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The Formation.

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The Formation. Empty The Formation.

Post by Andrew January 29th 2012, 2:43 pm

Three days later just, as Phoenix asked Gauntlet and Dakka, he went back to the spot where they met. He sat up on the fire escape and thought about what to say. "I don't want to come off to strong." Phoenix thought to himself, "but I also don't want to look like I have no back bone."
He went through different scenarios in his head on how their meeting might go.
"The young girl is really good at first impressions, and that Kal guy, he's something else." Phoenix thought back to when he first started fighting crime. He always wanted to put together a team. He looked down at his watch.
"They should be here in a few minutes". Phoenix looked over to his left and saw a stray kitten walking along. He went over to it, it didn't have a collar.
"Hey there buddy" Phoenix said to the cat. He always had a soft spot for animals. He picked up the cat and looked at it up and down.
"Where did you come from?" he said with his head tilted a bit. In return the kitten looked at him wide-eyed and meowed. Phoenix couldn't help but laugh a little. He put the cat in his jacket, and zipped it up a little bit. He leaned up against the wall and waited for Dakka and Kal.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Gauntlet February 5th 2012, 3:00 am

Gauntlet had arrived only a few minutes after Phoenix, he didn't quite feel like walking down and saying hello just yet. He sat on the same roof top as Phoenix but on a radiator releasing heat from the building, just an old fashioned piece of crap you see sitting on top of every building in New York.
He jumped down off of his perch and walked up behind Phoenix, slowly but not trying to surprise him, it was never a great idea to surprise a superhuman.
He smiled as he approached Phoenix, eyeing the cat zipped half way into Phoenix's jacket. He chuckled slightly
"Hey man, I guess I'm in" he said in a nonchalant voice right behind Phoenix.

He sat down next to Phoenix not looking directly at him. "Nice cat." He grinned sheepishly as he pulled a cigarette out of the front pocket of his jacket. He placed the end of it against the crystal center of his palm, pulsating his energy slightly to light it and then sticking it in his mouth.
"Does it have a name?" He chuckled as he looked at Phoenix.

The Formation. 65753510

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 42
Location : Massachusetts
Registration date : 2012-01-07

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Andrew February 5th 2012, 3:17 am

Phoenix laughed as Gauntlet arrived with a grand entry.
"I think I'll name him Skipper" He said looking over at Kal smoking a cigarette.
"So I guess Dakka isn't going to show up. That's fine, wee'l be a two man team for now" Phoenix said while grinning.
"So let's get down to business, I ask 1 thing and one thing only. Use your powers to help people, not hurt." Phoenix could tell that this Kal had good intentions, but he had to say it just to make it clear.
Phoenix stood up and put his hood on as it started to down poor.
"Let's head back to my place to finish this, I don't feel like getting drenched" he said.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Gauntlet February 12th 2012, 1:26 pm

"I use my powers when I need to.. But I promise I will not harm anyone who doesn't have it coming." He sat looking at Phoenix, he slowly but surely took a puff from the cigarette he was holding, trying very carefully not to crush it in his gauntlet covered hands. "Alright man lets go" Gauntlet says, standing up next to Phoenix looking down at him. "Are you seriously going to take that cat with you?" He laughs looking down at the cat still in Phoenix's jacket.

Suddenly Gauntlet heard the sound of a chain link fence, the sound of something large, hitting it hard. He heard a thud as something hit the ground and looked down the ally way he had heard it from.
"Looks like trouble, lets check it out first."

The Formation. 65753510

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 42
Location : Massachusetts
Registration date : 2012-01-07

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Andrew February 12th 2012, 10:10 pm

Phoenix laughed and said "Of course i'm gunna keep em" I mean, look at his face. Phoenix left his new feline friend under under the roof and pulled told the cat to wait for him. The cat looked at him and again responded with a "Meow" which made Phoenix laugh a little. "Alright Kal, let's see what we can do together, shall we?"

Phoenix hopped the fence and turned to see two gang members going at it along with about 10 others all over the place. "Ah, hello gentlemen, good to see us all acting like respectable adults." Phoenix said with total sarcasm. He looked over to his left and the obvious "leader" of the pack started walking towards the two of them. He was rather large, about 310 pounds give or take, and almost 7 feet. This was no small man by any stretch.
"My boys are takin' care if business, now why don't y'all get on outta here before I go and lose my temper" the man said to Phoenix and Kal. Phoenix looked over at his partner and grinned from ear to ear.
"Now my friend, I am one hundred percent sure you have no idea who we are, or what we're capable of doing. And unless you and all your friends pack up shop before I lose MY temper" Phoenix said with a bit of hostility at the mans ignorance. The leader stepped up to Phoenix and Gauntlet and picked up a lead pipe.
"So we doing this?" Phoenix asked looking over at Kal and smiling.
Phoenix jumped back and shot a fireball over towards the leaders stomach, and the leader fell to the ground and rolled like a fish out of water. Next he drew his blade off his back and held it and went back to back with Kal.
"Ok, now is where we fight, now is where we show what we can do, now is when our legacy starts." Phoenix said facing away from Gauntlet.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by A.I. February 14th 2012, 3:34 pm

Gabriel leapt from rooftop to rooftop, looking for trouble. It had been at least three days since he had seen any form of action. As he jumped through the night, he grew frustrated by the lack of disturbance. He should be glad, seeing that no one was in danger, but the emptiness of the city unsettled him. He almost gave up his search, when he saw a flash out of the corner of his eye. "Hm.." he said out loud. "Perhaps..." A.I. slowly approached the side of the building, looking down at the scene unfolding below. Two men in costumes stood back to back, poised, ready to strike at a large group of men surrounding them. Before he had a chance to survey the scene any further, he saw a man readying a handgun to fire at one of the costumed men. He jumped off the rooftop, landing in between the man with the gun and the hero with the sword just in time to take three bullets to the chest. "Ow." he said sarcastically. He moved to the left, giving the sword wielder a good view of the man who had just made an attempt on his life. "He's all yours, friend." he said with a grin. He could tell these two were powerful allies to have. He moved into position, so that the three of them were back to back to back. "My name is A.I., nice to make your acquaintance."

Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Forceaus February 18th 2012, 7:42 pm

John Capore was out later than he had planned to be.He had lost track of time.I guess what they say about time flying while having fun was true.He had been walking down the street when he heard a disturbance in a nearby alleyway.He quietly walked towars and looked into the alleyway from around the corner of the building and saw a bunch of gang members.He recognized them as such because he knew a few of them.He also recognized the gang leader.He wasn't hard to notice that was for sure considering his size.He was planning on simply continuing on and leaving this be when two new people arrived on scene.John saw that they were dressed strangely.Very strangely.They were talking to the gang leader but john couldn't hear quite hear what was being said due to all the noise being made by the other members of the gang.When he saw them drawing weapons he decided that he needed to intervene.He quickly and quietly backed away and ducked into another alleyway where he began changing into costume.While changing he heard that the fight had begun and also gunshots being fired off.He finished changing and made his way back to the alleyway.There he saw that another person had joined the fracas.Seeing them surrounded by the entire gang he quickly ran in and pushed his way through and stood beside them."Hey.You guys in need of any assistance?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by EndZoner February 18th 2012, 9:01 pm

Jason was free running on a bunch of buildings roofs from a nearby Starbuck to back to his hotel with the coffee's he promise to bring to Lilian. He was about to jump over an ally, until he heard a commotion in it. He stopped momentarily to see whats going on. In the alley he saw a bunch of gang members picking on a woman, with four other people trying to stop the gang members. Jason decided that they might need help, so he put the coffee's down on on the roof and jump down into the ally, which activated his exo-skeleton that absorbed the impact and cause some small cracks to appear. "I was just getting coffee and now some bunch of gang members trying to rape someone?", Jason said as he scratches the back of his head, "Geez, what a drag.", Jason said as he took a fighting stance, "So, you guys need any help?", Jason said to the strangely dressed group of men.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 185
Location : The End Zone
Age : 27
Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 19th 2012, 4:27 pm


That morning had been seemingly boring--Essa was a busy body, she needed something to do at all times of the day. Whether it was fighting crime, eating, cleaning her apartment--She needed SOMETHING to do. So, simply taking a jog down the street in some black gym shorts, blue tennis shoes, and a gray sports bra. She had a toned body, why hide it?

But as she heard the sounds of punches being thrown and yelling, she skip to a hault, pulled her earphones out and slid her Ipod into her pocket. " . . . Damn. Uh, need help, kiddies?" She called out, frowning a bit as she jogged over to the group of men. "I think I may be of use to you all . . . " Casting a stone cold glare at the criminals, she lit both hands with a soft blue flame. "I deal with dumbasses like this daily, so its not difference for me . . . "


The Formation. Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 167
Age : 34
Registration date : 2012-02-09

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Gauntlet February 20th 2012, 10:08 am

Gauntlet grinned at the scene he found himself in. This is why he had decided to join Phoenix. He raised his right hand up towards the thugs trying to harm the civilian. His palm glowed with energy from his right gauntlet which made a low humming noise.
His eyes glowed white and intimidatingly he said to the thugs. "I think it's about time someone put you boys in your place" He looked around at the other supers that had joined him and Phoenix. He smiled and nodded at the ones who had come to help. "The more the merrier." He said with a crack of his neck.

Without wasting another intense moment on these poor thugs he fired one blast out towards the one directly infront of him, his arm recoiling as he fired at the criminals that threatened this city. "Lets see what this team can do"

The Formation. 65753510

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 42
Location : Massachusetts
Registration date : 2012-01-07

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Andrew February 20th 2012, 2:43 pm

Phoenix looked up and smiled, as he was pleased with how he and Gauntlet's meeting had gone. "Well thank you all for the help, now let's see what we're all capable of." he said. Phoenix's arms were starting to surround in flames. He put both arms up, and sent two fairly large fire blasts at the man who had attempted to shot him. He then ran at the man and threw a punch to him while he was still falling back. The man's jaw had obviously broken, due to the sound Phoenix heard when he made contact. "Thank you for taking the shots for me...." he said trailing off as if not knowing his name.

Phoenix did a back hand spring and was now at the head of the group.
"I don't know all your names and what you can do, but for now, engage." Phoenix said with a grin, and turned and faced the group of gangsters that wanted to pick a fight.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by A.I. February 20th 2012, 3:30 pm

A.I. looked from right to left, analyzing each of the approaching threats. They seemed to have grown in number since he had arrived, but then again, so had the heroes. Without saying a word, he pulled out his energy pistol and fired three quick shots into the crowd, hitting both of one man's knees and the other in the stomach. "Do not be alarmed. They will survive." he said loud enough for the other heroes to hear. Gabriel holstered his pistol and fired a low level blast from his palm blaster at two of the thugs, blasting them back about seven yards. He finally took a moment to take a look at the other heroes. Including A.I., there were six of them. They all seemed pretty powerful, but this battle would be the judge of that. He jumped forward to grab one of the criminal's guns and crushed it in his hand, before delivering a swift knee to his chest, sending the thug the ground. "Hasta la vista, baby." he said in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, and chuckled to himself.

The Formation. Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 30
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by Forceaus February 20th 2012, 5:49 pm

The other heroes had taken action to defeat this band of gangsters.They were proving quite effective against the numerous gangsters.Superpowers are always an advantage it seems.Four of the gangsters lined up with their guns pointed at a few of the heroes and fired off several rounds.Forcewave blasted the bullets to pieces and the blast continued onwards hitting the ground in front of them causing them to lose their footing and stumble about.Forcewave dashed forward in a matter of seconds successfully disarmed each of them, then knocked one of them down with a strong punch to his jaw.Another one of the gangsters tried to hit him from behind with a crowbar by swinging at his head but Forcewave's super fast reflexes allowed him to duck under it, then kick him in the shin causing the gangster to fall to one knee and drop the crowbar.Forcewave grabbed the crowbar before quickly getting up and pushing the guy to the ground.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by EndZoner February 20th 2012, 7:40 pm

Jason was amazed by the power of each supers in the ally, "Well this is interesting.", Jason said meekly as his danger sense alerted him that something is behind. Jason turned around to see a thug holding a molotov, "Burn asshole!", the thug yelled as he threw it at Jason. The molotov break on impact on Jason's exo-skeleton and set his armor on fire, but it only made Jason look more intimidating, "You should have thought this through.", Jason said as he grabbed the thug and punched him in the face, which knocked the thug out, "So who's next?", Jason said calmly as he is still on fire.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 185
Location : The End Zone
Age : 27
Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

Post by ScarletteGoddess February 20th 2012, 8:12 pm

Being so massive, Essa simply laughed a bit as some of the gang members seemed to be a bit uncertain of going against her. "C'mon, lovies, I don't bite." Whipping around and lashing out pointedly, one long leg bashed right into the poor man's head. The force and power her long limb had upon the man wasn't too surprising considering Essa's massive physique--Therefore, the man was knocked unconscious. Seeing the two other little groupies running towards her, she snickered coyly, "Oh, and that's me WITHOUT my powers. Come at me, bro."

The two thugs, in fact, decided to go at her. No problem. With her stamina, the silver vixen slid rythmically through one of the man's legs, kicked up right into his croth, and then reached up with her free leg to wrap his head in a head lock. Her powerful thighs seemingly began to choke him to death and right before he passed uot, she released him. As he fell to the ground unconscious, Essa acceled forward on her hands and knees to barrel into the last of her little 'group' like a wild animal. As he staggered backwards, Essa's in-motion hands reached forward to grab the man by the neck. Seeing a few pieces of scrap metal simply dangling in water puddles, she reached over with a leg, dragged it close and pulled it into her grasp. Lighting her free hand on fire, she held the man steadily against the wall of the alley. With her other hand, she melted the metal. Once down to an almost liquid form, she slammed that hand against the mans neck--Burning him, but not too severely. With that, she sat back and watch the metal dry against the wall--trapping him there.


The Formation. Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 167
Age : 34
Registration date : 2012-02-09

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The Formation. Empty Re: The Formation.

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