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Your Average Workweek

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Your Average Workweek Empty Your Average Workweek

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 10th 2012, 9:48 pm

Since Millenia moved to New York, there hand not been much trouble thankfully. The last thing that she wanted right now as to be viewed as some hero type person who would come save the day at a moments notice. She couldn't fly to the scene of the crime, and it would look pretty intimidating with her economy car pulling up to 'save the day'. Millenia was thinking on this as she drove to work like she would on any Tuesday morning. She'd had finally gotten used to the traffic and the irrational driving habits of the other people in the city. Other than the driving, everything else was running pretty smoothly in her life. She made friends at work and would go out with them regularly. Life was simple and peaceful for Millenia.
Tuesdays were not the most exciting of days at work, she sat in her office and typed away, did some filing, made copies. Typical business work. There was a new intern in the office and she had the task of showing him around for the day, or at least up until her lunch break.
"I'm just going to take you through a few of the levels today, the other associates will finish off the building at a later date." The kid had a bit of a worried look on his face when she mentioned that there would be more levels to learn.
"No worries, you will only have to know a few levels. You'll most likely only have to work for one department. I believe there are other interns for the different departments. Not even I could handle all that work." she said giving a playful chuckle, then rolling her eyes.
She finally finished up the guy's tour and went to lunch. There was a cafe just within walking distance that she liked to go to, and since it was sunny out she figured she would go with that today. She grabbed her coat and headed on out. She had on a very professional business suit on. It was form fitting and she wore a pencil skirt instead of the pants that she normally had on. While on her way to the cafe, she accidentally bumped shoulders with a man, she quickly said sorry turning to the man but he kept going. Millenia thought nothing of it and just kept walking. She got her food and sat down with a toasty cup of coffee and for some reason the man she ran into popped in her head again. Now that she thought about it, there did seem to be something off about him. From what she could recall he had extremely pale skin and blue hair. But with all the freaks in the city, she did not dwell on it too much...
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Volt January 11th 2012, 12:27 am

Volt walked down the street, looking for something to do, as usual. Except this time, he was in a classier part of town. He wasn't sure whether he liked it or not. The people were too nice, and the sidewalk was too clean. Not to mention the fact that he hadn't seen a street bum for at least three blocks. He was on his way past a small cafe when a woman in business attire bumped into him. She apologized, but he was too caught up in his thoughts to even acknowledge her. He almost decided to leave this part of town, when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. An armored car, parked outside a bank across the street, being loaded up with cash. "Nice!" he whispered to himself. He waited a few minutes, for the car to be fully loaded, before dashing behind the security guard. Volt tapped the man on the shoulder, and he turned around. "Goodnight." was the last thing the man heard before being electrocuted to death. Volt closed the doors on the back of the truck and ran around to the front. He was about to jump into the front seat, when he heard an alarm go off. "Shit. These things are never as easy as they look, are they?" he exclaimed as he was surrounded by security guards. "Alright, alright, you got me." Volt said with a sinister smile. He put his hands in the air and got on his knees. As the guards closed in on him, handcuffs at the ready, he released a blast of electricity, killing the closest guards and knocking out the ones farther back. "Hah! Nice try, assholes!" he cackled as he hopped into the front seat of the armored car and shocked the dashboard, causing the car to jumpstart. "And here we go!"

Your Average Workweek Voltsg10

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 11th 2012, 1:24 am

Millenia took a sip of her coffee, and before she could even set it down she heard a scream followed by people running in the opposite direction. She let out a sigh and thought You have got to be kidding me.... She took a bite of her pastry as people started to get up from the cafe and look outside at what was going on. Most of them them on their phones either taking pictures or talking to someone about whatever they were witnessing. A few minutes passes and she head police cars zoom by, with this she reached into her purse, pulled out her phone and dialed her office.
"Hey Shannon, yeah I'm going to be late getting back in....Yeah, everything is backed up here..... Not sure, I'm too far away to see..... I'll let you know when I get back to the office." *Click*
She put her phone away and threw her purse over her shoulder and headed towards the scene. As she got closer, it started to get rater backed up with cars and people heading in the opposite direction. With a little bit of pushing and shoving she finally reached the scene and could see that someone had hijacked the bank truck. Millenia did not see any other men standing around the truck so it seemed like just one spur-of-the-moment individual was trying to pull this off. She rolled her eyes and sighed again as she crossed the police line to take care of the problem. She was on a schedule so this needed to be over quick. Millenia walked right in front of the truck, standing at the point where she could be seen from the drivers seat. She picked up a pebble from the ground and tossed it at the window to get this person's attention.
"I have to be at work, so, get out." And with that she pointed her hand down at a forty five degree angle and then bringing her forearm up quickly, bending at the elbow. This caused a small, semi-translucent red beam of energy to zig-zag quickly across the ground to right under the front of the truck. Once it got there it spiked up with a powerful blast that sent the truck flying up into the air just enough to cause it to flip backwards and land upside-down. With how armored the truck is, the guy inside wouldn't have taken any more damage than maybe some scratches and bruises.
There was silence from the crowd as she began to walk to the cabin of the truck which was now on the other side. Once Millenia reached the front, she was a good fifteen to twenty feet away, she crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her right as she waited for the culprit to emerge from the now banged up truck.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Volt January 11th 2012, 10:50 pm

Volt was about to pull the car away, when a woman stepped in front of the car. She said something, but he couldn't quite make it out. For a second he thought he recognized the woman, but before he gave it a second thought, he was upside-down. "Uh. Woah. Cool." he said as he attempted to unfasten his seat belt. After what seemed like forever, Volt was able to get out of his seat and over to the door. "This is why I hate cars. Too fuckin' slow." he said to himself. He opened the car door cautiously, and stepped out. He walked casually up to the woman who he assumed was the cause of the truck's current state. "Hey, how's it goin'?" he asked, scratching the back of his head. "Uhm, may I ask, what that was for? I was totally about to jack that, and now I can't drive that shit anywhere. And I don't care how fast I can run, I am NOT running back and forth carrying wads of money. That's not even fun." Volt crossed his arms and frowned. "Too many friggin' people getting into other people's business these days. It's just plain rude."

Your Average Workweek Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 11th 2012, 11:42 pm

A kid? This little guy was the one giving everyone here a hard time? Yes looks can be deceiving, but he's just a kid. He must be one messed up thing if he's trying to pull off a major bank heist and grand theft auto. Then after a moment of looking at him, she recognized him as the guy she bumped into not too long ago. The blue haired boy then began running on about how he was going to run back and fourth with all this money or something. She let out a sigh an pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head in disappointment.
"Are you kidding me kid? What is a runty teenager like you doing robbing a bank? Don't you have school to go to? Friends to play hooky with? Ugh, why do I even bother, kids never listen anyways..."
Millenia then stood up straight and held onto her purse strap with her hand, with her free hand she extended it out so that her palm was facing the kid and sighed. Let's do this quickly... she thought in a boring tone.
"Cientos De Paso Ferroviario Parch."
After her spell, a hexagonal rod appeared in front of her hand which shot out at the little thief, once it got close enough it dissolved away and formed hundreds of tinier hexagonal rods that aimed to pin him to the nearest surface, which was right now the side of the truck.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Volt January 13th 2012, 11:43 am

Volt dashed to the side quickly, narrowly avoiding most of the woman's attack, but still being grazed by the hexagonal rods in a few locations. He looked down, and saw that his leg was bleeding. Not bad, but enough that it stung. "Well, that wasn't very nice!" he said to his attacker. "Look what you've done! Now I'm gonna have to go beat up an old woman, take her cash, and buy a new pair of jeans! And I buy quality jeans, too. Not that K Mart bullshit. These are designer, man! And now they're trashed!" Volt jumped up onto the overturned truck. "I guess I should be thanking you. After all, jeans are a small price to pay for this!" He gestured to the scene that was unfolding. "And this? This is where it gets fun." he said, shooting beams of electricity from the index and middle finger of each hand directly at the woman. "And by the way, I have tons of friends! But most of them are either dead, or too hungover to hang out today. Consider yourself lucky!" he cackled.

Your Average Workweek Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Andrew January 14th 2012, 12:20 pm

Andrew was shopping for some clothes in the nicer parts of town when he came across a familiar face. "Oh my god, where don't I see this fucking guy." he said to himself. He saw the blue haired kid having a dispute. He ran down an ally way through off his jacket, took out his mask, and put his other clothes in his backpack in the ally. In his backpack he carried a few throwing knives so he took them, and got ready to go.
"Oh, shit almost forgot." Phoenix said. He took the pill that DarkFire gave to him to help him regulate and control his fire.
"Now I can really go full power." he thought. He walked out into the street and yelled at the blue haired man.
"Hey, what did you get yourself into now?!" He remembered this guy from his fight back at the park. He knew he was a villain but he still liked the dude. Phoenix roared and fire surrounded his left arm, and in his right hand fire appeared to be in the shape of a sword.
"Time to test out some stuff I've been learning" he said under his breath. A circle of fire surrounded Phoenix's feet as he started walking towards the fight.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 14th 2012, 11:01 pm

Millenia's dull facial expression did not change as she flung her hand upwards generating a transparent force field in front of her that blocked the attack, but only barely because right after the attack ended her defense shattered. To her opponent it may just look like she had dispelled it, but she knew that it was from this kid's attack. He was more powerful than he looked, but he was accurately annoying. This needed to be over, and fast. She continued holding onto the strap of her purse with her left hand as she re-extended her right arm and started to charge her next attack. But in the corner of her eye she caught another individual approaching. Millenia was not in the mood to tag team with someone right now, it would be much quicker and much easier if she could just take this guy out herself. Her attack that was charging faded out and she put her hand straight up.
"Escudo De La Impenetrabilidad. A white beam of light shot up a distance from her hand and then rapidly expanded encasing the blue haired individual, the truck, and herself. The force field stopped right in front of the pyrotechnic that was planning on joining the battle.
"Sorry, this is a closed set..." With the electric user now trapped Millenia quickly brought her hand down and aimed her palm at the kid.
A powerful blast of red energy shot out of her hand and sped towards the kid hoping to make impact. Though if it didn't it would hit the truck causing an explosion which might set the money this guy was so desperately trying to take on fire. So it was a win win. Either he gets hit and there end of story, or she hits the truck and no more money and end of story. Millenia was curious to see how he decided to play it out. She did however keep an eye on the locked out fire manipulator. She did not know how powerful he was, but the shield should keep him busy for the time being, assuming that is he is that determined to join the conflict.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Volt January 14th 2012, 11:39 pm

Volt grinned as he saw a familiar face approaching. "Tito! You came to save me! See, lady? I told you I have friends!" Suddenly, the woman shot light into the air that turned into some sort of forcefield, keeping his friend out of the fight. "Jeez, lady, what's your deal? You told me to play with my friends, and now that one's here you won't let him in!" he laughed. The magic woman blasted red energy in Volt's direction, and he sidestepped it. Before he could make a witty comment, the truck behind him exploded, sending him flying forward into the forcefield. Volt landed on his back with a thud, rolled over, and pushed himself up with one hand, the other limp at his side. "Ow."

((Sorry that was kinda weak, I'm really burnt out atm.))

Your Average Workweek Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Dr Everyone January 14th 2012, 11:49 pm

Dr.Everyone walked around the corner of the street, knowing full who he would find. He had been following his "little apprentice" around, making sure that nobody messed with the brainwashing he had been doing to him. As he turned the corner, what he saw shocked him a bit. A woman was fighting one of his eomployees, a superhuman named Volt. Volt, it seemed, had tried to rob a bank.Dr.Everyone quickly assessed that Volt most likely did not plan to share the wealth, and that helping him out would most likely convince Volt that there was too much money in that truck for one man.

Dr.Everyone walked closer to the fight. Some people that had crowded around left as they saw him. Those were the ones who remembered what he had done before. Those were the ones who believed he wasn't dead. Those people were smart.

"Andrew!" Dr.Everyone called out. He'd come up with a way to explain why he was dressed differently, and if Andrew asked, he'd tell him. He would still use his alter ego DarkFire, however. There was a likely third option: That all of the concoction Dr.Everyone had been giving Andrew to take had really started to take effect. If the latter was true, his mind would accept anything Dr.Everyone told him and told him to do.

"Andrew, do not attack the pale, blue haired man! He was trying to stop that woman from robbing the bank. You must stop her! She is evil!"

Just then, a white force field encased the woman, Volt, and the truck. Dr.Everyone chuckled at the effort, and prepared his own attack.

"Oh no, a forcefield. Whatever shall I do? Oh wait, I know exactly what I'll do."

He fired a beam of fire into the air. It arched and came crashing down on the center of the force field. The light of the field shuddered, and Dr.Everyone smiled.

"It'll come down eventually, I promise!" the Doctor said, firing three more beams into the air, all of them crashing down in succession. He nodded to Andrew to do the same.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Your Average Workweek DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Andrew January 15th 2012, 12:33 am

"Ok first off, what's with the new look Darkfire? Second, I know this guy and he is a bad guy. Third, magic lady I am a good guy and so is this guy over here." Phoenix said. Phoenix was getting confused, and angry, and dizzy. Without thinking fire started surrounding his body more and more. He started losing himself to the fire, to the power.
"I have to hold on"
Phoenix thought desperately. The flames totally took over, and Phoenix lost control. A bird like figure of fire surrounded Phoenix and his eyes were closed. The fire seemed to have a mind of its own. It started blasting around and fire started burning buildings, and setting cars on fire.
"I can't let it win" Phoenix fought hard, and eventually his eyes reopened. He saw the monstrous fire around him and it all hit him. The fire started to subside, and he was able to retake control. He had the fire wrapped around his arm.
"Thanks Darkfire, all the training and these regulation pills" Phoenix said. "Now, what's the plan."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Millenia Murcielago January 15th 2012, 4:15 pm

Things were heating up and it did not seem to run in Millenia's favor. In addition to the one fire manipulator, another appeared and began attacking her force field. She winced from the impact to her shield and knew that it would not hold for much longer. The electric kid seemed to be dealt with temporarily which gave her a moment or two to focus on the new problems. Something was happening between the two who had fire abilities, as if the one attacking her was trying to win control over the other even though they seemed to know each other. Whatever was happening she did not like it. Another three beams of fire hit her shield and she fell to one knee struggling to keep the defense in tact. Cracks were appearing all along the field and sweat was beginning to accumulate on her brow. Millenia took in a deep breath, and let it out slow allowing the force field to shatter like glass. She moved out of the way of the beams in case the continued to the ground. She took her purse off of her shoulder and left it on the ground before standing back up. Millenia was figuring out her situation and saw that the kid robbing the bank might have broken his arm so she would keep an eye on him but not make him the main focus. The two fire manipulators seemed to be the issue, the one who destroyed her shield was most likely more powerful than the one he was speaking to. Millenia had to get serious now to make sure she remained unharmed here. She napped her fingers and the opened both her hands.
"Luz De La Luna."
A green energy javelin appeared in each of her hands, she took a stance and prepared for a fight from all three of them...

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2012-01-06

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Volt January 15th 2012, 9:32 pm

Volt, battered and bruised, managed to stand up using one arm. He felt his shoulder, and he deduced that it was most likely dislocated, but not broken. He put his weight on one leg, and then the other, to make sure he would be able to run properly. "Dude, fuck this. I'm outta here!" he said as he realized the shield surrounding the area was broken. Volt looked for the best escape route, when he noticed that the woman attacking him had switched focus to Phoenix and another man, whom he immediately recognized as his boss, Dr. Everyone. "What the- Boss!?" he said, probably not loud enough for anyone to hear. He heard the doctor give orders to Phoenix. Phoenix, working for Phoenix? He thought to himself and laughed. More super human muscle, I guess. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the woman had put her purse on the ground. "Ha. Mine." he said to himself as he took off at full speed in the direction of the woman's purse.

Your Average Workweek Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Dr Everyone January 15th 2012, 10:44 pm

The forcefield had finally had enough of his fire barrages. It shattered like glass and Dr.Everyone smirked. Though, the smirk was not visible. The woman then conjured two javelins, prepared to fight them all. At least, it should be all of them. Dr.Everyone would need to get Phoenix to believe what he told him more. His mind was easily contorted by the Doctor, especially since he had started Andrew on a "Regulation" medicine. It was actually nothing more than fluoride, which make the imbiber more open to suggestion and made them more easily believe what they were told. In Andrew's case, these effects only worked with Dr.Everyone, who was the master puppeteer controlling all the strong. So he went on to answer all of Andrew's questions and pull more puppet string to turn him against the woman.

"I felt that I needed some extra protection, so I threw together this improvised outfit, and it is no problem to help you with your abilities. But as for that man, he is not evil. I swear to you, that woman is. Whatever you know of that man, whatever you have seen him do or heard of him doing, it was not his fault. She mind controlled him. She even mind controlled him into robbing this bank. But he broke free, and now she's trying to kill him. We must protect him, Andrew! We have to save him AND defeat her!"

"Just give it a few minutes. The fluoride in the pills will kick in soon, and Phoenix will obey, if he doesn't obey now. "

Andrew was then consumed in fire, and an actual phoenix made of fire appearing around him. Had this occurred before he had met Dr.Everyone, me might not have taken back control. But he did, and the fire settled back down and Andrew thanked Dr.Everyone.

Volt darted for the woman's purse. She had set it down and was now wielding two javelins that appeared to be made of green energy. Dr.Everyone simply stood there, helmet blocking any emotion or facial expression from being shown.

"It seems what would have been two on one, has quickly turned a hundred and eighty degrees around to become three on one. If I were possessing of a doctorate, and I am, I would say your odds of survival are highest if you surrender."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Your Average Workweek DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Your Average Workweek Empty Re: Your Average Workweek

Post by Andrew January 15th 2012, 11:16 pm

"Ok, well I like the new outfit." Phoenix said. He then turned his attention to the women who was dealing with the blue haired guy.
"DarkFire is right, so if you surrender now I promise we won't hurt you. If not then you were warned." Phoenix felt light headed, DarkFire's pill was kicking in.
"Dark, what if she doesn't back down, I can't actually hurt her." Phoenix couldn't find himself attacking a women who he didn't even know.
"It's a shame, she is really cute." He thought. Phoenix grabbed a throwing knife and fire surrounded it. He held it with the blade facing the ground. "So what is the plan?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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