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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Hana Saku May 21st 2012, 6:27 pm

The sights of New York was as astounding and impressive as ever, at leas to the young 21 year old Super Human that maneuvered through the allies of the Concrete Jungle. The white-haired, light blue-eyed, eyepatch-wearing Acid Manipulator made his way through gang territory in the place known as Hell's Kitchen. His consisted of a black, cloak-like cape, a black, skin-tight shirt, black pants and black boots, the outfit he wore when he escaped the lab. He was just about to continue on his way when some generic gangbangers approached him with manners of weapons surrounding him carefully. As soon as he was surrounded, the gangbangers asked, more like demanded, he hand over all his valuables. The very thought these moronic nobodies would dare threaten him was hilarious but it also pissed him off. He was much better then these worthless imbeciles and he wasn't going to let them push him around.

He gave them an amused grin as he spoke up in a superior tone of voice. "You worthless imbeciles have amused me with your pathetic attempts to intimidate someone of a superior standing as myself and you made my laugh in my mind for a bit so just for that, I will give you one chance to get your worthless carcasses out of my sight or else I'll melt all of you" he said to them as he crosses his arms with a smug grin on his face. The gangbangers and moved in to take care of him, causing him to snort in amusement. His retaliation was to spit on the gang member that appeared to be the leader and watched in satisfaction as the highly corrosive acid proceeded to melt him. The gangbangers backed away from him but he was gonna have none of that. He formed a pair of acidic knives on his hands and watched in glee as they forced their way through flesh and bone with ease as they forced the fleshy obstacles to melt and give way as he cleanly disposed of them. He looked around and decided to get rid of the evidence spitting a huge glob of acid on the corpses and watches as the gangbangers and the clothes they wore melted into puddles. He smirked in a smug manner as he got rid of the evidence and continued on his way, not at all concerned that someone might have seen him and went to call the cops. If those worthless pigs did show up, he'll just melt them all. Not like he would care about some worthless, corrupt law enforcement. The only good law maker and law enforcers were dead ones.


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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Dustin Waugh May 21st 2012, 6:56 pm

Dustin was off today wondering the night in the alleys of New York. He wad in seek of stupid people like muggers, rapist, pedifiles, and many more sick bastards. He was in search to find drug loards and put an end to their activities. As Dustin wondered around in the alleys asking people for information, everytime no one gave him any he had to quickly get away. This night was turning out to be good because when they go back to tell who o so ever was in charge they will look for his blood, but it would not be Dustins spilling out. As he spread the word over town that he was looking for these bosses it became easier to find people. All he had to do is wait for them to show their ugly ass faces.

Dustin was walking in one alley were he seen a sight of a one way fight. He watched as one guy Manipulate corrosive liquid. He immediately took the three thugs down in no time flat. Dustin decided to confront this man inhoping for peace. Let's just hope he was not looking for blood. Before the guy actually left the scene he decided to talk to him. He walked up to the guy directly infront view, he kept his focus and was ready to draw his sword at anytime. He did not make it noticeable that he was ready to pull his sword. He calmly said to the man, Hello my name is Dustin and I seen what you did back there and I believe you would like to talk to me because we are more incommon then you know he said seeing if he could strike the curiosity of this man. He looked at this guy prepared for the worst.
Dustin Waugh
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Tman1Q May 21st 2012, 7:47 pm

Travis loved everything about New York City. The bustling passengers, the tourists, and even the faint smell of hotdogs that lingered in the air. It was a nice night for a walk, which many people took advantage of on this paticuliar evening. "Well, Time to get to work. I'm bored, anyhow." He muttered to himself in the stillness of the night, pulling on his mask to complete his costumed disguise. He pressed down his index finger and second finger on the trigger of his Webshooter, applying 2 tons of pressure to it almost casually while aiming for the corner of a medium sized building. The sticky web-like fluid splurtted out, sticking to the corner. He tugged on it a few times to make sure it was safe, but felt dumb afterwards, mainly because he had made it. "Test run number two. Lets go for not dieing this time." He thought in his mind before leaping off the roof he was placing himself on, holding on to the web-fluid tightly. He felt exhilarated, letting go after reaching maximum swing height, pressing down the trigger to the webshooter on his left hand to continue to swing. After a few minutes of child-like enthusiastic swinging and leaping off buildings, he stopped on the wall of a nearby alley. Looking down, he noticed drops and spots left from some sort of...acid? He didn't know what to make of it untill he spotted two figures seeming to be engaged in conversation. "Is something about to go down?" He asked himself curiously, deciding to continue to observe the situation and possible find out what had happened in the alley.

Last edited by Tman1Q on May 22nd 2012, 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Dylan May 21st 2012, 9:47 pm

Robert was wandering around New York City, just like any other night. He wasn't looking for trouble, or anything in particular, just something to do. He was wearing his usual outfit: black skinny pants, black cowboy boots, black sports jacket, black dress shirt, and his signature black Wayfarer RayBans. Of course, he had his two titanium katanas strapped to his back and 3 handguns on him because you never knew what could happen in this city. He saw a hot dog stand and instantly became hungry. He was pretty skinny guy, yet he ate a shit ton of food, thank his metabolism for keeping him so fit. He walked up to the guy and asked for 2 hot dogs with only mustard on them and a soda. He paid the man and said thank you with a smile. He ate one hot dog immediately, though it was junk food, it was delicious nonetheless.

He gulped down all of his soda, he didn't realize how thirsty and hungry he was until this moment. While eating his second hot dog, he saw a man take down some thugs with a weird ability, was that corrosive acid? Complete and total overkill. He chuckled and watched the event take place. The guy wasn't that skilled of a fighter, but he didn't have to be considering the fact that they were thugs and his weird abilities. He must have been new around here, it's like the thugs seek out the new people to terrorize. He finished the hot dog, it would seem to anyone else that he had inhaled it because of how quickly he had eaten it.

He took out a cigarette and lit it, it was like a routine. He started smoking it and was about to leave when someone new came into the picture. Some random kid walked up to the guy and it seemed he was trying to force a conversation, it was so awkward and the kid looked like a complete dumbass. Robert shook his head in distaste, wondering what encouraged him to do something like that. It's like he wanted confrontation, as if he wanted to start a fight. He was bored and had nothing better to do, so he was going to watch the events. It seemed he wasn't the only either, a certain web-slinger was watching from the shadows. Robert only knew this because he saw him carelessly swinging from building to building while Robert was buying the hot dog. Robert wasn't one to do something unless he felt the need to, that's why he didn't interfere in the acid guy's earlier confrontation because he saw that he had it under control. He continued smoking his cigarette, waiting for something fun to happen.

Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Troglodyte May 21st 2012, 11:42 pm

Ghwarr still had a black hole in his heart since that fatefull day when he found and lost one whom he loved. It was a tragic tale, and even though the span of a day was like a drop in the ocean compared to the millenia Gwharr had been alive, it was a drop powerfull enough to taint the ocean, if only for a while. Ghwarr had tried to find a meaning with Auroras death, some hidden insight or something that would explain it somehow, something that made it significant rather than just another body in the wake of the New York Invasion. A part of him wished that they had never met, but another part knew that their meeting had been unavoidable. She had been sent into his life to teach him about humanity and to make him a better person. To use his strength to help those that could not help themselves, and to protect those that were bullied and threatened by those stronger than themselves. He could not help but to think it Ironic that someone even less human than himself would be able to teach him about humanity.

That was why he had expanded his little "kingdom" into the city of light, Annexing the most poverty-stricken slums so that he could protect the innocents dwelling there, and even though he must look monstrous and strange to the inhabitants, they had accepted his help, even going so far as to leave slabs of meat out for the "Sewer-Troll" as they affectionately called him.

Even though he usually chased the thugs and muggers out of his little kingdom, he could not condone the behaviour of the man that he had seen melt them into puddles of goo. He could not stand for such horrid behaviour, even to those that preyed on others, Aurora would not have stood for it, and neither would he!

Despite His massive size, the Massive, Maladjusted Murder-Hobo was as quiet as a church-mouse, slowly and stealthily following the man untill he stopped to talked to another man, being well outside the territory that Gwharr thought of as his "Kingdom". Now he would be free to rip this man to pieces, but not without properly announcing a challenge. The 1110 pound heavy, 7'8 tall monstrosity stepped out of the shadows, his massive shoulders so broad that he almost blocked the entire alley behind him, and his arms so long that he used them as extra legs. Each of his fingers where as thick as a man's upper arm, and the palms they where attatched to where as big as trashcan-lids. He stood up on his hind legs, his massive hands turned into fists as he started beating his chest like a Primate as he bellowed out a bestial roar at the men.

"You! You be one who step on those smaller than you'se! To be one kills for no reason! To have no right to set foot in the kingdom of the Primordial!" Gwharr snarled at the long-haired man who had somehow managed to melt the muggers. True, The Crude Cannibalistic Caveman would probably have killed anyone who attacked him as well, but if they decided to back away, he would have let them live. Still, he would not usually see any problem with killing attackers, even though they asked for mercy, after all, it was their own fault for initiating combat, but this man, he had done it with a smile, and an arrogant smile at that. It was obvious that he thought he was entitled to behave as he did, and this was what Irked the Grimey, Gruesome, Gargantuan Giant more than anything. He had met people that thought they where above others before. The Zombieman he had met long ago had the same sort of smile that this man had. The same sort of arrogance. The belief that the life and freedom of others where theirs to take, theirs to step on. Well, now the caveman had decided to show these arrogant pricks what it would feel like to be stepped on by other people rather than to step on them. . . They where just like the man that had turned Ibis loose on the world!

Yet, Aurora would definately not approve of just killing the man without giving him a chance to repent, to turn over a new leaf. To be mercifull had always been her way. "To think that you is deserve of death, but to have been taught by my love to give mercy. To give you chance to flee!" He said, his inhumanly deep, gravely voice oozing with bloodlust and barely-repressed rage. Yet, he owed it to her to give them a chance.
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Forceaus May 22nd 2012, 1:09 am

Forcewave was sitting in one of New York city's many and I do mean many backalleys that night stowing away behind some abandoned building just thinking about whatever thought came to mind no matter how random it was.His thoughts often tended to be very random.At that moment in time however he was thinking of something simpler.Despite all the streetlights and lamps and other sources of light that littered the streets of this city it was still easy for some to sneak around and it had allowed him to be completely hidden.Sure all these lights had the positive effect of helping people see where they were going at night they also presented another effect that which he found to be a negative one.They made it impossible to truly see the night sky.He looked up at the sky and could not see a single star at all.He missed living in the countryside where the night sky was full of such stars.It was only then that one could see what the night sky really was.

He was currently wearing his costume for he had not to long ago prevented some criminal activity.It had been a looting attempt of one the closed down shops or something.It no longer mattered to him even though it had just occured.He had other things on his mind.He knew that he should be heading home soon but for some reason he just could not for the life of him bring himself to do so.He was trying to figure out why but nothing whatsoever came to mind."Guess I'll just hang out here for no reason at all.It's not like I haven't done anything less stranger than this."He said to himself silenty as he continued sitting there just thinking.

This moment wasn't all that was strange.His entire day had been so.A rather long day full of strange occurences.First his alarm had gone off at the wrong time, then it rained in an isolated area and a kid who was smaller and scrawnier than he was knocked out a full grown man in one punch and various other things.He didn't know why these things surprised him with the way this world was.Even the things that he himself had witnessed made it so that nothing should surprise him.Yet for some reason they still did.

The city was rather quiet that night.Possibly because so many people refused to go out at night anymore.Not since the attack on the entire city not to long ago.Much of the city was in ruins.From the very back alley he was sitting in he could see extensive damage that still remained.He wondered why anyone was still living here at all considering how scared everyone seemed to be.

Off in the distance he could hear a disturbance.People were shouting and screaming about something.He quietly made his over to where the commotion was occuring.There he could see a man dousing people in acid.There bodies were dissolving away to nothing due to the acid they were now covered in.It was a sickening sight indeed.He was going to confront this man who had made all that acid but before he could two other people quickly showed up."Well this was getting interesting."He said to himself in his mind.He had no idea who any of these people were.The next individual to appear was someone he did know however.

The one known as captain caveman that he had met before on another dangerous occasion had appeared and looked ready to slaughter the acid user.Forcewave could not blame him.He had learned that that individual did not take kindly to senseless killing.He was worried however about him possibly being outnumbered by all the other people that had gathered.Quickly he made his way onto the scene."You are not going to get away with that."

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Hana Saku May 22nd 2012, 10:09 am

He smiled at his work and continued on his way when he was stopped by some unknown male wanting to initiate conversation with him. An annoyed look crossed his face as he proceeded to blow off the nobody that tried to approach him and converse with him. "Get out of my way. I have no time to talk with worthless imbeciles" he said as he brushed past the person with the sword. Before he could walk away though, he was approached by some large, hairy bigfoot like beast that appeared to be trained to talk and some other no name dude that approached him. "What is with you imbeciles and annoying your superiors? You're like rats fleeing a sinking ship, so many of you coming out of the proverbial woodwork" he said to them with an annoyed scowl before he turned to the hairy giant, scowling at him. He was barely able to make out what he said and what he managed to figure just made his scowl slightly larger.

This guy was giving him a chance to flee? Did he think he was scared of the giant imbecile? Well, he better think again. He wasn't scared of anyone or anything. Just as he was about to open his mouth to reply to the giant, another came up and said he wasn't going to get away with what he did. He narrowed his eyes at the caveman and the pretentious imbecile that were apparently trying to get in his ways did a surprise attack as he fired a stream of acid from his left eye, the eye not covered by an eye patch, at the two of them. "Worthless imbeciles. Know your place. Don't make me angry or I'll turn both of you into puddles. I have some corrupt law enforcement to kill so get the hell out of my way" he said as he pushed the man with the sword out of his way in a rude manner as he proceeded to make his way into the streets.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Dustin Waugh May 24th 2012, 12:27 pm

Such rudeness, this guy was being a total dick just to the people he meet on sight. He talked in a rude behavior, but he had heard worse from his mother on her happy days. He was pushed to the side which really ticked him off, and then as the guy started to head in the streets, his vision started panning out to a guy lurking into the shadows, a beastly man, some random by standard screaming ridiculously, and a guy getting a hot dog. It seemed like these people just witnessed everything, but the only one Dustin seemed to focus on was people farther back. Dustin looked as the guy was walking away" Ok no more holding back, it has turned to all or nothing so I will let you try and take in my heated fury" he said in a sarcastic way.

It was time to focus, to many people have seen so now he had to pick a side, side with the onlookers or help this guy so he can use him for information. He slowly pulled out the sword from it's sheth and cloaked it with an aurora of his power. He was now in fighting mode. He heated his body heat to at a normal for him was on the 160's and the air around him was barley getting over 100 degrees

As he held the sword that was now cloaked in his ability, he quickly swung it to meet the guys neck to prevent him from leaving. He would choose his side after this and he did not care how many people saw him and he did not care were they were. Stop now impudent being; you are not just going to shrug me off like trash. That acid you shot is not normal, so now I'm demanding you tell me your story or would you prefer to die were you stand? With Dustin's sword this close to him plus his power already cloaked he hoped to intimidate the guy. Plus if this guy was smart he would just talk instead of engage in combat, if he did engage Dustin already took his move of getting his powerful weapon close to the guys neck.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Tman1Q May 24th 2012, 3:22 pm

By now, The Crimson Crawler had noticed quite a few things. First of which, He was definitly right about what the substance that was litering the alley way was. It was a corrosive acid, and it had definitly been used by one of the three..or rather Four people in this alley. The second thing he noticed, was that there seemed to be other observers other then himself. A large beast of some sort seemed to oppose the sword wielding man, and another man seemed to be faintly watching from the sidelines with a ciggarette in his mouth. He could smell it from the side of the building he was on. "Okay. A caveman monster, a dumb talker, a mystery observer, another random guy, and a jerky silver-haired guy in a halloween get up?" He thought to himself, then looked at his own costume. "Okay, but MINE look like PJ's which are definitly a step up from a halloween costume." He cleverly assured himself. The eyes on his mask widened to show that he was surprised. This happened in reaction to his ideas being proven right before his very eyes.

After what seemed like a small conversation between the Beast-like figure and the sword-wielder, the white-haired sword-wielder viciously released a corrosive acid in a straight line towards the two people who confronted him. He knew that it was him that had had used the acid in the alley, and by the way they were talking to him, definitly not in the most heroic way possible. He slowly crawled down along the wall to get a closer look as well as better hearing over the conversation. He frowned when he saw the arrogant way he shoved off one of the four. The way he reacted was by unsheathing his sword that was now surrounded by some sort of strange aura Once he heard about the swordsmen having some "Corrupt Law Enforcement to kill", he knew he had to take action. Sure, he knew that not all police were friendly, but killing them would just make things worse. He aimed his Web-Shooter at the back of the White-Haired Swordsmen, applying 65 pounds of pressure to the trigger, and releasing a small blob of web-fluid from both his webshooers, aimed at the mouths of Dustin and the strange swordsmen in order to stop them both from taking for a little bit. "Hold it, Guys. I know it's New York, but you don't just go around killing people--" He stopped his glance on Anarchy, but really did want the man to think about what he was planning on doing. He didn't like people doing things out of revenge, and especially not one that would put blood on his hands. Yes Yes, he's a delinquent and denies authority on a regular basis, but this wasn't about him anyway. Maybe he was being a hypocrite, but once again, he didn't exactly ponder the subject too long. "--or starting up random magic fights or whatever you were planning to do." He continued on, this time looking at Dustin. "So how about the six of us go out for hotdogs. Who's with me?" He asked in his usual sarcastic tone.

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) TheCrimsonSpider

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Dylan May 24th 2012, 10:49 pm

Robert watched as two more individuals showed up on the scene: A giant caveman and a man with a cowl over his eyes. The caveman didn't like how the acid guy treated the crooks he took out, which Robert understood fully. He would have just knocked them out, not turn them into puddles. It was overkill and totally unnecessary. The man everyone was against spit acid at the two newcomers and then pushed the silver-haired kid out of the way. It was rude and the little respect that Robert had for the man had gone down the drain, it completely vanished into thin air. The silver-haired retaliated by emitting heat from his body onto a sword and holding it at the man's neck. He was threatening him, which made sense considering the circumstances.

The tension between the group could be cut with a knife, it was getting a little too dramatic for Robert. He began walking towards them, but the wall-crawler got to them before he could and tried to act as the voice of reason. Robert knew that it wouldn't work out too well, they were too close to the edge. Robert got there and took a drag of his cigarette. "Well, if I were you, I wouldn't pick a fight here, buddy. You're clearly outnumbered and outmatched. Damn, big guy over here could take you down by himself." he said while pointing his thumb at the caveman. It would 5 v 1, which is unfair, but when is life fair anyways?If this was to break out into a fight, he would easily take the side that was against the acid man. It's not that he hated the man, he just found him disrespectful and uncontrollably condescending.

Robert took one more drag and threw the cigarette butt at the feet of the acid man, to show his distaste for him. He blew the smoke in his direction. He was watching him, waiting for him to make any sudden movements. This man, to make up for his lack of skill, fought with dirty tricks. He didn't know that for sure though, but he wouldn't be surprised if that was his method of fighting. "And I don't know about hot dogs right now, man. I'm pretty full myself." he said with a smile on his face while wiping his eye. This moved his glasses a bit out of place, he moved them back into place, still watching the other man.

Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Troglodyte May 25th 2012, 5:25 am

Gwharr did not nearly have reflexes good enough to dodge the sudden glob of acid that came flying towards him. Even though the Crude, Clumsy, Carivorous Caveman had expected trouble, he had not expected the man to be able to spit acid through his friggin' EYE! That stuff was just disgusting. Gwharr was raising his arms in a rather feeble attempt to keep the acid out of his youthfull caveman face, but he was a smudgeon too late, and the glob of acid hit him straight on one cheek, where the skin immediately started to tingle slightly. Gwharr snarled angrily, since he knew that this would turn painfull. He had been the unfortunate recepient of acid-to-the-face-style attacks before. Several times, even, from different opponents. In fact, there seemed to be some mystical force flowing through the world, saturating everything, causing foes with acid-attacks to have some weird compulsion to lob their disgusting bodily excretions into his poor, unsuspecting caveman-face. He mentally cursed as the tingling feeling intensified int the all too familiar burning sensation, that told him that that the acid was eating its way through his skin now.

He quickly moved a large hand, upt to his face, using his nails to literally dig the acid out together with a small amount of skin and flesh before casting it aside. The whole thing was very painfull, and the caveman groaned in pain, his jaws clenched shut as he did so. Even if he normally considered mutilating his face to be a rather poor strategic choice, he would rather loose a little more skin, than let the acid eat its wayfurther in. Besides, his regeneration had alredy repaired all of the damage he had suffered thus far, and so, the acid-attack had been neutralized in about three seconds flat.

"To not Flee? To be bad choice." Gwharr said, his deep bestial voice surprisingly calm and mellow, speaking to the entire crowd around him, but even so, there was a slight undertone of menace. A promise of grim deeds to come.

"To be enough talkings! The Primordial will SMASH!!" He roared, his earlier so calm and restrained voice filled with rage and bloodlust, plus a volume so loud that a nearby car-alarm seemed to go off on its own. He quickly raised two massive fists, eac of them as large as the torso of an average man and uncerminously and seemingly effortlessly smashing one of them into each of the two office-buildings that this narrow little alley ran between. Gwharrs superhuman strength was so darned over-the-top powerfull that this little 'lovetap' was enough to cause the two walls crack and to collapse over the small crowd of super-powered individuals, threatening to bury them all beneath a massive avalanche consisting of tons and tons of rubble.

Gwharr figured that this would be the end of his enemies, but was well aware that the rain of concrete, iron-girders and bricks would o nothing to him apart from messing up his haircut. After all, Gwharr was the strongest, toughest bad-ass caveman in the 'hood.
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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Forceaus May 25th 2012, 8:13 pm

The man who had killed all those others using acid did not seem to approve of any of the others that had showed up.This acid spitting creep sure was a detestable fellow indeed with the way he considered everyone else far beneath him.I suppose that was his very reason for killing those people.Simply because he considered them beneath him.He even pushed the first guy that had appeared aside as he tried to walk away.But he was not going to make it very far.

The guy he had pushed aside really seemed to take offense.He could not blame him for not taking to kindly to that to be honest.Though the manner with which he talked in was rather strange.The guy quickly pulled out a sword and help it ready to strike the white haired acid fiend.Forcewave decided to prepare to take action too.He really wasn't sure what course of action was the best to take.Sure this one guy had just melted some people but this other guy seemed dangerous as well.Well what a precarious situation this was.

Now what came next was actually made him want to laugh at the utter ridiculousness of it.These other two guys seemed to have no idea what they were experiencing.That or they were really afraid of anything that wasn't complete serenity in their surroundings.Whichever it was neither of these two seemed capable of managing such a situation as this.Even that strange substance that one of them had fired did not alter his thinking in the slightest.Upon closer inspection he could see that the substance was webbing like that of a spider's.How strange.

"Oh crap."That was all he could think of as a reaction to what had happened.That and the thought of immediately getting to safety for the massive caveman had caused the buildings on either side of the alleyway to collapse and the wreckage was coming down on everyone that was standing in the alleyway.Forcewave turned back and ran in the direction from whence he came to escape the massive amounts of falling debris as fast as he could.He ducked down slightly as he ran to give himself a bit more space between him and the wreckage.He made his way out from under where it was all coming down with only a moment or so to spare then turned around and looked back at what was the alleyway to see what had resulted of it.

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

Post by Chellizard July 26th 2012, 5:17 am

With a proper ending, this topic can be eligible for EXP to Forcewave, Trog, Dustin, Dylan, and Tmanq because Anarchy killed the topic.

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Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only) Empty Re: Anarchy Arrives (Dylan, Troglodyte, Tman1Q, Dustin Waugh and Forcewave Only)

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