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Taken Prisoner

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Taken Prisoner Empty Taken Prisoner

Post by Conall341 August 16th 2012, 9:40 am

Conan was done, the government had caught him, and it was only a matter of time, he had killed many innocent people. The government had to step in some time. But Conan didn't know this he was outsmarted, he was ambushed and shot with huge electrical nets before he could lift a finger to retaliate. The Irish government knew that there were people who could do things like he had done, so there was only one place they could send him, New York.
On the way Conan was locked in a dark place heavily sedated, he grasped onto his conciousness and was left to think, on the way a projected image appeared on the inside of the box that was made especially for him, it taught him important things of this time, the year, and about some of the new technologies, in this sedated state, he absorbed this information. His thoughts were blurred, what was he to do? This wasn't his time, he still had revenge staining his mind however, there was nobody to take his anger out on. All of his enemies are dead, so he thought,
"I will strike their bloodline and remove all who opposed me from the face of the earth."
He was to find all of the bloodline of his dead opponents and kill them all.
The plane landed and he was taken out of the cage, chained at every limb. The chains were tight enough to just about cut into his flesh, he just turned his fists until blood started dripping down his hand. They all had guns pointed on him as he was forced to walk into a facility, Conan laughed.
"I can feel the blood pumping around your body, I can feel your heart beat, I know you're all terrified, you should be."
Conan ripped his chains off and used the blood that had now formed a puddle onto the ground into what seemed to be a sword. They all opened fire while he grabbed the sword and starting slaughtering all of them, they had no chance.
"Is that all? Some metal shards, I WANT A CHALLENGE!"
This was like a calling card...

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Riccto August 16th 2012, 8:50 pm

Campeon was in the Talon's HQ seeing that he was currently off-duty for the moment. Which was better than being off-duty when he was unaffliated because now he had some pretty sick digs to lay around in and now he doesnt have to explain to the railmaster why to as he was benchpressing freight cars. Now he was working a pair of 75 ton weights as he jammed to Calle 13, but then something curious happens during the chorus, His communicator began to buzz. Now Campeon has not been a member of the Talons for any significant amount of time by any means but when things start to blink and buzz that tends to be the universal sign for "Something bad is happening at the moment. Please come over here and fix it." That or what ever you put in the microwave is done, and according to the news feed of some man causing major chaos a metahuman facility the beeping was not from Tacquito's in the microwave.

Campeon felt especially obligated to respond to this call, He had just worked an all-night patrol the previous evening and had earlier decided to take a break for the day, Reflecting on this Campeon is soon starting to realize the fact that in his line of work that there really aren't any breaks. But Campeon was hardly going to shy away from this fight, something about the man's challenge to all viewing and around called out to something deep within him, He was able to be the contender once more on the big stage, It got him psyched. He got suited up quickly and was practically out the door and headed to the scene as he was tying his bandanna around his face.

He was on the scene quickly, or what remained of it that is, He was struck aghast by just the close up view of all the first responders splayed about, each killed in spectacularly gruesome fashion. He composed himself as he searched for his foe, He's going to stop this guy dead in his tracks. After a few moments Campeon finds his challenger, a man with a writhing red blade, presumibly used to slay all those men Campeon came across earlier. Campeon gathered himself before calling out to him.

"You found your Challenger"

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Conall341 August 17th 2012, 7:21 am

Conan moved on to his next victims, leaving a mass amount of bodies lying in a bloody mess behind him. Conan was staring at his last victim, he was crying out,
"Please don't kill me, I have a family that relies on me!"
Conan replied with a smirk on his face,
"Do I look like I care about you or your family?"
Conan raised his blade when he heard the call of a man, Conan was finally getting challenged. He quickly finished off the man slicing the man into pieces him, making him unrecognisable. Conan turned around to face the man.

Conan couldn't believe what he was seeing, the man was small compared to him, he was noticeable muscular, but nothing compared to Conan. He stared at this man, he starting thinking, why would this normal man challenge a behemoth like himself. The thought that he may be more powerful than a normal human never came across his thoughts, Conan didn't want to finish this man quickly, he was going to toy with him. He started walking towards this man taunting him,
"Congratulations, you're the only person that has came to face me without using those weapons, although you're the most idiotic person for thinking you can fight me, I wont even break a sweat."
Conan laughed while walking,
"I promise you'll get a slow painful death!"
He licked the blood forged blade and threw it at this man.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Riccto August 19th 2012, 11:09 pm

Now Campeon's blood was boiling, This man was not a noble warrior nor was he a denizen of The Game or hardly even a practitioner of The Sweet Science. He was a sadist and a psycopath straight and true. No appreciation in the art-form but relish in the macabre results as he carries on the fight much longer than it has to be? A psycho. And if there is one thing that Campeon hates in this world and in his line of work is a psychopath. To be fair he did come to the science expecting some violence yes, but minimal fatalities, nothing as disgusting as this. He came here intending to be a challenger and he damn will give this murderous man the brawl of his life, Campeon affirms this to himself on the lives of those who were killed as he brings his fists up slowly.

He was already in fight mode by the time the blood-forged blade was thrown at him, It was moving pretty fast and he was charging straight towards Conan which coincidentally brought the blade closer to him by the picosecond but Campeon was not going to let some flying object, wierd and bloody or not, hit him before he hit the schmuck who chucked it at him in the first place. Campeon ducked under the flying blade and placed his hands against the ground so he could make an animalistic leap using all four limbs to launch himself using all of his explosive strength. As he flew closer to Conan he brought his right arm back so that once he was in range (About four feet away) he could fire off a powerful right to Conan's body and hopefully crash into Conan.

El Boriquen

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Conall341 August 20th 2012, 6:07 am

Conan missed, that was a first, the blade was too far away for him to control how could he miss? This was the first and hopefully last time he would miss. He watched as Campeon went flying towards him, he had no chance to dodge. Campeon flew towards him with a mighty punch, Conan blocked, he now knew this man wasn't normal, he must be strong, but how strong? He was soon to find out. Conan was hit hard, he went flying into a nearby. Conan destroyed the walls, he was in a medic bay, most of the equipment was destroyed because of his massive impact, Conan was dazed. Thoughts were rushing into his head, how has this man got this ability, and how could he take Conan down so fast that he couldn't retaliate in time? He was to test Campeons abilities against a bloodthirsty power mongering "Monster" like himself.

Conan stood up from the rubble, he was bleeding. Conan laughed,
"You may be a little bit stronger than I expected, but making me bleed was a big mistake, your chances of winning this fight are thinning."
Conan coughed out dust from the rubble, the wounds started bleeding more and more as he increased the blow flow around these wounds. He was in searing pain, but it would be worth it. After a couple of seconds he clotted the blood around the wounds to avoid bleeding out. The blood raised into the air creating a thin wall infront of him, the wall starting forming what seemed to be needles, he shot the wall of needless at Campeon, followed by a ball of blood heading for his face.
"Dodge that."


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Riccto August 21st 2012, 6:58 pm

Campeon came to a stop on all four legs a few feet further from where Conan was previously standing, He got up slowly and was pleased with the impact of the blow. It felt good. It "Resonated" as his Abuelo would describe. As he got up that pleasure from the solidness on the blow on his opponent disapeared in a instant. He had launched his target right into the medical ward of the building. This was not the type of collateral damage he was looking for, in fact, he was attempting to keep to collateral damage to a minimum. That wasn't a good start.

As Conan got up again from the rubble that came as less of a surprise to him, You do not issue a challenge just to fall down like a fall leaf in a gentle breeze. But to be fair, Campeon packs a bit more of a punch than the average fall breeze. But now Campeon prepared himself for retaliation. He brought his fists up and tucked his elbows in to form a text-book Peek-A-Boo. Then once in the Peek-A-Boo he began to charge towards Conan, Campeon needed to close the distance and as he did so he braced himself for the ensuing retaliation attempt.

And man was there Retaliation. The needles peppered his body, a handful pierced his superhumanly tough hide but he continued to charge on through irregardless of the pain. But the blood sphere really struck him solidly on the guard, knocking him into the air a few feet. This halted his charge for a few moments, his clothes stained with blood, (Of both his own and his enemy) he took a moment to gather himself. That hurt like a mother...but I've got to close that damn distance. Blood isnt anything new to me!

Campeon wiped his eyes and closed the remaining distance at full sprint, pumping his arms like a mad-man and looking like a stuck wild boar by the time he reaches Conan. Now Campeon attempts something new, he opened up with a powerful right hook to Conan's stomach in hopes of making him double over, by then he would twist his body as so he could shoot his left hand underneath Conan's right armpit and hopefully take hold . At the same time he would shoot his right hand downwards to his belt line or hip and grasp at either his hip or belt. From there Campeon attempted something he had learned from watching some Greco-Roman wrestling, Campeon pivots his body 180 degrees and as he is pivoting he attempts to lift and hurl Conan into the pavement a few feet ahead of him.

El Boriquen

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

Post by Conall341 August 24th 2012, 6:39 pm

Conan seen Campeon get hit from his barrage of needles, he laughed and was secretly hoping that he would stay down after that, but, he didn't.
Conan watched Campeon as he charged towards him, Conan was afraid for the first time in his life, thoughts rushed through his mind,
"How could he have gotten out of that barrage alive?"
This was a waste of time, as Campeon latched onto Conan, it was useless fighting against Campeon's emense strength, and Conan was grabbed and thrown onto the hard pavement, leaving an imprint of his body behind.

Conan was wrecked, some bones were broking and he was gushing blood, he could bearly think never mind retaliate with from that mad barrage of grabs. To a spectator, he was beat but Conan was far from ready to accept defeat,
"Damn you're strong, too bad you have to die now."
Conan lifted his blood from the ground and created a range of weaponry surrounding Campeon,
"Give up and I'll end it now."

Conan then commanded the blades to lead a barrage against Campeons body, he grabbed his own blood blade and started swiping himself, if he succeeded in getting close, he would then kick Campeon to the ground, leading the blades into a downfall onto of his soon to be limp body.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Taken Prisoner Empty Re: Taken Prisoner

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