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Hiding in plain site(Open)

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by Sam February 18th 2012, 10:53 am

Lycaon walked along the streets of New York city. THe day was clear in the sky and the wind was slightly chilly. Winter was coming near, soon snow would litter the ground and children would play in the white wonderland that they enjoy so much. But for Lycaon this meant nothing. He was not like the humans that he walked with. At the moment they see him as a normal 25 year old. Black hair, blue eyes, about 5'11 at the moment and weighing in at about 150 lbs. He was wearing a blue checkered button up over a black T-shirt, along with dark blue jeans and a pair of gray tennis shoes. This was the way he wanted people to see him. For the moment Lycaon wanted to feel normal, but normality was something denied to him. He turned for his first time at thirteen. The pain was so excurtiating. But the scientist, his family, they helped him cope with the pain. Taught him to control it, make it his strength. Now he may change with nothing but a thought. I mere thought and a reason were all that he needed to become what these people would hate. To become a monster.

Last edited by Sam on February 18th 2012, 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 10:56 am

Jayce ran across the roof of the building, fully costumed and with Arinth by his side. Reaching the edge, he jumped off, then continued wall-jumping until he landed on the ground.
"Hmm... plenty of ways to get around in this city," he said to Arinth. "But we should still probably find some allies, right?"
"Correct, my boy," the cat said. "It would be a good idea to join forces with another."
"Alrighty then," he said. "Let's go find someone."
With that, Jayce sped down the alleyway.

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 18th 2012, 11:21 am


It was a tediously boring morning for one person imparticular. And as Essa slowly crawled out of bed, attempted to brush out her long hair, and made herself look at least somewhat nice, she headed out. With her massive mane of blonde-white hair still in an angry frizz, the 'silver' vixen simply settled with braiding her hair as it usually was. With the slight breeze blowing through the massive city, Essa had gotten a blue tank top on, a windbreaker, and some nice, form fitting jeans. Shopping was always a difficult task for her. She wasn’t ‘big’ in fat. She was just MASSIVE and all LIMBS and muscle. So, often times, she had to buy massive clothes for massively overweight people, and then sew or hem it down to fit her. It was hard-work and difficult, but it was something that Essmerelda had learned to deal with along with the many other tedious and annoying habits she had simply because of her height. Her jeans were nicely accessorized with her black, leather utility belt with her gun and tazor, just in case, and her feet her cozy and snug inside of her black boots.

With her hands stuffed into her pockets, it seemed as though Essa was wandering, as she did often. With her time away from saving and helping others, she found herself with nothing to do. Formerly of a criminal background, Essa once had to plot and plan all of her attacks and that took most of her time. But now, as a 'hero', she just saved whoever needed help and that's pretty much it . . . Plus, Essa didn't really have FRIENDS. No friends to go shopping with, to go hang out with, or even to talk to. So, wandering around the city was a common occurrence for the massive woman.

She finally stopped at the one of alley way crossroads--This was the same place where she'd first committed a crime . . . Memories of the poor man's scorched face burned into her head once more and the regret and remorse she felt for hurting so many plagued her full-force. She was glad she was converted . . . And though strange, she was glad to have found God.

But, her train of thought was taken off course as she saw a man. He was attractive in a reclusive way--He seemed quietly shy, though boldly concealed. His eyes were determined, straight forward, but they kept to himself. Immediately, he was more interesting than most of New York's loud, obnoxious population.

Not exactly knowing what to say, or how to start conversation, she simply observed for several moments. He seemed to be wandering, much like she was, and that intrigued her. Maybe he was a tourist or new to the area?

"Hey, you new to the area or something?" She asked, voice coarse and powerful. Essa's demeanor was immediately and always intimidating, and especially because the woman definitely did not have a soft pristine voice. She was feminine in the strongest way possible, but also very much not the status qou girl. At 6'4, she was scary. She was loud and spoke her mind--It was just the way she worked.


Hiding in plain site(Open) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 11:28 am

"Wait, Jayce!" Arinth said. "I sense some other heroes nearby!"
Jayce screeched to a halt.
"Which way should we go?" he said.
The cat stared at him for a second, then lifted a paw and pointed across the way to an alley, where a tall woman and a slightly shorter man were standing.
Jayce looked to Arinth. "Them?"
Jayce looked back over at the two characters.
"Alright. Let's go greet them."

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Location : Classified
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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by Sam February 18th 2012, 11:37 am

Lycaon turned to the sound of a woman talking to him. He was surprised to she that the person was tall. It was obvious that she was used to speaking her mind and doing what she wanted. She looked like someone that was detached from the normal populace of this loud city. Though from her voice you would never know that. Lycaon only figured it out so quickly because he saw the face of a person like that everytime he looked into the mirror.

He took a moment before answering. The reason for this was because he was trying to remember if he had been here before. The past five years of his journey were a mass of travels from one place to another, some short vists, and some long extended stays. But he realized that he hardly ever went to a place twice. "Hmm I dont think I have been. If I have then I dont recall." Lycaon stated in monotoned voice that pronounced nothing more then boredom. When really it was just how Lycaon talked. Whether he were bored or as serious as he could be his voice never changed.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 18th 2012, 11:44 am


"Well, the streets of New York are a death trap, kid. Get a map or some shit before you get lost or mobbed." She advised with one eyebrow cocked slightly. Essa's special little 'quirk' was the simple fact that she looked down to many people--Therefore, she gave everyone nicknames. Sometimes, she called more than one person 'kid', but she never cared. If someone looked or was younger than her, she felt completely obligated to call them 'kid'.

"Where you headed? Anywhere for certain or are you just . . . Wandering . . . ?" She asked, gazing at him curiously through those nearly stone cold sapphire eyes. As the sun peeked out over the horizon of New York's buildings, her eyes squinted a bit and she made a slight sound of agitation. Essa wasn't OFFICIALLY an albino--but the sun was never her ally. She burned easily because of her completely color free pigmentation and she often stayed inside or found shade on hot days. All the more reason to be a night person.


Hiding in plain site(Open) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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Registration date : 2012-02-09

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 11:49 am

Jayce walked over to the pair, watching as the tall woman squinted against the rising sun. He stopped a few feet away from them.
"Hi," he said.

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
Location : Classified
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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by Sam February 18th 2012, 11:58 am

Lycaon listened to her question then turned suddenly to the sound of footsteps. He saw someone standing there and heard what his greeting. "Hi."Lycaon said to the boy and then turned to the woman. "I'm wandering."Lycaon said in answer to her question. He wasn't sure who the guy was and he didn't look like someone the Lycaon would get along with. He noticed the woman wincing a bit at the sun rise and notice for the first time how albino-ish her skin was. He didn't ask about it because he didn't feel like being a rude asshole to the woman. Especially since he barely knew her.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 12:00 pm

"So... are you guys superheroes?" Jayce asked. "Because you definately seem like the sort."

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 51
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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 18th 2012, 12:06 pm

Seeing the other new man, Essa frowned. She hated crowds. She basically hated people--Socializing obviously wasn't really her thing. But she simply responded, "I'm the Silver Hellfire. Former criminal, now a hero. What about you, kid. What's someone so young doing on these streets? You could easily get stepped on or gang raped or some shit like that." Hooking her fingers through her belt loops, the massive woman took a few steps back and towards the shade as the sun's rays grew more intense. "Dammit, I hate the sun . . . "


Hiding in plain site(Open) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by Sam February 18th 2012, 12:14 pm

"Who I am is something that you cant understand kid."Lycaon siad to the question boy. He noticed the sun growing more intense and the woman step back into the shade. "The sun isn't my friend either, I'd have to say."Lycaon said as he stepped back into the shade himself. It wasn't that he would get burned by the sun it was that he preferred the night. Not many people can see a monster durning the night. And those that do probably doesn't know what he or she would have seen.

Last edited by Sam on February 18th 2012, 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 12:16 pm

Jayce stared at him. "Well, you're some kind of superhero, right? Perhaps one still working on learning to control his powers?"

Last edited by El Cefiro on February 18th 2012, 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 18th 2012, 12:26 pm

"But you're not pale. I'm a damn albino, so by nature I fucking hate the sun." Rolling her eyes and crossing both arms over her chest, she turned to Jayce. "What the hell are you talking about? He looks pretty human to me." She blinked, glancing at Lyacon once more. "But then again, I guess I can't always assume . . . " With a little shrug of a shoulder, Essa simply told them, "I'm Essmerelda, call me Essa, I prefer NOT to be called by my uh . . . 'hero' name. Who're you guys . . . ?"


Hiding in plain site(Open) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by Sam February 18th 2012, 12:34 pm

"Eric. And I have my reasons for hating the sun."Lycaon said to her completely ignoring what the boy had said. He didn't want them to know the truth. Especially since he isn't even a natural born Lycan. He remembered the day he was told the truth by his family. He did not blame them for creating him, but he also didn't like being lied to at the begining. He has gotten over it, but the scars....they never go away.
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Hiding in plain site(Open) Empty Re: Hiding in plain site(Open)

Post by El Cefiro February 18th 2012, 12:44 pm

Jayce smiled grimly. "Jayce. Jayce Draven." He looked right at Essmerelda. "And I am not gonna get 'gang raped', Miss Hellfire."
Just then, Arinth settled himself on Jayce's head.
"Oh yeah, and this is my mentor, Arinth," he said, looking up at the cat.

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping,
Gently, as if someone rapping,
Rapping at my chamber door."

You heard me rapping, right?

Victims... aren't we all?
Hiding in plain site(Open) Crow_title
El Cefiro
El Cefiro

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Humor : Never gonna give you up...
Registration date : 2012-01-26

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