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Brooklyn chaos [Damian]

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Brooklyn chaos [Damian] - Page 3 Empty Re: Brooklyn chaos [Damian]

Post by DamianLuvara August 31st 2012, 7:37 pm

As the trio stepped into the mansion it got better there was just so much and it was all just wonderful. Damian couldn’t believe it all was true he even had to slap himself literally just to make sure he wasn’t in some sort of dream. Oh it was real after coming back from his shock he heard another man’s voice not Sean’s come from the room. There was another man in front of Damian he hadn’t a clue but he seemed to be a smartass by the remark he made. “Manz youz a sick baztud…Seanz notz likez thatz he saved mez ifz anything so don’tz goez makinz those typez of remakz ight…itz juzt rudez.” Damian looked up at Sean smiling and gave him a bump with his elbow “Iz gotz ya back bro.” Damian looked to the new guy with a sly grin “Yaah mah namez Damian Luvara andz Sean herez saidz I’z could stayz wit youz guyz, so’z this iz my new home huh…I thinkz itz wondaful,” he finished with a great big smile. “Nowz pleaze someone showz me wherez I can putz theze bagz down mah armz iz hurtin!”


Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2012-04-24

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Brooklyn chaos [Damian] - Page 3 Empty Re: Brooklyn chaos [Damian]

Post by Arcana August 31st 2012, 7:50 pm

Aaron chuckled to himself as the kid came to Sean’s defense. Atleast he was a decent kid, though he had a lot to learn about Sean before he could claim to know him. ”I’m kidding.” Aarons aid simply as he with a telekinetic hand took the boys bags and had them hover only a few inches away from his back. He motioned for them to follow him down a long hallway which leads into a massive bedroom. It was simple and not what he would call up to the young kids expectations. ”This will be your room. We also have a kitchen not too far down the hall. Enjoy your stay Damian.” Said before walking off and leaving Sean with the boy.

Sean pressed his lips together and made a sound that showed his annoyance. ”Ignore Aaron, he’s just weird that way.” Sean said with a smirk. ”Sorry the room isn’t more to your liking. We can get to fixing it up more in the morning. For now I must go before he starts ranting.” Sean said winking before he made his way off down the hall and left Damian to his room.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Brooklyn chaos [Damian] - Page 3 Empty Re: Brooklyn chaos [Damian]

Post by DamianLuvara August 31st 2012, 8:04 pm

As the weight was relieved from his scrawny arms Damian breathed a sigh of relief. He let the words of the Aaron fellow just roll off his shoulders as Sean said…he just assumed he took some getting used to. As Sean led him to his room he realized he was dragging his feet he was horrible tired and ready to get some rest. When Sean left him he just stood inside the rooming looking around in awe, sure it wasn’t fit for a young boy but he didn’t care it was great either way. He was just so happy he really didn’t care finally a place to all a real home. Damian removed his shoes and nothing else before leaping right into the bed. He rolled over to his back just thinking about how far he had come to get to a place he thought he would never reach...but who cared now it was over and the hard times were in the past all he had to look forward to now is a future with some friends who really cared about him. “Wellz we madez it Dex we finalliez gotz a plaze wherez we are wantedz,” Damianyawned barely keeping his eyes open “wellz goodnightz Dex.” And before long he was sound asleep floating away to his own fantasy land of dreams. “Night master get happy dreams.”

Damian's Grid

Dexter's Grid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Location : Lost Woods, Hyrule
Age : 29
Job : currently unemployed
Humor : I have some
Registration date : 2012-04-24

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