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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Alpha July 13th 2012, 8:57 pm

”Ah,this is interesting indeed.” Elena muttered as she pressed a manicured nail against the laptop screen, a small grin forming upon her lips. She had found a potential recruit for her newly formed group,one that was gaining support as she went along and would soon have enough to continue with her plan. One she she was sure would go as planned as long as she took into account every variable that stood in they way,which was at the most dangerous the hero Pain. Of course her son would become a dangerous variable but she wouldn't mess with the small time hero team until they stood within her way, only then she would crush them. Standing from her seat, Elena quickly cast a glamor over her otherwise drab clothing. Turning simple jeans and a shirt into an extravagant black dress as well as stylish heels. The message was already sent,person made aware of where she was to meet the witch. It was a simple warehouse that she managed to borrow for the day, furbished via her special illusions with a two chairs for them to sit. A fire was lit and she sat waiting for the woman with a glass of wine in hand.

A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Artemis July 13th 2012, 9:19 pm

Julia had received a message the day before. Which was strange for her, someone had bumped into her and by the time she had turned around to see who the person was gone and she had a message. The message was a location with a simple message saying to be there. She thought it strange that someone went out of there way to find her, she had been pretty inactive for the past 300 years but sticking to a few murders in random locations. She found it interesting enough to check it out though. She approached a simple warehouse near the docks, didn't look all that special. It was strange to her but regardless she opened the door. It was extravagantly furnished but was bare at the same time. The only thing in the building one could relax on where two chairs and one of them filled.

"Where you the one who called for me?" asked Julia. "A better question is how did you find me. I've evaded people for centuries, i want to know how you found me."
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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Alpha July 15th 2012, 8:35 pm

”I'm glad you actually decided to come,didn't think you would respond to my little invitation.” She said taking a light sip of the red liquid held within the simple glass,nothing fancy but it was elegant within its own rights. 'Take a seat and we can get down to business, as to why I would call you to a place like this.” With a motion she directed attention towards the seat that was opposite of her but still within the reach of the cozy fire. This was no illusion but a real fire made with real wood,though the wood itself was enchanted to burn longer than one would expect. Heels tapped against the tile that she managed to conjure up,though it was simply trickery and nothing more. The sound itself was even altered to make it seem authentic. She was the master of this little space and the woman was but a bystander that wondered into the ring.

A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Artemis July 15th 2012, 8:47 pm

Julia looked at the strange women and sat down, she had obviously gone out of her way to find her. "You didn't answer my question, how did you find me. I've been relativity inactive for the past 300 years." Julia walked to the seat opposite the mystery women. She sat down, still looking at the women curoiusly, trying to figure out what she wanted. The women had searched for her for an unknown amount of time. Could it be a trap? Or possibly this lady wanted to ask her something. "What do you want?" Finally asked Julia. "Better question, what does it have to do with me and how to I benefit?"
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Mega Poster!

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Alpha July 25th 2012, 10:47 pm

”My reach into the world of magic is deep, and as such finding you was simple.” She was vague on the means of how she found the woman but they served their purpose well enough in the end, as long as she got a new piece. That was all that mattered within the scheme of things when she thought about it. 'I called you here for a very simple offer. You work for me and I can grant you resources as well as almost anything your heart could desire. She stated simply,eyes narrowing upon the immortal.

A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Artemis July 25th 2012, 11:30 pm

"What's the catch witch? I'm old, not an idiot." said Julia. "What do you want? My service? I have never been offered something without a catch. The first and only time I blindly agreed to something was when I first became immortal. It cost me my soul, even though I took it back a few minutes later it's the point that matters." Lotus paused, leaned forward and looked at the witch right in the eye. "Why should I trust you. I don't even know your name and names are power. Which is why my true name is lost in time, if no one can find your true name they hold no power over you, as much as they think they do." Lotus leaned back in her seat and waited for the woman to answer. Her answer would decide her answer.
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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Alpha July 25th 2012, 11:46 pm

”A valid question my dear and something I will answer.” She said simply as she stood from the sitting position,snapping as the illusions fell away. Revealing the room for what it really way,which was just a dirty warehouse that was only superficially furnished. ”I only ask that when I call for you,that you offer your help. You will be payed handsomely, in whatever you would have. Money or otherwise.” A single hand made of what seemed like solidified light formed in front of her and simply hovered around her like a deadly satellite.'Do we have a deal?'

A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis] Empty Re: A shadow that is cast even over darkness [Artemis]

Post by Artemis July 26th 2012, 12:10 am

She still didn't give her her name but Julia would of been lying if she said she wasn't impressed. Someone this powerful wouldn't do all of this for nothing. Julia stood up as well, now looking around the warehouse. "Impressive, I can just figure out your name later. You wouldn't go through finding me if you didn't feel the need for my help. I am still impressed though, you must of been reading some pretty old books to know about me." said Julia. "Anyway, I accept you offer, we can discuss payment later, now I'm going to remind the world i'm still alive. I trust you can find me later." Julia exited the warehouse, wondering what this new alliance will have in store for her.

(Lotus has left)
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Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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