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Living Large

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Tek February 7th 2012, 9:51 pm

Tek let out a sigh as he was informed his new partner had no plan.
"Ok we should..." was all he was able to get out before he sensed a distortion in the air. The girl moved out of the way and Tek started to fly up.
"No, this ones not gunna get me." Tek said. The attack got the bottom of his legs and he was sent hurdling towards the ground. As he was feet the from the ground, he managed to react to the situation and start flying back. He landed next to his ally. He looked up in awe to see a tree coming at him like a baseball bat.
" I may be smart, but it takes only a fool to know that will hurt." Tek thought to himself. He put his hand up and blasted a shot through the tree, to split it enough that it went right by him in two halves. He looked over to Elena
"Hey we should concentrate on one at at time, but fast. We can't give them enough time to formulate their own plan. However, the larger one seems very barbaric. Perhaps we should use our brains on him. As for the other, it's apparent that his power is focused on energy projection. So we either need a close ranged fight with him, or figure out some long range attacks." Tek said. He turned on his TekTop and looked at the geological outline of the park to see where they should bring the fight.
"Ok let's try and lead them to the water fountain, it's a better area for a fight, less enclosed"
The water fountain wasn't very far, maybe 100 yards away.
"Let's try and finish this as fast as possible, and if you're thinking of just leaving me here, well then great minds think alike" Tek said laughing at his ally.
"I'm joking, I may be evil, but I do have morals you know" Tek said once again winking and flashing a smile


Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2012-01-19

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Forceaus February 7th 2012, 10:19 pm

Forcewave saw that they had seen his attack coming at them.The woman had successfully managed to dodge while the man had gotten hit.Forcewave was surprised by this.He didn't think anyone would be able to see his attacks.The woman who created the barrier launched a blast at her as well.She dodged that too.Captain Caveman then came at the woman with a tree swinging it at her.For a big guy he was rather fast though she managed to avoid it with use of some strange creatures.They reminded him of the creatures the woman at the bank used.He got that thought out of his head quickly though.The giant suddenly was about to swing at Forcewave when he stopped.Forcewave was relieved.At least this thing didn't think of him as an enemy.
The woman then fired an attack right at him.Forcewave fired at it to block it.The attacks collided in mid-air and his attack prevailed over her's and a bit of it continued onwards towards her.

Last edited by Forcewave on February 8th 2012, 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Millenia Murcielago February 7th 2012, 11:00 pm

Millenia remained on her park bench as she watched the action fly back and fourth. The ground around her and the bench had been torn apart from the shock-wave that the largest individual had created, who was now swinging around a tree like it was a baseball bat. She threw her shield up again because his random and frantic waving of the tree was not only throwing off large branches but also coming dangerously close to her. One of the opponents had split the branch to avoid getting his, which she found rather resourceful. This little conflict was more interesting to watch than anything, it did not seem like she was getting too involved with either side. Which was good, normally the less work she had to to the better. However she was rather interesting in the female's abilities. They seemed magical to a degree just based on her current observation. Millenia did not plan on moving too much from her current spot so she raised her right arm up and took aim at the two, her umbrella still being held nicely in place with her left hand.
"Furiosa Luz Comillo"
A large, bright green circle appeared in front of Millenia's hand that charged up for a moment and then fired a dozen polygonal beams. Six at the white haired man, and the other six at the woman. About half way towards their targets, they began to zig zag violently and cross paths making it near impossible to see exactly which ones were going to hit where. Millenia gave a smirk from under her umbrella finding this whole scenario rather entertaining.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Troglodyte February 8th 2012, 8:29 am

The humungous caveman raised his fists to the sky and roared ferociously in frusted rage, like a monstrous beast in the legends of old. His attacks had been either blocked or simply avoided by all of his opponents, while they kept on mocking him with their talking and their impetous refusal to fear him! To flee before him! He would have to show them that Captain Caveman, King of the caves below the city of lights was a name to fear! This more than anything angried up his blood something fierce! The Big, Brutish Bruiser once more opened his mouth wide and let out another ferocoius, deafiningly loud roar whilst beating his chest like an oversized gorilla, however this time it was not a roar of frustration, but a roar of rage and bloodlust, urging his opponents to come to battle with him. It was a roar of challenge.

His eyes darted furiously between the pair of them, before finally locking onto the whitehaired, ostentatiously dressed male. The father-killer who had carelessly and almost indifferently shattered a family. The indifference and blase attitude towards the murder was what truly had angered the caveman. In Gwharrs world there was no inbuilt sin in murdering someone as long as there was no other way out, or if it was a battle for dominance. It was unavoidable that conflicts arose between people now and then. But to casually kill someone and not even CARE!! Now, that was more than enough to earn Gwharrs wrath many times over, and he would do the world justice by ridding it from this decadent, thoughtless filth!

The caveman once more running towards the man, throwing punch after punch at him, without stopping moving each with enough power to easily reduce a brick-wall into a red, powdery dust. However, due to his strength, Gwharr was more than capable of throwing such puncheswithout much effort making it look more like a series of jabs than the swift series of overpowered megaton punches they actually were. And while he did this the caveman was howling. A howl of rage and a howl of bloodlust as well as a howl of joy. The joy that comes with doing something you love without worrying about the consequences
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Alpha February 8th 2012, 4:21 pm

Tek suggested they move towards the water fountain, which would be strategical if anyone of the two were a water manipulator. Which unfortunatly none of them were. true it was less enclosed, but what could some space do against the damnable caveman. Elena would have to think of a way to take him down as soon as possible. First the remants of the attack that negated hers was still on the move, though it was gone with a sweep of wind. With its lack of momentum it was gone in a second leaving her to deal with the other heroes who were trying their luck at beating her.

Though the magic user unleashed a powerful spell aimed at them, rods rushing at impressives speeds. Forcing Elena on the defensive, as a single pumpkin formed infront of her. An unnerving grin on its face as it rushed into the rods that were aimed at Marie. Detonating loudly as the rods careened off course. Barely missing her by only inches. Her assessment of the enemy was done and she could begin a counter attack of her own. The woman was a powerful user of some sort of energy magic. Captain Caveman was strong, durable, she was unsure if there was anything special about him. While the last has his force producing power along with his speed.

Elena raised her arms, fintips pointed to the sky as the winds picked up around her. Speed increasing until they howled aduibly, swirling around her in a deadly vortex. Hair whirling around as the whirlwind grew in strength pulling the dust from the area, growing visible. Fluttering back, she pointed her hands towards the two heroes. As the miniature tornado formed in all its glory. With a motion she pushed the deadly twister forwards in a path of destruction.

Living Large  - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Tek February 8th 2012, 5:27 pm

Tek took a second and looked up at what was above him, and his partner was starting up a very powerful attack. "Well, here goes nothing." Tek said under his breath. He started to fly as fast as he could up towards the sky. He then looked down, put his hand up and charged the cannon to its full power. He let go of the blast and sent it at Captain Caveman.
"You may be strong and fast, but you can't out think me. What makes you tick?" He thought to himself. He looked around the situation and saw energy flowing along the ground.
"Hey, either they have more abilities, or there's someone else here!" Tek yelled at his partner after noticing a new power. He then scanned the area for suspicious looking people, seeing if
his hypothesis was right. There wasn't anything sketchy except one women with an umbrella covering her face. "Everyone else ran in fear, but she just sits there? This can't be right." Tek thought and he looked over at his ally.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2012-01-19

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Forceaus February 8th 2012, 6:00 pm

The killer and his newfound ally had fallen back to the location of a water fountain.So they were starting to work together in a strategic sense.That only make things more dangerous.He fired another blast at the big guy who refers to himself as Captain Caveman.The woman conjured up a tornado using those strange creatures and sent it flying.Forcewave had gotten the best of her when she fired her last attack.He was thinking about trying such a tactic again but he decided otherwise.He wanted to land an attack upon them.He thought that the vortex she had created might make it difficult to near impossible for them to notice the attack coming due to the powerful gusts of wind it was generating.He fired the attack directing it around the vortex and towards the two villains standing by the fountain.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Millenia Murcielago February 8th 2012, 8:08 pm

Millenia, remaining comfortable on her park bench, waited to see what would happen next. The 'Caveman' went about attack the two pesky villains who seemed like just flies compared to his size. The woman began conjuring up some sort of tornado it seemed like with the aid of these little creatures that were floating around her. The whirlwind was not apocalyptic, but it would most definitely lift her from her spot. And that she did not want. Millenia checked on the white haired man that was floating next to the woman, he was attacking the large Caveman so he should be pretty busy with that for the time being. Now she was to focus on the incoming attack
Looking over to the other hero she was partnered with, he saw that he just fired his attack but directed it around the tornado. Millenia greatly wondered what this man's priorities were at this point because she would have thought that avoid the tornado and saving himself might have been on a higher level than hitting the enemies. Millenia let out a sigh Do I have to do everything around here...?[i] she thought before pointing three fingers vertically at the tornado. Three green lights began to charge up at the tips of each of her fingers.

The three beams of energy were shot at the tornado, not directly at it in the opposite direction of its rotation. Millenia figured that the tornado was too powerful for her to negate with a head on attack to trying to disrupt its flow as much as possible she could at least reduce it to a strong gust of wind to protect herself and the foolish hero at her side.
After the wind passed, Millenia decided to end this charade for she was becoming bored with the back-and-fourth-ness. And her random points of intervention didn't seem to be doing much anyways so might as well give them a statement to remember. She folded up her umbrella, placed it on her lap and pulled the bottom off slightly revealing the sword hidden in the handle of the umbrella. Millenia then lightly cut her left palm with the blade, she snapped thhe sword back into the handle, stood up and started to make her way closer to the battle field. Once she was close enough where they could see her and hear her without her having to yell, she clapped her hands together and put some energy into it to make the clap loud enough to get the two's attention. The real purpose however was spread some of the blood onto her right hand.
"Do forgive my interruption, but I have decided to draw this production to its close."
Millenia aimed her bloody palms at the two, there was a bright flicker of light in front of each of her hands before a multicolored orb of energy appeared in each hand. Energy swirled in, out, and around the two orbs as they charged up. The energy then stopped moving around signifying that they had finished charging.
[i]Gran Rey Cero!"[i]
Both the multicolored orbs were fired simultaneously and the force of the projection pushed Millenia back. The two attacks warped and twisted under their own speed and they exploded towards the two villains.
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Troglodyte February 8th 2012, 8:22 pm

Gwharr was too slow to avoid the blast that the whithaired, ostentatiously dressed villain fired upon him from his weird "super-mega-death-blaster-science-glove". However, our Prehistoric, Primitive Primordial was not all that worried about it, since he was convinced that these little blasts could do nothing against him, after all, the earlier ones had barely been enough to make him notice them back when Tek tried to shoot him. However, it seemed that this one was far stronger, even strong enough to punch through his skin. . .

The surprised scared him more than the pain itself did. Gwharr was not all that scared of pain, since he knew it was all temporary at worst. He had been able to regenerate from damage his entire life, and as he had aged and grown, it had always been the most treasured of his many abilities. He let out a slight Grunt as he reflexively stepped backwards in response to the sudden heat. However, he soon regained his composure and looked up at his nemesis whilst grinning menacingly while the small wound visibly healed and dissapeared, leaving no trace of the injury, leaving his forehead completely restored. It barely took two seconds all in all. He wanted them to see it. He wanted them to understand the futility in trying to fight him, the undying, unaging heir of an entire species.

The tornado summoned by the woman pushed the gargantuan brute backwards, but it was not enough to lift him off his feet, however. As he fought against the wind, walking forwar, literally jamming his trashcanlid-sized hands into the ground and pulling himself back towards, his thick mane of red hair whipping behind him, as he made his way towards his two antagnoists it seemed as if the mysteriously dressed nutter on the bench somehow stopped it with her own considerable magical talents somehow before it grew into enough strength to seriously annoy Gwharr.

"To have been born long ago, before time invented. To be the last of my own kind, yet the first of you'se ancestors. To have made empires rise, and to have made empires crumble into nothing! To have stood against gods and demons and beasts and monsters and men in too many battles to remember. To now stand against you. To think it time to ask you-self important question. . . 'Do I feel lucky?'. . . Well, do ya, Punk!? " The caveman boasted, his inhumanly deep full voice full of confidence and vitality as it echoed dramatically across the park.

He then proceeded to double back, face the two villains, stretch his arms out, brace for impact and once again clap his hands together, creating yet another massive shockwave, the brunt of witch was directed at the bleeding witch and the ostentatiously dressed, white-haired father-killer. More than enough power to send both of them to meet their maker as far as Gwharr was concerned. If that was not enough, he would have to try harder, because he wasn't going to let the whitehaired one get out if he had something to say about it.

Last edited by Troglodyte on February 8th 2012, 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Alpha February 8th 2012, 9:43 pm

Elena cursed under her breath as the attacks came upon her with deadly speed. She was unsure how she could get herself out of this fine mess she was in, but something had to be done. There were three attacks of a considerable size heading her way, and nothing she could throw at them had a chance of harming these heroes. Desperate times call for desperate measures though. That was what her motto used to be anyway, before when she actually felt desperate. The feeling was a very dissatisfying feeling to have. First she would have to deal with that force wave being launched at her which would be easy enough if done right. Gathering wind she slammed a gust into her body. Pain coursing through her midrift as she was pushed out of the way of the forcewave.

A beam of energy flashing past her face, warping the very air around it. So close she almost felt as if she would be swallowed by its pure power. Last was the shockwave from the caveman which proved to be the most dangerous of them all, and something she didn't have the speed to dodge. So with the full power of the sprites she summoned, she formed a cacoon of wind around her that would take the brunt of the attack. Though a major amount of the strike broke through and slammed into her, sending her reeling. Before she knew it, she was on her back, hard ground underneath her.

The taste of blood was in her mouth, and the crimson liquid trailing down her chin. Elena had sunk one of her teeth into her lower lip, a stinging pain in the wake of the mistake. Vision clouded as the world began to turn. Standing seemed like a chore now, let alone flying. How the hell could she escape a situation like this one? A sense of hopelessness dawned over her. One she had not felt for years, not since she almost lost her husband to a heart attack. A feeling that no matter what she could do. All her power amounted to nothing. Being all powerful was pointless in the face of reality.

"Lady Elena, the drop is ready."

The voice was like a welcome splash of cold water to her, snapping her senses into focus."Drop them." She hissed low enough for the voice over her reciever to hear. Three crates were dropped from a small plane, creating considerable damage as they fell. The doors opened as white humanoid figures forced their way out. About eight in total, lead by a woman in a black dress with hair of an equal darkness, and a man in armor with twin blades.

The reinforcements were here.

Living Large  - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Tek February 8th 2012, 10:29 pm

Phoenix was blown away by the true power Captain Caveman possessed.
"Woah, this will hurt if it connects." Tek thought to himself. Years of Karate training had given him the battle knowledge on how to dodge his opponents blows, however Forcewave's attack had caught him off guard. He felt his legs come from under him and fell face first into the ground. He rolled and rolled dodging each of the barbarian's punches, till he made to his feet and fired a blast from his cannon at the large man's face. Then he flew over to his ally, and put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, are you ok...." he said as he stopped mid sentence and looked at the cavalry that arrived for them.
"I think we might make it out of this one." Tek said a with a grin.
"I know i'm supposed to be a bad guy, but this girl risked her life for me, so I should give a shit, right?" he thought to himself.
"Alright, let's finally start to take some offense...." Tek stopped shirt in his sentence again.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't catch you're name?" He said not knowing what to call her, he chuckled and turned a little red. "They call me Tek."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2012-01-19

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Forceaus February 8th 2012, 10:47 pm

During the course of this titanic battle as the tide was turning in favor of those trying to defeat the man who had started this whole ordeal by commiting the act of murder on an innocent man a new element had just been added.A plane flew overhead and dropped 3 crates in the middle of the park that had become a battlefield.Out of these crates came 8 humanoid figures led by a dark haired woman and an armored man carrying blades.
To Forcewave they seemed like enemies.They were facing directly at him and the other 2 that had been trying to defeat the killer.He wondered where they had come from and who they worked for.His best guess was for the killer but even he seemed surprised by their arrival.The tide of this battle looked ready to turn again.And not in the direction that he would prefer.
Forcewave decided not to wait for them to make a move before making one of his own.But he didn't want to attack the newcomers just in case they weren't his enemies.His target was the killer.He fired another attack at him.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Millenia Murcielago February 8th 2012, 11:39 pm

Millenia let her arms fall slowly down to her side. She took a deep breath in, and let it out slow. Using two or those Gran Rey Ceros at once was not something she was entierly used to, and because it only caused some damage to the two she still had to carry on. Luckily though before that she had not used too many major attacks so she still had enough power left to hold her own. Her companion seemed to be in the same condition as well, he had not really taken any damage and could probably still fight full out. Suddenly three large crates fell from the sky and when they landed they tore up the landscape even more. They opened up to reveal 8 more opponents, they seemed to have been lead by a lady with dark hair in a black dress, and a man in armor with blade weapons
"Hey, I'll take on the reinforcements they called if you can take care of the other two." she called over to the other hero that was fighting. She then looked up at the caveman and then spoke again over to the hero.
"We can let the Caveman be, it seems like he can handle himself. Though I would recommend not getting in his way..." she said as she made her way closer to the new problem. Once Millenia was a few dozen yards from the new group of eight she pulled her hands up, her fingers spread and her palms facing her body. Tiny dark blue spheres of energy began to appear in front of Millenia's person. They began to increase in size and more energy was drawn into them
"Cero Metralleta!"
The dozens of charged spheres of energy began firing rapidly at all of the new enemies hoping to cause some damage or at least set them back.
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Troglodyte February 9th 2012, 7:56 am

The Big, Boisterous, Bombastic Brute Roared in triumph as his blast hurled the red-haired witch into the air, untill she finally crashed into the ground, seemingly battered and beaten into submission. Gwharr was uncertain wether she was alive or dead, and to be honest he did not really care. She was not his main target, she was just a diversion. An obstacle to be crushed or pushed out of the way in order for him to reach his true goal:To reap bloody vengence against the white-haired father-killer.

The Carnivorous Cave-dwelling Curmudgeon snarled as the blasts from the ostentatiously dressed white-haired mans hand-cannon hit his face. It wasn't as bad as last time though, but it stung slightly and left a slight, red bruise on his cheek. However, thanks to his regenerative abilities, the bruise was only visible for barely a second before it had faded, leaving his face unblemished once more. However, even though it stung, Gwharr was not showing any signs that it might have affected him in the very least. He did not want them to see that they could cause him pain. That would give him hope, albeit false hope, but it might be enough to be enough to make him try to go on the offensive instead of treading water, wich was what he and his KO'd Companion had done up untill this very point.

However, his thoughts where diverted from the fight at hand as several sinister figures dropped from the sky. These sinister figures were revealed to be sinister crates, but they soon opened to reveal that they where inhabited by sinister soldiers as well as a pair of familiar figures. An armoured man with twin blades and a woman all dressed in black. . . He was fairly sured he had bashed the woman into a wet stain on the street before, and that another hero known as 'huntress' had finnished of the swordsman. Still, if they where back from the dead, Gwharr had no problems with sending them back once again.

"You!" The caveman roared angrily, pointing at the two leaders of the squadron that had literally dropped outta the sky. "To not let you interfere! To kill you! To rip you'se apart!!" he roared even louder, obviously switching his priorities from the white-haired folks to the newly arrived 'old friends' of his.

He roared and quickly rushed a few feet forwards, reaching the elaborate, somewhat oversized water-fountain. The caveman knelt down and literally buried his fingers into its surface, ripping it loose from its foundations and the pipes that supplied it with water, seemingly without any effort. He then turned towards the small squadron of newcommers and hurled the whole thing towards them like a giant discus, hopefully that would be enough to take at least some of them out. He then proceeded to crouch down and leap into the air, raising his fists as he did, hurtling through the air, straight for the squad of newcommers, As he crashed into the ground he brought his fists down, causing a massive, albeit very local earhtquake. The earth cracked and shifted violently, large crevices opening in the ground. Crevices more than large enough to swallow a man. In fact several lightposts and inconveniently placed trees fell into the newly created chasms. A long way away in the city proper, the crashing of flass could be heard, as well as the shrill sirens of car-alarms wich had been set off by the sudden shock. In the very least this massive would make all people who were in his immediate vicinity find it very, very difficult to remain on their feet.
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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Alpha February 9th 2012, 4:27 pm

"You can call me Elena Marie. Its a.....pleasure to meet you Tek." She answered clearing up the mess that was her mind. In enough time to see her reinforcements being assualted by the heroes, who seemed to see them as a sort of threat. Were they seriously attacking her new forces? This added another layer of difficulty, yet gave her an easy oppurtunity to get her revenge. First was the women with her strange magic launching her assualt, and then the caveman whom seemed to know her more powerful creations. Their attention turning from her gave the oppurtunity that she had always wanted to have for the entire skirmish With haste she removed a specially designed glove from her bag, slipping it on her hand as quick as she could. Activating magic that was imbued in the very symbols that were sewn into the fabric. Energy gathering around her palm in the form of a dense bullet with a great potential for puncturing.

"Oh please, it seems these heroes need a lesson." The woman in black snarked, wrenching one of the artificial humans infront of her, the same as the other. As they took the brunt of the magical attack.Bodies jerking from the impact of the miniature bullets. Though they didn't die, nor were they close to dying. Infact once the barrage had finished, their wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. Flesh closing over gaping holes in ther bodies as they snarled int rage. Though the shaking ground sent them tumbling as they fell. Cracks forming along the earth, only an inch from most of the beings, though one managed to fall down. Screaming all the way as it did. Elena cursed as she tried to will herself to rise into the air, a wave of nausea racking her. Though she managed to fly anyway.

"Damn, this is only getting more dangerous as it goes on." Elena cursed under her breath as she examined the damage that the oaf had caused. "What the hell are you thinking?!? Are you trying to destroy the city?!? Because if thats your goal you're doing a damn good job!!!" Elena yelled at the caveman, fists clenching into tight balls. The Warrior and Aelia saw this as their chance to launch their own little counter attack. The one with the blades rushed at forcewave with a superhuman speed, aiming to slice his head from his shoulders with a sweep of his blade. While the woman elongated her index finger into a dangerous spike that could damage even the most durable of foes,aimed at Millenia. While the rest of the artificial humans rushed at forceave with mouths open wide, hunger coursing through their beings.

Living Large  - Page 2 CjhXQha
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Living Large  - Page 2 Empty Re: Living Large

Post by Tek February 9th 2012, 10:37 pm

"Alright Elena" he said with a smile, "The pleasure is all mine"
Tek then looked up at the plane that was taking off, that had just dropped the cavalry off.
"Hope you don't mind losing a few men" Tek said as a grin came across his face. He pulled his goggles down over his eyes and took control of the jets' systems. He then jumped up, and flew up on top of the cockpit and looked down at what was in front of him. "Let's see what this things' weapons systems can do" Tek said while feeling like a kid in a candy store with all the cool gadgets on this thing. He thought to himself "weapons systems, fire." and all the guns attached to the plane fired down all over the park. Next Tek surfed the plane down directly towards Captain Caveman and flew up and backwards as he watched the plane inches from the barbarian's torso and neck. "Let's see what you got Tarzan." Tek shouted while flying back he flew over next to Elena
"This plane is full of fuel, and it's going to explode. If you can't fly grab a hold of me, if you can well now would be a great time to take off, are you with me?"

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Registration date : 2012-01-19

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