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Recruiting the Ice Princess- closed to Genevieve Montreal

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Recruiting the Ice Princess- closed to Genevieve Montreal Empty Recruiting the Ice Princess- closed to Genevieve Montreal

Post by Ace December 15th 2011, 1:55 am

Ace was heading into LA on a recruitment mission, he'd only just been there days before on another mission and considering what happened there, he didn't want to go back in LA for a while.The newest potential recruit was new on the scene, She was an ice manipulator, last seen in LA using her powers.Her name was Genevieve Montreal, she lives in La.

Ace was riding in a taxi, the driver was unusual, to say the least. He was tanned darkly and wore very dark matrix-like sunglasses, he looked like he was in his late 20's to early 30's and there was an air about him that wasn't quite right. "Here's the place"  the man said as he pulled up to the last known place of residence of this Miss Montreal. Ace got out, paid the fare and the taxi driver went on his way "Hope I never see him again" Ace said as he buzzed the building 

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Recruiting the Ice Princess- closed to Genevieve Montreal Empty Re: Recruiting the Ice Princess- closed to Genevieve Montreal

Post by Genevieve Montreal December 15th 2011, 10:58 am

"Yes mother, I'm fine. Everything is going well, I just need a little time to... Figure things out. I think I jumped into this hero business a little quick....... I'm not far, only LA..... Yeah, I'm renting a nice little apartment for the time being..... No, no. I'll come visit you. There are some pretty weird people out here.. There was just a buzz at the door, I've got to go now mother. Love you, talk to you soon. Muwah" *click*
Now I wonder who that could be... She thought...
While Gena was on the phone with her mother, she was doing her make up and hair. She was planning on going out and applying for some retail jobs in the area. Though her parents were more than willing to help her pay for any expenses, she did want to be independent on what she could. So she was rather dressed up, she had on a white dressed that stretched down her just above her knees along with some silver heels that matched the jewelry she was wearing. But since she was new to the city, she was not really expecting any visitors. She only had one run in with that shadow manipulator, and this couldn't possible be him. It was no matter, Genevieve was a powerful individual and regardless of who is standing down at the door she will be able to handle herself. She took a last quick look at herself inn the mirror and fluffed her hair up a bit and walked over to the intercom in front of her door pressed the button and spoke into the speaker.
"May I ask who this is...?" She said in a clam, sweet yet demanding voice.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

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Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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