummeting towards the hard street below him. There was very little time to react to the situation at hand but Sean would react with all the finesse that he could muster at the moment. His eyes shot to where he perceived the attack to have come from as the shard of ice; more like chunks fell to the ground beneath him. That was when he caught a glimpse of what looked like the possible attacker in the flesh and ready to continue with another assault of his own, not like Sean would give him the chance to do that. That was the person that he would have to kill before they could continue their macabre show.

With but a thought he landed in what seemed like a thin slide of water that formed for a safe landing. His descent was slowed considerably as he easily slid down to the street level, water construct quickly falling into a puddle on the street. ”Woah, that could’ve gone badly.” Sean muttered to himself, rubbing his chin lightly as his eyes darted to Phoenix, the angry young hero now attacking his sister.

Something about him was different than when they last had seen him. He was out for revenge. Not that he was even looking in the right place when Holocaust was out doing whatever it was that the strange man did. For now he would have to find out who was the wise guy that decided to launch those arrows at him and Paine.

”Maybe if you level this street it will be easier. Nowhere to hide or anything.” That small voice murmured in the back of his mind, Sean popping his neck before looking around.

”I guess that would work, though it feels like it would require too much effort honestly.” He said to himself before considering another option. That was when he caught a glimpse of someone walking to the street level and into his line of sight. Could that be the guy that had attempted to shoot him down from his lofty position? It didn’t matter though if he was the man who did so or was just an unlucky bystander, he would die like anyone who was unlucky enough to get in his way. With a thought the wave of water was formed and washed down the street towards the man known as Jack Maroon as every source of water seemed to contribute to the deluge.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Post by Chellizard November 13th 2012, 11:05 pm

Paine's attention was peaked when a blast of pure light energy blasted through her ice stairs. She felt the construct crumble beneath the force, and her heart skipped a beat when her brother was free falling. She was about to thrust an ice construct up to catch Sean, but another arrow came to blast just near her feet. Paine reacted as quickly as possible, her eyes filled with an icy passion. An ice barrier curled up and around of Paine, catching her and then the ice poofed into a miraculous show of snow and small ice flecks. The gorgeous white powder blanketed the area, the freezing temperature of the snow not melting against the hot pavement, despite the sun's beaming Cheshire grin. She had her attention finally back on her surroundings, her left arm reforming from her powerful ice. Her right fist curled into a fist, her left copying the motion before she smiled toward her opponent.

"You dare come toe to toe with me on my day of reign?" she asked, that icy passion glinting in her eyes while she glanced Phoenix over. Ice started to curl around of her, the snow on the ground shifting anxiously while ice spread out below the soft powder. The ice sheet curled into the cracks of the cement, making for a slick battlefield for Phoenix to step on to. Paine chuckled, her tongue sliding over her lips before she blew him a kiss. "A little fire isn't going to scare me.. and I doubt I'd ever beg for my life like your whore mother did," she spat, a curling growl passing her lips before the icy sheet below their feet rippled and ice spikes erupted upward to stab at Phoenix from below him, an ice shield forming from her left arm, covering her from the fire blast he threw her way.

This was going to be fun. Sean better be all right.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Jack Maroon November 22nd 2012, 3:51 am

The first attack fails to harm any of my targets significantly. A pity, but certainly not unforeseen. Paine hasn't seen me, and seems to be distracted with another hero. A pyrokinetic, just like Holocaust. Perhaps this is his counterpart in this universe? No matter; I have more pressing matters at hand.
Deluge has regrettably failed to plunge to his death, and he remains a stain upon this world which must be erased. And I will do just that, in due time. But now it seems he has noticed me.
Jets of water spring forth from every imaginable water-source the street holds, forming a tidal wave of sewage water and polluted moisture from the air; a great deluge meant to wash me away from the face of the earth.
A bit overkill, but it's not something I can underestimate.
The moment I feel the air around me turn dry, I know what's coming and prepare myself appropriately.
Power. Endurance. Speed. My mind reaches deep into the Soul Stream, pulling the attributes from whatever heroic souls it can reach. I may lack the ability to summon them, but I can at least make their power my own. The spirits cooperate; they understand my plight, and the necessity of my thievery. I will not fail. I cannot allow it.

OOC: (Jack's power distribution mode now active: 7 STR, 5 DUR, 4 SPD, 3 INT, 7 FS, 0 EP)

Using the immense strength now at his disposal, Jack jumped up one of the surrounding buildings with a single leap, and from that one jumped to an even higher building, repeating until he reached the highest possible point, ensuring the tidal wave would be unable to reach him. Jack knew he could not give his opponent any respite, or time to reassess his tactics. He had to strike now, with all his strength. He jumped off the ledge in a seemingly suicidal leap towards his and Deluge's death. Of course, only Deluge's death was intended.
For this he would need his greatest weapon; a heroic weapon summoned from the soul stream which belonged only to him. A weapon that reflected his struggle in life, and his perseverance to finish it even at the price of death. A massive bedrock tombstone shaped like a sword, his name on it scratched out and replaced with the single word 'Justice', painted over it in his own blood. The sword, weighing around a 100 ton, materialized into his hands in an instant. The sudden and ridiculous increase in weight vastly accelerated his descent, bringing down a surprise guillotine upon the unwitting opponent at an incredible speed.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Registration date : 2012-02-03

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Andrew December 2nd 2012, 6:45 pm

As spikes began to shoot up at Phoenix he blasted down with all of his force , and leaped back. The ice spikes dissolved and Andrew rolled to his left before smiling at Paine. "Whore?" Andrew asked mocking Paine's words.
"Let me tell you something about that whore." Phoenix blasted a wave of fire at The Ice Queen about the length of a minivan wide. "She taught me to be strong. Much stronger than you, than your brother, than Holocaust. None of you stand a chance, none of you are even going to make it out of this with your lives." Andrew was now completely surrounded by a barrier of fire. He knew she was powerful, but he was hungry. The once shining and reassuring eyes of the hero were now but a dark, cold, gateway to the broken soul within.
Taking a breath in he exhaled and blasted fire in the shape of a dragon towards Paine.
"It's time I show you exactly who you're dealing with Rebecca." Andrew said tightening his mask.

Andrew took one last look around and saw a figure in the distance giving Sean a run for his money.
"How 'bout that."The Phoenix thought as he grinned. As the moment came to an end, he was about ready to release a devastating attack. The Talons had done their part in evacuating city, now it was time for their leader to go to work.
Starting into the eyes of Paine, it felt time was slowing down for the hero. He dropped to his knees and made himself as wrapped up as possible, and then he leaped up and released a giant supernova.
The buildings around them began to crumble, the street below him breaking to dirt.
"Now you realize what you've brought upon yourself!"Phoenix screamed as the blaze began taking out everything in it's path.
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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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6 gun qouta [closed] Empty Re: 6 gun qouta [closed]

Post by Arcana January 22nd 2013, 2:17 pm

Paine seemed to be having trouble of her own with this worlds Andrew but her plight was not his problem,for now Jack Maroon was the enemy;one he would have to deal with right now. He gripped tightly upon the katana in hyis hands and prepared to act,making sure that no movement would be wasted once he was in motion. The heavy weapon would prove to be a problem but not one that he could not avoid if at all possible his body moving at its superhuman speed as the weapon of death came down from on high. Water came to him as it seemed to propel him into the air and serve as a road that helped him move on ward as a resounding crach echoed througout the block and threw up a large cloud of debris.

Jack maroon was a dangerous foe but not one he would allow to kill him so easily,not while he had breath within his body. ”He seems stronger than before,interesting.” Sean muttered to himself as he landed upoin the shattered concrete,narrowing his glowing ice blue eyes. ”So is that all? I was expecting more of that man that wanted to kill me but I guess that was all just a game. This whole life is a game,and you lost! Thats why your world died and that is why you will fail again.” This was to be his moment of triumph and the moment when he once again wiped everything away in an instant. Aiming the tip of the silver weapons at where he assumed Maroon was,water began to swirl around the blade in a torrent.

With a motion the water formed an attack that would cut through the man quickly,ending the farce of a battle of it hit true. From atop one of the buildings stood a figure watching over the battle,hair flowing in the wind as if waiting for the moment to make its move.

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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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