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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Lahnah March 22nd 2012, 7:31 pm

Early morning; the sun barely peeping it’s sleepy head over the horizon like a massive blanket to the east, the birds chirping in the drowsy silence, the brisk chill that clung to the air like dew drops on grass, almost no cars driving down the usually crammed streets, it was blissfully tranquil for New York City. That is unless you were the staggeringly beautiful woman running for her life down Wall Street, while being chased by a conglomerate of frightening looking men and woman with guns. That could really put a damper on the poetry of a morning.

Azmara was exhausted; she had hardly slept the day before due to horrid nightmares that kept her up practically biting her nails with anxiety, and now she was being chased by a group of criminals her sister had hired to make things difficult for her. It had been her intention to come to New York City in order to reminisce on her first year coming to Earth; she had also hoped to perhaps find some answers on how to get back home. Of course, that was all pointless now; it was pretty difficult to think on good memories when the bad ones were literally chasing you down the street.

The dragoness yelled “Out of my way” to a woman talking on her cell phone, as she careened down the sidewalk, but it was too late and the baffled pedestrian found herself being shoved off the curb, purse and contents flying through the air like a slow motion picture. Azmara could hear her angry shrieks as she rounded the curb and bolted up the abandoned alley, a fence had the nerve of standing in her way but she swiftly leaped over it like it was a plastic 3 foot hurdle and kept on going until she had to stumble to a stop before falling down 4 flights of stairs.

She looked over her shoulder for a moment, realizing she had gotten a good bit of distance from the pesky group of felons looking for her head on a platter. OK, perhaps ‘pesky’ wasn’t a good word, normally people would call that, ‘life-threatening’ or ‘frightening’ perhaps even ‘menacing’ at the least; but then Azmara wasn’t normal. The dragoness didn’t take another moment to hesitate, apparently her little trick with the fence had bought her some time but whatever time it did get her, it wasn’t much, and if she wanted to lose these guys for good she had to keep going.
200 steps later she halted to find herself at the nape of a massive cavern; from her time in New York City 5 years ago she knew it to be an abandoned subway station. This was the perfect place to lose a bunch of morons before they got trigger happy on her face.

On both sides of her there were black chasms, neither looked very dragon friendly to her, but then what did she expect when she decided going underground was a good idea? Clenching her fists, Azmara closed her eyes and dove into the gaping hole to her right, ignoring her human heart beating in her chest like a drum. Down here she was almost entirely defenseless, wind would not listen to her beneath the earth like it did up above; here it was stagnant and dry, there would be no power in her hits. All that meant was she needed to find a way to hide, if she found cover in the shadows she would also find safety. Little did she know that her pursuers weren’t the only ones lurking the tunnels and that echoing footsteps carried much further than one could imagine. Oh dear, whatever happened to taking a break in New York City?

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Troglodyte March 31st 2012, 8:06 pm

The caveman heard the soft chimes of the bells connected to a string made of sinew and threads of fabric wich he had cobbled together to make a primitive alarm-system to detect any and all of the intruders that entered his domain. He grunted as he punched the wall in frustration, causing hairline cracks to extend from the spot where his hand collided with the wall. Ever since that little alteraction with the 'son of fire' he had been rather hesitant about this whole dealie concerning intruders into his domain. It seemed that nearly all of them wanted to hurt him or force him out of his own kingdom. Thieves and rogues, all of them! But he would not let them push the king of the world below the city of lights around! He would show them why they would be wise to fear the Primordial!

Gwharr quickly sprung to his feet, rushing through the corridors, holding a metal pole in one hand, and using the other as a third leg, almost "Throwing" himself forward in a manner somewhat remniscent of both the leaping of a frog and the knuckle-walking of a gorilla. He knew where the trap had been placed, and he knew the best place to encountering this newcommer. It was close. He could almost smell it now, but the smell gave him no clues. It smelled like nothing he had ever encountered before. It smelled faintly of reptile. Something resembling lizard or crocodile but it was still far too alien to make out what manner of reptile we were talking about here.

It did not take the caveman long to find the intruder in the dimly lit subway-station. He quickly stopped, skidding slightly on the thick layer of dust on the floor, got up on his hind-legs, reaching to his full height of seven feet and eight inches and beating his chest whilst roaring like a wild beast in warning to the newcommer. A warning she would be wise to heed. Ech time the Melon-sized fist of the Grungy, Gargantuan Giant hit his chest, it did so with such power that the previously mentioned thick layer of dust adorning the station-floor actually blew away from him, as if hit by an invisible breeze, but there was no breeze down here, only the shockwaves of the powerfull neanderthals blows.

He had been rather surprised to find that this new intruder was looking like a waifish, tiny woman, seemingly no threat to anyone of his stature, yet her unnatural scent kept him from letting go of his varyness. She did not smell as she looked, the Brawny, Brutish, Boisterous Bruiser had learned that strange smells usually meant superpowered creatures, as this new world seemed to be swarming with them. She was almost certainly more dangerous that she seemed at first glance. Regardless of this, he would give her a chance to submit to his superiority and explain her reason for invading his private little corner of the world

"To be primordial! To be King of the Caves below the world of lights! To be intruding! To fight if no leave!" The caveman shouted like a raving madman, his inhumanly deep, bestial voice booming throughout the old, long-abandoned tunnels. small globs of spittle flew from his oversized maw as he spoke, and his massively large shiny, pearly-white, yet somewhat sharp and predatory teeth gleamed in the dim light of the subway station.

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Lahnah April 3rd 2012, 7:21 pm

Azmara heard the empty void of the warrens suddenly fill with the ever present sound of footsteps in the distance. Her pursuers had caught up to her already; no doubt they probably just bulldozed through the fence and kept on moving. Luckily they still sounded as though they had just entered the subway station; their voices were barely reverberating off the walls to her strong ears, which meant she still had a chance to get away. She could have defeated the menacing group of mortals beforehand, but not in her human form and unfortunately taking on her true draconic form in the middle of downtown New York City, early as it was, would have invoked some amplitude of unwanted attention…such as the military. That was a fight she knew even she could not muster victory over.

Feeling like a fish out of water, or rather a dragon underground, the renegade panted at her tiring pace, knowing the only way she’d escape a fight was if she could find a place to hide. Still, while she searched irritation began to build in her pounding heart as wall after wall the tunnels only offered her rounded cement and rats. Even the shadows were diluted by the occasional, but still often enough, dusty beams of sunlight streaming through metal gratings on the ceiling. There was nothing, just miles and miles of greying black chasms; no rest for the wary, go figure.

The dragoness was looking over her shoulder, preparing to give up and fight, exhausted as she was, when she smacked into something of uncouth solidity. She’d been so distracted by her own annoyance and desperation that she failed to notice the hulk sized behemoth that had planted himself like a brick wall in her path. Stumbling backwards, Azmara grasped at the air, expecting it to help her gain her balance but she forgot there was no wind down here for her to gather and paid for her lapse in memory by nearly falling on her rear. Gawking like the suffocated fish she felt like, she regained her equilibrium and stared up at the mammoth creature before her.

He was mostly humanoid though exaggeratedly large muscles and features made him look more like an ugly gorilla than a man. Obviously this apelike neanderthal was powerful, his colossal presence alone seemed to make the dome-shaped tunnels that much smaller, making her feel almost claustrophobic next to the titan. Beady eyes stared down at her like a chunk of meat at dinner time, and what was worse was there seemed to be anger in them. Great, what would be next? Was the sun going to suddenly decide to spin out of orbit and crash into New York? Or perhaps a hoard of enormous mutant turtles with ninja skills, like that stupid cartoon, would come out of nowhere as well? Did she have a sign on her forehead today that said, “Kill me before I kill myself?”

More than just annoyed at this point, she couldn’t ignore the footsteps were getting louder behind them and the barbarian brute was only getting more pissed off by her presence. So much in fact that he began to wildly swing his ham hocks over his massive chest in a prehistoric show of dominant male aggression. Suddenly she felt like a cockroach caught between an angry woman with a broom and a protective man with a shoe. Honestly she’d have rather taken on the sun or the turtles at this point.

Growling she wiped the grunge off her lace sleeve and put her hands on her hips as he bellowed in his inhumanly deep voice, obviously his brains were not as brawny as his muscles. He was probably slow too, so if push-came-to -shove she could easily out run him. The longer she spent in the subway station, however, the less she ever wanted to be underground again and desperate agitation pressed her to speak more rashly to the giant. “To get out of my way!!” She hollered as he roared, mocking his way of speech before adding crossly, “I don’t want trouble big guy, believe me I want out of here just as bad as you want me gone, unfortunately, I can’t leave unless you move!

Just then, the group of felons, baring M16s and switchblades big enough to severe a neck, shouted from a distance that was obviously much closer than Azmara dared to calculate. In fact she didn’t need to; they were probably right behind her. Closing her eyes for a brief moment to take in the sense of failure, she turned half way in order to keep both parties in her sights and sighed, “Definitely would rather take the sun.

The lead criminal, or at least that’s what she figured from the way he held himself, strutted out like a courting peacock if they could snarl the way he was. “What’d you say Chica?” Azmara just looked at him then up at the beastly goliath to her right, “I said, ‘wow, close up you’re as ugly as this guy.’” she jeered insultingly, there was no sense in holding anything back at this point, she was probably dead anyways; caught almost literally between a rock and a hard place.

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Troglodyte April 5th 2012, 2:16 pm

Gwharr decided that the little 'welcome' he had provided as the woman had entered his personal little haven had been quite the success. It more made it painfully clear that he was a Particurlarly Perturbed, Primal, Pre-historic, Primate, and that he would be more than willin to rip her to shreds unless she turned around and ran the other way right now, plus he had managed to surprise her to the mild degree that she stumbled-back even almost toppling over! He particurlarly liked that bit, as it reminded him somewhat of those funny men on TV, taking pratfalls and yelling and whatnot. However, it did not take long for the woman to snap out of her frightnened/surprised state and not only told him to get outta the way, but also tried to pacify him by using logic against him! How DARED she try to pull a stunt like that against him!?

The brutish man clenched his melon-sized fists as he approached the woman, snarling angrily like a bear that had gotten its hibernation disturbed. He was not all that happy about being contradicted, especially the way she mocked his way of talking. He was well aware of his linguistic limitations, and did not need to have them brought up and mocked by complete strangers that had charged into his home for some reason. However, he still felt mighty pleased with himself for scaring her enough to make her almost fall backwards before she had enoubh time to wrap her head around the situation and act accordingly. Just for that, she wouldn't rip her apart just yet.

"Grraaarh! To be angry! To rip you'se apart! To feast on you'se flesh!" The Crude, Cranky Caveman Snarled viciously, his inhumanly deep voice, virtually dripping with bloodlust and primal fury and his face contorted into an almost nightmarish mask of bloodlust, rage and hunger for human flesh. He was just about to leap at the woman and smack her so hard she'd crash into the wall behind her, just to teach her a lesson, he saw strange shapes appearing out of the darkness of the tunnel. He silently cursed his own lack of caution. He had been far too busy menacing this little waif of a woman to hear their footsteps earlier or even notice their presence untill they where right at him, and it was not as if they had been making any sort of attempt at being quiet or stealthy either.

They quickly slowed down, raising their mean-looking bang-sticks, surprisingly pointing most of them at the woman rather than the fruriously, foaming-at-the-mouth-enraged caveman standing around, looking as menacing as he possibly could. This aggravated him somewhat. How could they consider her a bigger threat than him? He was the primordial for crying out loud! He had thrown tanks through buildings! Smashed bunkers into pieces without even trying! Eaten people whole! His shoulders slumped a bit as the woman and the group of Mean, Murderous Muggers were about to square off. To add insult to injury they where about to square off in the middle of his domain. He was truly seething now.

However, the spark that set of the huuuge powerkeg that was Gwharrs bad-tempered, barely contained rage, was a comment, not even directed towards him, but rather towards the leader of the thugs that had just arrived, claiming that their boss was as ugly as he was. Gwharr felt that making fun of his caveman-style looks was a bad thing, and so was trespassing on his domain, but the worst thing was that everyone seemed to be ignoring him, when he had done his best to puff himself up and make a big show of being a raging monstrosity. They had the gall to do it in his own domain too. . .

"UGLY!?!" The caveman roared furiously at disturbingly high decibels as he spread his arms out wide. Primordial! Has! INNER BEAUTY!!" he continued and clapped his hands together with such force that the shockwave created was more than powerfull enough to knock a brick-wall to pieces. In fact it was so powerfull that tiles and pieces of concrete started to fall from the already decrepit roof of the tunnel as well as sending most of the thugs flying helplessly backwards.
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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Lahnah April 6th 2012, 3:32 pm

Azmara almost coward for a moment when the monster reared his insidiously ugly head and bellowed a line that would have had any other woman turning tail towards the felons chasing her rather than dealing with him. It was worse than staring a 2 ton hungry mamma bear straight in the face with nowhere to run. In fact it felt just like that except times five, plus the aggravation of being underground so really times six. As the brute threw a temper tantrum, threatening to tare her apart at any moment, the dragoness prepared herself to transform at least to her hybrid form, hoping that she could hold him off long enough to get around him a bolt. However there was no need for the other 'wall' in the situation arrived around that time.

Azmara looked from side to side, amazed as well that only two of the criminals eventually moved their guns to the giant man-eating caveman who looked as though he caught rabies, and the other 8 were on her. Were they more worried about her, I mean no doubt they knew she was a dragon, her sister wouldn't have left that bit of information out. She had to admit that it flattered her a bit in a very weird way, but not for long as it occurred to her that the bestial Tarzan-wannabe was about to go ape-shit on the gang and possibly her, no definitely her as well. She had a sinking feeling in her human heart; was this the end? Caught between an abhorrent ape guy and Hellfire's mortal goonies? She could have thought of thousands of other ways to go that were more noteworthy; no one would ever tell a story like this to their children and think of her as she was: a brave, honest, wise warrior dragoness! No they would all laugh about how she died in a sewer under New York City by a stupid cave-dwelling gorilla and a couple humans who couldn't shoot the broadside of a barn!

Irked beyond reasonable doubt, she resisted the human woman urge to stomp her foot -she was still trying to get a handle on all the habits and illness' that humans had and dragons did not, such as gestures done in aggravation without even thinking about it. Luckily, or unluckily, the uncouth titan suddenly snapped, more so than a moment ago if that was even possible. He roared in uncontrollable rage and in an instant Azmara's instinctual dragon behaviors kicked in to protect her against the now infuriated primordial, who before was only upset now looked as though he was out for blood. Purple scales molded from her flesh, covering her in an ultra protective suit of armor, ready to take on anything that dared to stand in her way, including the 8 foot Godzilla.

She transformed with not a second to spare either, the instant the caveman snarled the men started shooting and he angrily clapped with such a thunderous bang that shock waves nearly pulled her off her feet and actually sent most of the felons toppling into one another and head-over-heels a few feet down the warren. Azmara stared blankly at them, her face had changed from her human expressions, it was cold now, emotionless and blank of anything that would make her human in any way. Every step she took towards her true form, a part of her mind slipped away with it, filling her with wrathful primordial instinct and making her all that much more dangerous. It was on now, whether the creature-feature next to her would help her fight or fight her, she was ready for battle.

Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Lasig10

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Troglodyte April 9th 2012, 9:33 am

The Gargantuan, Gruesome, Grungy Great Giant chuckled evilly as his his handclap was more than enough to send most of the puny little humans toppling over, however he was somewhat annoyed to see that his little shockwave had dome nothing to the rude female that had insulted him except for somehow turning her into a lizard. It wa a mystery he had not predicted, but he would probably have lots of time to dwell on it later. By himself. Because she would be deader than a doornail. He wasted no time in pondering the mystery of the strange transformation right now, since he had worked to do. The shockwave, as powerfull as it were on its own was not his entire battleplan. Indeed, it was only half of it, and it was the second half that the Brutish, Brainless, Bungling Bruiser looked forward to the most.

He quickly smashed the wall next to him in an almost dismissiver or disinterested manner, but still with enough force to shatter the tiles that made up the surface of the wall, and almost pulverize the concrete below. Even though this may be a seemingly pointless gesture, it gave him access to what he needed right now. The rock that was located behind the tiles and mortar of man, similar to the pimal nature of man that was hidden beneath a thin patina of sophistication and civilization. Gwharr punched the granite, cuasing it to audibly crack, but also having the additional effect of causing an ever-so-slight earthquake in the tunnel. After taht he grabbed ahold of it with both hands, his massive fingers boring themselves into the gret solid rock as Gwharr quickly got leverage and ripped a massive chunk of rock, straight out of the wall.

The Rock-chunk was so big that it was only a few feet from going wall-to-wall, as well as Ceiling-to-roof in the tunnel, just what Gwharr had hoped for. In fact the Cantankerous, Crude, Cruel, Caveman Cackled Callously as he imagined how the rock would put and end to his trouble. He doubled back and lunged forward, looking almost like a professional bowler as he sent the rock hurtling through the tunnel, with the speed and power of a rather small freight-train, all but unstoppable to the poor hitmen that had came to disturb the peace down here in his private little kingdom. He could hear the screams of the invading thugs as the boulder mowed them down one by one, and he could hear the gut-wrenchingly painfull noises of them being ground to pieces between the massive rock and the tiled floor. The caveman roared a bloodcurdling roar as the rock bounced on, beating his chest like a primitive beast
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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Lahnah April 15th 2012, 11:43 am

9ooc: My apologies this one isn't my best)

Azmara closed her eyes as he chuckled, focusing her energy to the core of her draconic manna. The atmosphere around her seemed to disappear, the felons' disgruntled groans, their leader's angry yelling, the guns suddenly going off around her at the brutish giant, everything sank into the shadows of her consciousness for an instant as the scales covering her slender structure pulsed and grew. There was a muffled scream from one of the human's on her right, whatever was going on had to be bad enough to cause the noise to streak through her meditation, meaning she was going to have to work faster. The amethyst dangling from her neck shone brilliantly, pulsing along with the rest of her body and lighting up the entire chasm as though it were day time.

Suddenly, the dragoness began to grow. This was definitely a last resort but between the human's with their guns and the monster with his...well the monster, she really had no other choice. Her hybrid form only changed her speed with her strength, which was enough to beat all the mortals with relative ease but as for the seething ape-man...she'd need to go for the drastic measure despite the fact that it would more than likely bring the entire subway station down on them. Another scream shattered her silent world, then another and another but she didn't flinch nor did she open her eyes.

After several seconds that seemed like hours to her, her entire lithe little body grew with the expansion of her scales, claws, horns, and a tail developed in their rightful places and then her humanoid shape morphed into that of a dragon. The amethyst that was one a necklace, dropped its enchanted chain and sunk into the chest plate over her heart, still glowing though softly. When she opened her eyes she had just enough time to stop the boulder before it did any damage, though not by her own strength, no in fact it had more to do with the fact that the ceiling caved in when her 30ft form smashed through it. The mortals still got crushed by big rocks, but for three men who managed to run just far enough to escape the cave in. Those she simply batted away with a clawed paw and a enormous ground shaking roar that was sure to wake the entire city and sound the alarm.

Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Lasig10

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Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr] Empty Re: Bygones be Bygones [Invite only; Gwharr]

Post by Troglodyte April 22nd 2012, 7:29 pm

Gwharr backed away slightly as the seemingly harmless woman in front of him turned into some weird gigantic creature similar to that Godzilla-thing he had seen on TV a few days ago. He had enjoyed the drama, but he had quickly asumed assumed that the existance of gigantic, oddly moving lizards some sort of myth, but obviously he had been mistaken. This lizard-creature seemed to be very real indeed! She might look impressive, but Gwharr was not particurlarly frightned by her. He had beaten worse time and time again. Armies had fallen before him, and so had most of the superpowered individuals that had chosen to tango with him. Besides, she had committed an unforgivable act: She had ruined a part of his kingdom! Only he was allowed to do that without reprisal. Her roar was eardeafeningly loud, and even though he would never admit it in public the Powerful, Primtive, Pre-historic Primate had to admit that he was impressed by it. He did not have to think long untill he decided to answer her challenge.

He fook a deep breath and let out an ear-deafeningly loud roar, loaded with primitive bloodlust and primal anger, and despite his smaller lung-capacity, it was was still an impressive roar.
"Lizard-queen big! To have fought bigger! To no be scared of you'se" The caveman boasted, his inhumanly deep voice filled with an eagerness to test the strength of the gigantic creature, to leap into combat once more! He may not be in touch with this horrible modern world, but this, this was something he knew! He leaped up through the roof of his man-made cavern, crashing through it, and gaining access to the street above! He would rather that this battle took place here, rather than on his home turf, due to the destruction it would bring.

"To be the Primordial, To be strongest! To have seen razed empires! To have have beaten many foes in battle, witches, gods and men alike! To have eaten their flesh! To now wonder what yous'e tastes! " The caveman boasted proudly before leaping back, grabbing ahold of a fully-loaded eighteen-wheeler truck and hurling it at the dragoness with all the power he was able to muster
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