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The Thin Line Never Crossed.

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by Ronin March 21st 2012, 5:17 pm

"That is funny. I have to say that." Nightraven let out a small laugh as the hooded figure pulled down his hood. He would have been surprised, but he had seen some weird things already in New York and this was another one. "Nah not really, I have seen something about that company on a business channel. Not really anything more than that." Nightraven was telling the truth it was a late night right before he headed out and boom Aleck Tech was on television then he turned the television off and headed out. "Yeah my shift is almost coming to an end anyway. My name is Victor Shaw, super villains hardly scare people now and days anyway." Victor turned around from Zalmon and began walking towards the main sidewalk, he knew which way to get to the bar it was not hard, after all it was New York. "Fair is fair and now you know my name."

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by LaughingMad March 24th 2012, 8:38 pm

Shift? ... Well that made vigilantism sound rather mundane. Like a job, a boring office job... Or as a security guard. Really, that said something about this person, that he was give his acts as a vigilante a 'shift'. And then he said something about super villains not being scary anymore... Zalmon had to admit, he'd never met one, but he was sure that at least some of them would be scary in some manner. It did not matter, he had no plans to rule with fear. Those who tried that were always doomed to fail. Love and respect was how you gained control, he knew that. He knew people. Knew they were blind when someone insulted, or accused the ones they respected or loved. Knew that if their respect and love was enough that they would die for them, not that Zalmon wanted that however. Who would want a loyal subject to die?

"How long have you been a vigilante, Victor?" He asked the man, curious. There was the chance he would face him as The Observer, it would be smart to learn as much about him as he could. The smallest snipits of information could be useful later on, even if they seemed unimportant now.


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Registration date : 2012-03-08

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by Ronin March 29th 2012, 10:12 pm

"A few years now, I have been in the United States since my fathers death. I came here to find the killer after searching all over Mexico. Listen I know you are thinking about that shift thing like it is a bad thing but its not. I just do not like working during the daytime is all. Hint at the name being Nightraven." Victor stopped as he reached a bar that was fairly popular in New York. Before he went in he stood outside the door waiting for Zalmon to catch up with him. Tonight Victor was going to get Zalmon drunk to spill so more secrets that he could possibly tell him. Usually he would have went home to call it a night but he felt like hanging out with someone before going home. Hopefully Zalmon was not going to be a Buzzkillington type of guy.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Registration date : 2012-02-07

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by LaughingMad April 9th 2012, 4:51 pm

"Oh? Revenge, eh..." Zalmon tutted in his head. Revenge was something that really should be followed, at least this Nightraven seemed like he was hunting revenge. Zalmon knew he shouldn't assume as much, however, so he stopped thinking of it as he reached the door. "Close with your father, then? I can't say as much about mine..." The rich man chuckled ever-so-briefly to himself lightly. "Let's just say that he proved himself to be a less-then-kind individual, so I refuse to even speak to him anymore. That might sound petty, but it's not. He tried to shoot me. Nearly killed someone else in the process too." Zalmon sighed deeply before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I seem to be talking about things that don't matter." He pushed open the doors, briefly looking back at Victor. "I'll by the drinks, so don't worry about money." Zalmon stepped inside the establishment, looking at it up from down. Good enough. He smiled. "You do realize that I'm going to drink you to the dirt, correct? Few people can out-drink me."


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Registration date : 2012-03-08

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by Ronin April 10th 2012, 5:08 pm

"Yeah a path few can handle." Victor took his phone out of his pocket and placed it on silent before putting it back into his pocket. "I have few memories of him, not many as I would have liked to have." Victor let a brief grin came across his face before it quickly disappeared. "At least you said something about him that you remembered about him. But I do understand somewhat from where you are coming from...It is all good." Victor lifted his right hand before putting it back down following Zalmon into the bar. "Good because I think I can drink you out of your pocket." He laughed softly and looked for a place to sit.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Registration date : 2012-02-07

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by LaughingMad April 11th 2012, 4:54 am

"Ha! I'll take that as a challange!" Zalmon said as he took a seat, leaning back slightly on it. "So you honestly, truly think you can beat me huh?" He tapped on the table in front of him in a strange rythem, chaotic but yet if anyone bothered to listen carefully they would find a sophisticated order. It was merely something to occupy the man's hands. "In that case, you chose the drinks. Choose the strongest one you can think of, that they have here, and I'll take it like it was glass of water." He chuckled, a hint of mischief in his voice, as he let a sly smile grow across his face. This wasn't exactly what he had expected to be doing, drinking with a hero who he had fought with not long ago, but that was the wonderful thing. He didn't expect it. It was a surprise. Well, unless Victor decided to take a chance and attack him again. Zalmon always kept that possibility in his mind. Perhaps he was paranoid, though overthinking would be more accurate.


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Number of posts : 30
Registration date : 2012-03-08

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by Ronin April 11th 2012, 5:03 pm

"Bueno.." Victor sat down across from Zalmon grinning. Victor raised his hand and pointed down at his table trying to get the waitress attention. "This is going to get interesting then.." Finally after the waitress finally came over he looked up at her grinning. "We would like 20 shots of Adios Mother F*cker and 20 shots of the Bastard trilogy please." The waitress looked at him awkwardly before scurrying off to get the drinks. "That is about 100 shots because there are three different kinds in the trilogy and 20 of that adios kind. Hope you can drink it like water."

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by LaughingMad April 12th 2012, 12:50 pm

Zalmon watched the waitress scurry off. "Those sound like some interesting drinks, I must say..." He tapped the table in the same pattern as before. "But I'm sure I can handle them. Better then you anyway." He chuckled as the girl brought the multiple drinks back, placing them down on the table. He looked at them, analyzing them with great detail as if they were works of art, before grabbing one. "Should either of us wake up dead, or with some horrid wench in our bed, good luck yes?" He raised his glass slightly. "These better be as powerful as you make them out to be, otherwise I will be severely dissappointed." He said with a smirk growing across his face, throwing the glass up into he air and landing it on his index finger with perfect balance. He then moved his other hand next to it to spin it around on his finger, like a basketball, without any of the liquid inside falling out. "Bottoms up?"


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Registration date : 2012-03-08

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The Thin Line Never Crossed. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Thin Line Never Crossed.

Post by Ronin April 17th 2012, 6:33 pm

"Indeed they are and quite strong I must say." Victor looked around the room at the other patrons that were drinking and having a good time. "I have managed to make it through all of them separately but never all at once. This might be interesting to try all of them at one." Victor grinned as the waitress set down the glasses onto the table; he smiled and picked one of them up as well. "Yes this sounds like a normal night in Mexico." Victor raised the glass to his noise and smelled the drink before the grin on his face grew larger. "We will find out soon once we take a drink." Victor took another glass from the table now holding two in his hands. "Bottoms up!" Victor drank on drink before drinking the other one right behind it. He shook his head and let out a small burp

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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