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Black and White (Me and Juney)

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss November 30th 2011, 4:34 am

Hubble bubble toil and trouble. The bright lights looked a little dim in the back of a compact.

The great wide hillside that opened up before the purple haired vixen standing in between the "W" in the Hollywood sign. From above the smog and crime the stripe sock clad, pleated skirted, pointy hat wearing witch smacked her lip gloss. Popping mimiced the gun shots that rang through the city that long since lost itself to the ecstasy of power. The night air relaxed her tanned face; she only needed her two guests to arrive and she would have the two mediums she needed.

Crime almost faded from certain areas of Los Angeles. Apparently crime was a luxury only the poor could afford. A soft wind brushed against Bliss's hair against her black jacket. The lights of the Hollywood sign disappeared when her compact closed; she finished removing an unsightly eyelash from her lightly made up face. No one could bare to see such atrocities in such a city of glam and flash.
Giving her gaze back to the flashy streets Bliss returned her compact to the back pocket of her jeans. Lots to see, but not a lot to give time to.

While the bustle of the crowd roared into the restaurants and theaters that lined either side of the neon streets, Bliss found herself content to put a few miles on her worn tennis shoes. The streets always gave better signs of life than the attractions in a city. The crowds lessened as Bliss moved farther south into the city; she only traveled a few blocks, but night time can make blocks seem like miles.

"Help!" A cry shrieked from the shadows. Onlookers passed by as though they heard nothing, passive to stop another Kitty Genovese. "Someone help me!" Bliss took out her cell phone to shine light into the alleyway while summoning up ice to help her against whatever evil lay in this alley. The voice bounced from the filthy walls; some poor dumb girl tried taking the back way home, but she didn't deserve this. Bliss swung herself around the corner to see two shadowy figures entangled with one another on the ground. Reflexes summoned a block of ice to ensnare the attack's legs in place. While gallons of frozen water solidified around the two, the shadows changed trajectory. Not movement, but displacement as the shadows sprawled across the face of the ice block. "Not bad ice-girl." The voice now sounded from behind Bliss. "But not good enough." Shadows stretched from the ground and enveloped Bliss, surrounding her in a black orb and sucking her into the ground. "Now we just need to wait and see if we can pull any other good Samaritans in to help."

Standing in blaring contrast to the surroundings stood a woman with golden hair that flowed down on an eloquent white jacket. Her hands stayed entrenched within the pockets of her skinny jeans. The clicking sound of her heels took her over to the display of ice Bliss made up. White leather toes broke away a chunk of the ice with her kick. She laughed gently and removed her hands from her pockets. A light gleamed from her left hand, but an eerie black glow glistened with her left. "Help!" The blonde woman called out in distress. "Someone help please." Unbeknownst to target the sound could did not actually leave the woman's mouth. Her message traveled from her mind to a mystical source that bounced the message into the head of the young shadow manipulator that she wanted to lure into her trap. "Someone please help!"


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 8th 2011, 7:44 pm

Gwharr had been traveling for a long time, and to anyone who saw him he'd probably look like an oversized homeless vagrant right now. His feet and the lower portion of his pants where encrusted in a rather unhealthy mix of road-dust and mud up to about his knees. His inhumanly massive arms where bare, but his genetics seemed to compensate by making them hairy enough to comb. He was wearing a long, barely patched-up overcoat that trailed behind him in the wind, along with his long, thick mane of greasy reddish black hair. Even though his trash-can-lid sized where used as much for locomotion as his legs, there wasn't a single stain of mud on them. Gwharr was carefull with his hands like that. They where important to him, and it was considered good manners where he came from to eat your dinner with clean hands, in case someone else wanted some. It had been one of the few things his mother had ever taught him that he could still remember clearly.

He sighed heavily as the black cloud of despair once again joined him, and even though it had been his companion for many years, he still nursed some hope that it would leave him alone at some point, however unlikely that seemed to be. He always felt rather down when he thought about his mother. She had been one of the most important persons in his life, and the only one he had never managed to replace, yet he could remember exactly what she looked like anymore. The memory had been fuzzy around ever since he had woken up ffrom under that volcano, and he had done his best to preserve it as good as he could. Some days it was clearer and sometimes it was foggier. At times he wondered if he even remembered her good enough to really recognized her if they ever met again. Maybe they would just walk straight past eachother without ever knowing. Now that was a depressing thought.

It was even worse with his women and even his children. He had loved them all, but after a while they had blurred together. Names escaped him, and sons and daughters traits got mixed up. The women that had bore himself was even worse. They where nothing but a long line of blurry faces. some where neanderthal, but most where "thinlings". He was rather sure he had housed warmed feelings for all of them, but there had been so many. Oh, so very many. faces. People he thought he would never forget.

Gwharr quickly harkened back to the present when he saw the great big sign in the distance. It was the strangely wobbly thingamajiggers that the "World of lights" people used instead of drawing. It was a fairly well-kept Secret that our caveman hero actually could read. Not all that well, and mostly in icelandic, but nevertheless he had picked up enough knowhow during the way to be able to read the word "Hollowood". He did not like being able to read, since it bound him closer to this "World of Lights", but it had been hard to avoid learning it. Everything seemed to be in writing these days.

Now that he was aproaching the city proper, and the amount of people, gazing at him suspiciously at him indreased tenfold, and thus our beloved, yet somewhat daft hero took to the roofs. Getting up onto the roof was fairly easy. A couple of leaps and some climbing later he was watching the city from the top of a skyscraper. However, there where far to many people out for his liking. He did not like the way they stared, or the way they where different from him. It made him feel even more than an outsider or a relic. It made him sad, and if he had known about them, he would have felt an irresistable urge to listen to the cure.

However, his little quiet moment of self-pity was interrupted by a shrill, piercing sound. A cry for help. Gwharr groaned. He was not in the mood for heroics, but a good leader helps his pack, and maybe if he showed people that he WAS in fact a good leader, maybe they would cut him some slack.

Leaping roof to roof it did not take long for our hero to reach the origin of the rather theatrical call for assistance. He leapt into the alley from the roof of the building, smashing into the ground, like a rather tiny hobo meteor, making himself a rather neat little little cater, turning around quickly to pummel the offending party with his massive, pumpkin-sized fists, snarling menacingly. However, there was no offending party to punch into pummel into a wet stain on the ground, just some silly little girl seemingly bound by something black and nasty looking. Gwharr did not want to touch the black stuff. It looked scientific. He didn't like scientific, since it usually exploded and stuff.

He turned around, facing the other direction, realizing that if the bad guys where not in front of him, they had to be behind him, but the only thing he found there was some strange lady, standing there looking rather pretty. She did not look like a bad guy, and she was certainly not holding anything that looke scientific enough to have bound the other girl. His vicious snarl transformed into a rather confused whimper as his eyebrows rose, and his jaw slackened, making him look a bit like a drunk that had lost a bet, as he sheepishly lowered his massive fists. . .

Last edited by Troglodyte on December 8th 2011, 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 8th 2011, 8:27 pm

"You're taller and less Chinese than I expected." Tight curls wrapped around her finger. She loved keeping things wrapped around her finger. "You'll excuse me if I'm surprised to see that the homeless have been imbued with superpowers, but I'm trying to figure out what to do." Crystalline ice melted into the broken concrete of the alley. The air in Los Angeles felt colder since Bliss unleashed her ice block. The lowering temperature made the steam rising from vents visible to the eye, and turned the smokescreens into the perfect shield to hide herself behind.

Shadows tugged from the ground and pulled Bliss out of sight. "I was just wrapping up my last appointment; sorry if it seems unprofessional to stack my meetings like this." A beam of light shot out of the neon street lights that illuminated the alleyway. Skittering from the conjured pillars of light, shadows crawled along the ground. The dual nature of her powers presented an ever present danger. Blades conjured from the pools of shadow laying along the ground. Four blades pulled infront of the vents that shrouded BlackLight in smoke. Lights painted across the wall behind Blacklight. Before the light encompassed the area around her, the four blades fired out towards Gwharr.

A few hours ago the city looked so promising and full of opportunity. A super villain wearing a black frilled dress past her knees with boots that ran up into the hem line dropped down from the rafters of a chemical plant and into the observation chambers. "Not so fast." A brown haired man stepped forward to chastise the masked dark haired woman.

"You know that's the only way I know." The woman smiled and took off at a blazing speed to assault the superhero who sought to stop her. Before the impact between the two took place the glass around the warehouse blasted out. Surprise overtook the two combatants while a pointed hat stood in silhouette in the street lights that shown through the shattered window.


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 8th 2011, 11:06 pm

Gwharr did definately not like this one bit. He had gone from being all heroical and mighty, bravely leaping forward to save a damsel in distress and whatnot, and when he finally leaped down onto the scene, it was nothing like he imagined. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head slightly sideways like a particuralrly confused puppy as he waited to see what it was that the woman had needed help with. Maybe she had dropped a penny down a drain or something, though Gwharr thought that such a happening would not merit the sort of shrill, panicked shriek that he had heard earlier. Then it hit him, like a massive blow from a metaphorical sledgehammer. Maybe this wasn't the woman that had called for help, maybe she had been in the alley on the other side of the building or something? He could have sworn that it had been this one, but your brain sometimes played tricks on ya.

When she opened her mouth to speak, he felt a quick wave of relief, but it did unfortunately not last for very long, since what she said confused her even more. What was a chinese, and why did she expect one of them? This whole thing had gotten more and more confusing. He suddenly felt a bit like a drunk that had walked into a house in wich he thought he lived, but soon discovered that it did was not his home. In fact the house belonged to someone else, and that person was standing there looking at him with a piercing stare and raised eyebrow hoping for him to explain who he was and why he was in the other person house. And for some reason several midgets where scrubbling the floor. . . In short, it was a very particurlar and extremely potent form of confused awkwardness that had taken root in our heroic cavemans head.

The sudden lights dazzled our heroic, if a tad confused caveman causing him to instinctively raise his fists to shield his eyes, stumbling back slightly. His confusion was apparantly not great enough to affect his reflexes. He snorted slightly as he squinted towards the woman, the earlier flash of light having quite a job on his ice. behind his eyelids specks of light danced and glowed at the edges of his field of vision behind. However, just as his vision started to get adjusted to the rather eclictic lightshow happening around him, he felt a sharp pain in his gut, causing our hero to groan and gasp in pain. They did not sit very deep, but they where certainly deep enough to draw blood. Gwharr looked down on the blades stuck in his stomach, in a manner suddenly realizing he had accidentally put on the wrong pair of shoes before leaving the house that day. He prodded one of them experimentally, whilst his brain worked feverishly.

The confusion slowly washed off of him like the colour of a cheap action-figure left out in the rain. The woman had hurt him. Hurt Him. . . Thank god! This was so much easier to deal with, no confusion, no doubt and certainly no awkwardness! "To Smash you!" he roared, raising his fists, rushing off towards his assaliant!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 9th 2011, 1:31 am

Headlong assault, this would work just fine. The lights she displayed so vividly behind her head lunged out into the alleyway. Elongated edges formed at the edges as the spears held strong angled at a forty-five degree angle stopping four feet off of the ground. Impact against the spears would move them just like any physical object; knowing this Blacklight took precautions.

A shadowed arc arose from the pools at the edges of the brick of the building. Tendrils whipped out and wrapped around Blacklight to bring her back into the shadowed arc to pull her into the building beside her. Feeling that the raging man could destroy a battleship in a full charge, let alone a brick wall, Blacklight took notice of her surroundings. Closed spaces would give her enough walls so she could conjure light and shadow to supply her arsenal. Rubber exercise balls and resistance bands lined the walls of the backroom of a physical therapy clinic.

A chain of light pulled out of the ground bringing Bliss up. Two blocks of shadow surrounded her hands, isolating her ability to conjure ice, while the chain wrapped around her arms and legs. "What the hell Sarah?" Bliss hovered only a few inches from the ground. "This is the dumbest idea you've ever had, and that's saying something. Now let me down before I get really mad."

"Shut up Bliss; you get captured every week." Blacklight turned back to the alleyway to turn her attention back to the more pressing issue.

Two dispatched super humans sat back to back wrapped in cellophane. Shadowstitch, a notorious speedster who preyed on large corporations for the benefit of anyone in the market for information or secret technology, kicked her flat bottom boots against the ground of the smooth chemical plant floor. A pain shot through her lower hip; her own power worked against her when suddenly she could no longer run at the speeds she accustomed herself to. The feeling of deceleration forced her momentum against her own body sending a pain through her that fell into oblivion as her adversary connected his fist to her shoulder. “This is your fault.”

“I forgot how well you did while she was throwing you against the floor.” Had Shadowstitch not lost her speed when the witch arrived Shadowstitch would probably be back halfway Canada by now. Her adversary, Captain Wombat, barely fit any mold of superhero. He squared off against villains by calling the police and giving detailed information on the crime that he witnesses. The one power he did possess at his disposal was his ability to regenerate slowly after taking a brutal beating from most villains. He took it as a learning curve to hone his fighting ability, but it still needed some work. This did not help. "Why don't we just try to get out of this."

"That won't be happening. Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to kill you; I need to borrow your powers for a little while." The witch stroked her hand against the brim of her hat. Not only relying on the hubble, bubble talk, the dark figure made a series of concoctions using the large quantity of chemicals now at her disposal. Steam rose off of the top of a beaker in her hand. "Now, I just need you to take a quick sip and we'll be on our way."


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 9th 2011, 4:04 pm

Gwharr rushed forward, howling in rage, his massive feet causing the asphalt beneath him to crack and crumble slightly as he charged towards the strange woman in black. He raised his fists, ready to pummel her untill she was broken and bloody, and then pummel her some more untill she resembled the delicious tomato-based taste-enhancer known as ketchup, alternatively catsup. After that he may or may not punch her some more, depending on how bored he was. Some people might think was a bit of an overreaction to the rather meager damage he had endured at her hands, but the swords wasn't really the reason why he did it. Rather it was the fact that she tricked him into the ally using underhanded methods, and left him standing there feeling awkward and out of place for as long as she did. A crime wich was unforgivable to say the least, since Gwharr hated feeling awkward and self-conscious.

As the ally started to glow and light up randomly, Gwharr was once again dazzled, but his temporarily diminished eyesight did not slow out hero down. In fact, it only strengthening his resolve by making him unable to notice any obstacle that wasn't directly infront of him. However, our rather heroic boiosterous, beligierent bruiser was a bit too slow, and she had managed to back away into safety before he had time to get his oversized, massive mitts on her. However, this was not enough to deter him. He knew the woman had no way out, so she MUST be hiding further into the allyway. He bared his pearly-white teeth clenched together wich together with his watery, squinting, pig-like eyes made him look like a bit like a very nearsighted piraya with some sort of gastric disorder. However, this rather peculiar facial expression did not last long, as he managed to run straight into a couple of spears that the woman had left behind. Normally he would simply had leapt overhim but his eyes had still not recovered from the villains mystical lightshow. Gwhar groaned in pain, grabbing hold of the spear-shafts ripping them out of the belly. Luckily, the wound was not all that deep, and it would not take long for it to heal.

Gwharr charged forward, raising his fists whilst leaping forward, assuming she was hiding in the shadow! He gave out a deep roar as he charged as he smashed into. . .

. . . The wall? Wait, this was not how it was supposed to go! Where did the villainess go? Why wasn't she smashed into a pile of broken sad bones? Why did stuff like this ALWAYS happen to him. . .

Now, he could not help but to wonder where the heck he had managed to accidentally break into. His anger temporarily subsided and gave way to curiosity, as Gwharr abesntmindedly brushed the dust of his somewhat ragged coat. He started to look around, trying to get an understanding of his surroundings, seeing a myriad of strange straps and mysterious devices of a presumably sinister purpose. Dear lord, was this some sort of torture-chamber? However, his attempt to familiarize himself with his condition was swiftly pushed aside when he saw a woman, held by some strange dark and glowy thingamajiggers. The same, small-ish woman who he had seen when he leapt into the allyway. What role she had to play in this little drama was beyond him.

That was when he noticed the woman that had twice managed to injure his precious stomach. The role she was playing in this little drama was perfectly suited to her stupid ugly face! The purpose of her role was to be smashed into a bloody, ketchup-like pulp by the heroic protagonist due to her evil wicked ways, Gwhar immedieatly started beating his chest like an enraged gorilla, challenging her in the only way he knew how to. "There is you! To smash you to goo! Rhaaaargh!" he shouted angrily as he once again leapt towards her, this time attempting to grab ahold of her, making sure he would not escape him again!
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Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 9th 2011, 6:41 pm

Bricks fell along the ground ushering the lumbering beast through. His broken speech left almost no ambiguity of his speech. "You get right to the point. I like that." Blacklight took her hands out of her pockets and readied her next assault. "Let's see how great you are at smash-smash when you can't see." Lights from the fixtures shot out to create a light to disorient the caveman. Human figures appeared out of the light imitating Blacklights size and composure. Blacklight put down a large bet on Gwharr smashing whatever looked human while the lights illuminated a blinding light.

"He's not dumb enough to fall for that." Bliss pulled her arm out of the chain; the constricting chain pulled under her arm. She examined her hands and tried to push ice through the shadow that encompassed her hands.

"I think I've got this all under control Bliss. I'm not the one hanging from the ceiling." Blacklight kept her demeanor while the lights flashed over her.

"Whatever you say." Lights would get rid of these shadow constructs with ease. Blacklight used light to create shadow and then exploit others with these powers, but now they worked against her. Bliss leveraged her wrapped up legs to move the top of the chain towards the beams of light. As the chain grazed past the chain dissipated. Bliss dropped to the ground while the chain loosely fell around her.

The three light figures began to grow in stature around Gwharr. Blacklight extended their arms to try and get them to trap Gwharr in a triangular prison. Bliss stayed on her feet when she dropped. In her over confidence Blacklight kept her attention on what she believed to be a clear victory over Gwharr. Those lights could easily expose her hands and give her back her power, but hitting Blacklight with her own power just felt too good. Bliss raised her hands to strike the pompous hero, but her hands turned to their normal self when Bliss lifted her hands through the light. What fell knocked against Blacklight's head, but not with the force to do anything other than irritate her.

"What is that?" The villain known as Shadow Stitch remarked at the steaming substance she just ingested. Red lights gleamed from around the room. Nothing about the situation filled either superhuman with hope. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Try to keep quiet. You'll irritate the hosts that I'm bringing." With the sultry flavor of a snake, the witch waltzed over to the tied duo. She removed the mask from Shadow Stitch's face and tossed it to the ground. "That hardly hides your face at all. I don't see why you wear it all, Ms. Webster."

"Webster?" The bespectacled man knew that name. "Like in the Webster chemical family? You broke into a building you own?"

"My parents own it." The brunette sounded back. "I'm wanting to step out on my own."

"Oh the two of you will be stepping out in ways you never thought you would." The witch played with a lock of hair within her fingers. She knew exactly what her plan would use these two for. She just needed a few more pieces to sweeten the pot.


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 9th 2011, 7:33 pm

Gwharr growled viciously as his opponent liked him. She might like that he was quick to get to his point, but he could not say the same about her! All she did was divert him and use trickery and underhanded methods wich he considered to be a rather dirty way to fight. Prooper fighters ambled up to one another and roared, punched, threw cars and ripped off limbs untill only one person remained standing, and so far, that person had most often been Gwharr. He had lost a few fights too, but it was alright, since his arms and legs and spleen or things grew back too. Still, he had her trapped this time! She had nowhere to run to anymore!

However, as he was about to attack her once again, someone started messing with the lights once again. Gwharr instinctively raised his hands to shield his eyes, and this time he managed to avoid being blinded by the sudden firework-like bright bursts of light, and even though he succeeded in not being blinded, things still got a little blurry. The lights seemed to be the main power of the woman he was fighting. Untill now he had figured that lights and making pointy things poke his tummy had been the only powers on his cowardly opponents repertoaire, but now it seemed she managed to create some sort of simulacrums. Two of them to be exact, making the total number of potential targets three. Gwharr groaned. He hated when people did these sort of things. It made everything so bloody complicated, creating difficult alternatives and choices where there should be none. Like now, he had three enemies around him, but he assumed that only one of them was real. That was usually how these things went down, right? But wich one was the correct target?

Gwharr looked around him, trying to decide who would be the first recipiant of his ferocious vengance, his eyes darting between the three, and then figured he might as well do what he usually did: Attacking one who was closest to him. He had picked a target and was just about to attack when the chained woman spoke. He could not see her, due to his impaired vision, but he could hear her voice. . .

Dumb enough to fall for what? What did she mean? All he had to do was to figure out wich of the shadow-thingers where the proper one, and then. . .

. . .Gwharr heard HER voice, and it did not come from any of the clones in front of him, it came from somewhere near the chained up woman. His brow furrowed slightly as the rusty wheels behind his thick, shock-absorbant forehead started to grind. If her voice was over THERE none of the shadows HERE were really her, were they? Huh. who would have known. It made him slightly ashamed to know he had been 'that dumb' as the chained-up woman had put it, but did not have to let any of the others know that, now did he?

Gwharr ripped up a piece of the well-worn mustard-coloured floor, and even though his imme feigning indecisiveness over wich of the three shadow-thingers to attack, but in reality she was listening to movement, voices anything that could tell him where his real opponent was hiding. He might not be able to see her, but if he heard the voices again, he could locate their source and figure out wich of these blurry blots was his opponent.

The next voice he heard was belonging to the chained woman, and as she spoke, he could localize her by her voice and realize wich of the blurry outlines belonging to her. However, he knew the two where close, so he might aswell focus on that particurlar direction.

However, his heart took a leap when the captured woman dropped onto the floor, seemingly having a free range of movement, The caveman, temporairly lowered his weapon, once again making a show of indescision, turning his head around, acting the part of the confused caveman, when in reality he was watching what the the previously chained up woman was doing. She did not like his opponent either, so that made them temporary allies. He felt a spark of joy ignit as the good woman punched the evil woman in the head, but apparantly it had little effect. If you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself apprantly. Gwharr quickly doubled-back and threw the soft, but rather heavy fistful of linoleum and concrete towards the woman, weaving off to the side just enough to make sure his projects would go between two of the shadow-figures, in case they where solid. Even though the linoleum was probably not enough to kill her, it was still thrown with enough to maybe knock her off her feet, and possibly even a nasty bruise!
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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 9th 2011, 8:15 pm

Feeling the blunt force of her assailant break against the back of her head, Blacklight lunged a fist of shadow from the ground to backhand Bliss. The forceful hand swiped into the torso of Bliss, leaving a hefty mark on her torso. Bliss double over to the ground from the blow. The pain caused her to stop in repose for a lifesaving minute while Blacklight summoned a mallet of light in her hand. A blow to the head would probably kill Bliss, and even though their history seemed to warrant death, Blacklight aimed for her shoulder blades to deliver a knockout blow.

Just before her blow could rain down her resolve, a plaster of linoleum slammed against one of the light creations. As the impact shattered the brick it diverted into several different directions, one being Sarah. Two pieces moved at alarming speed towards her form. She hesitated in deciding whether to block with her mallet or dodge, so she tried both. The grip she held on the mallet brought it closer to her chest to guard from any potential kill shots, a decision that possibly did save her from a fist sized asteroid that broke against the surface of her mallet. The force spun her around granting a powerful blast of flat surfaced linoleum against the middle of her back.

Flying several feet through the air, Blacklight felt her face slam hard against the intact linoleum floor. Losing focus of her constructs caused the sentries that defended her to return back to the light fixtures in which they originated. Dazed from the shot she felt the linoleum grow colder and colder. She darted up, but could not escape the ice that imprisoned her to the ground. Her legs locked in a forty-five degree angle putting her height a few inches below the height of Bliss, who now walked over to Sarah with power and control. "So, you were just telling us all about your plan."

"Well you're rather a useless man aren't you." Heeled boots clicked ever so grudgingly across the floor. Each stab of the heel rang out one more second closer to the end. How this ended neither captive could tell.

"I'm a stalwart against crime and evil." The cellophane held the brown haired man's body together better than his devotion to exercise clearly did. His black and blue suit held together the mending he took on over the years of brutal and savage beatings. After so many close calls he began to think that he may be immortal. This could prove that theory wrong. "It's my duty..."

"You've never stopped anyone. The cops always have to pull whoever is beating you off. The only reason the cops tell you you've helped is because they feel sorry for you." Pushing the knife into an already wounded man came as no surprise to Captain Wombat. He felt ashamed of sharing this captivity with such a low life as this spoiled trust fund villain.

"She's probably right." Even with the grow of red lights shining dimly through the room the witches face never came into view of either superhuman. Only her wicked smile shone on her shadowed face with the blood red glow. "I put a lot of faith in those my masters chose."


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 9th 2011, 8:47 pm

Gwharr gave a joyfull little squeal as his improvised but deadly (well. . . It might kill a particuralrly soft-shelled crab, or possibly a snail) projectile indirectly hit home, seemingly managing to temporarily knocking the air out of the self-styled master of bright, dazzling light and solid, mysterious darkness. As the projectile knocked onto the floor, it did not only rob her of her chances of winning this battle, but also took her earlier holier-than-thou attitude, delusions of grandure and her strangely stylish ability to look good in white with it, as she tumbled on the ground she looked mostly like a poor-quality rag-doll that had been thrown away by a kid who had gotten bored with it.

As she tumbled, the massive, looming shadow constructs started to fray around the edges and lose their previously solid nature, slowly but steadily disolving, turning back into the nothing they came from. Suddenly shadows where not alive, intimidating or mysterious anymore, as they had once again returned to what they normally where. The mere absence of ight. Gwharr sighed of relief as he noticed this,

However, he had not forgotten what the woman had did to him earlier, but now that he was beaten, his rage subsided somewhat. After ll, the woman had not actually tried to kill him or anything of that nature. Heck, she hadn't even hurt her that bad, so beating her into ketchup might be something of an overreaction on his part. Maybe he could just beat her up a little. Give her a black eye and make her say she was sorry and promise to never cry for help unless she really needed it again. She just looked so tiny and helpless without all of the grandeur and majestic arrogance that had surrounded her whilst she was still on top of the situation.

However, begore he had time to do any of the things he ahd planned for her, the woman darted up, this time looking more harried and far less confident than earlier. He was about to charge at her to pin her to the ground again before she had time to mess with the lights and shadows of the room again, but the other woman, wha had spent most of the battle nearby the shadow-woman beat him to it. Before she had time to fully get on her feet something happened, causing the woman to literally "freeze". Gwharr smiled and nodded in approval. It seemed that he was not the only one with a few superpowers up his sleeve.

With the "mistress of light and darkness" seemingly taken out of the battle Gwharr slowed his pace, lowering his guard and calmly walked over to their newly taken prisoner, menacingly cracking his knuckles as he did, his smile turning into a bloodthirsty grin as he did. He may not have the intention of beating the woman into ketchup anymore, but she had no idea of knowing that. And who knew, a good scare might keep her from acting irresponsibly in the future
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Registration date : 2011-11-06

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 10th 2011, 5:56 am

"So you should start talking or Mr. Flintstone here is going to bash your skull in, Sarah." When Sarah's composure fell it raised the ego of everyone in the room. "You're good with..." Bliss looked back to the large brutish man. "You know what, it doesn't matter." Bliss ended her question of asking the man on just how he felt about her comments to his heritage, to which she thought might be Mongolian or possibly Samoan. Working against the freezing surface that held her tightly together, Sarah began to look around to the lights and shadows of the room. "Looking for some kind of tool to chisel your way out? Oh wait, you need to use your hands to do that." The position of power over Sarah changed her attitude, but not in a way that made Bliss look less petty than usual.

"I don't need my hands. Unlike you I can use my powers." Sarah reposed while Bliss gave a smirk of disapproval. Her white jacket kept the intense pain that came when Bliss trapped someone inside with their bare skin. Still, she hated the turn of events that placed Bliss and Gwharr gazing down on her. Ice covered Bliss's palms. To give a little bit of incentive to pull information out of Sarah, Bliss rubbed her ice cold hands along Sarah's face.

"What were you planning on doing?" Bliss kept her hands moving.

"I was going to kidnap some people who a witch is targeting to keep them away from her." A grimaced look overcame her as the pain of ice coursed over her face.

"How long were you planning on holding people for?"
Bliss kept her frozen hands prying knowledge out of her.

"The ritual to transfer powers over to some sort of golem ends tonight." Sarah knew that even though her initial plan failed, maybe taking the witch down directly could work. Or it could deliver the targets to her doorstep. "Also, don't end a sentence with a preposition."

"You make me sick. Who does that in this situation." Bliss froze the edges of the ice prison up over Sarah's neck and allowed it caress just under her chin. "Chill out girlie." Sarah shivered at the new wave of ice; it would melt before doing any real skin damage, but that did not alleviate the discomfort and pain that came from the ice. "Alright Bam Bam. We need to go find this witch. Something tells me she'll find us."

No longer worth the time that the witch could allot him, Captain Wombat now hung precariously over a vat of acid with several pieces of tape over his mouth. He dare not test the elasticity of the cellophane lest he risk falling to his death. He believed in his regeneration, but certain limits persisted and a vat of acid usually fell outside of that belief. The witch left half an hour ago with Shadow Stitch in tow. She told Wombat about needing to pick up some friends, and then rigged the rope that kept him hoisted over the vat of acid so that when the door to the main entrance opened it would lower Wombat into the vat head first.

Wombat kept a line to the police, but given his ability to regenerate and the pressing issue of crime in the city, police put him on the lowest priority list. Police could normally respond to two calls before heading to check out whatever Wombat wanted and the perp would still be there. The lack of priority served to keep Wombat's head above the water in this matter. If the police responded it would only be a matter of minutes before the police would storm the building to find no witch and no head on Wombat if they tried the front door.


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 10th 2011, 8:19 am

Gwharr carefully scratched his chin as his temporary ally wanted to confirm that he was good with the moniker she had just gave him. 'Flintstone', eh? Well, Flint was a hard, tough type of rock wich could be chiseled into an effective weapon, however, it needed not to be formed. A piece of flint held in each time was more than enough to crack a skull open like an egg. However, there was something missing. 'Captain Flintstone', maybe. Captain seemed to be all the rage amongst those that protected their fellow man. However, he felt that 'Captain Flintstone' where just not him. There was something missing. . . What in the blazes would a caveman like himself choose for a moniker? That was it wasn't it! Caveman! Captain Caveman! For a few seconds he considered Colonel Caveman, but captain had a better ring to it.

He leant a bit closer to the girl, telling her with a low voice intended to be discrete, but unfortunately it was not nearly quiet enough to exclude Sarah from their little conversation. "To not be Flintstone. To be Caveman. Captain Caveman." he said casually, doing his best to not sound annoyed. After all, this woman had helped him to get out of the rather shady situation he had been in earlier and thus she had earned some leniency in the way she reffered to him, right?

As he was busy comming up with a fancy alias, the other woman wasted no time with pleasantries, deciding to start her little interrogation right away, starting up with a bit of taunting and threatening. After the pre-interrogation taunt, the other woman claimed to be able to use her shadow-ablities without her hands. Hoever, this caught Captain Cavemans attention. He once again turned his attention back to the woman frozen on the floor, his eyes narrowing and his massive fists clenching in a manner meant to show off how much damage they could potentially do if unleashed upon, say for example a trailer, a double-decker-buss or a poor little fragile girl, all defenseless and frozen to the floor. "To think powers of Captain Caveman work best through hands. To be able to turn everything into wet stain on the ground." The brutish caveman said with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips, banging his massive, aproximately pumpkin-sized fists togethe to make it even more obvious what he meant.

. . . By the way, he really liked the ring of 'captain caveman'. . .

It seemed that the shadow-woman was capturing people to hold them to avoid them falling into the hands of someone ELSE capturing people to hold them for some other reason entirely. Gwh. . .I mean Captain Caveman, didn't really understand it, but he grunted and nodded nonetheless, trying to hide the fact that he was not really all that well-versed in these sort of complicated plots. Usually things where so much easier. Usually there was a bad guy that should be punched, bystanders that should not be punched and that was about it. Oh, and the occasional tasty dog to eat.

When the chain-girl told him to go find the witch who apprantly was the other kidnapper, Gwharr nodded. Now THIS he could understand. Although, he could not help but to notice the fact that she still did not use his proper name, but he did not bother to correct her. Something told her she would be even less inclined to refer to him by his chosen moniker if he started press the issue.
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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 10th 2011, 8:52 am

"I'm guessing you aren't really going to be the brains of this operation, cap. So I'll do the thinking and you do whatever else needs to be done, alright?" Bliss walked down the street at a brisk pace to keep up with the momentum of the situation. "We need to find out where this woman, this witch, is hiding out and what exactly she has." The pollutants in the air seemed to heat the air so you never felt the cool chill of winter against your nose. Bliss read this on the bare arms of the passing by onlookers, the animals who walked past the alleyway where Bliss heard the scream. Granted she walked into a trap, but still.

"There's really not a whole lot we have to go on, but that's my job I guess there cap. But if you want the name Captain Caveman you have to earn it." Thoughts pondered through her head. She knew that name from somewhere. "And you earn the name by..." Even she didn't know how to overcome this situation. Bliss left the person who knew behind and now took her position of leader of the blind. "Just be helpful and I'll call you Captain Caveman." Sarah told them something about the ritual ending sometime tonight, so the more decisive move would need to come from the more desperate party. "I've got an idea." Bliss had no idea.

Filling her head with an epiphany, sirens sounded through the streets. Several sirens, all police, coming through the dark of night. From what she could muster from listening, and Bliss knew how to listen to police sirens, they appeared to be heading towards a location several blocks away. On foot they stood no chance of making it before the police shut down the entire block, and even if they could get there, neither of them could see the building or any part of it.

"Now I actually have an idea." She actually did. "Okay Captain Caveman, I'm going to hop on your back and you're going to take us to where those sirens are coming from." When Captain Caveman first showed up in the alley Bliss remembered seeing him leap down from a building with a great deal of momentum, so his ability to leap buildings probably gave him so good urban mobility.

Sarah began to conjure hardened pickaxes to chip away at her ice prison. At the rate that she could control the axes without her hands she knew she would take some time to get out of this. The loud noise of the chipping diverted Sarah's attention from the dangerous witch who crept in from the broken wall. The witch looked disappointed that she did not find Bliss or Alice, but the consolation prize of Blacklight would do perfect. "Good evening Ms. Webster." The witch placed her hand over Sarah's forehead. "Would you like to take part in something greater than yourself?" The witch's hand contained enough power to send Sarah into a trance, rendering her unable to defend herself. Lights faltered from their perfect forms. Puddles riddled the floor in pools; the hour grew near and the witch would need whatever powers she could to fashion her golem. Kidnapping a woman capable of light and shadow manipulation consecutively looked more and more like a blessing in disguise. "Now you just close your sleepy little eyes and don't talk back. You and sister need to be on your best behavior tonight."


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Troglodyte December 11th 2011, 12:37 am

Gwharr walked out of the strange place they had been fighting and beating horrible shadow-light woman in, leaving her to her fate. Presumably she wouldn't be anymore trouble. Gwharr not be the brightest crayon in the box, have all his horses in the stable or even be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Heck if the clever people where sharp knives, and the daft people where blunt knives, Gwharr was probably considered a spoon in comparison to both groups by most who encountered him, but even he could tell that the woman they had encounters wasn't too bright either. She had more than a few screws loose, in fact, she had so many screws loose that it was a bloody miracle she didn't fall apart where she stood. In conclusion, she was nuttier than a hazelbush, so she probably wouldn't be able to found them once they had crossed the streets and gotten away from her, even if her learning-curve was so flat she'd try the same trick twice.

once again the two would-be-rescuers went out onto the streets in the rather same previously shabby and dirty, now ruined and smashed apart back-alley they had both encountered their would be captor. This made Gwharr feel a little better. He felt as though he could have wrapped this little adventure up, if it wasn't something telling him it wasn't over untill they fought the "witch" the woman inside had been speaking about. The one she had tried to protect them from by kidnapping them, so that they would not be kidnapped. A rather strange plan, but then again, the shadow-manipulator was clearly not playing with a full deck, so to speak.

The woman immediately started talking, and she sounded rather fierce for one so small. At first Gwharr wanted to snarl at her to make sure she knew her place, but her self-assured tone of voice and the fact that the shadow-woman had actually bothered to kidnap her suggested that she was capable of backing up her rather big Ego if pressed into a fight. Besides, at least for now Gwharr needed her brain, her ability to figure out where the witch was hiding, as well as her experience when it came to what he called "World of lights". AKA how things worked in this awful, modern age.

As she started speaking, Gwharr spent more time listening to what she said, rather than trying figuring out this puzzle on his own, he wouldn't be very good at it anyways, and that sort of thinking always made him feel frustrated or restless. Some people would have been annoyed by the fact that a small asian woman telling they had to earn their right to their codename, but Gwharr grunted in approval and nodded. She was testing him, and he would not fail her that easily. She ultimately decided to let him do the steering towards the sirens that started Bwooping from somewhere in some other direction, presumably west. Gwharr didn't really know wich was wich. He knew wich way sun rose from in the morning, creating the hauntingly beautiful sunrises and he also knew the way it went to bed at night, creating the solemn, yet dignified sunsets. and he needed nothing more.

The caveman gently took a hold around the waist of the girl, carefully lifting her over his shoulder, placing her arms around what would theoretically constitute a neck, but on Gwharr mostly looked like "the place where head and torso are conjoined". As he did this, he took the utmost care to avoid pulling any limbs out of its respective joints, since all these humans where so brittle. This one was presumably especially frail, since she was so tiny-looking. "To hold tight! Captain Caveman take direct route. Tough terrain, much scaling!"

Then our hero then proceeded to jump straight into the air, the concrete beneath his feet shattering as legs pushed him upwards with awesome strength, causing the two or three people on the street to stare wide-eyed after the pair that had been seeming rather weird to start with. The caveman hurtled through the air untill he grabbed ahold of a fire-escape, but he did not climb aboard, but rather pulled himself upward with such force that he once again flew upwards, although with lesser speed than before. Gwharr may be slow when it came to figuring out puzzles or rules, but he instinctively knew how much weight structures could carry and how much he could tax them before they collapsed. His bran was wired that way. As he aproached the ledge, he had nearly reached equilibrium. The time where he lost enough momentum to actually hang in the air for a second before he started falling. However, before that happened one of his long hands flew out, grabbed the ledge of the building, pulling him and his passenger up.

On the building Gwharr rushed across the roof, using his legs and his arms, running similarly to a gorilla. Even though e was not much faster than the average-man in actual velocity, the fact that he could leap between buildings with no apprant effort at all but due to the fact that they could go straight to where the sirens where comming from, they probably saved quite some time. In conclusion:It was a bumpy ride, but they would get there quickly
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Black and White (Me and Juney) Empty Re: Black and White (Me and Juney)

Post by Bliss December 11th 2011, 1:53 am

Hopefully this guy bathed sometime in the past week or so; that would account for some of the things wrong with the current course that they set out upon. Motion from the lunging actions forced Bliss to constantly make adjustments to hold on. If not for the absolute necessity of discovering the course of events that threatened her she would never agree, little much think of, riding a large vagrant.

Blocks disappeared behind them with every leap that he took. He moved at a slower speed than she imagined he would move with, but bypassing traffic lights and roadside detours more than made up for the difference. Bliss kept her hands wrapped tightly around him to keep her safe from falling. Every time they reached the apex of a building, Bliss would squirm around to readjust her holdings on the man, better to fall off on a building and plummet five feet than over an alleyway.

The time for night to turn to day still rested on the outset of several hours. Witches rarely ran by standard time that dictated night to end at 11:59; by all accounts the witches would operate in a window that ended when the sun rose. Bliss began to think about what occurred with Blacklight; she did not have anyone else in the building, only Bliss. She mentioned that the witch would try to go after others, but she only got Bliss. If She could know that the witch would run out of time with no resources to perform her ritual it would make it easier to merely hide away and wait til dawn to claim victory through good nights sleep. A good nights sleep looked much better than holding onto the back of some primal beast with a base intelligence somewhere in the simian range.

"We're going to take sometime to get to those sirens, so in the meantime, let's discuss proper noun-verb placement." Oh Bliss would follow on that promise.

After the long, uncomfortable trek across town the prime suspect for the police looked like a chemical plant. Not a bad assumption given the history of madness that surrounded science and power. No rooftop door existed, so the roof access needed to come from a ladder of sorts. Just to the side of the building Bliss found her way in. Bliss jumped down from the back of Gwharr and made her way to the ladder leading down to the alley access. Bliss hopped onto the ladder to gain a better vantage point of the side of the building. A few windows dotted the window giving Bliss her way in.

"I'll go in through a window and look around. You try and find a way in and meet up with me in there. Okay?"

Not taking the subtle way into the building caused the police on the ground to put up more of an alert. While this looked like it would work against them, it gave the ill-fated Captain Wombat more time before the police sent him to his death. Bliss conjured a platform of ice that tilted upwards to keep her from slipping when she stepped out and began to move towards the window. She kept her back against the wall while side stepping the ten feet that she needed to get to the window and make her entrance. Instead of freezing the window and punching through, Bliss decided to skip the middle man and simply freeze her fist and punch through the window. Glass shattered, but Bliss kept her hand from receiving any major gashes from the entry. Overall a success. Once the glass broke an alarm sounded through the building. Something wrong at the chemical plant was old news now she guessed.

Bliss slipped her non-frozen hand in and unlocked the window; with the poor leverage she stood upon, and the lack of stability she felt under her feet, Bliss began to move a layer of ice into the bottom of the window, roughly an inch away from the corner. The ice began to grow in size and as it grew the window pushed away from the sill. Once she gained her entrance Bliss slipped through the window and made her way through the alarm screeching halls.

She came into a chemical mixing room where she saw the figure of someone dangling over a vat of chemicals. A poor way for anyone to go out really. The stomp of police at the door brought Bliss's attention to the rope that sealed a certain doom for the Wombat. Bliss placed her foot against the railing and leaped forward to the vat that Wombat dangled over. Her feet fell hard on a thick layer of ice she made up.

Bursting into the chemical lab with a resolved fervor, the police barked threats at the girl who just did more to save a life that either of them. Wombat fell hard onto the icy platform that kept him from his death. To shield them from any legal problems, ice grew from the edges of the vat to pillar upwards of ten feet. It bought them a little time while Bliss began to formulate a plan. In her predicament searching the building for any traces of this witch would come with quite some hassle, but she did just acquire a first hand source of information. Feeling sorry for the poor guy who looked like a homemade hero, and knowing how uncomfortable tape can feel over your mouth, Bliss did the guy a favor and ripped the several pieces off with one quick pull. Cellophane could take sometime to break, but not particularly when frozen. Bliss ran a long line of ice down the middle of the cellophane bindings so that when Wombat tried to break free he would find it much easier.

"I'm Bliss. I'll be rescuing you today. Let me just get my caveman and we'll be on our way."


Mitsy's Boutique


Black and White (Me and Juney) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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