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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix) - Page 2 Empty Re: Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

Post by Ronin April 10th 2012, 5:15 pm

Nightraven brought his left arm quickly up to his face blocking the windmill kick; he grimaced a bit from the impact of the kick. "Physically we are even but energy-wise you got me beat." Nightraven watched as Phoenix jumped high into the air as high as he could before coming back down with a strong karate chop. "Let us see if I can take this chop of yours." Nightraven shifted his weight to his feet before jumping backwards as Phoenix unleashed a wave of fire and vibration towards him. When Nightraven landed he bounced from left to right trying to find his balance. After doing so he placed his hands in the ground and picked up two large pieces of dirt and threw them a Phoenix. As the pieces flew he drew both of his guns and charged towards Phoenix staying behind the pieces of dirt as a shield.

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Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix) - Page 2 Empty Re: Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

Post by Andrew April 10th 2012, 5:28 pm

Phoenix lost Victor in the moment went dirt came flying at him. "What are we, kids in the sandbox?" Phoenix yelled out as Nightraven came at him from behind the dirt. Phoenix closed his eyes, and almost hugged himself. Next, he opened his eyes and completely expanded his body, sending massive wave of fire and heat in all directions around him. Phoenix put in almost all he had left in him to this attack. It was definitely one for the books. The ground started to become glass. It was truly extreme heat, and rage coming from Phoenix. He had grown tired of the fight, and was now trying to finish it off.
Mega Poster!
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix) - Page 2 Empty Re: Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

Post by Ronin April 10th 2012, 5:39 pm

Nightraven could not see behind the pieces of dirt because he did not have to. His eyes opened wide as he saw a large wave of fire coming towards him. "Damn you...." The blast of fire hit Nightraven so hard it lifted him up off of the ground and sent him flying backwards into the air. As he flown back through the air he felt his remaining clothes being burned off of his body just leaving him in his boxers. He hit the ground hard and rolled about twenty times before crashing into a water fountain. He hit the water fountain so hard that the water started spraying on him as if it was raining. "Muerte...."

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix) - Page 2 Empty Re: Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

Post by Andrew April 10th 2012, 10:55 pm

Phoenix dropped to his knees and grabbed clumps off dirt catching his breath. He looked up and saw the water falling over Victor, and him not moving. Phoenix stood up and walked over to Nightraven. His eyes widened when he realized what happened. He never meant to kill this man, however he did. He looked down at the beaten man, with the guns in his hands. "I'm sorry it had to end like this, but no one threatens me or my friends." Phoenix said with true rage. With that h roasted the corps to a puddle. Leaving only a few teeth, and some ash. No one will even know it was a human here. He took his two gun, and put them in his waist. Phoenix put on his hood, turned around and took off into the night.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix) - Page 2 Empty Re: Burn Me Down (Closed to Phoenix)

Post by Troglodyte April 11th 2012, 6:05 pm

Even though there was very few people nearby to observe the battle going on in the alleys beneath the towering monoliths that passed for dwellings for these humans, There were plenty of electronic eyes watching. A satelite, for instance, transmitting its live feed of the battle instantly to the brain of the science-obsessed, demented wackaloonie known as Doctor 0. He had been followed the scene as soon as he had been watching the whole thing as the agressor in the strange suit was gradually whittled down by his firewielding agressor. He could not say that he approved of such a thing, but that was life for ya. He had nothing riding on this fight, in fact he would not care if the firewielder killed his opponent, even though good-aligned superhero-types usually frowned on that sort of irresponsible behaviour. Still, he could not wait for the fight to be over. . . Provided that he could deduce the source of this fellows powers and then somehow splice it into his Atomic robo-zombie-men he would have an unstoppable army! And if that failed, he believed that he could build quite an impressive zombot from the "spare parts" of the body.

But in order to fullfill either of those dreams he needed to spirit the body away somehow. Bring it too his lab so that he might properly examine it, take samples and run tests on it. Prod it and poke it. . . Make it squirm! He could feel the neurons in his brain and the ones and zeroes in his databanks buzz around excitedly with every thought of performing science upon that body. He decided that he would allow himself a villanous, dramatic laugh. Just to get into the feel of things.

However, something unexpected happened to bring an end to both the good cheerfull evil laughter and Doctor 0's enthusiastic sciencariffic mood. That fool. . .He burnt the body! Set it on fire, just like that, before leaving! There was no way he would be able to build an Atomic Robo-zombie from it now! "Oh dear! No, no NO!" He said, his normally kind and warm voice desperate and appallingly demented. He sighed heavily in frustration, but soon realized he should not have done that. Doctor 0's vocal modulators could not handle a sigh, so it sounded more like mere static than any sort of noise made by a human. The static did not carry the same melancholic hopelessness as a sigh would have in this situation, but it would have to do.

Besides, he had no time for melancholy, he had some sludge to pick up. Normally he would not have left the safety and comfort of his lair to engage in this sort of pointles expedition, but right now he really had no choise. He needed to know things that where stored in its mind. He and three of his minions quickly got into his car and drove off. It was a mere three-minute drive to the place, but the loyal Atomic robo-zombies managed it in one and a half. They parked as closely as they came, and two of the robo-zombies carried a flamethrower and the third carried a plastic bag and a bonesaw.

Doctor 0 got to work, pulling out any and all memories that were kept in the brain, whilst two of the Robo-zombies sprayed the skull of the body with flame-retardant foam. The last one then proceeded to start to cut, slicing of the top.portion of the skull before removing what remained of the brain and placed in the paper-bag. It was no hope for this brain to wake again, but the good Doctor had other plans. Far better plans. The oppurtunity had finally come for him to test out his 'rebirth'-program.

The group soon left the body, one of the robomen, even setting it on fire again, so that as little evidence as possible could be gathered from their interference here. . .
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