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The Lone Bird.
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: New York City, New York
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The Lone Bird.
11:35 a.m
Victor laid on his back in his bed looking up at his ceiling trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He had just gotten in about several hours ago and still felt bored. He needed to find something to fill his time until night time when he fought crime. Victor sat up and swung his feet around off the bed before laying down on the wooden floor and began doing some push-ups."I need to get a job or something." He said quietly to himself as he stood up. Victor walked to the bathroom taking off his clothes as he went through his daily routine of a shower and daily hygiene. After he dried off, he got dressed and headed out the door locking it behind him. Victor loved walking the streets of New York because it amazed him how many people were in one city. To blend in he wore a black hoodie with a white fitted v-neck shirt underneath along with some skinny blue jeans, to top it off he wore some black jordans that he had brought the day before. Victor walked in the crowd trying not to bump into people.
11:35 a.m
Victor laid on his back in his bed looking up at his ceiling trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He had just gotten in about several hours ago and still felt bored. He needed to find something to fill his time until night time when he fought crime. Victor sat up and swung his feet around off the bed before laying down on the wooden floor and began doing some push-ups."I need to get a job or something." He said quietly to himself as he stood up. Victor walked to the bathroom taking off his clothes as he went through his daily routine of a shower and daily hygiene. After he dried off, he got dressed and headed out the door locking it behind him. Victor loved walking the streets of New York because it amazed him how many people were in one city. To blend in he wore a black hoodie with a white fitted v-neck shirt underneath along with some skinny blue jeans, to top it off he wore some black jordans that he had brought the day before. Victor walked in the crowd trying not to bump into people.
Last edited by Nightraven on February 19th 2012, 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
Currently, with the ruckus of New York getting to her head, a massive brute of a woman paused between the midsections of an alleyway. She was on the prowl that morning, upon having nothing to do, and found just what she'd been looking for. Criminals. What else? They were drug dealers, obviously. Essa could smell crack, marijuana, and any other drugs better than most 'heroes' should've been able to . . . But then again, Essmerelda had once been a criminal--She once did drugs and she knew just how drug dealers' minds worked.
With a plan already stowed into her slick mind, Essa pressed herself into the shadows, allowing her pale, eye-catching skin to become part of the darkness--Keeping her hidden to the three men. While they dealt out the money and one man seemed about ready to give the other two a good sized portion of the drugs, Essa sprang in like a cheetah on the hunt. She was fast. Stunningly fast--A silver blur. As she held one man in a firm headlock--Choking him brutally, she brought up one of her legs to kicks the drug dealer in the eye with her stiletto heel. While he winced, held his eye and staggered backwards, the massive woman picked up the man she'd been choking, and used HIM as a weapon.
She slung him around like a toy, brutally knocking the other two out and then dropping him. She knew they weren't dead. Her intentions weren't to kill like they'd once been--But she did know they were unconscious and would wake soon enough . . . Quickly, she called the cops, grabbed the money and was on her way. And all the while, Essmerelda hadn't even USED her powers and had beaten.
Throughout her strange, abusive life, Essa always defied the odds. As a mere FETUS, she lived through an abortion, when her father started hurting and raping her, she remained strong enough to live to the next day, and when she was bathed in the chemical spill and changed forever, she learned to stay strong and accept who she was . . . Through her 15 years of martial arts, it strengthened her and made her solid to the core. And now in her day and age, she just didn't care about people's opinions. She was HELPING for a good purpose and if people couldn't get past her criminal history or her strange looks, then she didn't really care.
As she walked into the massive pool of people in the streets, she sighed casually. This was a daily occurrence for her. Essa lived in New York city. She'd been here since birth and STILL didn't know every inch of the massive city. One advantage for her though, was that, at exactly 6"4 feet tall, she could ALWAYS see over the crowds. Most of the time, as well, people moved FOR her, since they either knew she was a hero and deserved respect, or out of fear of the massive woman. But suddenly, someone accidentally stepped on the back of her boot and she stumbled straight into a man with black hair and purplse eyes. "Shit, sorry, about that. People have no regard for the heroes in the city . . . " She muttered, straightening up and not thinking much of him.
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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
Victor felt somebody bump into him stopping him in his tracks. It was not the fact the person bumped him but what came out of their mouth. He turned around to see a women about his height bump into him who he presumed it was. "It is okay and you would be surprised at how the treat vigilantes." He said in her direction. He hope that he was not going crazy because the past few people that had past him had been shorter than him but she was the only who could have possibly bumped him. Victor just stood in his tracks waiting for her reply. As he stood there the people of the city passed him by like a homeless man under a bridge asking for money.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
"Yeah, sure." She shrugged slightly. "And hey, I know Im massive, no need to seem so surprised. Where you headed . . . .?" She asked, continuing to walk through the sea of people.
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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
"Its fine I am from Mexico I have seen my share of weird things. Trying to find something to eat around here. I am still trying to get used to the city." Victor walked up to here waiting for her to reply. But if she did not say anything he was going to sweep her off of her feet and show here some strength. Even though he was against using his powers in public he would do it just to prove a point that all heroes werent bad.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
"Oh . . . Uh, well, I'm on break, so I can take you around the city to find something if you want . . . Not like I have much else to do in my magical, wonderous life." She rolled her eyes, giving him a little nudge as she eased through the crowd. "Hey, bitch get off the PHONE!" She shouted harshly at a woman who was gabbing on the phone loudly and wouldn't move. Taking Victor's hand, she jerked him through the crowd to avoid getting mutilated by the fierce crowd. "What did you want to eat? There's tons of pizza joints here . . . "
- Spoiler:
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 167
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
"That is fine with me. My work does not begin till night time anyway." Victor followed behind her as they made their way through the crowd. He let out a laugh as she screamed at some woman gabbing on her phone and would not move. Victor loved a girl who knew how to demand respect and gain attention. She was certainly doing both. Victor felt himself being jerked through the crowd. "It does not matter to me and I have a better idea to avoid all this traffic just let me know where to land." Victor stopped and pulled her close to him if she allowed it and picked up her carrying her. He through his dead forward so his hood covered his face and crouched gathering his strength before jumping high in the air over the people. He leaned for so there momentum carried them forward. All this depended on if she lets him pick her up.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Holy SHIT, man! Put me down, PUT ME DOWN!" She screeched, obviously not used to being carried OR being so high in the air. "The HELL was that?! Are you a 'mutant' too?!" She demanded, squriming out of his arms.
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7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 167
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
"Calm down I got you okay. Hold on we are coming down." He looked down as they were approaching the ground. He wrapped his arms around here as they came down hard into the ground beside a school bus so they would not be noticed. He sat her feet on the ground and looked around to make sure they were not spotted."No I am not a mutant I just had parents that had super powers that got passed on to me. Lo siento chica. Sorry girl."
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
" . . . Damn. Heroes get crazier and crazier every day." She muttered, dusting herself off. "What was that for? I'm obviously an AMAZON, I can get through a crowd without assisstance, my strange friend."
- Spoiler:
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 167
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
"Eh I did not want to see you punch anybody in the face senorita. I do apologize certain words come out in Spanish. That is nice to know that you are an amazon, and I could tell that you could get through a crowd with my assistance. Maybe you should learn to let a guy romance you every now and then. My name is Victor by the way if you were wondering?" Victor could tell that she had these walls around here that protected her he could presume but then again could be wrong. But for now he would enjoy some pizza. He walked around the bus and stopped as they had landed in front of a pizza joint and a burger joint. He would let her decide which one.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
"C'mon, I hate burgers. Far too much grease. Pizza's no better, but Im craving it--C'mon." She shrugged slightly, completely brushing off his previuos comments. "I'm Essmerelda--Call me Essa or 'that white bitch', don't really matter to me."
- Spoiler:
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 167
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
"That is fine with me. I eat just about anything. Essmerelda such a hermosa nombre. But I will call you Essa if that is what you prefer." Victor walked up to the pizzeria door and help it open for her. While he waited he looked around outside the building still making sure nobody saw what he did. For some reason he still felt bad about using his powers in public. He just shrugged it off as he waited for her.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
Re: The Lone Bird.
Essa surely wasn't used to being shown kindness or anything polite, she she gave him a skeptical little look as she walked in. Once they were seated, she asked, "Do you want me to fuck you or something? Do you want some of my weed? Why are you being so nice to me?" She demanded.
- Spoiler:
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
ScarletteGoddess- Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 167
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Re: The Lone Bird.
Victor leaned back in his chair as he waited for the waiter to come and take their orders. "No I do now know you well enough yet. I do not do drugs because of my side job. My parents raised me to be respectful and treat all women with respect. I believe that every women should be treated like a queen. She should never have to worry about anything to the point where he takes care of her so much to the point where he feet does not even touch the ground when she walks." Victor smiled as the waiter came to take their order. He order a large pepperoni pizza and a large coke and he waited to see what she wanted.
Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Ronin- Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07
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