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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Chellizard April 28th 2012, 4:33 pm

This topic belongs to: Sean, Jack, and Ari/Ember. For invitations, ask them.

The sound of thunder was threatening the people of New York City this beautiful, murky, humid, slightly cold, gray Tuesday afternoon. Every now and again the thunder would wain off, and make less commotion; but of course it had to speak it's mind. The thunder wanted to make the clouds cry. Especially over a lonely comic-book store that was settled across the street from a cute little cafe.

A good thing about this cute little cafe was how many single women in cute outfits came by, got their drink, and then either perched on the cute little tables, or would go on with their day. It made it entertaining for all the people at the comic-book store. The most entertaining thing, other than the cute women at the cute cafe, was the sound of arguments, bustling, shuffling feet, and the bell above the door to the comic-book store.

A slightly gray-haired, well, more bald that gray-haired, short stocky man was behind the counter, sitting in an old padded stool with a low rise back. He had his arms crossed, and a scowl on his face.

He started this shop when he was young, and had big hopes and huge dreams to become a comic-book artist himself. Now, he could barely pick up a pen or pencil to write his own name, let alone draw a single panel for his graphic novel anymore.

So, needless to say, he was a grouch. But, despite his grouchiness, he was proud of his store. It was a pleasant size, and had updated comics, and older ones. The older comics were on digital drives and cost a lot more than some people were willing to pay for it; but there were very a many desperate fan out there. They would buy it.

The grouchy man stood with a lot of effort, his short plump frame hunched, his stomach barely held back from his high waist pants. He placed a pudgy hand of sausage into his pocket, with a bit of a struggle, and pulled out his glasses case. He opened it up and put the glasses on and then tended to a customer. He saw a blink out of the corner of his eye. One of the lights above him was attempting to 'die.' "Blasted light.." he said, his dencher-clad mouth slopping closed and open with each syllable. Maybe someone new would come into his shop today.

Hopefully one of those cute women from the cute little cafe.

Last edited by unrealistic.entity on April 28th 2012, 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) JiLqjv0
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Guest April 28th 2012, 4:39 pm

(Join as Sachin?)

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Arcana April 28th 2012, 8:26 pm

Seans nerves jumped in excitement at the crack of the thunder. Storms were something that made him feel truely alive and this was a wonderful day for him. Aaron had let him out fore the day,though he didn't even consider them dating. They were just.......nevermind about that. Sean was on the move and for one thing really. he was in the serch of manga and nothign would stop him from it. he was rich and nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted. Except for the presidential position but that shit turned your hair grey. Sean was too vain for that. He was chewing on a fruit flavored gum that was slowly losing its flavour, something to keep his mind off of smoking. Since he apparantly had to stop it due to health issue or shit like that.

His grey eyes looked about in excitement as he walked throught he nice looking comic store,one he had been pointed to not too long ago. His skin prickled as the rain water kissed it and slid down wetly. Though he wasn't a drop wetter from it. The place even had the smell of fresh comic book pages that brought nostaligia to him. His mom used to take him comic shopping all the time and memories came to his mind. Drawing an almost kiddish smirk across his face.

He began to peruse the selection with interest, eyes like scanners looking over titles. He pulled a few volumes of a certain series he was looking over. Fingertips dancing across the page as he held them crooked inbetween his arm and torso. After that he made his way to the cafe. Some people looked at him as he held the manga volumes pricariously ,making his order for a nice caffinated drink. Usually he dressed like what people would call emo but he decided it didn't suit him anymore. So Sean changed his style a little. including how he dressed,though his hair was largely unchanged.

He wore khaki colored shorts and a rainbow splattered graphic tee. His hair was a raven black that he swept to the side. " Hey I would like a caramel mochiatto thingie." He said flashing white teeth at the guy at the counter who only gave him the blankest stare,before entering the order. Sean payed him with his credit card and waited for his drink. Which didn't take too long to be made. With s sigh he juggled the drinks and entertainment as he made his way to the main register. He put the books down,buying about all ten of them. Though once they were in a bag, he went back to browse more. He was nowhere close to done

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on April 29th 2012, 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Guest April 29th 2012, 1:24 pm

Sachin was in New York on business, largely recovering from his time 'interviewing' Corra and also 'interviewing' Sean, though both interviews had scarred him for entirely different reasons. He had become too drunk to remember exactly what happened in Sean's interview and he doubted he wanted to know. But a comic book store....that was his natural habitat. Here, he was happy. He relaxed and picked up a new Batman edition, walking along when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that." he said, then glanced up and almost fall down. "The fuck!?" he asked, staring at Sean Collin. "What on earth on you doing here?" Sachin backed up a bit, picking up his Batman comic off the ground. He sighed. "Alright, I'll order some food for myself. You tell me what you're doing here." Walking over to the counter, he nodded to the man behind it. "Just get me a regular medium cappuccino and some chips, if you will."

He sat on the stool, sipping his coffee. "You know, these stores are generally where I hide from reality." he said pointedly. "Not where I meet it."

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Jack Maroon April 29th 2012, 5:19 pm

The comic book store. A safe haven for the socially retarded, the last refuge of the chronically geeky and the only place where the adolescent hermit feels at home outside his self-imposed exile. It was here that Jack Maroon spent many an hour in his earlier years, before he had become the 'hero' he was now. Mind you, it was not this specific comic store he had frequented in his youth; no, but it was comic stores, video game stores and any other establishment in general that catered to the young minds that craved virtual escapism that Jack visited often. Jack used to fit that target demographic perfectly, being a young child with a birth defect in the form of a malignant tumor, with virtually no friends, a rich family that raised him into geekhood and a general dislike of this reality he was born to.

This, of course, changed completely when he gained superpowers out of the blue, and found that he could very well imitate what he had before only conceived in his imagination. Though this development had effectively ended his need for coming to establishments such as this one, from time to time young Jack still yearned for the nostalgic feel of the flipping of comic pages, reading text bubbles that supplied every little fact the reader needed from dialogue to fart sounds, and the smell of angst and sexual desperation.

Yes. When Jack opened the doors of the little shop, he felt the rush of nostalgia coursing through his body. He felt at home.
The fact that the shop offered him shelter from the dreadful weather conditions outside also helped, as Jack had grown weary of cruising around town in this dark and foreboding climate. Weather such as this should only be permitted during epic duels and the aftermath of a hostile invasion, and neither had occurred today, despite Jack's best efforts in finding a good fight.

The comic store then, offered him a respite from this awfully mismatched weather, and yet unbeknownst to him, a possible interaction with similarly gifted people.
When he entered, Jack Maroon, the knight in faded denim and a wifebeater, flaunting his impressive physique without a care in the world and carrying a deadly sword as if it were a toy, scanned the venue through his black mirrored shades and examined its few inhabitants. There was an old grouch, an indian kid and some broseph rocking the khakis and a rainbow tee.
Their appearances led Jack to quickly dismiss them as common civvies who just happened to share his crusader's spirit in comic-reading and a similar disposition towards the nature of said tomes.

He stepped towards the manga section and started browsing silently. Maybe there was some good H-manga here.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Registration date : 2012-02-03

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 1st 2012, 4:46 pm

Arabella Montez was not impressed by the New York weather. She had been caught without much hope of protection from it, having chosen to fly from L.A to the big apple on hearing the blonde fire lady who had once saved her village now lived there. She had hoped the woman could point her in the right direction - whatever that direction was. She had grown used to the tropical and pleasant heat of California and the city of angels and in all honesty she had not missed the rain - weather which seemed to haunt Romania like the plague. As soon as she'd broken cloud cover her wings had become soaked and she had been forced to land on the first spot of paving that came to view, just happening to be the street on which the cute little cafe slash comic book store now sat upon. What an odd mix of a store, comics and coffee. She didn't have much choice as thunder cracked and lightening split the sky with it's angry message. Ducking inside the store Arabella stood dripping on the welcome mat which had some dorky statement on it with a guy in the suit grinning up at her.

Having been dressed in loose brown shorts which came to mid thigh with a loose white blouse tucked into it, the result of said clothes getting wet was not once Ari would have liked, especially when walking into a predominantly male building. She was thankful for the lace up boots which came to her knees but she was very aware she looked like a dripping wet pirate... fairy. Aww frick. Ari had only just remembered the fact her wings were soaking wet and thus she hadn't folded them away just yet. This probably wasn't the best first impression to make but....

Roll with it.

Ari cleared her throat to ease the staring tension coming especially from the guy at the counter, she hadn't stopped to think of the others in the room - Grouchy Man was spooky enough.

"Uhm... Is there somewhere I could get dry?" she asked, carefully choosing her words in English though her thick Romanian accent was a dead give away to her home land, if the olive coloured skin and the witch-like gold green eyes was not a dead give away. Her wings beat twice to remove the water droplets but they were useless until dry. The twin katana's that hung at either side of her hips however in their black sheaths were an example of her lethal capability.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Arcana May 1st 2012, 7:13 pm

Sean continued with his shopping as he held the bag clutched under the crook of his fingers. He was hoping to find a few more comics and maybe some choice anime dvds,though before eh did he was bumped into by a rather rude person. Sean raised an eyebrow at the familiar voice he had heard once before and it got a reaction alright. Though explanations of said reaction would be inappropriate. He turned to see Sachin and a sly smirk came across his lips. ”Well look who I find in the humble comic shop. I was here to scope out a few manga but I guess my day can get even better.” He said in a semi flirtatious voice raising his bag to allow it to hang over his shoulder.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw someone that strangely caught his attention. He was blonde and that was enough within itself to make him curious. ”Its good to see you Sachin. Though I’m hurt to have that kind of reaction.” He said smirking shrugging. ”You act as if I don’t have a life of my own,which I do.” He sipped on his coffee as his gaze followed Jack Maroons movements with an almost hawkeyed efficiency. Though he tried not to have his intentions to be so apparent. True the redneck-ish apparel wasn’t too attractive, Sean was never the picky one.

”Though if you could excuse me, I have shopping to do.” He had plans and sure Aaron hated him bringing guys home,its not like he would just storm out. He cared about him more than that. The guy looked like he was heading in the direction of more saucy kinds of manga and Sean decided to use that as his chance. So he allowed his eyes to browse the yaoi section quietly as his eyes drifted over. He had read a few titles the guy ws looking over,but mostly ones with an actual plot. Only an idiot would buy a book for the porn when the internet could give you things like that.

He knelt down by Jack and pointed to a book spine. ”I like this one personally. It has a very interesting plot.”

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 6th 2012, 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Guest May 6th 2012, 1:42 am

Sachin sighed. "I'm glad Gracie is in Chicago right now." he said. "Absolutely nothing happened that day, understood? We got drunk, but I recall it well enough to understand nothing happened and nothing ever will happen. And I am glad we've made that completely clear." he said, drinking his coffee in an attempted nonchalant fashion. He breathed a mild sigh of relief when Sean left to bug some other man who was reading yaoi porn.

"What can you fucking do?" he muttered in Hindi, glancing at the cosplayer who had just walked in. Attractive girl, certainly, though Sachin wouldn't knowingly cheat. Obviously very serious about her geekiness, which Sachin always appreciated. He needed to convince Gracie to cosplay more. Her costumes were interesting ones.

"Yeah, the bathroom is down the hall and to the right." he said in English, having virtually memorized the layout of the store already. "Name's Sachin, glad to see you. What character are you cosplaying?"

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Jack Maroon May 6th 2012, 4:23 pm

When Sean knelt in front of him, Jack raised an eyebrow. This brow was quickly lowered however when the guy recommended him a title. It was always nice to see fellow otaku helping each other out. Jack of course was completely oblivious as to Sean's true intention, and simply interpreted it as a gesture of camraderie. "Thanks man. I'll check it out." Jack knelt down next to Sean in order to grab the book and flip through the pages. "Well, it's decent for its genre, but it's not my thing." Jack said as he rose again.
He had intended to make small talk with the guy next to him, mostly out of what little regard for social etiquette he still held. Impolite to ignore a fellow crusader, specially when he's tryin' to help ya out. Nosirree, not even Jack Maroon could break the holy bro-code of the basement-dwellers, the sacred tenets of the geek. But when Arabella entered the room, he decided he had found something better than fluffing about than the weather, or manga.

The Indian kid seemed to think she was a cosplayer, probably due to the strange garments and well, uh, wings. Jack too would have drawn that same conclusion, were it not that he had noticed the twin katanas that hung on the sides of her hips. Even though he had not even seen the blades themselves, Jack was able to appraise the sheaths from a distance. Good quality, well-maintained. The handles were ornately crafted, but not overly ostentatious. Made for a balanced grip and smooth control of the blade's movements. Yup, no doubt about it, this chick was the real deal. What her deal was exactly, Jack didn't know, but it was tres authentique. Word.

"She ain't cosplayin', man. She's a real warrior." Jack said to the Indian kid and grinned. "So what's the dealio, sister?" He asked the gypsy.
Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Registration date : 2012-02-03

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 6th 2012, 4:56 pm

"What is cosplaying?" Arabella frowned, shifting through her English words to match one that resembled cosplay and think of the Romanian equivalent. Nothing came to mind and so she was dumbstruck as to what he meant. Then he asked what she was dressed as and it clicked. Did he think her wings weren't real?! Anger boiled in her stomach but all that showed was the slight dimpling of both cheeks as her lips evened out into a flat line and her eyebrows drew together in annoyance. A fake? Really? Her eyes darted to the man who spoke up next and when he said she wasn't doing this 'cosplaying' crap she relaxed a little and her hand slid from the hilt of her sword, something which had subconsciously happened after her honour had been injured. She'd gone through her mind what exactly she could do to injure him in a way that would leave her mark forever on his skin but not kill him. Seeing as though she had more than grouchy man's attention and there were questions in all of their eyes she cleared her throat.

"My name is Arabella," she spoke uneasily, she didn't like this attention. "And I am not a fake," she scrunched up her nose causing her cheeks to dimple further. A rain drop slid from her cheek and dropped to the ground, her wings glistened in the wet and she beat them twice, throwing rain droplets to either side of her.

"I have no 'deal'. I got caught in a thunder storm and now I'm cold and wet," she blew a strand of hair from her face.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Arcana May 6th 2012, 8:31 pm

The guy seemed clueless of his intents but that didn’t stop him in the least. Sean picked one of the novels from the shelf, and held it under his arms. Jack was already moving towards the new arrival, a strange woman with wings. Raising an eyebrow he walked over to them leaning against a counter as he whispered into Sachin’s ear. ”and I can recall it well enough to say otherwise. So don’t cross me.”he said before ordering himself another coffee while looking at the soaking wet gypsy. It seemed she got caught in the rain and was wet from it.

”Nice wings.” Sean said to her as he concentrated on the water covering her and in a sec it drifted from her body in a small cloud. That began to hover around him before finding its way through the front door. ”That fixes that problem.” he said simply sipping on his caffeinated beverage.

He leaned against the nearest wall and crossed his arms over his chest.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 7th 2012, 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Guest May 7th 2012, 2:47 pm

"Ah, so an actual superhero." Sachin said, not being surprised at all. "What he means by 'deal' is that..." a pause while Sachin tried to explain American slang. "What's, what's your story, I suppose. You explained you got caught in the storm and that's good enough for us as your story. Anyway, you got an accent, wings, a katana and a comical misunderstanding of American culture. I write enough comics to guess you're either from a different country, planet or dimension. Which is it?"

He glanced at Sean using his powers to clean up the girl, Arabella, so she was perfectly dry now. Superpowers for muduane purposes were great.

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Jack Maroon May 9th 2012, 4:12 pm

"You have no deal? Well, you just told us what the deal is." Jack scratched his head. The gal didn't seem to be the most receptive, but maybe she could make things interesting. After all, she carried masterwork blades and had weird fairy-like wings. There had to be something cool going on around all that.
"And it's a pretty boring deal." Jack added. "Now what I do find interesting is your wings and swords. That ain't no cosplay, hell naw. You looking for a fight maybe?"

At that point, Sean decided to treat everyone to a display of his hydrokinesis. A big grin found itself on his face as he saw the dude use his powers for something as trivial as drying off the weird lady. Using powers for mundane stuff was something people really underestimated. Jack found that being able to outrun cars was pretty useful too, and made travelling a lot easier. And more importantly, cheaper.

"Whoa man, you a meta too? Neat-o broseph." Jack turned to face Sean, still grinning like a little boy on christmas morning. "And there I thought this was gonna be just another boring day. Well, how about you Slumdog Millionaire? You got some awesome shit too? Don't be afraid to crank up the cool man, I can take it." Jack coaxed Sacchin, genuinely hoping that guy'd have powers too. Heck, if these buggers had powers, anyone could. Even the old guy in the back, who was staring at the display of hydrokinesis like he'd seen a miracle. No wait, that guy probably wasn't. Just too lame.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 9th 2012, 4:34 pm

Arabella's head was beginning to hurt with the weird American behaviour. She wasn't a fluent speaker and she was having enough difficulty keeping up with Jack's weird slang - half of it she didn't understand at all and found herself becoming helplessly lost. She did pick up in the mention of her swords. Arabella was naturally defensive about her blades and her wings, preferring to keep them out of focus unless she was doing a show. Her knife throwing act had been a hit at home but here... not so much. People used guns in America and blood gushed the street even though it looked clean. For such a young country it's lunchroom was already dripping. Ari was pleasantly surprised when the man preferred some magic in order to get her dry and a genuine smile lit up her face. Her green eyes shifted to a lighter shade of gold in a tell-tale sign of her happiness and she glanced over her shoulder, stretching her wings to experiment with them. Dry and back in business. She wasn't going anywhere though so it seemed when another lightening bolt shot across the sky, lighting up the sky.

"Thank you!" she sighed in relief and then snapped her wings together, the surprisingly strong wings lay pointing down and glittered in the lights. She placed her right hand over her blade and then traced her finger over the handle, eyes moving to Jack now. "I only fight those who want a fight or deserve one," her gaze slid over his body. "Do you wish to cross blades with me?" she arched her eyebrow up, a cat like smile traced her lips, curving the corners up. When Sachin explained what was meant by deal she clicked her tongue.

"I do not speak fluent English.... or American slang," she smiled apologetically. "I'm from Romania so unless you speak Russian or Romanian," she shrugged, not expecting any of them to be able to do that. "No different planet or dimension and I am not a 'hero' either," she scrunched her nose up. "But then I wouldn't call myself a criminal either," a cast away shrug. Ari fought if she felt like it. End of.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private) Empty Re: I'm Nerdy and I Know it! (Private)

Post by Arcana May 28th 2012, 10:57 am

”No problem at all.” Sean said with a mild smirk, mostly at how everyone reacted to how he used his power. Honestly his power had more applications than simply killing people or destroying things. The blonde had some sort of pleased smirk across his face, though he honestly couldn’t understand why. Maybe he was pleased somehow by the display? Not that Sean could blame him for being in awe of his pure badassery. Though when the guy asked the question with a too, it was obvious this guy had some power of his own.

Sean could feel the tension in the air, mostly between the girl and the blonde. Apparently a fight was going to break out and he wasn’t invited. ”Hey,if you’re gonna have a spar. I think I’ll put myself in too.” Sean said smirking slightly. These guys looked pretty powerful and he always enjoyed a good challenge.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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