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In the Cafe

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In the Cafe Empty In the Cafe

Post by Van Helcraft June 12th 2012, 12:54 pm

Nate was sitting in a small cafe, quite content with himself. It was his first day off in a long time, being the son and heir of a pharmacuetical company did have its downsides, even though he was only 17 he was constantly working as the CEO of the New York branch of Helcraft pharmacuetical. Today he was free to do what he wanted, and as such he was partaking in his favorite hobby telepathically reading the minds of the others in the cafe. They weren't really that interesting but sometimes the difference between what they where saying and thinking was comical. He took a large gulp of his coffee and sat back and relaxed, thinking that he needed a less creepy hobby, and that he was ending up to much like his old man. Glancing down at his handmade suit he knew he was becoming way to much like his old man who only wore hand tailored clothes.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Pascale June 12th 2012, 1:10 pm

Lyra walked into a cafe she had started to become a regular at. She figured that if she was staying in new york for who knows how long she might as well get comfortable. A small bell rung as she opened the door to the cafe and walked it. She walked up to the counter. "Hello hun, I'd like the usual." said Lyra in her southern draw. The barista nodded and when to work shortly returning with a cup of coffee. Lyra took the cup and began searching for the seat. Sadly the place was full and the only open table already had someone stilling at it. She shrugged mentally and walked over to the booth. "You wouldn't mind if I sat here would you hun?" said Lyra to the boy who was sitting down at the table. Not really waiting for him to answer she sat down across from him and starting reading a magazine she brought with her. She wondered in the back of her mind why this kid wasn't in school, he looked like he should be in school. But then again he was wearing a suit.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2012-06-11

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Van Helcraft June 12th 2012, 1:33 pm

Nate looked up as and older woman sat down right after asking if she could, he nearly laughed at her manners, she hadn't even waited for a reply. "I don't mind at all, miss?" He said realizing that he couldn't read her thoughts,[i] a strong willed one eh?, He thought. " Oh right by the way my name is Nathaniel King Van Helcraft, pleased to make your acquaintance." He said smiling, he always had the most fun around people like her whose strong wills made it nearly impossible for his telepathy to work on. Then again he always had his physcometry as a back up.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Pascale June 12th 2012, 1:48 pm

"It's my pleasure, I'm Lyra Miller." Lyra nodded as she introduced herself. "If ya don't mind me asking, what's a kid like you doing out of school, you look like your under 18. Are ya skipping? Also why ya wearing a suit." asked Lyra, she did want to know. The only reason she never finished high school was because she was kidnapped. She sipped at her coffee, this boy interested her, like a mystery that needed solving. It's not every day there is a random boy sitting in a coffee shop wearing an expensive suit.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2012-06-11

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Van Helcraft June 12th 2012, 11:30 pm

Nate couldn't help it the thought that she didn't recognize his last name was just to funny, he bent over double laughing nearly spilling his coffee. "I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude but really, it's far to rare that someone doesn't know my name. The suit is an acquired taste from my father I suppose and I don't have school because I already graduated college courses by the time I was 12, you see I'm a really fast learner thanks to some special talents of mine." He paused to take a drink of his coffee, "You see us rich heir kids tend to be put on accelerated learning programs, I was on a vastly different level than most people like me. I'm exempt from attending school even though I'm underage and work as the Manager of the entire north eastern district of Helcraft Pharmacueticals, days where I get to do nothing are hard to come by."

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Pascale June 12th 2012, 11:44 pm

Lyra stared at him dumbfounded Nate broke out laughing. It wasn't till he explain who he was to her the she understood why. Her face flushed red with embarrassment. "Now I feel really dumb." She took a long sip of her coffee as he continued to talk. "Unlike you I grew up on a farm, but I understand what it's like to have... special talents. Also unlike you I wasn't able to finish high school, but I have my G.E.D. now." She took another sip of coffee. "How can you stand to be cooped up behind a desk all day, didn't you have a childhood? Have you ever done anything spontaneous? I mean how could you? No offense of course but at 12 I was riding horses out in open fields not cramming for exams."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2012-06-11

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Van Helcraft June 19th 2012, 1:31 pm

Nate doubled over laughing again, he hadn't had a reason to laugh this this much in months,"You realize i could have been referring to simple talents like photographic memory right, I love how you just assumed, but it was a correct assumption nonetheless. My powers are vary useful but not for simple behind a desk work, as the manager I imply that it is my job to keep the place running smoothly by locating corporate spies, finding people with bright minds and futures to work on the development of medicine and bio machines, and keep our competition from rising to threaten our position as the worlds largest pharmacuetical company, how is that for a spontaneous life? And yes I did have freetime growing up, though it was used for making connections and such, though I do have a beautiful white stallion who has black stars on his legs, Gallahad'shis name you want to meet him? He won't let anyone other than me ride him but he loves to be groomed, that horse knows it's beautiful and loves to show off." He said draing the last of his coffee, and waving down a waitress for a refill.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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In the Cafe Empty Re: In the Cafe

Post by Sponsored content

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