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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Chellizard June 20th 2012, 1:21 am

Chelle wanted to smack herself on the forehead when Andree spoke up, and in Italian. Chelle, too, had the accent. It was her second language. Latin was her first. Then Arabic, and Italian. And she learned all the other languages that followed as well. Why? Well, because she had to keep with the times. And she was always moving and traveling the world. She had seen nearly everything. Nothing was really ever new to her; except technology and space. She had not breached Earth's surface yet; unless you count Heaven and Hell as breaching the Earth's surface. She, however, broke her chain of thoughts and smiled at both Andree and Victoria. "Well, it seems that Andree does know Italian.. I was told by Nate that you did not know Italian. I suppose it comes from the incident." She said, brushing over it lightly.

She then changed the subject back to guns and weaponry. "Ah yes. You should have a good shot, Andree. Let's see, shall we?" Chelle walked in first and didn't bother changing out of her gown. She figured it would be fun to shoot while wearing it. She was given ear protection, and a table was filled with three of every gun available for them to use, along with all types of ammunition. Chelle selected, for her first gun, a simple sleek .44 magnum; six chambers, and just simply gorgeous. She stepped into her booth and pressed the button that pulled up her target sheet and then took a couple shots. Without looking. She held the gun with her right hand, her left moving to cover her eyes. She shot, twice. The two bullets hit directly between the eyes of the target sheet, and the 'heart' of the target. She opened her eyes and shrugged. "Guess it's luck, eh girls?" She grinned and chuckled before taking her other four shots, just for fun, on a new sheet.

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Sim June 23rd 2012, 11:43 pm

Victoria didn't see fit just to ignore Andree's Italian inquiry, which would only drive the point home something was being hidden. "Oh, it's nothing Miss Andree. I may not look like it, but I used to be in the military. I believe I prefer civilian life though." She responded nonchalantly in a pleasant voice, giving her a half-truth. "But I'm sure you're quite the marksman yourself." She said as they followed Chelle into the empty shooting range.

They walked into the shooting alley and Chelle took a turn, boasting an impressive accuracy for a biological creature, though she wasn't exactly human.

"Guess it's luck, eh girls?"

Victoria cocked her head. "Luck is merely a word for the things you forgot to measure beforehand." She got the feeling she was up next, so she picked up a revolver and stood at the booth beside Chelle. She put on the goggles and ear protection. Completely unnecessary of course, but there was no reason not to go through the motions. She raised the pistol in her right hand, and emptied it of it's bullets. Her arm moved only slightly after each shot, readjusting, she didn't seem to be much affected by recoil. Though she shot six times, only two round holes appeared in the target sheet, one in the center of each target on the black humanoid outline. In fact, three bullets each passed through each hole, falling right on top of each other at the back of the range. She emptied her used shells in the proper place and set her gun down. She was done, she supposed, though she was exactly sure how much firing she was expected to do. She had never actually been to a place like this. She took off her ear protection and set them down as well. "I suppose now it's the young lady's turn to show us how it is done."
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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Mockingbird June 24th 2012, 3:57 pm

Hearing Chelle refer to the 'incident', as she called it, made Andree grind her teeth. She hated having to hear people talk about it around her with sympathy, or as if she was weak. She hated hearing anyone talk about it, especially when that person was Chelle. Chelle was connected to Nightkill, that's what set her apart from everyone else in Andree's mind. Andree glared out the window, resisting every urge she had to bitch slap Chelle right now.

They arrived at the shooting range and Andree let the other two go first. She wasn't fond of guns but would use them if necessary, though, in this environment, she was fine with using them. She wasn't going to try hard, just take a few shots on the target and be done with this. But, then the lady, Victoria, made her comment about Andree 'showing them how it's done'. She took that as a challenge that she silently accepted. She picked up her goggles and ear protectors. Her arm reached over and grabbed a cloth that was lying on a bench. Then her other hand grabbed a gun identical to the one Chelle had used.

She walked up to the spot where you took your shot and slipped the cloth into her goggles, blinding her. Then she licked a finger and held it up to see if there was any kind of air conditioning that she might not have noticed. Nope, all good. She then returned that finger to the gun and took six shots. Three shots passed through each hole, like Victoria's did. As soon as she finished, she set the pistol down on the table once more and removed the cloth from her goggles, smirking on the inside.

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Chellizard June 24th 2012, 5:55 pm

Chelle had clapped and jumped up and down slightly for Victoria. "You are most definitely amazing, Victoria! Bravo!" Chelle was happy as a clam and then her eyes slid to Andree. She watched the girl, and could tell she was upset that Chelle had brought up 'the incident.' Chelle needed to tell her that she left Nightkill and was working now for herself. She was starting up Thrones one more time; to see if things could just.. be better than they were before. She watched as Andree took her shots, and then stepped back, satisfied. Chelle noticed the perfection in each target's bullseye, just like Victoria. Now she somewhat wished Andree were on her good side. She'd ask if Andree would like to be a part of Thrones. She would make for a good first Knight. "Very nice, Andree. Much better than me, I'm afraid.." Chelle clapped for Andree, smiling all the while.

Finally, Chelle had fun, toying with different guns, and encouraged Victoria and Andree to just shoot the targets, and have fun. Chelle did so, of course. She drew little pictures on her targets. Hearts, starts, simple little shapes and then two hours were closing in. They were about out of time, so with the quietness of the gun range, and with no one else in sight, Chelle decided it was time. She figured Andree wouldn't know what she was talking about to Victoria, so she decided to include Andree just enough. "Victoria, I'd like for you to be my right hand. I'd also like your full dedication and it would be an honor to have you within Thrones." Chelle was hopeful Victoria would agree and after she did, she clasped her hands together and smiled. "Wonderful! How about lunch? We could get whatever you two wanted. And I know you're not one for food, Victoria.. but, if you did want anything, I've got it covered."

-My DeviantArt-
A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
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Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Sim June 25th 2012, 5:48 pm

Victoria continued to shoot at a few targets, out of a kind of sense of obligation. Her accuracy didn't actually take any kind of effort, so there wasn't exactly entertainment value. Eventually closing time for the venue started to close in, and Chelle got to the point of why Victoria had been invited along. Chelle seemed to enjoy herself, at least. Andree Victoria still wasn't that sure how much Andree wanted to be there.

"Victoria, I'd like for you to be my right hand. I'd also like your full dedication and it would be an honor to have you within Thrones."

Victoria responded in the manner she did all things, quickly. "I'd be honored Chelle, truth be told I've grown tired of freelance work." She said a lot with a little, pledging her dedication to Thrones with a casual sentence. With that bit of business quickly put away, Chelle then suggested they move on to lunch. "Not much for food perhaps, but I enjoy the conversation that usually accompanies them. I would happy to come along." She said as she quickly put everything she'd used in its proper place and discarded the used shells properly. "I don't have any sort of preference, perhaps Miss Andree can pick a location?"
Post Adept
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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Mockingbird June 25th 2012, 8:29 pm

Andree took only six more shots, using another pistol lying on the table. What made the six shots so spaced out though was her determination to find a way to make it more interesting. In one instance, she was able to get her feet hooked onto a few bars on the roof and make a shot through the head of the target while upside down. Another shot was taken mid back flip. Each shot was taken a different and unique way in her own attempt to make it interesting. Just shooting the target while standing wasn't interesting to her. That was so mundane. Plus, she wasn't the type to take pride in her ability to shoot something with a gun, of all things. She only used them as a tool to save a life, or her own, if necessary.

When Chelle mentioned something, known as Thrones, to Victoria, Andree began to listen, hoping for more details. What was this Thrones she was talking about? But, unfortunately for Andree's curious mind, Chelle did not continue. And there was no way that Andree would actually ask her about it. She didn't want to be too obvious that she was interested in learning more. Not that she needed to join anything, Gracie, Sachin and her were forming a group of their own. They already had the base set, they just had GHOST searching already.

"Whatever." She said with a shrug, in reply to them suggesting she chose where to eat. "I couldn't care less."

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Chellizard June 25th 2012, 9:19 pm

The sound of rushed footsteps and the cocking of guns was heard down the corridor to the shooting range. Chelle rose a brow and defensively stepped in front of Victoria and Andree, her wings spreading out behind of her as she grabbed for a gun off of the table. A tommy gun. Very nice. The men walked in, and they had shotguns, and a couple assault rifles. Chelle allowed herself to cock the gun she was holding and chuckled. "You think you can just waltz in here and take whatever you want? I think not." Her wings curled gently and caught the bullets that were flying toward them. She was putting herself before Victoria and Andree. Maybe now Andree would stop being such a fussy little girl and come to her senses. Chelle was not a bad person; she just worked with bad people.

The thugs were angry now, and even though Chelle hadn't shot at them, they attempted to take her down with sprays of bullets. She however, was quick on the fly. She threw the tommy gun at them, the large bulky weapon distracting all of them just long enough for her to swoop in and take a couple of them out while Victoria and Andree backed her up. She shadow stepped behind of the crowed and grabbed one of the mean and based her forehead against the back of his head, knocking him out. She then dropped the body and swept a foot out and knocked another man down and kicked him in the temple with the toe of her stiletto shoe. This knocked him out quickly as well. Hopefully Andree and Victoria were doing their part.

-My DeviantArt-
A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Sim June 28th 2012, 11:17 am

Before their awkward lunch date could begin a large group of armed men attempted to corner the three ladies in the shooting range. "Which one of you invited them, I wonder?" Victoria said with a raised eyebrow. They could easily be enemies of Chelle of course, but a girl with Andree's ability was likely to have an unusual past as well. Shooting began quickly, the men obviously weren't interested in anything but bodies. Chelle stood in front and took the first wave of bullets, then jumped into the fray. Victoria had spent the first few seconds addressing Andree.

"Miss Andree, I'd advise you stay back. Since I doubt you would comply, I suggest we compromise and you stay back while firing." As she said this, she handed Andree a revolver. Not one of the ones they had used earlier though, this was one of Victoria's personal weapons. Three barrels led into an oversized revolving chamber that held 18 bullets. The gun ended in a comfortable white handle. It looked a bit like an oddity from the past, but it was much better quality then the guns laying around at the shooting range. No sense in andree having to try to obtain an inferior weapon when Victoria was a walking armory. This time she didn't wait for Andree to accept it like the money, she simply forced it on her. There wasn't time for anything else.

Victoria then shot forward, brandishing a revolver that matched the one she had given Andree. She moved with an incredible speed, sliding slightly to one side as a bullet flew past her. All the time she let loose with her weapon, even with her firing rate cut in half it was nothing to scoff at. Weapons flew out of hands and thugs suddenly found themselves lacking their trigger fingers. Victoria was refraining from killing any of them. Unfortunately She was not the only target, as the thugs went ahead and aimed for Andree as well. With superhuman speed Victoria put herself between Andree and a burst of assault rifle fire. The sound of bullets hitting metal rang out somewhere in the loud room as Victoria took several bullets to her left shoulder and torso, lurching back a bit with the force of the bullets. Before he could continue, the rifle-wielding thug dropped his weapon as both his trigger fingers became liberated. "having to repair this coat all the time really cuts into my time to start new projects you know." She said angrily at the thugs, as if they should feel bad for being so inconsiderate. "Ladies, please close your eyes." She said as her free hand tossed up a small cylinder, a flash grenade, which exploded with a bright burst of blinding light.
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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Mockingbird July 13th 2012, 2:51 pm

Though Andree wasn't looking towards the door, she heard the footsteps of thugs entering. Since she was looking away from the door and no one could see her face at the moment, a brief smile appeared on her face. These guys had really bad timing, if they came about five minutes later they could have actually been successful. Turning to face the door, smile still present in the form of a small smirk, she allowed her eyes to scan the men. Their hands held shotguns and assault rifles, nothing out of the ordinary. "Not me." She muttered to Victoria, who had asked who invited the thugs.

"No." Was her simple reply to Victoria, who had suggested that she stay back and shoot. Once Victoria shoved the gun into her hands, she placed it on the table. Guns were so boring to fight with, you got no fun with it and, if you messed up, you might kill someone. When Chelle tossed her gun at the thugs to distract them, she sprung into action at speeds no human could match without a vehicle or device. She didn't stop her sprint, collecting a shotgun and an assault rifle from two men and placing them down on the table before going back to fight them.

When she got back, one sent their fist out towards her. Andree's arm just shot up and slapped the fist off course. She gave the man a mocking, questioning look, as if asking 'what's wrong?'. Her fist then collided with his stomach as she leaned back to avoid getting kicked by the other man simultaneously. Her arms reached back and grabbed the man's arm that was still over her face, and snapped it. The man collapsed on the ground in pain and felt shoe against his head before he floated into unconsciousness. The first man, however, was still moving. He sent a kick towards her, which she grabbed and snapped his leg. The look on her face showed him just how unimpressed she was. As that man collapsed, he also felt a shoe against his face before slipping into unconsciousness. Just then, Victoria put herself in between Andree and a spray of bullets. "Thanks." She said before turning away and shielding her eyes to avoid the effects of the flash bang.

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Chellizard August 21st 2012, 9:26 am

Chelle allowed herself to move with grace, having moved behind of the men by shadow-stepping. She mainly stood back, and sent a kick or fist into a man that staggered her way, a small smile playing her lips while she dipped, ducked, and swayed out of the way of bullets and et cetera. Her wings acted as her shield, curling gently around of herself just as Victoria called for them to shield their eyes. "Of course you'd carry flash grenades!" She laughed and once the effects were mainly avoided for herself, Victoria, and Andree, one of the men were smart enough to bury their face into his coat's.

Once he looked back up, Chelle's elbow came down upon the back of his head and she was left with a soft smirk curling over her lips. She chuckled and stepped over the men, using them as a cushioned walkway. "Well, then. Shall we head to lunch? Or is this where me and Victoria split ways with you, Andree?" she asked, curious with a hand moving to brush a piece of hair from her eyes. She let her eye lashes fall and caress her cheeks for a moment while she looked down, but then her attention rose to look toward Victoria. With a pile of mainly unconscious men on the floor, and a mess of assault rifles, Chelle had to laugh lightly. "Let's go take our business elsewhere, shall we?" she then stepped toward the exit, her hands grabbing the edge of her skirts as she walked toward the exit.

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Covert Operative's day off. (Mockingbird and Chelle)

Post by Sim December 4th 2012, 11:09 pm

Andree ignored Victoria's offer, choosing to run into the fray. "Impetuous child, if I were anyone else you'd be in my way." Victoria commented to herself while firing well-place bullets into the crowd of hostiles.

After all the men lay unconscious Chelle casually mentioned lunch. Andree decided to take her leave, Chelle apparently unsuccessful in repairing whatever relationship they had had. Victoria looked to the mass of bodies. Generally speaking, she didn't leave loose ends. "I suppose if they had been smart enough to know who I am, they wouldn't have bothered with this tactic. Which I suppose's not my problem." Despite what she said, Victoria would look into the matter later. Not out of concern for either of the other two women, but simply because that's what someone in her line of work does.

"Let's go take our business elsewhere, shall we?"

"As you wish." Victoria retrieved the pistol Andree had set aside, and fixed her slightly bullet-hole ridden coat. "I do not require food, nor do I have the ability to enjoy any aspect of it." Chelle already knew Victoria was not human from her time in Thrones, so Victoria saw no need to keep up any illusion. "Though if my preference is taken into account I would favor a place....that has music." Victoria felt odd making a request for anything outside the practical for some reason. She stepped over one last body, and headed out the door behind Chelle.
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