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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Mockingbird January 5th 2012, 1:24 am

New York City. A land of glimmering glass skyscrapers and cement streets. Fumes fill the air even late into the night as it is now. John was here for one reason and one reason alone. He was here to make a business deal with Seth Khan. As he walked up to the large glass tower that was the Khan Industries Building, John was reminded of the one he owned in the city for his own business. Looking behind him, he saw the men flanking him; Azazel and four mercenaries were following him. As he entered throught the glass double doors, a security guard informed him that he was not welcome here and ordered hits come back went it is open. As John walked past him, the large man wearing a black uniform with a radio by his shoulder Laid a hand on his shoulder. As the mans sweaty hand touched his shoulder, the man would have a bullet in his brain. Azazel had shot him through the head. He had a silencer on the smal gun so there was nearly no sound when it fired from the barrel or when it landed in the mans head. Certainly it wouldn't alert any of the other guards. John made his way over to the elevator and stepped inside. He pressed the button of the floor number that Mr. Khan had his office on. John knew this wasn't his only business. He had spy photos from Siberia of the grop he ran. Down below, othe ground floor, Azazel and the mercenaries took out the guards before getting in the other elevator so they could join John for the meeting.

John stepped into the office of Seth Khan and approached his desk. His briefcase by his side had the photos from Soberia inside. He had obtained the photos from a Siberian Spy that no longer walked this earth. Across the gap, on the roof of the other building, were snipers with their laser dot sights trained on the man in front of John. "Hello Mr. Khan. I have a business proposal for you." The offer he had was simple. He would fund this mans group and in return, John wanted them to cause some chaos for him to see what heroes could preform. They would just be pawns in his game of chess he played with heroes. He hoped to play this game with the one that was known as the Black Knight. He was well known to be a highly intellectual person. John wished to show that even he was into above John's intelligence. This group that he was funding would just be a pawn for now. Maybe one day they could become a bishop or a knight that he could use as a tool to take the heroes king in a few short moves. This was one game of chess that no one but John could win, no one else could win with the forces John possessed. Shortly, he would have a much more powerful force at his disposal. Many groups that would not be able to be traced back to John and would appear to be separate. But in reality, they would all be under Johns control. By the time the heroes discovered that he was behind this, it would be far too late. By that point, John would be one move away from check mate.

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Guest January 6th 2012, 12:47 am

Tag, I'll reply later.

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Guest January 29th 2012, 7:07 pm

Khan looked up. "I just heard gunshots, heard people die and I can assume you killed some of my security. All good men. I'm not very well disposed to listening to you right now and I feel rather like having you murdered on the spot. Listen up asswipe, next time you want a meeting, you should set an appointment." he said. "You have several snipers trained on me right now so you will fire the moment I do something you dislike. You have disregarded the fact the glass is made of incredibly thick material, and I can jump out of the way, since it'll take a typical sniper at least two shots to break the glass, enough time for me."

He calmly leaned back in his chair. "I rather am angry at the moment. Please explain your purpose for being here before I have you obliterated off the face of this planet. I will find every last member of your organization and make them suffer. Every minute of this is being recorded, and if something happens to me the recording will go out everywhere. You'll likely be able to get around that- face lifts and the like are cheap for a man of your abilities. But it will be a hindrance and my organization will be very upset with you and will be tracking you down."

"But let's not focus on those sad things. What's your proposal?"

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Janus February 3rd 2012, 12:31 am

"I have no intention of harming or killing you, Mr. Khan. The snipers are there to make sure you don't do anything stupid. They wont harm you if you reject the offer, I'll have more time to have fun with that later if it comes to it. In fact, I just finished doing something similar with some kids in San Francisco and The Ranger in Chicago. What did they call those two guys in San Fran? Deluge and something else. Part of that little hero group that's forming over there. And also, you may not want to kill me. I have witnesses and people will notice my absence, powerful people. But on to the proposal. I understand that you are a wealthy man but even then large expenses that must be kept secret are hard to keep secret. Let's take your little group for example." John said, licking his lips slightly before the ding of the elevator could be heard. "Those would be my companions, they won't harm you either. They're just here to make sure this doesn't get messy." He looked back as he said this to see the two mercenaries and Azazel walk in. Continuing his proposal, he said to the man behind the desk "But back to that proposal. You and your group will be needing something more permanent and that cannot be traced back to you. I can cover the expenses for this hideout and the money will not be able to be traced back to either of us. Trust me on it, I do this for a living. Being a consulting criminal is much more fun than any so called normal job."


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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Guest February 4th 2012, 12:25 am

Khan raised an eyebrow. "A consulting criminal? An interesting way to put it." Nightkill looked out the window, toward the snipers. "So, how did you find out about the Harbingers? And who the hell are you? What's your name, for one? I don't know you manage it in the underground, but I quite enjoy it when people actually tell me who they are before they make cryptic offers." he said.

Honestly, nobody had any respect for anybody anymore. Considering that this man had the goddamn nerve to just walk into Khan's office like he was just an ordinary man or superman. Just waltzing in and killing off his guards! That earned his contempt and anger, but he did hear the offer. An offer to fund his base?

Well, as offers went, it wasn't a bad one. Khan was quite fine with it. What galled him was the man's holier-than-thou attitude about the whole thing. When you conduct a business arrangement, you show respect! This was the super-villain underground, not Wall Street! They had a little something called integrity!

Well, times were changing, and Nightkill knew this. After all, when you planned to lead the change you could hardly complain about it. But he did need information on who this person was before he made dealings. He glanced at the 'associates' coming up the elevator, and leaned back casually in his chair.

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Janus February 4th 2012, 5:36 pm

"My name would be John Aliquam. As I said before, I'm a consulting criminal. I get people out of situations, I finance organizations and create some of my own problems for so called heroes. All I want in return is for them to cause trouble. I found out about your organization from a late agent in Siberia." John opened up his briefcase after saying this and showed him the photos from Siberia. John was leaning back in his chair as the mercenaries and Azazel came into the room. He was not under threat here. More guards may be coming but that's what the snipers and Azazel are for.

((sorry it's short, lack of inspiration at the moment))


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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Guest February 5th 2012, 12:04 am

Nightkill glanced at the photographs. "Interesting." was all he had to say. Mentally, he looked for the names 'John Aliquam' and 'The Professor' on the Internet. Interesting. John was a major shareholder in NYTech, a company which Nightkill also had considerable shares in. The Professor had a website advertising his services. So the man checked out, and was also unafraid to boldly state his identity to Nightkill.

Very interesting indeed. A more through search would have to be done later when he had the opportunity. But he made an executive decision by standing up, nodding curtly and holding out one hand for a shake. "Very well. You have a deal."

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A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill) Empty Re: A Business Proposal (closed to Nightkill)

Post by Janus February 5th 2012, 2:44 am

The man stood up and accepted the business offer that John had given him. Smiling, John shook his hand saying "Excellent." After pulling his hand away, he wiped it off on his pant leg. "The money will be transferred to an overseas account in amounts of under 10,000 dollars to keep the government in the dark. You can retrieve your money by calling this number." John wrote down the number on a piece of paper he had pulled out of the pocket of his pants with a pen from the pocket on his suit jacket. "And then give them this code." As he said this, John wrote down the four digit code 2-7-2-7. "They will bounce the money through various dummy accounts in various countries to avoid one government being able to track the money. Most of these countries will not be friendly towards others. North Korea, China, France, England, Australia and Canada are the locations where the money will be transferred before being emptied into you account. Use the money wisely. You should expect one hundred million dollars within twelve hours of you giving them the code." If the man had any more to say, John would stay and and answer his questions. If not, he would leave with Azazel and the mercenaries. The snipers would be called off and his plan would be in motion. This was just an extra piece on the board for him.


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