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Post by Alpha January 26th 2012, 8:37 pm

The limo drove slowly around the curve, keeping a smooth pace. It's black exterior sleek in the midnoon sunlight, radiant and near perfect. Tapping expectantly on the leather lined seat, Elena waited. She hated traveling around the city in such an obvious vehicle. One that could be picked out in a second. Not the smartest move ever, but she was prone to be theatrical. A slave to her nature, to prove who she was. A powerful witch, and a threat. Lately some of the gangs got it into their minds they could mess with her operations. It was time she prove them painfully wrong. Elena had found through certain sources that a robbery would take place at this bank in about five minutes. What could she do to make them suffer you ask? Patience, all will be revealed shortly.

They used communication equipment, which Elena had tapped into using a device of her own design. True it would sound staticy to them, the frequency already had a static texture to begin with. Leaving her in the clear for now. With a slowly forming smirk, she wiped a strand of red hair from her face. Taking on a new persona for such a delicate operation. For now she was Sophia Wright, the young aspiring hero in disguise. Not that it mattered who she was once this was over. Elena would be out of there before anyone could stop her. This had took exactly an hour and thirty minutes of planning, give or take ten minutes.

"Stop the vehicle. I want confirmation when the plan is to take place. Don't disapoint me." She said simply, pulling a black wig from her bag. Placing it around her head until it seemed as natural as her man of fire that was her hair. Next were contacts of a sapphire blue, and a light layer of specially designed make up. After a few minutes she looked different enough from her natural form. Though the backpack was on her back, though in the form of a black bat. It all was ready for her master plan to be unveiled. Well more like plan of boredom spawned at the last second.

Stepping out of the limo, she began to walk to the bank. As the vehicle left her to the job. Bat shaped head phone dangling around her neck, not drawing any sort of attention whatsoever. Simple black boots tapping lightly against the sidewalk, as she made sure to keep herself inconspicuous. Wearing only a tight black t-shirt with a leather vest, and pants that flared around the ends. She whipped out a cellphone, pretending to talk on it after dialing a few numbers.

Only two minutes to go. She waited across the street for the time. One more minute to go. She walked through the front door, hands in her vest pockets.

"Lady Elena, it's time."

A single gunshot rang through the air, as people dived to the floor. Elena following suit, as the men in mask's rushed in. Though she caught one person who was hastily putting one on, though why he needed a mask was unknown. He was a metahuman criminal known as The Bull. A dangerous superhuman, but he would find out soon that his hubris could cost him his life. Not that Elena was one to talk about hubris.

The message(open) CjhXQha
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Post by EndZoner January 26th 2012, 11:19 pm

"Okay, so tell me again, why did you bought a whole bunch of Justin Bieber posters and a pack of darts that practically used up our entire money for this trip.", Jason asked. As he and Lilian are driving down the streets of New York City in a blue Honda Civic with Jason on the wheels, "Easy, I personally think the guy is an insufferable prick and I wanted to express my alttitude towards him.", Lilian replied meekly. "Okay, I might you forgive you about 75 percent but there's a limit for your imagination.", Jason said. "Why are you so concern about money?", Lilian asked,"My dad have been spoiling me since I was 8 when he start giving me expensive things and money to make up for not being there for me.", she finished. "That's just it, you've been spoiled by a business man that works for a well known company that I have forgotten about the name because it was too damn long to pronounce.", Jason said, "You gotta start living a middle class life, because if this keep going on like this, I might get spoiled and become a jerk like Justin Bieber behind closed doors.", he finished."Well, if you put it like that than I might think about it.", Lilian said as they arrive at a bank that is being robbed which activated Jason's exo-skeleton. "Aw, crap.", Jason said as a group of bystanders stared at him and pointing,"Okay, I'll stay here deal the heist while you go to another bank and get some money, and I'll see you back at the hotel.", Jason said he stepped out of the car. "Just come back alive!", yelled Lilian,"When my mother finds out that your dead, she'll send me on a dozen blind dates with snobby assholes!", she finished. "No, promise's!", Jason replied as he watched Lilian drive away. When's Lilian drived out of sight Jason walk into the bank, "Okay, those who want to run and think twice about being the bad guy, please leave, but those who are idiots and want to stay, please line up so I can beat the crap out of you in an orderly fashion.", Jason said as he cracks his knuckles.
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Post by Alpha January 27th 2012, 4:29 pm

The largest man in a mask began to give orders through a filtered voice. The others following instructions as they began to pilfer the money in the safes. They kept steady eyes upong the hostages ready at a seconds notice to take them down. Police would be kept at bay while they did their buisness, but heroes were another story. They always had to be straightforward with their plans. No sense of cunning, though she had to admire them for that. Elena would go along with his heroics, if only to get her end in this. With a muttered breath she summoned one spirit of air while the men took their eyes upon the boy. Guns raised to shoot him down, though that seemed not enough. The lithe creature floated about out of the view of the men.

While shots rang out it began its own work, conjuring a small tornado. Held inbetween its two hands, swirling till it came into view. Then hurling it at one of the men, sending him sprawling onto the ground confused, though he was next hit by a blunt blast of wind in the head. Knocking him unconcious for the most part. Some of the armed men looked for the source of what caused it, well the ones who weren't surprised by the boys skill. They saw noone except the cowering hostages, but nothing else. The spirit had already been dissmissed.

Elena was pleased that the plan was actually working, though celebrations could not be made yet. The superhuman was still here, and he presented a major problem. From her data, she would have some problems with him. Caution was to be taken, unless she had a death wish. So slowly pulling herself up, she waited for the chance to take down the others before The Bull.

"Lets see what you have planned hero." She whispered.

The message(open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Post by EndZoner January 27th 2012, 5:48 pm

Jason stood there in front of the entrance as the robbers unleashed a barrage of bullets,"Oh, come on, guys.", Jason said,"Your just going to embarrased yourselves, so why don't you just give up?", Jason said as the bullets are deflected from his armor. Suddenly a large gust of wind is blown inside the bank which knocked out one of the men which got most of the bank robber to turn their attention. "What the?", Jason said confusingly until he noticed a woman slowly getting up,'Something tells me that your not ordinary', Jason thoughted as he took this chance to knock out one of the robbers. Jason then proceed to attempt to knock out the rest, until they gain their reasoning and continue to open fire on him. "Go ahead! Shoot me and waste your bullets!", Jason yelled as he charged at them while bullets are deflecting from his armor.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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Post by Alpha January 27th 2012, 8:13 pm

The kid proved to be rather resiliant, and that made him somewhat of an interesting thing. The exoskeleton was one of the most interesting of his features, which seemed to deter bullets aimed at him. Though the thieves were learning their lessons, that bullets held no purpose with this one. He would have to be dealt with in another fashion. He would stand no chance against the bull. Cracking his knucles, the tallest man stepped from the rest. Unlike the others he was an intimidating height of about seven feet, with clearly defined muscles. One could guess what his specialty was.

'Let me deal with the little hero." he said with a deep voice that resonated with an accent. Though it couldn't be placed exactly, it gave him an intimidating aspect to him. He was the great threat Elena had heard about before. He may be no super intelligent mastermind, she would have to take him on carefully with these guns around. Atleast she had the hero as a variable in this clash. Gave her some chance in the unwanted chance that she were to end up fighting the brute.

With the time she had,Elena summoned a sprite of fire. Whom she had send out a torrent on the man nearest to her. Setting him ablaze, as he thrashed about, rolling on the floor. Next she stood to her feet, wiping a strand of black hair from her face. Ready to face almost certain death at the hands of these thugs. Though of course there were always back up plans if death were to occur.


The message(open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Post by EndZoner January 27th 2012, 8:50 pm

Jason stand face-to-face with the man that is looking down on Jason. "You do know that your just going to hurt yourself if your going to fight me, right?", Jason said with small spikes protruding all over his body, "Then again, it really depends whether or not that you can regenerate.", Jason said as he take a fighting stance and was about to charge at the man, when they both hear the screaming of a man that was set on fire with the woman from before getting up with a small girl that is literally on fire, "Aw crap, things got even more complicated", Jason said as he creats larger spikes on both of his forearms and raised them in a defensive position and waiting to see what the woman and the flamming girl will do.
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Number of posts : 185
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Age : 27
Job : It's a secret
Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
Registration date : 2011-12-07

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Post by Alpha January 27th 2012, 9:06 pm

The first thing she noticed was the heroes posture, and how he looked at her. To him she seemed to be an equal if not greater threat than the muscle bound man. Not a good thing at all in this situation. If he were to turn on her, she would be facing both the criminals, and the man with the tough skin. Tipping the odds unfavorably against her. A man raised his gun at her, though the sprite burned his hand with a blast of fire, weapon clattering to the ground. The gun was brought to her immidiatly, as the others hesitated with their weapons half raised. Two more of the fire sprites appeared around her, creating a funnel around her of pure blazing fire.

Being made of fire had some perks, including using your body as a weapon. The thugs hesitated to move as she dominated the scene mostly with a simply move. "Who the hell are you girl?" The Bull demanded in a gruff tone, losing focus on the hero for a brief second. Though he made sure to watch out for his spiky hands that posed a threat. Meta humans were a dime a dozen around here, but that didn't mean there weren't powerful ones.

"Does it really matter who I am? Soon you'll be behind bars, and there my name matters little. Though i'm sure your cellmate will have plenty of time to learn yours." She answered him simply with a mocking undertone that belied her malevolence. She had no intentions of letting the police arrest him. He had done some damage to her property, and that was unforgivable. Not even a criminal mastermind would be forgiven for such a sin, and one he was not. So it would be time for him to go bye bye.

"I would love to play with you girl, but I have more important things to deal with." He said dismissing her turning to Retaliate. That angered her, but she let it slide. Gave her time to deal with the men.

The message(open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Post by EndZoner January 27th 2012, 9:18 pm

Jason watched as the flamming girl burn one of the robbers hands when he raised his gun on the woman. 'Okay, maybe Blaze over there just killed the guy in self-defense for her mom maybe?', Jason thoughted as a good reason if she is arrested but dismissed that when two more Blazer's appear around the women and engulf her in flames,'Crap.', he thoughted as the man next to him turn towards him, "Great, now things really got complicated.", Jason said as the woman is just standing, but his danger sense is telling him to stay alert of her, "So, ready to get this over with and one of us can deal with her?", Jason said while moving his head towards the woman, "And if you agree to the terms than lets get started!", Jason yelled as he charged at the man.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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Post by Alpha January 27th 2012, 9:34 pm

It was in the blink of the eye that the fight had begun, but he was not caught completely off guard. No, he was ready for the reckless charge that could end his life if the kid wasn't careful. That skin looked tough, but so was The Bulls. He prepared himself for the attack, standing his ground as the blades of one hand sunk into his thigh, though it didn't go too deep. With rage he raised a hand, and slammed it down, aiming to use his full strength to smush the kids head like a grape. Just another dead hero in his eyes. Another that had the misfortune to cross his path. Soon enough he would be ready to take on the big leagues. "Is that the best you got punk?!?"

Elena was equally quick as the torrent of flames formed around her rising high. Reaching the cieling as she was obscured from view, ducking low as she anticipated the next move. Which was pretty smart in retrospect. Bullets whizzing over head through the fire wall, which she made sure wasn't strong enough to melt the bullets. People cried out in pain, as she guessed the bullets had hit something. As the fire wall fell, she looked over the devastation that been left in her wake. Most of the thugs were hit in either the leg, or stomach. One in his throat, already dead. It was pure coincidence.

"Wow, didn't expect that to work out. I'm kinda surpired, but whatever." She shrugged as the sprites hovered closer to the gun toting girl. Ready to defend her in a flash. Though she really didn't need it right now, not yet anyway. "It's sad really, me having to do thing." She looked over one of the bleeding thugs. His stomach had been punctured, and there was only a slow painful death waiting for him. His stomach acids would begin to seep out. He would be dead before anything could be done about it. Placing the barrel of the pistol in her hand against the mans forehead, she looked him in the eyes. Wanting to be able to recall his face, as a reminder.

"May the gods be merciful" and the trigger was pulled. Followed by the dreaded recoil, and the man went slack.

Last edited by Elena Marie on January 28th 2012, 8:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

The message(open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Post by Forceaus January 27th 2012, 9:57 pm

John Capore had been in the area of the bank when the robbery occured.When he discovered that the bank was being robbed he thought it was just another simple heist job.Little did he know what was really about to happen.He decided to intervene on this attempt.He changed into costume and headed over towards the bank.When he finally got a look in to see what was going on it surprised him.
It was a battleground indeed.He knew one of the individuals involved.The criminal known as the Bull.He and his band of thugs were fighting a guy covered in spikes and a woman who was conjuring firing.There were hostages in there too.The woman had just defeated all the thugs as he entered the bank.She was holding a gun to the forehead and fired it killing him.She was about to fire upon another when Forcewave hurried over and grabbed her by the wrist"That's enough now."He said to her cautiously.He then looked over at the other two who were fighting.He was prepared to help the hero out.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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Post by EndZoner January 27th 2012, 10:10 pm

Jason was pinned to the floor when another man appeared and stop the woman from killing the thugs that got hit by their own bullets. 'Okay, looks like the new guy is on my side.', Jason thoughted, 'Now I just need to get out of this guys hold.', Jason thoughted desperately when he got an Idea, Jason concentrated hard and made something close to a scorpions tail on his back and made it to attempt to strike the man in the man's face to let go of him.
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Humor : Kill an artist, you'll be saving ten thousand innocent trees.
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Post by Alpha January 27th 2012, 10:22 pm

He had the hero down, though he didn't seem to want to stay down for long, as a tail sank into his stomach. It pierced flesh, but went no further. One hand reached up to grab the deadly weapon, hoping to grab it, and throw the hero against the wall. Though he wouldn't be done after that. Not until his shell was broken like an eggs. The Bull winced through the pain as he blood cvame form his wound. Though it would be nothing to slow him down, not as bad as the cuts on his leg.

"I would suggest you let go of my hand, unless you want to lose it." She said with a dangerous amount of venom as fire rose around her as if it aimed to burn the man. Though it made no move to do so, not yet. Elena wouldn't do soemthing like that to a man who held her in such a precarious situation, though she quickly pulled her hand from his grasp with full force. Glaring as she summoned another fire sprite,reaching her maximum amount of sprites that could be under her will at once. Though it wasn't that bad with the power they offered.

"Why do you stop me? They have little time left, about ten minutes at the most. What I do is a kindness compared to the slow death that awaits them." She said lapsing into her logic, almost like a god complex. It would be better if they died quickly instead of the slow agony they were to feel. As if the hero would ever listen to what she was saying, the insane villainess. Not that she would give him the chance to ignore her.

"Though I suppose that metahuman is a more pressing issue. I know what he can do, and our friend may end up biting off more than he can chew with this one."

The message(open) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Post by Forceaus January 27th 2012, 10:33 pm

The woman had wrenched herself free and had several creatures surrounding her.They seemed to be the source of the fire.He hadn't noticed that before.
So she was the type who killed criminals.That's what it seemed based on what she was saying.But something wasn't right about it.Forcewave didn't think she was one to be trusted."I'm not going to just let you pretend to take justice into you're own hands.That's all."
She then warned him about the possible danger the other hero was in in regards to his battle with the dangerous criminal.He wondered why she didn't just take an action.Isn't she a hero herself?He put these thoughts aside as he made his way over and stood beside the armored hero.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Post by EndZoner January 27th 2012, 10:44 pm

"Gah!", Jason grunted loudly as he was swung to the wall repeatedly by the man. Jason tried to think of a way to get out of this situation when the new arrival came by to maybe help him, but the new arrival seem to gain the attention of the man slamming him to the wall whiched he stopped and holding tightly onto Jason's tail, which he regretted greatly, but took this chance to find a way to escape from the man. 'I wonder if I can just-?', Jason thoughted as his tail is detached and dissolves instantly afterwards, "Yes, I'm free!", Jason yelled as he quickly got up and stand beside the new arrival, "So, what do they call you?", Jason asked to see if he is an ally.
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Post by Alpha January 28th 2012, 12:59 pm

With each impact against the wall the knowledge he was closer to victory sank in. Though that was gone as soon as it came when the tail snapped off, and he was gone. Standing by the new arrival, leaving him outnumbered three to one. Not the best option even for someone as powerful as him. The kid was strong,fast, and had that armor. Thats what he knew, while the girl and new arrival were mysteries within themselves. He would be screwed if they chose to team up on him"There are more than before. Back up would be appreciated." He spoke into a mini communicator in his ear. Words being relayed to an unknown source, in an unknown location.

"What do you expect? They're heroes, not morons." A voice answered him in his earpiece with obvious annoyance, though only he could hear it. "Take down as many as you can, and run away. Don't risk a losing fight. I'm counting on you Cameron." The voice ordered before static covered the frequency. Those were his orders. So he would follow them to the letter.

" We will have plenty of time for pleasentries when this guy isn't trying to rip our heads off. Get your heads in the game people." Elena said before anyone could say anything. Though she didn't expect them to listen to her, just a teenager. Though she had the firepower to make them if she really had to. Pun intended. She stepped forward, braced for any sort of attack, though she didn't expect one to come her way. Not yet anyway. Though she was wrong, as the man charged her with deadly intent. A single symbol glowed on her back as she was raised into the air. As if gravity held no sway with her.

She sailed over his fist along with the sprites, leaving him barreling towards the heroes. As she had all four send a powerful burst of fire at the mans back. Causing him to howl in pain as his skin blistered, and turned red. Wonderful second degree burns.

Last edited by Elena Marie on January 28th 2012, 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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