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Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons)

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Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons) Empty Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 6th 2012, 11:50 am


New York City, New York was never one for peaceful days; Never a break for the soul seekers or the ones that sought out silent moments to themselves. The city itself was a nosy being, one that always knew and was always there to spoil the seemingly lovely morning. But if ever there was a morning that couldn't be spoiled by even the most foul-mouthed, 'I hate everything' person on the face of N.Y.C, it was Essmerelda. Alas, it was her wedding day and she'd be taking her fiancé, Victor Saurez's, last name and him as a husband. Truly, it was something Essa never thought of. Who would love her? Who would see past anything and every fault of hers to like any little thing about her? But that was just it . . .

Who would love me . . . ? She wondered. And as she scrolled through her phone, images of FORMER lovers were there, but there was merely one of her and Victor--And it wasn't nearly loving or a typical 'newly engaged' photo. Not at all . . . Rather, it was the cliché 'one night stand, let’s take pictures and videos'. And at this point, Essa was disgusted. How stupid could one be to not see the lies or the deception. Where was the love and what was there besides the sex and Victor being a freeloader, staying in her house just because he could? Nothing. There was absolutely NOTHING.

And thus, the morning was ruined . . .

Today, the Silver Hellfire looked presentable. Menacing as she always did, but in her white wedding dress and with her hair curled to a gentle do that framed her elfin face almost delicately, she almost looked . . . Beautiful. The way her makeup had been done today brought out her deep sapphire eyes and made her stunning bone structure standout--Quite unusual for the usual sweaty, grimy, bloody, 'I-really-dont-give-a-shit-what-I-look-like' look. Just this one day, she felt beautiful. If only it lasted . . .

Burying her face in her palms, she heaved a long sigh . . . Only her team, Victor's family, and a few of her friends would be there. Essa didn't have any real family and no one to walk her down the isle--So, she'd asked Phoenix, her leader. Though he was young, the Silver Hellfire still found a leader in him. He was the closest thing to a brother, or a companion, that she really had; One that took her in and made her feel welcome despite her initial strangeness. What did Victor do?

That's right; He met her, paid for her lunch, fucked her, and then stayed in her house. Three months later, he proposed. Looking back on it, Essa now realized how damn STUPID it was . . . Maybe she only went with it because she was so lonely and needed companionship--Maybe she was simply being a woman on the look for a soul-mate and for love . . . But for Essmerelda, love didn't exist. It was a false, made up feeling that two people could be perfectly united, in perfect harmony . . . What lies.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she hesitantly checked to see who'd texted her. It was a man . . . A former criminal. A former lover . . .

'Hey, babe, I miss us working together. Meet me on the 4th avenue from your apartment. We should team up again, Essa. We could’ve been great."

Ah, yes, Essa was definitely considering it. Bad boys and criminals intrigued her from the start and they still did. The thrill of hunts and stealing--These men were strong, smart, and had a hidden sexiness to them all on their own. Something Victor, a goody-two-shoes business owner had nothing at all of. Glancing at the woman in the mirror, the bleached vixen sat back and shook her head.

Beauty was artificial--Fake. Even if someone had 'inner beauty', not all would agree. There's always someone there, waiting eagerly to leap out and spit accusations against you. No escape from it, no makeup can hide you from it, and no one will always tell you how beautiful you are. For today, Essa felt pretty for the first time in her life. But where would all that go when she took a shower later on and it all washed off. She'd still be the same odd looking albino Amazon, she'd still be who she was, and no one really liked who she was.

And then it was decided . . . Tapping on the message, she replied back,

"I'll see you in an hour."

Finally, the time came for the actual wedding . . . And Essmerelda knew just what she was doing. She prayed to God to forgive her for what would come about and she hoped and begged for mercy . . . Because of this action, she knew well that she'd also lose the trust of her team . . . But she was tired of it. The artificial 'love', the lies, the false hope . . . She'd tried to be a good girl, a loving spouse. And it wasn't her. It just wasn't at all . . .

The walk down the isle was like her walk down the road to be executed. She may as well have been on her way to die . . . As the preacher spoke, they went through one ear and came out the other--She wasn't listening, she was quietly fingering her metallic gloves from inside the bouquet of flowers she had . . .

She saw the bowl of punch right beside the table by all the snacks and wedding cake and the plan started to formulate even more. Essa could hardly even glance at Victor, as rage was sent pouring through her and she needed to retain her anger now . . . She couldn't have anyone suspicious. Finally, as the rings came out, the little spark was enough to start a wildfire . . .

The Silver Hellfire grabbed the ring boy swiftly without giving him a chance to speak, grabbed the rings, and then tossed the rather small child right at the pastor. Taking the two rings, she firmly stuck them on her fingers and punched Victor so hard, her whole body rang in after-shock. The two rings grazed her fiancé’s face and she dug them deep to hopefully leave unforgiving scars . . .

A wound healed; A scar never left . . . . The same way she'd been through many breakups, but his proposal was the one that hurt the most . . .

Whipping around and tearing her white dress in the process, the enraged vixen grabbed the punch bowl, and completely dumped the gallons and gallons of it over Phoenix to prevent him from trying any fire powers for the time-being. As the pastor exclaimed in protest and horror, Essa, blinded by rage and the thrill of the battle, snapped back and took hold of the priest's neck.


The crowd of family members, friends, and her team mates were scattered, some leaving to get the hell out of there, some trying to get in on the fight and help 'poor Victor' before anything else could happen . . .

Leaning down as the crowd began to rush towards her, the Silver Hellfire simply grabbed Victor and took off the two bloody rings and tucked them into his pocket. "You know Victor . . . I'm an athlete . . . I don't approve of artificially sweet shit. Take your 5 dollar ass, go sell these rings on eBay, get some money, and go buy some hoes because no woman would ever love your shallow ass." In a mock-loving fashion, she kissed his bleeding face, and then got to her feet. "I hope Pyra gives you aids."With that, Essmerelda tore the long parts of her dress quickly to be more mobile, she extended both hands, and then whipped them around in a whirling motion; Blue flames began to delicately encircle the Amazon. Smirking slightly and sticking out her middle finger for everyone and all to see, she clenched one fist and the flames grew exceedingly in size . . . and before long, the cyclone of raging sapphire flames engulfed the woman and she was gone . . .

OOC:{(And with that, I leave this post for anyone to join or read.
Yes, Nightraven, this means they're divorced
Yes, this means Essa's becoming a criminal again
And lastly, I'm leaving the site for a few weeks/months/however long it takes for my gymnastics season to be over. Lotsa love to your fellow Talons--Hit me up on facebook, m'kay? I’ll occasionally hop on the C-box on my phone, but other than that, I won’t be ROLEPLAYING hardly at all.
Also, this may have seemed a bit god-moddy and I apologize, but I needed to get this done and also say my goodbyes for now. *shrugs*

Bye for now, lovies,


Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons) Empty Re: Here Comes the Bride, All dressed it wh--Blood? (Nightraven and the Talons)

Post by Ronin April 6th 2012, 5:09 pm

Victor tried to process what had just happened to him, but nothing made any sense. He shook his head to get the blurriness to fade way. He placed his hands to his face and felt a scar one that was still bleeding in the shape of a V. His whole body became enraged now, somebody who he thought he loved and trusted just murdered somebody innocent and was going to take the lives of others. But as he stood to his feet he was being grabbed by his cousin over to some woman laying on the ground underneath a broken part of the ceiling. Victor anger grew more as he began to recognize who the woman was. He lifted the broken ceiling away as it was nothing. " you...why could it not be somebody not leave me just yet..." His mother responded by pointing to his heart was before her body went limp. Victor brought her body close to him before laying it on the ground softly. He stood up and looked around at some of the talons who were in the room. "You all let that b*tch convince you that she could help out for the good. Look at what she did here...this does not go unpunished." He turned his head to the one who walked Essa down the alter. "You are a piece of shit...I will hunt her down and kill her. After that I come after your ass fire crotch." Victor pulled out two guns from the back of his pants and loaded them. He walked out of the church looking for the one who left the V on his face and broke his heart into many pieces. But when he got outside she was nowhere to be found in sight; this brought a smile to his face. "I pray when I find you, that God spares you from me." He said quietly to himself as he looked off into the sky.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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