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The Monotony of NYC

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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Troglodyte February 15th 2012, 5:24 pm

Gwharr roared in frustration as he realized his attack missed! He looked up at his pray and quickly noticed that she had been saved in the last minute! Saved by some despicable, cowardly, description-defyingly horrible Bothersome, Big-boobed Bird-woman. Since she was helping his opponent our Brutish, Boisterous Bruiser had no qualms about putting her in the aptly named 'Evil' category, and thus he would have very few qualms about putting her out of his misery by utilizing extraordinary amounts of violence. He growled vicously at the two women, issuing a challenge by beating his chest ferociously and letting out a deep, ear-drum-rupturingly loud roar filled with all the bloodlust and fury that was flowing around in his veins.

However, this was not all. It seemed that another guy leapt between them. The one who he had followed and who had graciously invited him into joining his pack. One of his companions also seemingly leapt to stand besides their leader. This made the Caveman somewhat reluctant when it came to charging at the two evil-doers. Two of his primary instinct were colliding. His loyalty with his rage. It was unbearably difficult to decide what to do. He whimpered in frustration as his diminutive midn furiously tried to work out a plan. Work out something for him to do, someway to appeas both of his primal urges without breaking his own moral 'code'.

The gargantuan caveman snarled, his small, ice-blue eyes furiously darting right and left under his inhumanly massive brow, whilst his teeth were grinding against eachother in desperate fury. They had invited him inot their pack! Why, oh why did they not take his side in the conflict? Why didn't they just help him to destroy this woman, and then they could go on and do something THEY wanted to do!? Where they traitors? Had they somehow fooled him into this moral dilemma? Gwharr suspected they had, since deciet, trickery and treachery where all the tools of the modern man. He would not stand for this sort of interference! If they where not with him they where against him, and he would show them what happened to people who were foolish enough to stand against him

"To have no quarry with you. To give you chance step aside. To let righteous Captain Caveman break evildoers and eat their hearts." he snarled, his inhumanly deep voice almost dripping with freshly baked red-hot fury

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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Plural February 15th 2012, 11:55 pm

The blond hero sighed with exasperation as he listened to the words leaving the mouths of everyone around him. This situation was dissolving quickly and he stood smack in the middle of it with few options open to him to resolve it and if there was one thing Adam Greyrose hated above anything else in the whole of the world, even more than ignorance, was being helpless.

Ever since he was four, he had been relatively independent and capable of shaping situations to his liking. Whether through guile or direct action on his part, he had been able to make things work out, keep moving, accomplish goals he set for himself and now here he stood in front of one of the few situations he couldn't think his way out of. In the back of his mind he knew that that was 80% of the reason he had decided to don a mask and fight crime. The challenge. His life had been conspicuously easy until that day when he was 13 and he woke up to find himself sleeping beside himself. That was when it had all become a game to him but at the moment the game wasn't under his control.

The monstrously built caveman before him was perhaps the biggest hitch in the road at the moment. His primary issue right now would be to guide the dim witted neanderthal into postponing his vendetta against the scantily clad prostitute-girl. Then the blond felt an 'ah ha' moment come over him.

"Captain Caveman, I agree I don't want to fight with you right now so help me out here. What is it that the traitorous sorceress over there did to incite your wrath? Would it be possible for you to set aside your differences with her long enough to deal with those thief-murderers in that building who disrespect the laws set by our chiefs and would fight our ...lesser warriors and guardsmen? There are more of them and far more glory in felling those opponents at the moment because our boys in blue need our help. She is here to make amends clearly or at the least help you and me in our endeavor to stop the murderer-thieves over there. Please? You can destroy that evildoer or whatever she is once that fight over there is over. And if she really is evil, I'll even help you to defeat her but I can't let you kill her. Killing her makes you no better than a murderer and you're obviously made of better stuff than a cowardly assassin..." Plural said looking the caveman in the eye, laying on his story thickly trying to flatter and level with the big lug. He wasn't lying in the least either because the longer they took to get themselves organized and into the museum the more of a chance that the police would get in over their heads.

"And you three. Can we get some focus please? Bad guys with guns, lasers, and superpowers in there. Good guys with jobs to do. Let's get to it. Socialize later on Facebook when priceless artifacts and lives aren't in danger." he said turning his attention slightly to the others who had accompanied him.


Serpent slipped her way down the stairs of the museum, a rod and helmet tucked lazily under her right arm as she lead her entourage of robotic soldiers and leather clad partner, "Binary" back towards their makeshift entrance into the building. Unfortunately things were progressing less smoothly than the plan had been designed for. Locating the artifacts in question and freeing them from their captivity had taken several minutes longer than expected and now New York's Finest were swarming into the place hollering something about putting down their weapons or something else insignificant.

With a gentle wave of her free hand she summoned several demonic snakes from around her feet and Binary ordered the robots forward to deal with the cops. If it wasn't necessary to remain together for extraction from this annoying situation, she would leave her partner to deal with this and slither her way to the rendezvous point. Grumbling inwardly she lifted her hand and let loose a purple splash of caustic acid glowing brightly as it snaked its way through the air to resolve the life of the nearest policeman.




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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Chellizard February 19th 2012, 4:08 pm


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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by EndZoner February 20th 2012, 10:37 pm

Jason watched as Plural try to reason with Captain Caveman, "Yes Captain, you can have your justice when we finish giving justice to the people that are trying to steal valuable objects in the museum.", Jason said as he is playing along Plural's game. He also watched as Elena began to walked towards the museum to not to cause any problems, Jason follows Elena to the Museum. Jason turned back to the group behind them, "Your coming, or you gonna argue and fight with each other while the bad guys do their thing in the museum?", Jason said to them as he continue walking.
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Troglodyte February 23rd 2012, 4:55 pm

The Supersized, Stubborn, Sourpuss Simian lowered his fists momentarily, allowing the man who in the cavemans eyes had established himself as the "packleader" of this rag-tag team of uncouth heroes. While he did not believe in the man's strength, he still believed that a man with enough guts to willingly gather and try to unify in a group so obviously splintered and unorganized had at least the right to have his way

"To think letting murderous witch go is no right! To not like this! She killer! Lead undying evil men!" The caveman grunted, his deep voice filled with anger, hesitation and confusion. After the words he smacked the ground viciously, although not nearly hard enough to create one of the shockwaves he had become so infamous for in the newspaper after the debacle in the park. He whimpered in as strangely frustrated manner as his mind tried to tear him in two directions at the same time. Part of him wanted to follow the one he had thought of as "leader" in doing good deeds, destroying the apparant villany going on within the big building, whilst the opposite part wanted nothing but to slay Elena, rip her black heart out and eat it in front of her as she drew her last breath.

He grunted, looking back at the one who had spoke at length to him. "I go with you. Kill all evildoers in museum." he said giving the woman a cold glare that virtually dripped with a metaphorical sauce made from seven different kinds of death, mutilation with the addition of a small dose of cannibalism. He wanted her to know that he might be pacified for now, he had no intention of dropping the vendetta against her.

"To do as talky-man say, but no like. If get between Captain Captain and his prey when time comes, Captain Caveman will no give words, only fists!" The Grubby, Grunting Giant said, nodded towards Elena once more, to indicate there was no misconceptions about who the prey was in this case. The bloodlust and seething, barely-repressed fury was in his voice right now, and whilst Gwharr still felt ferociously angry, it was not the usual sort of red-hot rage that exploded like a volcano. It was more like a sludgey stew of magma, slowly melting away at the walls holding it contained.

With a last angry growl the Apelike man once again put his fists down onto the ground and knucklewalked towards the large building to see what was going on, alternating his gaze between his leader, in case he would give any orders or his enemy, in case she tried to pull a quick one on him again.
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Alpha February 28th 2012, 7:37 pm

((Just count me out.))

The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 CjhXQha
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Plural March 1st 2012, 9:43 pm

Plural watched as the two flying women decided to take to the air and fly off in the opposite direction of the fight. he thought of being miffed about it then realized that was pointlessly stupid. he hadn't exactly invited these people along and the two seemed to have some history as wrong doers that he was unaware of but he had the Smart Box make a note about both of them for further scrutiny about their exploits just in case.

"There Cap. See they left. You probably scared 'em off but who cares. We have work to do..." the hero said as he turned his attentions back to the museum.

Through the dark gaping hole in the wall, a few flashes of light and the sound of gunfire died down and then a single blue clad police officer came running out of it, clearly, even from the distance the assembled crime fighters watched from, scared out of his mind.

With but a thought, casting all ideas of self preservation to the wind, Plural broke into a sprint, heading for the museum. there was no time to waste anymore and he was afraid the other cops had given their lives inside of that building. And he'd have been right.

From within the depths of the building of archaic pieces of history, a woman of sinister beauty, slightly oriental in features, walked out as if strolling through the night for her own pleasure. She cast her malevolent gaze out over the lawn, slightly unseeing because of the oppressive lahses of red and blue from the tops of the cop cars.

"Binary. How long until the rendezvous is scheduled? I want to know how long I have to strip the flesh off of these pathetic excuses for guardians. Especially that one down there...His fear is just luscious," the words slithered out of her mouth, slicing through the silence of the night until her expression soured.

She had spotted the heroes moving towards them.

"For the last time. Those men are called 'cops' and we have 15 minutes to make it to the pickup spot. So you have time for your sick habit if you...Oh fuck. God damn superheroes...I told you people this shit would happen. Zotbots! Vaporize them." could be heard passing the lips of the dull haired and weary faced 20 something man who followed the other villainous creature out of the museum.

Upon his order at least 7 floating robotic sentries emerged, optical mounted cameras aglow with a viciously vibrant blue light. Each possessed two arms and mounted in their chests were what could only be described as cannons. Three o those cannons gave of a scent like ozone as they lit up with molten yellow light and fired searing blasts of energy at the approaching crew of crime fighters.

Plural dodged the blast coming his way with ease, twisting out of the way like a football player dodging a tackle before throwing a round object deftly at the head of one of the robots, catching it in the synthetic eye and shattering the optical device, blinding the first of the robots as he then leaped onto the things head and sprung off of it with so much force it was thrust into the earth where it lay broken, its destroyer already on his way for more carnage.




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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by EndZoner March 6th 2012, 9:53 pm

Jason watched as Chelle and Elena flew off in another direction away from the museum. "We finally settled all this drama so you guys can just leave? What a pain in the ass.", Jason said to himself as the women disappear into the sky, and continued walking.

Upon reaching to the museum, he saw a woman in a snake theme costume with a man in leather comes into view. "Sigh, well at least we can take care of them.", Jason said as he prepare to fight them, "So anyway, do we introduce ourselves to let you know who put you behind bars, or do we skip to the fighting?", Jason joked as he formed a shield from his right arm and blocked a blasts from the sentries, "To the fighting it is.", Jason said as he ran towards one of the sentries while forming a blade from his left arm, and than jumped and slashed on of its wings off, which losed its ability to fly as it crashed to the ground and exploded, "Two down, three to go.", Jason said as he turn his attention towards the other sentries and charged at them.

Last edited by EndZoner on March 12th 2012, 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Troglodyte March 8th 2012, 8:14 pm

Gwharr roared after the two Viciously Villanous Vixens as they flew off. He was uncertain why they had elected to do so, but he hoped that it was because of the fear he had instilled in their hearts. It would make him sleep well tonight if it was as he suspected, so untill someone proved him wrong he would tell himself that. The musings of the Chaotic, Calamitous Caveperson was interupted by the one that had tried to stop him earlier, whom he already throught of as "leader". The guy simply "It" That hard-to-define, almost magical type of charisma that made him able to get people disposed towards following him, even those that normally didn't normally follow orders, Like our own Bad-ass, Brutish, Broisterous, Brawlin' Bruiser AKA Gwharr.

The caveman nodded once at the man and started knucklewalking in the direction of the museum, following the other two, letting them take point. He really hadn't got a clue how they were gonna do this, so he might as well let the other two go ahead, so that he could see how they did things so that he could do the same. After all, they hadn't wanted to fight the Extraordinarlily Evil Enchantress that they had met outdoor, despite her being as evil as it gets. Maybe some of the villains inside were "out of bounds" too or something equally ridiculous. Gwharr thought the whole thing was stupid, but when in rome, you might as well do as the romans. If he had heard that expression that one time he had actually visited the ancient roman empire, things might had gone down differently.

As plural and endzoner moved into the building through the hole, Gwharr followed although at a distance, and when he arrived, the Zotbots were already opening fire on the brave companions. Normally, he would attack them instantly and not worry about the questions, however, his earlier experiences made him rather hesitant about this course of action. It did not take the robots long to target him, and several of the blasts hit the caveman, as he made no effort to dodge them. They barely even itched against his skin. With a sideway glance he noticed that Endzoner engaged the robots in battle he decided that he could do the same. He was glad he didn't have to resort to asking plural for permission to attackt, since it would probably make him look like even more of an idiot.

Gwharr did not leap towards the robots, but instead took a step backward, punching the wall "lightly" causing hairline cracks to spread all the way up to the roof and from corner to corner. He then stretched his arms as wide as he could, boring his fingers into the crack, ripping out an almost rectangular piece of the wall, measuring ten feet across and seven feet high. Armed with this massive hunk of bricks and mortar Gwharr wasted no time, hurling it at his opponents, smashing any zotbots, exhibits and furniture in its way to pieces whilst flying towards the villains at incredible speed.

((I'll let plural decide how many zotbots get hit or if the villains manages to dodge.))
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Plural March 12th 2012, 4:06 am

[color-gray]"Shit shit shit! See this is why I said I wanted to do this alone. Fucking no iota of subtlty with you. incessant witch!!"[/color] spat the youthful technician as he pressed several buttons on his wrist while he watched his precious robotic minions get obliterated with the exception o 2 who he electronically ordered to return to his side.

The heroes were certainly making this bit of larceny into a botched job. Or at least that was Binary's point of view. He hadn't even wanted to do this job but it was supposedly paying him and his buddies a shit ton that was going to jumpstart their criminal software and weapons business if they managed to stay out of jail..or the grave it seemed.

he ordered the two remaining zotbots to demolish the wall the caveman threw their way and they did so, turning it into dust with a few quick blasts of energy beore they rushed forward again and shot streams o continuous fire at the behemoth who dared to attack their master.

Serpent however had other ideas. Her master was going to recieve his ressurection and a new body and no bumbling teenagers with hero complexes or some millenia old cave imbecile were going to stop that.

"Be sssilent you surreptitious fool. Do what you do best and cross a few wires and turn them int smoldering useless piles of waste and junk. If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you plan something for it. Attempting to make me believe that you're intelligent with your words is show me with actions. Or mussst i do everything my ssseelf?" the snake of a woman hissed , as she spread her ingers and and arms apart and a slew of snakes slithered from her sleeves like shadows slip into the corners of the night and wriggled their way down the stairs towards the approaching heroes.

As they traveled the venomous creatures were warped by the witches magic as she whispered words under her breath causing them to grow and become far more equipped or injuring superhumans. And with no commands issued, the snakes lashed out to strike, snapping and attempting to encircle the heroes so as to crush the air rom their lungs and swallow them whole.

Binary however took a second and dialed in a few commands on his wrist before the police cars in front of the museum came to lie and their doors slammed shut as they revved their engines and drove around kicking up dirt and mud trying to distract and run over the assembled crime fighters, removing the cover for the lone cop who had escaped death minutes before.

"Well this isn't conspicuous or illegal at all..." Plural said as he raised a hand and caught his weapon as it returned in his direction.

He took a second to watch as the snakes and vehicles emerged as the next squadron of enemies, his lips twisting with exasperation as the snakes grew to prodigious sizes towering over his own 6 feet. Why did everything always have to be taller than him?

He was broken out off his moment of trepidation by the careening crown victoria attempting to run him over however. He gave ti a lick of thought and without missing a beat stopped the vehicle dead in its tracks with a single foot, as it managed to push him back about 3 feet with the sheer force of its horsepower before his boot found traction again. Pressing harder down on the hood with his foot, the car's back end left the ground yet still tried to move itself forward, at least until he gave it a hard shove and forced it to topple over until it flipped and he grabbed it by its hood and lifted it wholly off the ground making it seem like some folding chair the way he held it aloft. That was until one of the massive snakes lashed out and tried to swallow him. The cop car at least acted as a makeshift shield stopping the dripping fangs from making it to his body.

"Hey. Not fair! How come the bad guys get minions? I want minions. I'm getting me a crime fighting butler when this is over. Or maybe some pet cheerleaders or something fun to look at. Giant snakes. I swear..." he let off a stream of banter as he let his feet fall out from under him and rolled backwards pulling the snake with him, it's jaws temporarily stuck on the car he held and in his tumble he kicked the car and the snake along with it away from him much to the creatures bewilderment.

"Or maybe I'll pick up snake charming and just keep this fella...Come on big boy. I bet you've got some more fight in ya. let's see if i can tucker you out and tie up the bitch you rode in on with your tail."

((BTW: all of the enemies are outside of the museum at this point))




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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by EndZoner March 12th 2012, 2:25 pm

Retaliate watched as the woman summon demonic snakes and cop cars coming to life to kill him, "Well this is a pain.", Retaliate said to himself as he slammed his arms on the hood of the car that tried to run him over, which stopped it in its tracks. Retaliate danger sense kicked in as something from behind is coming at him. However Retaliate lacks the speed and reflexes to avoid being swallowed whole. "This is disgusting.", Retaliate said as he is being taken down the throat of the snake that just swallowed him, "But it's a big mistake anyway.", Retaliate said as curl up into a ball and large spikes protrude from his body all around himself, and tearing up the demonic snake from the inside out. "Freedom!", Retaliate yelled as he burst from the stomach of the snake. Retaliate ran to the car he just stopped and proceed to pick it up and toss it at the villains.
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Troglodyte March 12th 2012, 5:58 pm

The caveman snarled furiously at the zotbots as they destroyed his projectile effortlessly with their very scientific laserbeams. He did not care for that sort of behaviour at all, and would punish any and all that was involved. What even made the Savagely Smashing, Snarling Sourpuss even more annoyed was the fact that they had the indignity to point their lasers upon him next, shooting volley after volley of beams that just harmlessly collided with his massive caveman chest. The only form of response he gave to this treatment was a derisive snort as the villains left the building to utilize the scientific little guys sciencepowers upon the cars. Gwharr snorted once more. Was he supposed to be impressed? The guy could utilize his scientific magic to utilize cars as weapons. Big deal, he'd figured out how to do that since literally the first time he had faced a car. And he didn't need to use any fancy bracelet to do it either, he just grabbed ahold of the car and chucked it at whatever it was that had annoyed him.

However, this was not all. The womanly companion of the sciencedude who had thus far done nothing remotely interesting had decided it was her turn to put her metaphorical pieces into the big game of superhero chess. Gwharr raised both eyebrows as he noticed those pieces. It was the snakes. The snakes that the horribly evil witches he had encountered earlier had used against him and bliss. He snarled once more, this time lower and more menacing, it grew into a single roar as he started to knucklewalk towards them, ponderously, yet purposefully. They would not escape his wrath!

However, he had barely made it a few paces untill a small pack consisting of three wild policecars came rushing towards him with as much speed they could muster. However, this did not bother the caveman overtly much. In fact he welcomed it. His wall-attack had been a fiasco, and he was about to take it out on these little creatures. Even though the cars where fast, they were incapable of reacing their maximum speed over so short distances, and their lack of mobility made them somewhat predictable, thus Gwharr had very few problems with countering the first car by a massive right-hook, causing it to flip over on its back, its wheels still spinning pontlessly in the air. The second car surprised him by comming in at him far faster than expected, but due to our heroes quadruple stance and durability as well as the fact that it probably weighed pretty much the same as the veichle, it did little more than knocking the caveman off his feet. However, the foolish veichle decided to press its advantage by trying to turn Gwharr into roadkill, by driving overhim, he had his chance. With a swift, upwards punch, he send the veichly flying, several hundred feet up into the air before it landed noisily on a nearby rooftop.

The third car had decided to follow its companions example, but as it saw the fate of its companion it came to a screechy halt and started to turn around, hoping to escape the carnage, but cars did not turn well in mud, so it skidded, giving the caveman ample time to grab ahold of it around the hood. Whislt the engine of the car whirred franticly, like a caught animal, Gwharr grabbed ahold of the car he had earlier knocked on its back, and smashed the two veichle togethers, silencing the motors of both of them.

The caveman then proceeded to make towards the witch, determined to end her, vieldign one car in each hand like oversized, massive clubs. one of the snake-creatures got in the way, hissed at him violently, but Gwharr just smashed it into the ground with one of his veichle-weapons, instantly killing it. More snakes were heading his way, but he was ready for them. He'd show them all, he would!
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Plural March 15th 2012, 6:33 am

Serpent watched with a mildly amused smile on her face. The look of a woman with tricks up her sleeve. One who had nothing to be afraid of, but with a massively muscled monstrosity beating down the pavement towards you, one had to wonder what it was that kept her so calm.

Sure her snakes moved to defend her by some silent magics or something. Four of them slithering into the path of the caveman but hadn't he already proven that the snakes were of little challenge to him? The snakes hissed and like lightning one of them struck out, aiming not or the caveman but or his 'weapons'. It moved to pluck the vehicle from his left hand and though this particular legless reptile was not as strong as the ancient warrior with whom it fought, it was more than strong enough to rip the car in two with little effort, a game of tug o war proving ineffective between the two of them.

A second of the slithering serpents reared up with a regal bearing as if it was ruler of all that was around it, it's head held high before it opened it's mouth and with a disturbingly muffled hiss, projected a stream of venom from a gland beneath its tongue. This venom however was potent. Supernaturally so because Any who got in its way would discover, it was corrosive and virulent enough to eat through all but the toughest hides in an instant.

Binary was also busy now, twiddling his fingers and plucking the holographic keys of his wrist mounted computer, his ministrations working to reroute the power from the physical systems of the zotbots to the mounted artillery they were using. The hide of this woefully weapon wielding warrior was doing proving too tough for standard energy blasts so he was going to crank up the power a bit. Sure he himself could walk out there and throw around electricity but he was a thinker, the centerpiece of his battle platoon. Him stepping into a fray was akin to a bad situation and things were still doing alright weren't they? Well he was thinking so until a shadow darkened the pavement in his peripheral vision. Looking up he saw a car on its way down on him and Serpent. There was no time. His zotbots were busy being modified and she was looking to zero in on some foreseen prey in front of her which left only him to deal with this problem as if something so mundane as a tossed car was beneath her station to lift a finger and stop.

His body reacted by drawing his arms up as a tickle in the air betrayed his intent. With a crack of super-heated air, a stroke of electricity flew from the genius' fingertips and collided with the car which stopped in mid air or but an instant before gravity reasserted its existence on the car and it fell from the air like a stone and with a thunderous crash it landed on the steps of the museum smoking from its contact with raw unadulterated power. Ok so things weren't exactly as planned. Cutting his plans shorter than expected, Binary re initiated his robotic minions and with a stern glare at the armored hero he pointed and fired another bolt of power at the guy. He was asking for it now, throwing things at people deserved retaliation...

Plural seemed to be too wrapped up in his fight with one of the demonically powerful snakes. His back was even to the villains and one of the other members of this rag tag bunch of crime fighters. Then again looks were decieving. He had long since summoned a duplicate of himself who was watching this whole ordeal rom the roof of the building across the way. Sure no one else knew that because he had done it with the utmost subtlty and discretion but that, again, had been the point. He was concocting some kind of goal here to capture these two wrong-doers but the chaotic combat stylings of the other two super strong heroes was making this difficult. So too were the endless stream of secrets and tricks the two bad guys kept pulling out of their arsenal.

With an exasperated sigh, the teenage hero set his feet into the earth as the snake he was figthing lunged at him once more with angs the size of his arm bared. Using a simple technique he transerred the orce of the beast into the earth, causing him to stay motionless liker a mountain and forcing it to struggle against him, it.s neck bucking with the efort as its boddy coiled up behind it like a car crumpling when it finds its way into a bigger badder hard place.

With a show of effort, the blond followed his companions' examples and hurled the snake at the two villains. his motions were artful as his whole body was put into the action, his feet leaving the ground as he twisted in the air momentarily his legs lying wide before he landed again. THe maneuver had been planned because his action hid the fact that he had also hurled a pair explosives to follow the snake as a follow up to his assault.

Seeing the zotbots coming back to lie and lying over the mess to to continue their furious barrage of beam attacks, the duplicator reached into his utility belt and plucked out his next item to show off and sprinted forward to place himself exactly where he wanted to be.

Snake # 1 (an anaconda) ____________ Snake # 2 (A cobra)
Int 0 ______________ int 0
str 6 ______________ str 4
spd 2 ______________ spd 2
dur 5 ______________ dur 3
ep 0 _______________ ep 6
fs 5 _______________ fs 3

Zotbots (flight 2 points) ____________ Binary
int 0 ______________ int 6
str 1 _______________ str 2
spd 3 _______________ spd 1
dur 5 ______________ dur 4
ep 5 ( energy blasts) ________ ep 6 (electrokinesis)
fs 2 _____________ fs 3




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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by EndZoner March 15th 2012, 2:47 pm

"Okay, these guys are really hard to kill.", Retaliate said to himself as he tries to cut off the head of the snake he was fighting after he threw the car. Retaliate raise's both of his hands and bring them down on the snake with force strong enough to finally cut off the head. "Note to self, start studying about exoskeletons.", Retaliate said to himself when his danger sense is activated, "Crap!", Retaliate said as he turned back to the villains, but was hit by large electricity that not even his exoskeleton can withstand it, "GAAHHH!!!", Retaliate grunted in pain as he was knocked back with his armor starting to crumple and falling apart. Retaliate got up slowly and painfully to see who electrocuted him, and saw the male villain Binary crackling with energy, "Oh, it's on now, Tech Head.", Jason said as he reformed his exoskeleton to removed the cracks and replace the fallen shells to repair his armor and charged at Binary.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Troglodyte March 15th 2012, 4:56 pm

Gwharr gave a surprised snort as the Supersized, Strong, Serpentine Smotherer grabbed ahold of his car and tugged it with all his might, causing Gwharr to stagger a few steps forward, but not enough to actually rip it out of his hands. The Magical, Massive Monster was far more powerfull than any of the other snakes the caveman had encountered in this battle, in fact it was the second most powerfull snake Gwharr had ever encoutnered. However, the caveman immediately noticed that when it came to brute strength he did indeed have the advantage. There was quite a gap between his own physical might and that of the Antisocial Agressive, Anaconda. A gap wich he planned to utilize to the fullest extent that he could.

It was obvious that the serpent had decided to Bashfull, Brawny, Brutal Bruiser pulled with all the might he could muster as the snake pulled in the other direction, however, the snake was ready for this, and had coiled up its massive body in such a way that it had as good "footing" as possible. Thus the pull only resulted inthe trunk-lid and rear axle of the car staying in the snakes mouth whilst the rest of the veichle was pulled back. The serpent quickly dropped the axle and once again made a lunge for the car, but this time the caveman was ready for it. As the anaconda bit down on the veichle Gwharr utilized his other car to bash it over the head, causing it to crash onto the arm with a slight trickle ofblood running down its head.

This might not have gone as planned, but it was good enoguh. Gwharr quickly grabbed ahold of the snake as it was temporarily stun by the virtue of having a car slammed over its head, locked his arm around the snakes "throat", placing a foot on its body, utilizing his weight to pin it down, although he was aware that the Sinister, Slithering Sneak would not be kept down by such a move for long, he was not intending to keep the grapple for long. He dropped his other car and quickly put a palm against the nape of the snakes 'neck and pushed, whilst pulling the snakes hand backward with his arm, untill he heard the sharp, loud snap of the snakes neck breaking and the body went limp as the snake stopped breathing.

However, just as he let the limp body fall, he felt a slight wet spash on the left side of his face. Somewhat akin to a gigantic logey. He quickly saw the culprit, An Arrogant Antagonistic Asp, towering over its fellow like a king amongst his people. This snake was not quite as massive as the first one, and did not seem to be as packed with muscles and strength. Gwharr decided that it could wait untill he had gotten rid of the snakes around him. However, even though the caveman did not give it much thought, the skin where the "Logey" had hit him started to tingle and feel slightly hotter than previously.

He quickly grabbed ahold of the two cars, swinging them recklessly through the circle of lesser snakes that had surrounding him, causing the snakes that got hit to fall to the ground probably to never move again. However, his sense of triumph quickly vanished after the skin on the left side of his face started to sting. It felt almost as if he was burning. However, he had realized too late what was happening. He opened his mouth and let out another bestial roar at the massive cobra, a roar containing his pain, his rage and his bloodlust, giving the sentient people beyond the snakes a slight taste in what it would mean to oppose him.

He quickly Leapt towards the Cobra, intent on not letting it have another go at spitting at him. He landed in front of it, and as the Serpent hissed, he flattened it between the two cars he was weilding, causing a few bits of engine, a whieel whole bunch of shattered glass to fall onto the grass. The snake, not being as powerfull as its predessecor fell onto the ground, still alive, but in pain. Gwharr quickly spun around, smashing a few of the lesser serpents that had approached him into goo before unleashing his rage upon the injured snake, smashing the cars into it again and again, a few more bits falling of it for every consecutive punch. After a few hits the snake was deader than a doornail, but gwharr, mad with pain and anger kept bashing with his improvized weapons, blow after blow after blow, with such ferocious strength that it could be felt through the ground, and even sent a few hairline cracks spreading across the nearby asphalt. The cars did not last long under this preasure, though and little by little they where reduced to scrap-metal untill nothing but a big pile of ripped-apart metals and plastic remained. . .

At that part the caveman fell to his knees shrieking in pain, as the corrossive poison had eaten away the skin the left side of his face and neck, making him literally look half-flayed. He had killed the source of his rage, and as it left him, he was hit with the full force of how unbearably painfull this actually was.
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The Monotony of  NYC - Page 2 Empty Re: The Monotony of NYC

Post by Plural March 20th 2012, 11:09 am

Serpent watched as her pets were beaten and slapped around by the caveman with a look of pure contempt. How someone could have such a general disregard for the life and wellbeing of another creature, especially ones so majestic and nobel as the snake was beyonf her realm of understanding.

She allowed her lips to curl into a wicked smile as the beastly bumbling behemoth fell to his knees in anguish when the venom of her familiar seared into his flesh and melted the organic material from his bones. it was satisfying to see him begin down the path of penance for his folly.

" Sseee? Now was that so hard? You got all worked up for so little an accomplishment. If only your allies would stop fighting now too everything would be just fine. We could walk away. You could walk away. Everything would be...Did your mothers never teach you to thro things at people. Especially not at ladies. i'm apalled by this violent behavior," the snake woman mused, her words thick with persuasion as she lifted a hand and with an emerald nail pointed at the giant snake flying towards her and it writhed in midair, transforming into a puff of acrid deep green smoke.

She made the mistake of turning her attention back to Gwharr however as the explosive met its mark a moment later striking her in the chest just before it exploded with its kinetic reverberation, hurling the woman back almost 30 feet into the museum with a girlish scream of pain, something her body was mostly unintended to handle. The remaining three snakes hissed violently hearing the pain of their mistress. With alarming alacrity they slid themselves across and over everything in their way until they coiled themselves on the steps to the museum that would be the main approach to the witch who was master to them.

The remaining police cars were still milling about as well as two careened towards the mighty caveman hoping to monopolize on his moment of seeming defenselessness. One killed its lights and silent like a cruise missile, speed along from behind the armored hero and hoped to knock him off his feet again so that the tech head villain could try and pound him into the dirt. The last vehicle left available kicked up dirt as it turned towards the youngest among them and went to distract him for but a moment.

All would've been well except for the otehr grenade Plural had used earlier. It too found its mark on the ground right in front of Binary who had been too busy staring down Retaliate to notice the orb. The resulting pulse of energy sent the man flying as well with tremendous pressure , slamming him into the wall beside the hole the pair had crafted earlier. The impact came with a sickening crunch as he bounced from wall to cold unfeeling concrete, blood oozing from his mouth. The Guy struggled to get back on his feet and continue but all he could keep thinking was 'Why am i doing this? I'm too smart to be a super villain or at least the sort of villain that pulls his own hesits...'

Plural pumped his arm forgetting his place for a second ntil the flash of red and blue told him one of those damned police cars was on his left. he was a moment too slow to catch it and it hit him causing his force field to shimmer into visibility for a moment as it helped him to absorb the impact before he gave the car mighty forearm slam to the hood and the engine sputtered and the car bucked. the moment of vehicular hesitation allowed him the chance to gain traction with his feet and that was all it took for him grip the grill and tug the car up onto its trunk and with a few kicks he bent the axel and then rolled the car onto its side turning his attention back to his two allies in this, aware that both were in pain from his sensory link with his sentry like clone.

"Roll on the ground Captain! Get that stuff off of you or it's going to keep gnawing at your everything!" the blond hero advised, sprinting over towards the guy before anything else bad started to happen.




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