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What happens, happens

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Forceaus July 24th 2012, 5:47 pm

Forcewave had been expecting for just this to happen since the moment that Phoenix and himself first entered this building in pursuit of the assailants who had attacked them earlier.He had been waiting and preparing for the ambush to occur.Where a bunch of thugs would come out, weapons ready to all attack the two heroes.Now it had finally happened.They were surrounded on all sides by about three dozen or so of them all armed and ready to fire.He knew that he and his friend would need to act quickly or their chances of survival would diminish quickly.

Acted quickly they did.They didn't have any choice in the matter so they had to.Forcewave not only maintained the force field he had generated earlier but increased its defensive capabilities for the onslaught that was about to take place.Phoenix had generated a wall of fire inside the barrier that made it impossible for the gunmen to see them.Forcewave used this to reposition himself inside the barrier as he prepared the next move.For some reason he already knew what it would be.Everytime Phoenix attacked Forcewave would create a passageway for the flames.

This wasn't working that well though.There were simply too many of them all firing down upon the two of them for them to continue onwards with this course of action.A better option was probably needed."Try and see if there's a basement.Go through the floor."He said to Phoenix who immediately smashed through the ground beneath them and into the building's basement.As they fell downwards Forcewave had the barrier get sent out in all directions to try and take out a few more of the gunmen.Unbeknownest to him he had managed to get a few.

Now down in the basement itself he started looking around for any and all entrances to it besides of course the hole they had just created.He saw one staircase that led to a door and an elevator shaft.Two places they could come from.Far less than what they had before.That would be easier to cover.He also saw a bunch of crates all around."Wonder what's in those?"He asked himself rather rhetorically.Forcewave already had a good idea as to what those crates contained.He didn't have time to ponder on it though."Phoenix you monitor that door up there.I'll watch the elevator.They could come from either one or probably both."Forcewave then took cover behind a crate monitering the elevator, prepared to attack if need be.

Mega Poster!
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Number of posts : 2604
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Andrew July 29th 2012, 5:13 pm

Hitting the ground hard it seemed Force also had a plan. However during the fall, the way Phoenix had broken his left wrist. In pain, he obliged ti Forcewave's idea and took cover of the door. Preparing for a total fight, he heard lots of footsteps heading down in their direction "Dude, they're coming this way, and lots of them. I'm gunna need your help. Plus, I think I broke my fucking wrist men." Andrew said as he saw his hand hanging awkwardly.
He heard the men stack up on the other side of the door. Hearing a good 20 clicks of safeties unlocking he knew he was a sitting duck there. Phoenix wasn't going to give them the first shot. Leaping back towards Forcewave he started running in circles around, releasing fire from himself. A tornado was formed and the building started coming down. "New plan, we get out of here." Andrew said as he blasted a hole through the back wall of the basement. While quickly pushing a desk against the door. "That'll slow them down at least." he thought.

"This is no place to fight, plus that tornado will take out a lot of them. We'll take the fight to our terms." Andrew said before dashing through his manmade exit. Once outside two men stood in front of them. One seemed to be surging with lightning, the other seemed to be a "tank".
"You punks thought you could just walk right in and nothing would happen?" the lightning wielder said to the two of them.
"Yah, the boss said to get rid of yous guys." the large dumb one said.
The large one dashed at Phoenix. The lightning at Force.
Phoenix leaped up, and watched the man go running passed him. Landing he sent a stream of fire at the man's chest and watched him fall over. Sliding on top of the man. Phoenix started throwing a storm of punches and elbows to the man's face. Of course it was only with his right arm, but it seemed to be getting the job done.
Andrew stood up, looked down at the beaten man, and looked to see how force was.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Forceaus July 29th 2012, 7:14 pm

Forcewave was standing by, hiding behind a crate while monitoring the elevator for possible incoming gunmen while his ally Phoenix did the same for the doorway.Oh what a fine mess they had gotten themselves into.Not like they really had much choice.These apparent mobsters had designated them as targets and wanted them dead very much so after all.He still wasn't sure why exactly.Something about a bank robbery that had been foiled.In the back of his mind he noted to ask about this later.Now was not the time.

Listening very closely he could hear their activity from upstairs.It seemed they had chosen to enter through the doorway.Checking the elevator real quickly he heard no noise from it or any other sign that it was in use.So they had decided to come through the doorway and staircase.Phoenix moved towards him with his left wrist now broken and started generating fire to create an escape route.While he did that, Forcewave decided to take a different approach.Utilizing his power he blasted apart the staircase so that the gunmen wouldn't be able to come down at all and would have little space to use only allowing three or four at most the ability to even fire at all.

Now with a way out of this place ready it was time for them to take their leave.Or so they thought.Upon exiting through the hole in the wall they found themselves encountering two men.Each of which seemed to possess powers for some reason.Wow the metahuman population was high.They needed to deal with these guys quickly before the others could get here and make things very dangerous.The two thugs attacked them but to no avail.The brutish one was beaten down by Phoenix while Forcewave himself overpowered the lightning user.At the very least that was done.He could hear sounds of the mobsters doing something but that wasn't all that he heard.In the distance he heard the sounds of police sirens going off.It seems all their activity had been noticed.

He signaled to Phoenix that he could hear the cops coming.Through various holes in the building he could see the mobsters and they too could see them.Now it seemed the chance to defeat them once and for all came.Hopefully they would be able to execute such a thing.This was the best opportunity to do so.Moving quickly he blasted down a bunch of the mobsters leaving them all disoriented.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Andrew August 1st 2012, 12:24 am

Following Forcewave's attack Phoenix to was now ready for some offense. Creating a large fireball in his hand, he blasted a whole through the wall where he could see most of the men. Between the blast and Force's attacks, the men had dropped their weapons. Phoenix took a running start and leaped into the side of the building, putting his knees on one of the men's shoulders. The man went crashing backward onto the floor. Looking around the hero did a helix and blasted fire around him. Watching the men in the room around him drop, a few more came up the stairs. He smiled and then took aim.

Creating a sword of fire, the launched at the first man, taking a swipe, the cut the mans gun in half. Leaving melted metal around his arm. Screaming in pain the main dropped to the ground. All the safeties of the guns clicked off, and pointed at Andrew. With a cocky smile, he blasted a wave of fire from around him with massive power. The whole house seemed to rock with its force. The men all fell back, protected by their armor, but still hurt.

Looking over to Force, he gave him the "sorry" look for taking out all the men. The big bald man was back for more. This time he was shirtless and holding a sledgehammer. "I'm one of you." he said with a grin. Dashing at the two heroes Phoenix took stance for battle. Blasting a stream of the fire at the man's chest he kept running at them. "Oh no." Andrew thought and dashed towards the speeding man. Throwing a right hook with all his might at the men's jaw, he watched him collapse to the earth like a bag of bricks. "You think that'll keep me down." the man said jumping up and cracking his neck left and right. "You two punks are dead."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Forceaus August 1st 2012, 6:09 pm

The rest of these mobsters were taking out quickly.Long before the police could even hope to arrive.It was through a quick series of attacks that the criminals were left disarmed and defeated.After the initial long range attacks to mess up their ranks and disarm the front line they charged forward.Forcewave surrounded himself with energy before engaging these guys protecting him with power that was far beyond what they were capable of defeating.

Charging forward right into their ranks he began to attack.His experience in combat and power were more than enough to defeat these mere thugs.Quickly they fell, one after the other.In no time at all the last of them were tooken down.It seemed this fight was finally over.The police could arrive and arrest all these guys and he could finally leave.He had things to do after all and wanted to start rather quickly.

Unfortunately that would not be the case.The police seemed to have gotten lost somehow.The sounds of sirens didn't seem to be getting any closer.That wasn't all.The man that they had first encountered upon entering this place had returned.This time armed not with a firearm of any sorts but a sledgehammer of all things.This was quite surprising but what he said next was to some extent shocking.He was claiming to be like them.

He then attacked them.It seems he may not have been kidding.This guy took a blast of fire straight to the chest and shrugged it off like it was nothing.Another onslaught by Phoenix barely managed to knock him down and he got right back up.He wasn't kidding.This one wasn't normal at all.Forcewave decided to take action as well.Charging power enough to harm even the mightiest of beings he prepared to fire but was going to give this guy a chance to surrender first."Give up now or I'll be forced to hurt you."He hoped this guy would be wise and take that chance.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Andrew August 6th 2012, 3:28 am

The man put his hands in the air as Forcewace threatened him. Sirens ringing behind him. The man shoved his hands in his pocket and pulled out a detonator of some sort. "I'm going to blow this place to kingdom come fuckers!" he shouted. Andrew prepared to absorb the explosion. Looking over at Forcewave, he gave him the "You know what to do" head nod. The police now running around the back of the place from all the commotion.
They all had their guns pointed at the metas. "All of you freeze." The man pressed the button and the building went up in flames. Sucking all the flames up into a ball Phoenix stopped the fire damage, but the hose was collapsing.

The police didn't know what to do when they saw Andrew holding a ball of fire. One of them pointed their gun at Phoenix. "Get on your knees" Andrew smiled at the cop and turned to Force. "Meet me at the park." and he leaped into the air, dashing off towards their meeting place. Once he was there he waited for Forcewave to arrive. Once he did, Andrew began to speak. "What a last day huh? Well I know you're off to do your own thing, but I wish you the best. You always have a home with us man." Sticking his hand out to thank the hero for his service, he felt a little sad, hoping this wasn't their last encounter.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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What happens, happens - Page 2 Empty Re: What happens, happens

Post by Forceaus August 7th 2012, 1:59 pm

Forcewave had brought forth alot of power to attempt and force the last of the mobsters to surrender on the spot.Or so he had been tricked into believing.After having thought that this guy had actually done so he turned his attention to the incoming police to see where they were and what it was that they were about to do.As he was doing so he heard the man say what he was about to do.He turned back in time to see him press a button and caused the building to explode.Using the energy of what was going to be his attack he generated a massive barrier to attempt to protect everybody from it.Hopefully he would be successful.

A moment passed and it seemed that they were safe.The building had collapsed and now resembled much of the rest of the surrounding area.Kind of a saddening sight to behold.The police seemed somewhat unfazed by the explosion as they now wanted to capture the heroes.Guess the recent events made people not so favoring of such individuals.Looks like they had to make their leave now.Using what remained of his barrier he blocked off an escape route and quickly took it.

Phoenix had said to him to meet at the park.He supposed that their meeting had been rudely interrupted and deserved a continuation.Before doing so he had gotten out of costume to quickly get some food due to having become hungry from all that had just happened.Afterwards he went to the park, just finishing off his meal as he arrived to meet with his ally."Yeah."Was practically all he had to say in response to what Phoenix had just said to him.Forcewave now felt he could handle what was to come a little better than he would have had he not arranged this meeting.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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