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Business and nothing more [John Smith]

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 24th 2012, 12:56 am

”You act as if you have a choice in the matter.” Anthony muttered straightening his suit as he stepped back an inch, turning to John as he already had multiple plan in which to deal with this girl who had abilities he had no understanding or knowledge of. ”I want you to come with me. Its not a difficult request,you come with me and no one gets hurt.” He spoke once again in Russian. Green eyes darting around to the other as if he were suggesting something,which he of course was. Turning towards the mercenary he gave a simple order,one that anyone would understand. ”Capture her.”

Jordan Reynolds
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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 25th 2012, 4:36 pm

John took a moment to look at the girl. The fear was more than noticeable in her shining blue eyes. Fear, however, can never be mistaken for weakness. A wild animal becomes infinitely more dangerous when adrenaline sets in. And to John, this pretty little ballerina was nothing more than a mutt. Twirling the guns out of their holsters, her rushed towards her, the look of a killer in his eyes. He stopped just inches away, the barrels each aimed at those glistening orbs in he skull.

If you want to make it out if this in one piece, I'd suggest comin along without a fight. Otherwise the inside of these barrels will be the last thing you see.

He smiled, a cruel mask upon his face. It had just been under 4 years since he was in this situation. He stared death in the eyes and laughed. Had it not been for the timely arrival of the SCP Cleanup Crew, he'd be six feet under with a bullet between his eyes. Now, it was his turn to put this young girl in that same situation. The only difference was that she was afraid. And he didn't feel an ounce of remorse. The hammer on the guns clicked back, ready to fire.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 25th 2012, 9:35 pm

Lilia did not expect the man to rush at her in such an aggressive manner, nor did she expect to have two guns pointed straight at her face. It was clear that this man had no ounce of remorse for her, why..she was simply a little ballerina and he was the gun toting mercenary. Lilia sat there, frozen, as she glanced at the teenage boys face, he was her age and yet what could've possibly been a nice chance to meet someone new turned into yet another violent encounter with people she did not know. However the man's attempts at subduing her were pitiful, to be quite frank.

Over the course of her short life the young agent has had much worse happen to her, she's been violated in more ways than one and having guns pointed at her was nothing new, nothing that could even match the terror she experienced at the whim of her handlers. The girl swallowed slowly and glanced up at the man, she did not know why he wanted to do this but she was certain he had no idea of what she was capable of, simple guns were absolutely nothing, mere children's toys when trying to take her down.

"You are not going to touch me" she uttered, her serene, gentle voice perfectly masking the downright seriousness of her words. The thought of Sheryll popped into her head and the young agent knew she had a home to go back to, even if it meant having to fight these men to get there.

Once uttering those simple words Lilia's body started to shimmer, taking on a faint translucent blue glow as her body began to crystalise. The light in the room began to bounce of this stunning display of power and her once meek form had morphed into organic diamond, everything from her wispy sandy brown hair all the way to her outfit...she was practically indestructible, no bullet could scar this form.

Grabbing both the man's arms in a swift motion Lilia went on to headbutt his chest before rolling back along the chair and proceeding to stand on the armrest, her stunning diamond form making her look like an ice sculpture. Although made up of the hardest material on earth Lilia still retained her graceful nimbleness and flexibility, a few of the many skills earnt when learning the art of ballet. Staring the two down with her shimmering eyes, the young ballerina outstretched her arm, a glistening diamond blade grew out from the side of her arm, starting at the edge of her wrist all the way past her elbow.

She was ready. No man was ever gonna do something against her will now thatshe had found her freedom.

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 25th 2012, 11:01 pm

The girl was swift but he was quick enough to deal with her petty little attempt at an attack. Though he wasn't expecting her to turn into diamond,which added some difficulty to this operation,considering he wasn't sure that the bullets would affect her now. Shadows rose like a symbiotic organism made of slime that quickly enveloped him before pulling Anthony under. In a matter of second he was across the room,pulling his medium frame through a shadow cast by one of the dancers who were trying to remove themselves from the confrontation. ”Seems like this girl is more interesting than I thought she would be.” he muttered adjusting his strategy to fit this little development and that possibility that she could weaponize the diamond that coated her body. Shadows rose around him in chain-like constructs as they lashed out at the ballerina,aiming to restrain her limbs in stead of kill her.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 25th 2012, 11:25 pm

The blow was enough to knock him back, but little more. The girl may have been hard as diamond, but it mean very little without the strength to back it up. He twirled the guns around, grasping them do that they lay upside down, his pinkies on the trigger. If she wanted to show off acrobatics, he'd have to upstage this little ballerina.

Back down, Anthony. What's the point of hiring a mercenary if you get your hands dirty anyway?

He took in a deep breath, focusing purely on the girl. This was his element. This was where he was the most dangerous. If this little girl thought she was safe because of a little armor, she was sorely underestimating his ability. Pulling both triggers, he shattered the legs of the chair she was standing on.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2012-07-22

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 25th 2012, 11:42 pm

The stability of the chair instantly gave way once the bullets shattered the polished wooden legs of where she was standing. A smart move considering the bullets would have no affect on her, but futile nonetheless, her dexterity had been trained to a peak level and a brief upheaval on where she was standing was not going to stop her. Leaping to her side and expertly landing on the polished marble flooring Lilia wasted no time in flicking her arm in the direction of the gun wielding mercenary, a flurry of diamond shards shredding through the air-conditioned room aiming for his body.

Fortunately the girl turned around in time to notice shadowy black chains lunging for her legs and she swiftly cart-wheeled to her right releasing a more violent swarm of diamond shards at the teenage boy...he had a power she had never faced before and making mistakes on her part was definitely going to end badly for her. Sheryll please, please come back soon she frantically thought to herself as she dodged more attacks from both men.

Leaping towards the armed mercenary Lilia nimbly struck forward with her razor bladed arm, tumbling through his legs and aiming for his Achilles heels...

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
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Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 26th 2012, 1:04 am

Anthony let out a deep sigh as he was told to back off,slightly annoyed that he was told to get out of the fight. Though the logic was sound,so he was left with only one logical choice,which was to back off. Sitting down into a seat,Anthony crossed his legs as he waited for the battle to progress.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 26th 2012, 1:12 am

The girl was light on her feet, and he actually had to /try/ as he dodged her attack. His eyes never left her as she first avoided capture, then attacked Anthony. His first instinct was to jump in the way, but she was already barreling toward him.

Whether it was his keen instinct or his combat knowledge, he quickly spun around, allowing her to just pass before slamming his foot down on the blade, embedding it into the tile.

You may be hard as diamond. It doesn't amount to anything if you don't possess the skill to use it to your advantage.

It was rare that John felt the need to assert any real effort into a fight, and despite the fact that his bullets may have little effect on her, so far her moves had been far too predictable. He holstered his guns, well aware that they'd only hinder him. Instead, he'd focus on avoiding her attacks until she wore herself out.

The blade in the sole of his boot shot out, and he aimed a powerful kick towards her chin.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2012-07-22

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 26th 2012, 1:43 am

The kick to her face merely sent her head backwards, such an attack was absolutely silly against somewhat of her genetic make-up. Regardless of how futile his attacks were this man meant business and as much as she did not want to fight him she knew that they were not going to stop until she was theirs. Sliding her arm from the grips of the marble flooring Lilia tumbled backwards and stood up in one balletic motion, if she weren't fighting this man it would of appeared that she was simply dancing to an incredibly complex routine...all that was needed was Tchaikovsky's score.

Etoile let loose another flurry of diamond scales, the man would have to quick to avoid the indestructible missiles which tore through the air at him and around him. She ran at him whilst doing so, leaping into the air in one swift motion, gracefully following the shards that soared ahead of her. Her point shoe which she stretched ahead of her midair instantly morphed into a sharpened blade. This combined with her momentum in the air could easily impale the man if he so happened to dodge all of the shards and if he proved to skilled enough in not getting skewered by her razor sharp leg then he’d have to deal with her dance of death...

..a move that proved to be effective the last time she fought was only a matter of whether he could survive her incoming assaults first...

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 26th 2012, 2:08 am

He let out a sigh. He'd seen enough of her over cockiness to last a lifetime. Mercenaries don't last long in this business without skill. While she may have been constructed of diamond, it meant very little to someone who could out-dance her. He dodged the volley of shards, and he met her blade with his own, which protruded from his wrist. Even diamond was unable to scratch the Solarium.

Before you continue to make a fool of yourself, let me ask you this. What do you have to gain from fighting us? We don't want to hurt you. In fact, cooperation would be in your best interest. Even if you defeat me, this boy has money beyond your wildest dreams. He could have your entire family, everyone you love, slaughtered. So why fight, when no harm will come from simply coming along with us? Oh, and don't take that as an indication towards you beating me. I'm not getting paid over a full mil for being some random thug.

He held her foot for another moment before releasing, jumping well out of her range before pulling both guns once more.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2012-07-22

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 26th 2012, 2:37 am

Lilia did not enjoy fighting, that was an absolute truth that everyone who knew her could agree with, and yet this man with his ideologies and such spoke to her like she was some ignorant buffoon. She had experience pain that not even he could fathom, to have everything taken from her, time and time again. Even with her limited english she knew what this man was saying, what use was coaxing her to join them if it was against her will, something that had only been freed a few ago.

"my family is already dead..", she uttered clenching her jaw, her Russian accent did not do much to mask the pain of acknowledging something so tragic. Flipping backwards to give herself some space Lilia sighed, the diamond chest slowly raising with every controlled breath she took. This man was no different to the agent reaper, a pawn simply working for another more powerful factor, in this case it was the blonde haired boy. These people, these mercenaries will only ever do things for their money or the thrill of the chase, even if it came down to putting a girl as psychologically bruised as her through more pain and suffering, their sheer ignorance to the genuine suffering of others frustrated her and yet she could not lash out for that would be a hypocritical thing to do. She did not know this man or why he came to capture her, but the one thing she did know for certain was that if he tarnished the sense of joy she only recently discovered then she would have to defend herself through any means necessary.

Staring at the man she grimaced, such violence was petty to her an yet in this case it was unavoidable. Taking a step forward agent etoile sighed before she begun to spin. Her dazzling body shone as her rapid pirouette cut into the surrounding air. The spectacle itself was an impressive one, such grace, such skill matched with unquestionable deadliness was what gave her the moniker of the 'blood diamond' and as her body vigorously spun on one foot shards of diamonds sprung forth out of her, covering a 360 degree radius around her petite form.

Like a diamond tornado, the crystal scales rained everywhere, lodging themselves into the walls and shattering everything that could not stand up to their velocity. Glass broke, wood snapped and pillars crumbled as her display of ruthless beauty shone in the tense atmosphere...

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 26th 2012, 2:53 am

Flashes of steel and diamond illuminated the room. Her attack, her endless shards, would have impaled a normal human with ease. But he was no normal human, using the blade in his wrist, he parried every shard that came towards him. His reaction time was near flawless, and he knew that she couldn't match him in a test of speed, nor in mobility. Despite her flexibility, she relied far too much on her perfect defense. All she was doing was biding time as the sparks flared between steel and diamond.

Your family is dead. You had the fortune of knowing you had a family. I was sold as a baby to an organization bent on the capture or elimination of people such as yourself. Even still, I put your survival over my own duty. I know I can't hurt you. I'm no fool. What I want to do is to get you to see that you are fighting without reason. I have no intention to kill you. What you are doing, what you are acting as, is exactly what you believe you're fighting against. I have no desire to hurt a little girl. In fact, I'm being paid to keep you alive. What purpose do you have in fighting me?

The sheen of steel and diamond continues, his blade meeting each missile with minimal effort.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Registration date : 2012-07-22

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 26th 2012, 3:13 am

Her mind was racing as she spun, hoping at least one peice of her artilley would dispatch the man. She wanted to go home, she wanted Sheryll to come back, she needed Sheryll to come back because this fight would last for months on end before the man dies o exhaustion. He tried reasoning with her, but what was reason to a girl as scarred as her. Her spinning began to slow down as the ruthless, unrelenting memories of her life as Dominus' playtoy flooded her mind. She soon stopped, gazing at the room with glassy eyes, the room was an utter mess, as if a bomb had gone of and left behind diamond fragments, which as a matter of fact could make someone very rich if they were to take them home and sell them. Gazing at the man, who looked slightly dishevelled she inhaled, trying to force herself to think straight.

" can't take me" she choked, as he glared at her with unrelenting eyes. She could not go with them for she feared she would suffer the exact same abuse that was so eagerly thrust upon her petite body back at base. This man, he seemed so certain that she was in fact going to get captured and that pierced her conscious more than anything. Was she not more to him than a paycheck? could he not sense the absolute terror that racked her all too innocent eyes or was he numbed from it all, had he forsaken his humanity like the men who assaulted her nightly throughout her teenage years.

"...please", she pleaded in a barely audible whisper. It was either going to end with her killing these men and living with the guilt of doing such a thing or becoming another person's property, to face more abuse at the hands of those who demanded her..she needed Sheryll to come..and fast...

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 26th 2012, 3:25 am

He could see the conflict in her eyes. Her past made no difference to him, and he had no reason to hide that fact.

Look. You're nothing more than another job to me. That's how I was raised. I wasn't allowed to be attached. Such is the life of a mercenary. But this boy needs you. His defense lies solely in an ability that even I could overcome. I won't kill you, because it is my duty. Even if it means fighting until I can no longer stand. But I will defend myself. Listen to reason. Would you rather be told lies by someone who doesn't truly care, or have someone who knows nothing more than profit tell you the truth?

The blades in his wrist retracted back into the holsters, though he held the guns tight. Survival wasn't something that someone who was raised around death could abandon.

You will not die. For as much as my word is worth, I give you that.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2012-07-22

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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Twinkletoes July 26th 2012, 3:50 am

Lilia could not listen to it anymore, her psyche was beginning to shatter and she needed to get away, get away from everything and return to her big sister. She was not going to allow this man to have her, even if she was promised safe passage. If she was his ally or friend she would have comforted him, it was clear that he also had a past filled to the brim with pain and loss and as much as she tried to shake it off she could empathize with him, it seemed that he too was just another test subject. Blinking away the moisture from her eyes Lilia glanced at the man, her bright, naive childish gaze scanning his tough exterior for no other reason than to acknowledge him as someone who could of possibly shared her pain had the situation been different.

Lightly shaking her head, the girl sighed as she let the emotional strain wear off. As if fate itself deeme it appropriate to barge into the battlefield the large wooden doors at the end of the room swung open, a few of the girls auditioning standing with mouths wide open in shock at the sight that lay before them. One of them screamed as she noticed the man's guns and with such a simple reaction had the rest of the girls going into an uproar.

The agent knew this was her time and without thinking leaped to her side and jumped out of the large window that had been shattered by her diamond assault. The screams of terror slowly dispersed into the air above her as she plummeted from the 57th floor of the building, her glistening form scaling the wind. She was escaping and she prayed that the teenagers who witnessed the carnage would not get hurt in her absence...she had to find her sister as quick as possible...

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business and nothing more [John Smith]

Post by Gun Slinging Jew July 26th 2012, 12:10 pm

He holstered the guns. Babysitting wasn't in the job description, and he wasn't about to let a million dollars slip away. He ducked around the screaming girls, shouldering into the door and blowing it from its hinged as he barreled down the hallways. The stairs seemed to fly by as he pushed himself, running faster than he'd usually need to. But here, time was of the essence, and if she slipped away, it'd hurt his pride more than his wallet.

No one's escaped from me yet. And I'll sooner die before I let a supernatural freak get away.

As he rounded into the 30th floor, he found exactly what he needed. An elevator door. He pried it open, and to his delight, found that the elevator rest several floors up. He grabbed onto the dangling cables an begin his much quicker descent.

Around 10 floors down, he heard the groan of machinery, and the sparks of metal scraping metal was unmistakable. The elevator was coming down, and fast. He didn't have much further to go. 19th floor. 18th floor. He was closer to ground level. He may not be made of diamond, but his body was built to withstand impact. As he rounded the 10th floor, he let go of the cable. With nothing slowing his fall, he plummeted at a much faster rate.

With a loud thud, his feet hit the ground. He wasted no time opening the metal doors, and just as he slipped through, he could hear the groan of metal stop a floor above. He'd caught luck there. Wiping dust from his clothes, he looked around. No one down here seemed to have any clue what happened above. Which either meant Alexander has silenced the girls, or the speaker system was faulty. Either way, good.

He appeared to be in some sort of waiting room. Moms, sisters, and many others sat, awaiting the news of their little princesses. If the little girl was here, she had a guardian. He slipped back into the shadows of the hallway, where he had the perfect view. If he couldn't catch her, he'd wait for her to come to him.

"Don't waste my time. Either pay up or I'll put a bullet through your skull. No one cheats a mercenary."

Business and nothing more [John Smith] - Page 2 VkM4J
Gun Slinging Jew
Gun Slinging Jew

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