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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Cynical Joker August 28th 2012, 3:29 pm

Gas Mask strided out of the L.A. Police Department building, whistling as he did so. He noticed a Police Officer running towards him screaming "Stop right there Mask!" Mask sighed to himself and thought "I don't have time for this." wearisomely he walked up to the officer, calculating his weapons and weaknesses. He waited for the officer to raise his firearm and as the officer did so, Mask ferociously kicked the officer in the ribs and then went to snatch his pistol and then shoot him in the kneecaps. He then remarked to himself "That fool wasn't even worth my time! Well you gotta respect his bravery... actually, no you don't!" After staring at the poor officer whining for help, Mask then went to contemplate is right arm and then evaluated "Argh! That fool sprained my arm! He'll regret that soon enough..."
Mask looked at the time on his watch 11:51PM it read. "Perfect just 9 more minutes and the Police Department will go up in flames, and then the people will finally show how evil they can be with the opportunity" Mask thought to himself. Whilst happy that his plan had gotten this far without any troubles, he was anxious, usually he had to contend with some Pathetic Superhero or a Goody-Two-Shoes Vigilante, he was even surprised that it was so easy for Mask to plant the bomb in the Chief's office whilst he was on the toilet! After all, this time he had no backup plan, Mask thought he couldn't do something so out of character.

Gas Mask was panicking outside the Department. He checked his watch again. 11:54PM. He was worried if no Hero would come, if this plan will be overshadowed by something worse, whetherhe would get off the hook so easily. No. Mask wouldn't have this! He banged his right hand onto a Police Car, further damaging the arm bellowing in pain, "Cmon, where's the challenge!? Where's the Hero to fight and die in vain!?" He was starting to worry. Mask always wanted someone to go and try and thwart his plans, he knows that if he can defeat a hero, the people will lose faith, and when they lose faith, all Hell will break lose...
Cynical Joker
Cynical Joker

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
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Registration date : 2012-08-28

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Forceaus August 28th 2012, 6:15 pm

At nearly midnight that night in Los Angeles, California, Forcewave was hiding out in some alleyway because he was still on the very task that he had been working on for a couple days now.Well he had been in this city for a couple days.The task itself was something that had had his attention for a few weeks now.That incident with the mysterious gunshot that he had gone to investigate and the two strange potential metahumans that he had met upon arriving at the place where the sound of the gun going off had been just made it so that this was taking alot longer than he expected.The task he had been on originally was still incomplete even though he had made some progress.Some of the operations that those whom he was hunting had been prevented and the group itself had been set back quite a bit.There was a small chance that those operations could be shut down completely but his chance of doing so was impossible.They were no longer in this city and soon neither would he.

Walking along some street he heard a transmission from a nearby parked police car.According to the report there was somebody causing havoc at the police station.So this would not be a quiet night either.Then again when is there ever one in this crazy world.The police officers answered the call and got moving to head towards that very station with their lights flashing and sirens blaring against the night forcing those around to quickly get out of the way.Deciding that he would go to the site of this incident too he left the alleyway and followed the police car back to the station.Thanks to the high speeds he was able to run at keeping up with the police car wasn't difficult at all.

Arriving at the same street as the station he could see somebody standing outside of it making alot of noise.Since this person was not dressed in a police uniform he believed that this was the person behind all that was happening here.What was strange was the fact that there were no police officers anywhere around while this was going on.Did they not fully know of this or had he taken them all out already.The two officers in the car that he had followed got out and confronted the man.Forcewave slowly walked closer to the building from the other side of the street and watched what would happen.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Edge August 28th 2012, 8:05 pm

Edge was walking along the street, unsure of where he should go to find information on his mission. He was a genius cyborg, sure, but he had nothing to go on. The only information that he had was he was searching for his mission objective. He had a general idea of what he was looking for, but the cyborg part of him didn't allow him to act on his own for the mission. So, he was forced to find information on anything else that would help him, most preferred was any information on cybernetics scientists. He turned to the police station he was walking by, and his programming allowed for him to use this as a main objective. It was bound to have information that would help him. 

He walked back into the alleyway near the police station, and made sure there was nobody around. His current image was that of his former self, before his mouth, and his insides, became a machine. This wasn't going to be useful if he wanted access to their databases. Edge looked around to make sure there were no people nearby, and mentally accessed his armor's disguise and put on the appearance of a police officer from this time period. He had a black mustache and an average build. It was too normal, but that was the way to go sometimes.

It was easy going in. He knew how to blend in in almost any situation. It would be troublesome though if somebody were to stop and question him. Thankfully, that wasnt the case with this. Edge worked his way to an empty computer, and began to hack into the system. These primitive computers held no resistance against him. He weaved in and out of the servers, trying to find anything or anyone that could ever help him with repairing his mission files. This programming was troublesome. He wasn't allowed to just pretty much guess at what the doctor had told him to do. He talked about it all the time. Wait... What did he talk about all the time? It never occurred to him until he thought about it, that he didn't really know what was asked of him. Well. I guess I start from scratch then. Before Edge could get up to leave the station, he saw a funny looking man walk in. He quickly scanned him, and was surprised that a weird looking man like that was able to walk around here seemingly unnoticed. 

His visor that was hidden behind his disguise was working perfectly, showing Edge what the man was doing. This man had just walked into the chief's office and... Placed something in there. That was definitely suspicious to Edge. Edge accessed his programming, changing his investigation for information to his secondary objective temporarily. 

New Mission Directives: Investigate strange man's behavior. 

Edge waited for the man to leave the building, who was whistling as he did. He then entered the police chief's office, noting the sounds of a man using a toilet. That explains how he wasn't caught while he was in here. This station is very unorganized to let him even get this far, though. Edge made a note of this. The L.A. Police Department is very unorganized and lacks security. The next thing to do was to see what the man had placed in the room. So, this man is definitely not just 'creepy' compared to others. He is definitely a villain. 

New Mission Directives: Disable bomb and subdue criminal.
Edge took a look at the bomb, noticing how complex it was. For this time period. He had gigabytes of information about bombs, and how to disarm something like this wouldn't take him that long. He worked diligently on the bomb, and was able to disarm it before the police chief came out of the bathroom. Edge was relieved he wouldn't have a problem with the police as he heard the distinctive sound of a toilet flushing just as he was leaving the department. He was able to find the criminal instantly, but was too late as he witnessed him shoot an officer in the knee. That would be sure to draw out the whole department, which wasn't too smart on this man's part. Even if Edge hadn't disarmed it, it wouldnt be that effective now. 

Edge made his way down the stairs, undoing his disguise and revealing his advanced armor, disarmed bomb in hand. "Sir, I believe you dropped this in the police department." Edge was trying to make his attempt at a joke, but sometimes cyborgs just weren't comedy gold.

Edge/ Edge's Items

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2012-08-26

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Cynical Joker August 29th 2012, 5:17 am

Gas Mask started and at his new victims, 2 Police Officers who believed they could take on his quick counters and fighting skills. Gas Mask then turned to Edge and protested, "This isn't how it was supposed to work! I needed a Superhero, not a loner with terrible jokes!" He went to grab Edge but then he noticed Forcewave slowly walking towards him. He then stared at Edge and then assessed his surroundings. He looked at Edge once again and spoke, "I don't know who you are or what your deal is, but you made a very serious mistake coming here and doing that, I would shoot you in a second! But I'm a bit preoccupied right now so if you wouldn't mind just helping or getting the Hell out of here!"

Gas Mask assessed the chances of defeating Forcewave, he had no quarrels with him, but he certainly wouldn't let Forcewave attract Police attention. Mask knew he had more fighting skill than him, but his sprained arm would severely lower the moves he could pull off and lower the speed he needed for the upper hand! He continued walking to Forcewave and bellowed. "You know a Gas Mask would definitely hide your secret identity!" He then stood right in front of Forcewave and taunted, "Die now in vain..." Mask then threw a kick, aimed at the ribs, hoping for the same outcome as it did with the officer...
Cynical Joker
Cynical Joker

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Location : England
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Forceaus August 29th 2012, 3:43 pm

Forcewave had reached the police station where all this supposed incident was occuring itself by following the police car that he had heard the report on.The two officers that had been in the car and had answered the call were defeated by what seemed to be the one who was responsible for all of this in the first place.The one that was wearing the gas mask who moved about quite confidently. His behavior along with the things he kept yelling out into the night, and the fact that he just took out two armed officers in a matter of seconds only seemed to confirm such a thought.

There was another person there.This one at first seemed to be simply wearing full body armor but once one got a closer look they would see that he was instead made of such armor.Either a robot or a cyborg.He couldn't be sure.It was never easy to tell the difference what with how technology was nowadays.Forcewave was wondering if the two of them were perhaps working alongside each other in their efforts to do whatever it was that they were trying to do.He would probably have to find out exactly what that was in order to stop it.

He was now on the same side of the street as the other two.His presence there was completely known by the other two so there was no point in even trying to be stealthy in his movements.He now stood only about twenty or so feet from the other two watching them intently.The one in the mask was now walking right towards him.Forcewave stood his ground and prepared for whatever he might try to do.The masked one was now standing directly in front of him looking at him in such a spiteful fashion.The man aimed a kick right at his ribs but he was ready enough for it to block it with his arm and manage to attempt a counter.He grabbed the man's leg with his other arm and pulled at it then struck outwards with his elbow directed at his chest.The damage done by the kick was little and easily manageable due to his rather durable body and tolerance for pain.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Edge August 29th 2012, 10:00 pm

Edge watches the man as he freaked out over Edge's appearance. He rambled on about wanting a superhero, and not a loner with terrible jokes. Edge was offended. He though his joke was good for someone who had most of his humor stricken from him. This man was one who didn't seem to have any good jokes, and his mask was obviously inferior to Edge's helmet. Edge watched this man strut around, thinking him to be am actual joke, until he witnessed him attempt to kick the newcomer in the ribs.

Edge tossed the bomb to the grassy lawn on the side, knowing that it wouldn't blow from an impact anymore, and studied the newcomer. Edge could tell this man was a superhuman, but couldn't identify his powers through his armor. With his heat signature identified, it would be easier to keep track of him now, and started to walk forward with the intent of subduing the criminal. He had attempted to plant a bomb in a police station and fought back against law enforcement. This merited an immediate arrest to Edge's protocol. Edge reached for his bow and held it out, giving it the mental command. Expand. With that thought the bow expanded from its handle into a full bow, and the nanobot string attached itself. Edge pulled back on the string with two fingers, forming an arrow between them. "I may not be a comedian, but to me you seem like a living joke. Surrender yourself to the police and I will not harm you."

Edge/ Edge's Items

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2012-08-26

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Cynical Joker August 30th 2012, 3:28 pm

Gas Mask's attempts to attack Forcewave ended with Forcewave countering Mask's kick and ending with Mask on the floor. "ARGH! This was not the way this was supposed to end!" Mask cried. With the Cyborg dis-arming the bomb and then going to aid Forcewave in defeating him, Mask almost calculated the end. He looked around the area scanning for possible escape routes and distractions. He then went to check his coat pockets. It was then that Mask saw a Helicopter with 2 of his hired thugs. He made a little preparation before coming to the Department. Thinking quickly Mask remembered the handgun he always kept in his pocket. The gun wasn't loaded with actual bullets but he knew a loud bang would alert his henchmen and then come to help him.

Mask quickly jumped from his feet, damaging his right arm further and held up his arms to fake a surrender. He looked to Edge first and remarked, "Well played Sir. I must say, I could use a bow like that if it were the middle ages." He then turned to Forcewave and threatened, "So, I don't know you or this Pre-Historic Archer but unfortunately, he won't be of use and I always place the Mask on my victims!" He then reached for his pocket and grabbed the gun. Mask then aimed it into the air and fired. About after 5 seconds the Copter came and a ladder fell down. Mask took his chance and grabbed onto it and signalled his men to keep going forward. "Ta-Ta for now!" The henchman sitting next to the driver the copter looked down at Mask and asked, "Looks like your screwed Sir!" Mask looked up at him, then quickly climbed up the ladder. After doing so he pushed the henchman with the remarks off the copter down into the city. The driver saw this and commented, "So you have a plan Sir?"
"Indeed, I can't fight them both, so I'll just have one go against the other. All I have to do is trigger that..." Mask then pushed the driver out of the Copter also and then took the wheel.

Last edited by Cynical Joker on September 1st 2012, 3:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
Cynical Joker
Cynical Joker

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Location : England
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Forceaus August 30th 2012, 6:00 pm

In a brief physical encounter with the seemingly crazed man in the gas mask, Forcewave had emerged victorious when he knocked the man to the ground with one elbow directly to his chest.He knew it wouldn't be over after just that however.The man was still conscious and highly active.Forcewave snuck a quick look at the other man who seemed to be a cyborg as he adjusted his feet slightly to give himself some distance from the masked one.The cyborg was approaching towards them both with something in his hand.That something suddenly became a bow and an arrow formed that was ready to fire.He was preparing to have to deal with that being fired at him but as it turns out the cyborg was after the man in the gas mask.

As he turned his vision back to said man in the gas mask he heard a noise overhead.He turned around to see a helicopter was now flying towards them.He thought that this must be a police copter that had arrived but it wasn't acting like one.The searchlight wasn't on for one.He heard a brief scuffling of movement behind him and turned to see the man was back on his feet.After briefly addressing the two in his own crazed fashion he then pulled out a handgun and fired it into the air.Forcewave prepared to attack this guy with priority intent being to disarm him firstly but his chance didn't really come.The helicopter flew directly overhead and dropped off a ladder for him to climb onto as it then raced away from the police station.

Seeing that the madman was escaping he was about to give chase but was worried about what the cyborg might attempt to now do.Glancing at him briefly to see what the guy was doing he then started to give chase to the helicopter itself only to see somebody suddenly fall out of it which made him stop right in his tracks.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request) Empty Re: Shadow Uprising - (Enter On Request)

Post by Edge September 2nd 2012, 5:43 pm

This was surely the strangest encounter that Edge ever experienced with a criminal. This man was dropped on his ass, then scurried around looking for some way to fight back and escape, then out of seemingly nowhere a helicopter came to pick him up. Edge thought for a minute that he was dreaming, because the way this man acted was more absurd than him dying, getting revived as a cyborg, then sent back in time. Edge was tempted to fire an EMP arrow at the chopper, but crashing a helicopter  in a heavily populated area wasn't something that he wanted on his conscience. Edge let some of the tension out of the bowstring, not putting it away just yet. There was still this newcomer to deal with. He didn't expect him to be a criminal, as the comical man from earlier attacked him, but Edge took no chances. 

Before he could decide on what way to approach this man with, he noticed something falling. Edge pulled back with the arrow again and aimed it for the area he quickly determined the falling man would hit and let go of the arrow, sending it faster than any humanly marksman could. The arrow made an impact with the ground and released the foam long before the man landed, and it expanded to catch the man. The pilot landed harmlessly within the foam, just as Edge expected to happen. He wouldn't be able to make his way out, and Edge would see to it that he was apprehended and questioned by the police. There was no hope for him to catch up to a helicopter, so Edge didn't try to make any attempt to chase down the man. 

Edge turned his attention to the other man who had previously put the comical villain on the ground. "I take it you're not a criminal judging by your actions. Please, don't let me be wrong." Edge wasn't making any threats, but more of a genuine plead. He didn't want to have to waste anymore arrows today.

Edge/ Edge's Items

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2012-08-26

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