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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah April 28th 2012, 10:14 pm

Twelve hours was such a long time to make anyone have to wait, even when you had an eternity to spend and twelve hours sank into twelve years as easily as one minute turned into two minutes. But on special days, the days when something spectacular or important was meant to happen, it became unbearably long. That was how Lahnah felt anyways as she stared out the display of a small café on Main street, waiting for the sun to set low enough for her to slip out. From where she sat, the window was on the other side of the building and her body was encased in deep shadows that hid any distinct details of her face or clothes; it appeared she was wearing a simple pale dress of some sort and a flaccid hat over loose pig tails that were nearly long enough to touch the floor but that was all anyone would be able to see.

Trying to distract herself, the girl unfocused her vision from the foggy glass of the window and stared around at the people sipping at their coffees lackadaisically. None of them knew what it was like to not have the luxury of that affluent little café, she wondered often what any of them would do if they had to spend one moment in her shoes, but then she always scorned herself for thinking such things. Everyone had their struggles, both big and small and many of her troubles were caused by her own hand so she never complained.

A despondent expression overcame her face after a few moments, but in the darkness of her shadow cocoon it was unlikely anyone noticed anything change. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon now, and she was feeling horribly weak, she hadn’t eaten in over a month and her body was taking a toll. She’d have to feast tonight before going about her business, it was frustrating as she despised gorging on human blood, but animal blood was disgusting and offered her no nutrition so she didn’t have much of a choice. Sighing with disheartened anguish, the vampire girl stood from her place in the back of the café and walked begrudgingly towards the door. She would find a man outside in a secluded area to do her business, and then go about what she really wanted to do that night.

The sun was no longer in view when she left the building and the moon was beginning to cast an eerie white glow over her teal hair. Her beauty was nearly incomparable, a trend most vampires seemed to possess, except for her sparkling blue eyes gleamed with tears. She was miserable on the nights she had to eat, and she had hoped she would be able to last another night before having to do so; tonight was special for her, the last thing she wanted to do was answer to the call of nature. It was her sister’s birthday, and though she had no idea where she was any longer, and the two hadn’t seen each other in four years, Lahnah made an effort to throw a small party for her anyways, determined not to ever forget about her passed life.

One of many issues with her food source was she had to hunt first, that was the hardest part for her, it involved seducing “prey” or sometimes trying to overpower them. Typically she just pinpointed someone then used her speed to sneak up on them and take a bite -that person would turn into a vampire shortly after but she preferred that over killing them. The only problem was when that didn’t work, she was very weak for her race and once the surprise was up, she had no way of defending herself except for a pistol strapped under her dress. It was as though she was just human with a few extra ‘needs’ and abilities.

Unfortunately, tonight was one of those nights where her usual plan didn’t fan out properly. She hadn’t noticed the group of men standing around the corner of an alley, nor did she detect the gang bandana hanging out of her targets back pocket. In a rush, and severely weakened from malnourishment, she attacked carelessly from across the street. Her foot tripped on the curb of the sidewalk and she took a tumble, rolling to a stop at the gangster’s feet. She felt her minor wounds begin to heal slowly but that wasn’t her concern because the previous target became the predator at that moment and she was helpless to control the situation.

“Woah! Yo, baby, what’s happenin’?” The man laughed, as though a gold coin had just appeared at his feet for him to spend as he wished. Terrified, Lahnah staggered to her feet, looking something like a deer caught in the headlights, and fumbled around for her gun. But as her fingers touched the cool metal, she remembered in devastation that she’d forgotten to load the clip from the last time she’d used it and pretending it was loaded never seemed to cross her mind. “D-don’t touch me!” She stuttered, almost backing up into a lamp post. The cool, crisp laugh of the man who was supposed to have been breakfast made her numb, and she thought about all those people in the café sipping on their beverages and munching on pastries as if the world was a perfectly safe place when just outside their cozy little worlds, this was happening.

“Now don’t be like that Sweet Heart! How about somethin’, huh? It would be a shame to waste that pretty face!” The panicked discussion seemed to alert the other men around the corner and soon Lahnah found herself surrounded by five others, all grinning menacingly. If her heart still could beat, she knew it would have been racing, and normally an adrenaline like response would have occurred and she would have just run away, but she was only feeling weaker and weaker every moment she didn’t eat.

Stop it, please!” She shouted and squirmed when one of them grabbed at her arms and started to drag her towards the alley, and the rest followed. The streets were filled with nothing put crack addicts looking for their fixes and things like rape happened all over the slums of New York City so often that unless someone was a police officer, no one ever tried to be the hero…which was exactly what Lahnah needed at that moment.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury April 28th 2012, 11:23 pm

Walking down the streets of New York, it had been some time since he had been back home. He ventured of his normal home grounds for some personal business at a museum. Unfortunately it was seemingly quite a dead end. He had healed up from his injuries by now, though his arm was a bit stiff still. He rotated his shoulder trying to stretch the muscles a bit. Somehow, he had been more comfortable walking at daylight in New York. He wasn't quite sure what it was. Maybe it was because he was part of a 'hero' group and felt more accepted, maybe he just stopped caring. He did still get the occasional wide-opened stare when he passed people in the busy city.

An intangible bubble formed around him, people went around him rather than brushing up against the tall muscular hero. With his cold stone skin and slightly glowing eyes, he didn't appear to be someone they wanted to brush shoulders with. He occasionally stopped here and there to stop at the stands set up along the sidewalks selling various items. Items varying from shirts that say "I heart NY" to postcards. Mostly targeting tourists.

Passing by a rough neighborhood, he didn't feel like picking a fight. Not today. It was decent weather for the polluted city. Hearing an echoing "Stop it, Please!" halted that thought. He wasn't going to ignore it, even before he gained his strength. Lightly jogging down the alleyway, it wasn't a pretty sight. It was the 'other' side of New York. The unfortunate, the drug addicts, the rough looking characters. He couldn't help but stare at one with an eye patch, curious how that occurred. He still needed to find the source of the scream though. Finally approaching the small gang of men surrounding the girl who was dragged into the alleyway, his feet slid to a halt a few feet back. He had hoped his appearance would be enough to make them run off.

"Why don't you leave the girl be, fellas." Sul's loud voice boomed out. "She's obviously not interested, so why don't you take a hint and buzz off?"

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 9:18 pm

Why don’t you leave the girl be, Fellas? She’s obviously not interested so why don’t you take a hint and buzz off?

It was like hearing the words of a god and then looking over and seeing one. The man was enormous, his muscles rippled with strength and his glowing eyes were like a comforting beam of hope for her. No one had ever tried to save her in the past, so the entire idea of it cause her to blink a few times to make sure it was real and not just a dream she wished would come true. When he still didn’t go away after that, she was sure he was tangible, booming voice and all and felt tears of joy slipping down her dirty cheeks.

Thankful was an understatement, the hero had caught the men just as one was in the process of unzipping his pants while another was working on hers. She had been gagged already by a bandana, so she wasn’t able to call out to her rescuer, but the look in her eyes should have been enough, if he had been any later the damage would have already been done.

“Oh yeah Big Guy? And what you gonna do if we don’t?” The man whom she had rolled into a few moments ago, spoke up, his arrogant tone showing that he was obviously the head of the group. At that point the same gangster turned and put his hands on her chest boldly, “Besides, she wants this bad, isn’t that right Momma?” He cackled while she squirmed, and the others laughed along with him, obviously none of them seemed effected by the sheer size of the male opposing them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the man pulled out a 9mm pistol and shot it three times at her savior.

Lahnah felt a sinking feeling grow in the pit of her stomach, how could he possibly survive that?

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury April 29th 2012, 10:47 pm

Gunpowder crackled as the bullets sailed through the air faster than his reactions were capable of dodging, but he didn't need to and wasn't going to try. Standing there still as a statue the bullets impacted on the surface of his skin, flattening the bullet tips and sticking to his chest. One of the bullets fell off and clinked against the floor. Sul had actually hoped they ran off, but it seemed they were going to be a bit cocky today, in more than one way. And if he didn't teach them a lesson, they wouldn't learn.

Taking a few steps forward, he lunged at the gang member with the pistol with an outstretched hand, grabbing him by the shirt and raising him into the air with one hand. With the other hand, he grabbed the barrel of the pistol and clenched his hand, causing the gun to bend like tinfoil. It was officially useless now. All he needed to do was teach one gang member a lesson, and the rest would hopefully learn from his example.

"I'm gonna kick yer ass, of course." he replied, before lunging his knee into the man's stomach. He wasn't going to dare use all his strength, but enough to almost make the guy pass out. The gangster gurgled as the sharp pain flooded through his nerves, quickly registering to his brain. Sul tossed the man across the alleyway like a pebble as he slammed into a pile of trash cans. He decided instead to lecture the rest of the gangsters.

"Looks like you're not the only ones who can take advantage of someone weaker than you. I won't tell you again, leave her be. Or I'll drag all your toothless carcasses to the hospital myself." He wasn't going to kill them, but he had achieved getting closer to the young girl. He was fairly confident he could protect her if they tried to use her as leverage now. All they had to do was run off like the cowards they were.

Last edited by Sul-Fury on April 29th 2012, 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 11:18 pm

Lahnah was so tense and relieved at the same time, she wasn’t sure how her body was handling the strange feelings all at once. She was happy that someone was attempting to rescue her while she was incredibly worried that he would get hurt. Of course all of her fear vanished when the bullets hit his chest and dropped to the ground like he’d just had coins thrown at him and nothing more. He was a super! So that’s where all his confidence came from, those thick muscles weren’t just intimidating…he knew how to use them! If she were free she could have kissed him, and probably would the moment she was let go.

She watched in amazement as the leader was picked up off the ground, kicked and thrown like he was a flimsy toothpick. The other gang members released her immediately and backed up, terrified; none of them want to mess with the monster especially not after that impressive display. The second Lahnah felt their grips off her arms, she yanked the bandana from her mouth and ran for her hero desperately.

She felt so tiny next to him, her 5’3, 100lbs could have been ripped into pieces as easily as he was tearing paper if he wanted but she didn’t care. The first thing she did upon reaching him was wrap her slender arms as far around his waist as she could, then hide behind his massive form, like a child clinging to her mother’s leg.

The men were scowling at this point but they did nothing to go after her or Sul, after a moment they just slipped into the shadows of the alley behind them turning around occasionally to make sure they weren’t be chased. Lahnah laid her head in the small of the male’s back, and sobbed, “Th-thank you…how can I ever repay you.” She whispered while trying to control the shaking in her legs. Of all the things to be scared of in this world, she didn’t appear to be frightened in the least by his size or glowing eyes, all she saw was a shining savior in the darkness of her attack.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury April 30th 2012, 12:19 am

His furrowed brows softened as the group ran off. The young girl who had hid in the safety of his wide frame softened his heart a bit. It was unfortunate that there were people out there like this who took advantage of people like her. Was unsettling to say the least. He could try as hard as he could in saving the world, but the minor crimes will always be committed. Next time he might not be there for her.

"Don't worry about that." When grabbing the main gang leader, he had noticed the one gang member had undid the zipper of his pants and she was in the midst of getting harassed herself. He stretched his arm around to guide her away from his body so he could see her properly for himself. His arm was firm, cold and smooth, but he was gentle to make sure he didn't harm her at all. First things first. Did they hurt you at all?

His eyes gazed at the girl to make sure she was okay. She was almost a foot shorter than him and very thin. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a while. Sul's eyes slit for but a second, but in irritation. He'd wait for her response before asking anything else. He couldn't just send her off like this until he knew she was safe.

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah April 30th 2012, 6:18 pm

Lahnah felt his cool hand, large and firm, rest on her back and guide her around in front of him. The danger was long gone, and no one was foolish enough to turn back and fight after the giant's show. "Don't worry about that" She had heard, his grumbling voice comforting, he just seemed safe to her, like one of those "big teddy bears" you hear people talking about. His sort of compassion wasn't like what she was used to receiving, not even from Cain, her protector and boyfriend. Granted Cain was also a bit more...eccentric?

The vampiress looked up at Sul with wide innocent blue eyes, her ankle length teal hair blowing off her face in a gentle breeze and revealing flawless flesh but for two horrible bags beneath her baby blues. She wore a simple white tunic top with spaghetti straps that kept falling off and shorts so small it made the outfit look like a dress as they couldn't be seen beneath the shirt. Nasty bruises were healing slowly on her elbow and shoulders, but other than that and being a little emotional, she seemed alright. Suddenly, however, the leader of the gang groaned in his stupor from across the street but her keen ears picked up the noise and she jumped, revealing that she was still quite a bit in shock. It didn't seem to matter how often she was abused in this manner, she never got used to it, she just learned to cope.

", I'm OK just a bit...shaken up." Fact of the matter was she still hadn't eaten anything in a month and the emotional wreck was quickly turning into something more serious, she seemed like she was about to faint. Her stance was swaying back and forth as she realized that her body was taken the last of her energy stores in order to heal her wounds and her words seemed to come in vague clips as she kept zoning in and out. "So...hungry..." She muttered, her head nodding to the side before she caught herself and tried to stand up straight. This was a most embarrassing situation for her, normally she didn't tell people she was a vampire, but she wasn't going to have a choice in a moment if she wanted to stay conscious.

"I need...blood." She whispered, showing her fangs and then collapsing slightly into his massive frame, praying he would figure it out and take her to the gangster before he woke up.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury May 1st 2012, 8:21 pm

He knew it, she was definitely hungry. The frail looking girl Though, he was a bit startled by the vampire comment. Though, he had seen weird things before, ranging from angels to demons. A vampire wouldn't be far fetched. He looked at his own hand, considering for a few seconds to give her his own blood to get her some strength but that wasn't going to work. He knew that even if she could puncture his skin, his blood had changed to an acidic substance that wouldn't be very acceptable. He frowned and looked away for a second.

His attention regained focused as the gang member got to his feet and started to regain his strength from dizziness. He was probably going to run away. It wasn't Sul's call to take his blood, the very life essence of someone. Even if it was only a little. He was running low of options. His best bet was to call in a favor.

"C'mon, I'll carry you to the hospital. I can get you a packet of donated blood there." he said, attempting to swoop the weakened woman up. She didn't look well on her feet. It wasn't her fault being a vampire, it was only part of her nature to need the blood, right? There was probably no substitute for a being like her. This would probably be the only way he could get her well with a good conscience.

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah May 1st 2012, 9:04 pm

Lahnah pulled away from his body and tried to regain a better stance but she couldn't stop her head from moving side to side; she felt her knees beginning to wobble with every sway of her slender figure, and felt like she could blow over with the next breeze. Her vision went in and out, taking in Sul's massive muscles in front of her one moment, then fading to black the next. The vampiress was always seeming to find herself at the mercy of others, that night was no different as she traveled from the vile hands of the gangsters and into the compassionate arms of this hero whom Fate seemed friendly to give her for once.

Thankfully, Sul didn’t waste any more time, he immediately picked her up bridal style, telling her he’d get help at the hospital. Her wide baby blues stared up straight into his eyes; tears were still clinging to her lashes and streaming down her face from the earlier encounter but her beauty was still immeasurable. Unfortunately her attractiveness had acted as both a curse and a gift in her depressing life, the thing was no matter which of these fates’ were thrown at her, she never stopped believing in the good in people. “What is your…name…” She asked, trying to keep herself conscious so she’d actually be able to drink the blood when it got to her.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury May 1st 2012, 9:39 pm

Carrying the young woman to the hospital, he had no plans of actually taking her in as a patient. He was merely going to just request a favor for a pint of blood for personal reasons. Given his status with the hero group in Tough Guys, he thought it probably would be no problem. While in his arms, she started to speak. Looking down at her, she seemed to be tearing up. His non-existent eyebrows raised up in sympathy for the girl. But she asked him for his name. For some reason, he didn't want to go by his hero name. Their relationship somehow felt more personal, like they could be friends. For the first time in years, he used his real name.

"My name is Alan." he said, smiling with only half his lip. "We'll be there in just a second." The automatic doors swung open as Sul walked in with the girl. He wasn't sure to bring her with him or not, he decided on bringing her over to a seating area for a moment while he went for his request.

"Stay here for just a few minutes. I'll be back, I promise." Sul went off and talked to the receptionist for a moment, requesting for the pint of blood though he did not specify why. At first, she was declining his request saying it was to save lives and emergencies. As expected, he had to pull out his "Tough Guys" status. The ace up his sleeve. He was saving lives, every day. Making an exception, a pint was delivered to him in a transfusion packet.

He walked back over to Lahnah, and held out the packet. "Here, this will get your strength back."

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah May 1st 2012, 10:30 pm

"My name is Alan."

Lahnah barely caught his name and the smile before her vision turned foggy again and by the time it came back he had already changed the subject, reassuring her their progress in getting to the hospital. "That's such Mine is...Lahnah." She replied then made a weak smile herself and added, "I like It gives me hope..." Her voice sauntered away then came back a little bit stronger before fading in the last few words again. Even while dieing, the vampiress didn't complain, nor did she demand anything from him, but instead tried to offer the only bit of helpfulness she could muster at the time, by instilling thankfulness and compassion. It appeared that her loveliness didn't make her part ways with the caring nature that so many gorgeous woman left behind, nor did it effect her opinion of the gentle giant that held her close and warm.

Lahnah didn't hear the revolving doors opening but she noticed the change in lighting as they went from the dark of night to the bright florescent nightmare that attacked her senses like an impaling knife. She cringed and closed her eyes quickly, shaking violently when the air conditioning hit her bare arms and the pain of hunger mixed with the sudden cold breeze to create a less than pleasant reaction.

"Stay here for just a few minutes. I'll be back, I promise." She clung to his words like a helpless babe, praying that he was telling the truth for she was too frightened to open her eyes once his body heat left her and she could feel that she was alone. In reality he could have dropped her off there and walked away if he wanted, leaving her to die in the arms of humans who didn't even know vampires existed, let alone how to take care of one. Then there were the other issues, such as Cain, whom she had wandered off from during the day when he couldn't come out, finding out where she was. He'd scold her for sure and her work load would no doubt get a bit heavier for her stupidity, though admittedly that all was the least of her concerns.

Her world stayed dark with a dim silver lining between her lashes and over her eyelids, unless she tightened her eyes in which case all the light would disappear out of existence and she would be alone in her foggy consciousness, trying desperately to hang on to the tail coat of life. "Here, this will get your strength back." The words of a guardian angel broke her out of silence and pulled her back to the light that she never really had anything to be afraid of.

Her eyes cracked open in response and she noticed, finally, that she had been sitting in a chair in a waiting room with one other patient. The hospital was tiny, especially for New York, he must have taken her to one that was a little more incognito, to which she was yet again thankful for. The next thing she realized was he was holding a pint of blood out for her, it was enough to last her another month at least, though it was likely Cain wouldn't let her go that long without food again, he'd make her hunt before he'd let her get this weak again.

Lahnah shakily leaned forward, fighting the urge to wobble from a strong sensation of vertigo as she did so, and clasped the pouch thirstily. Tearing the top off, and not caring about the bewildered look of the other woman in the room, who didn't exactly appear all there anyways, she chugged the liquid down like it was soda. It disgusted her that it tasted so good, she hated that she had to do it and she considered herself a monster, but she had to survive somehow and nothing else worked. "O-" She whispered when she was done. Her strength returned to her immediately, like she'd just taken ecstasy; her vision cleared, her hearing was no longer foggy, the muscles in her arms and legs stopped twitching, everything was normal again.

There was a scream abruptly from the lady in the room with them as she got up from her chair and booked it for the receptionists desk, pulling at her hair madly. "The-the-the-the! Blood! Giants!" Lahnah heard her stammer and frowned, feeling awful. "They're going to put her in an asylum..." She muttered to Alan, concerned.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury May 1st 2012, 10:55 pm

Relief filled Sul's face when the girl sprang back to life. For a moment she had him worried when she became lethargic from lack of nutrition. It made sense that she was an easy target in that kind of situation by the gangsters. They found her when she was weak. But now that she had regained her strength, what kind of person was she really? There was a woman in the room with them, but Sul hadn't bothered to care given the situation. She began running out screaming for the receptionist about her experience. In some ways Sul thought she would be used to supernatural beings, given how much had happened in New York alone. The day the Underworld opened up and demons ran through New York would have been enough to slam on the table as an example.

Something triggered in Sul-Fury's system, an unknown phenomenon. His eyes shot wide open as his heart rate increased dramatically. His bones felt like they were melting from within. Internally, he felt like he was being burned alive. The hulking creature finally felt its bane. After so many years of being a mutant, it began to have its first side-effect. "What is happening to me..." He thought as he staggered backwards and slammed his back against the wall. The burning intensified, sapping his strength. He clenched his teeth shut trying to endure the pain, though he wasn't sure what was happening. However, today something tragic was going to occur.

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah May 1st 2012, 11:34 pm

Startled by Alan’s sudden outburst, Lahnah jumped out of her seat and flitted by his side in a heartbeat. She ignored the problematic woman in the other room now; she was still babbling nonsense to the receptionist anyways. Clearly she hadn’t gotten out much or turned on the news any time recently, supernatural stuff happened all the time, especially in New York City. Still she supposed the scene would have been a lot to take in for anyone. To hear about the supernatural and to see it were two completely different things, she knew this from experience.

Alan! Hang on!” She cried, tears streaming down her cheeks as she placed her hands on his massive pecks and bit her bottom lip. The moment she touched him the palms of her hands glowed an eerie light blue, and small sparks flew up and around his body, she was trying to heal him. “I’m healing you! You’re going to be alright!” Her voice was breaking slightly from the shock, but other than that she kept a relatively cool mind. He was her friend, and she wasn’t going to let him slip away before she even got the chance to properly thank him. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought of the irony of this happening in a hospital…whatever this was.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Sul-Fury May 1st 2012, 11:54 pm

She was a healer? So she did have an ability, a unique one at that. Though the situation wasn't as ideal to be thinking about these things, his heart was gladdened that he helped someone capable of helping others. Placing her hand on him, her power began to ignite to hopefully heal the man. However, Sul-Fury was a mutant, and in the middle of his second mutation. This one was more violent than the first, he hadn't even remembered what the first felt like. To him, this was a whole new experience and he didn't know what was happening. But he knew something bad was going to happen.

Sparks flew as she attempted to heal him, however, it had a reverse effect. 'Healing' just speeds up the bodies normal functions. Therefore it can rid itself of toxins and mend wounds, sometimes even repairing lost limbs. However, in a mutation it also speeds up the functions, speeding up the mutation as well. Instead of a soothing response, he felt like she had just thrown him into the core of the sun. He used what little strength he had to throw himself backwards into the wall crashing through and onto the other side. He wasn't aware of her true powers, but it appeared that she deceived him in some way in lying about her powers.

The man crashed through the wall as the woman from earlier was explaining about a rock giant and a blood sucking girl. She screamed and ran away when he appeared in the same room as them. Sul-Fury was getting worse, though. He was on all fours now, and coughed up his acidic blood onto the floor, as it bubbled and steamed. He thought he really was burning internally. Thoughts of death consumed him. His body sent off an area blast of hot air through the room, and steam began to emerge from his body. The people nearby screamed and started running from the already strange looking man.

Looking up at Lahnah, he didn't know what was happening, but once again, it wasn't good. "Lahna-" he tried escaping through his lips, but a burst of fire emerged out of his mouth shooting 2 feet forward like a miniature flamethrower. Planting his forehead to the ground, it was no longer safe to look at anyone and speak. He was too weak to move, and nobody was strong enough to move the man who weighed approximately a ton.

"Get out, Lahnah!" he spoke, as flames burst out of his mouth and onto his lower half of his body. Being that his skin was flammable, it instantly caught fire and started to spread up the rest of his body rapidly.

Click for Sul-Fury's Profile Information
Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "You think you're tougher than me, punk?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 598
Age : 38
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Empty Re: Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul]

Post by Lahnah May 2nd 2012, 8:54 pm

Lahnah’s energy swelled up around the palms of her hands, blue energy flying everywhere as she concentrated heavily on trying to get through his tough skin, it was practically made of rock! However, she’d no more than just started to heal him when Alan reacted negatively by launching himself backwards through a wall, a look of agony on his face. The tiny vampire yelped as he did so, falling over onto her waiting arms which quickly died down to their regular pale flesh. She looked through the hole he made, confused as to why he’d run from her, and got up from the floor, chasing after her new friend.

The psychotic woman who was babbling nonsense, desperate to gain the belief of the receptionist who was kindly arguing that the patient was there because she had forgotten to take her medication, therefore she was probably just seeing things again. However insane she was though, she had been right about Sul and Lahnah, all it took to convince the others now, was Alan bursting through the walls and breathing fire.

Lahnah stopped dead in her tracks as the flames billowed from his maw like an angry dragon, and stood there dumbstruck as his skin caught fire. People went running out of the building screaming, a fire alarm went off next to her, and next thing she knew a police officer had grabbed her off the floor and carried her away. “…to safety…” was all she managed to catch her ‘rescuer’ say as he careened out the revolving doors with the others, a helpless Lahnah swung over his back like a rag doll.

Devastated, Lahnah reached her hand out towards Sul and shouted, “ALAN!! NO!” and with that the doors closed behind her and she lost sight of him. The officer who swept her away put her down next to him when they were at a safe distance and put his hands on her shoulders like a father would to a small child. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go back there, it isn’t safe…I will pray for your friend.” He told her, trying to smile at her, but she just looked at him sobbing. She felt as though it was all her fault that Alan was in pain, and whatever was happening to him was because she couldn’t heal him fast enough.
Please…” She whispered to the kind man, “Please…I don’t care if I die, please let me go back…I can save him.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she thought about how she could never forgive herself if he died because she didn’t go back to him. However, the officer only sighed and shook his head, calling over a paramedic who’d been in the hospital. “Are there any blankets around here? This young lady is in shock.” He told the woman who came over, she peered over her shoulder as though looking for something, then nodded and ran back to an ambulance that had been stopped during the evacuation.

She came back a moment later with a thermal blanket and handed it to Lahnah, but she was only able to resist the urge to hiss at her in her anger, let alone take the stupid blanket. The officer sighed again and tried to offer the warmth to her himself, but she didn’t need it and turned her head from him in cold silence instead. “Fine. I’ll leave you alone, but I’ll be watching you.” He told her, dropping the silvery fabric on her lap and walking away.
When he had left, Lahnah stared back at the hospital, her face soaked in tears, and her mind unable to process what was happening, all she knew was Alan was in there hurt and there wasn’t anything she could do about it but sulk.

Fury is as Sul-Fury does [Closed; Lahnah and Sul] Lasig10

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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