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We Become the Robots (Open)

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by BlackOut November 24th 2011, 3:32 am

Ryan raised an eye brow as Ace spoke; apparently the clumsy one had powers as well. “Well Ace it would seem we have quite the coincidence on our hands then.” Ryan smiled and leaned forward resting his elbows on the edge of the table, pushing his empty coffee cup to the side as he did. This situation just became even more interesting.

So what do you know about this girl you are tracking?” he ask curious what information Ace had on the young super. “What powers does she have? What is her story? What makes you think you will be able to convince her to join?” Ryan ran through the list of questions as soon as they formed his head. He turned back glancing at the girl again, she didn’t look like much; but she must have done something to find herself on the Sentinel watch list.

The Waitress came by refilling Ryan’s coffee still slightly shocked after witnessing the ice woman’s display. Ryan thanked as he tried to devise their next move, while Ace continued to mess with his earpiece. “I think it’s time we went over there and see what these two are all about.” Ryan said excitedly sipping his coffee. An opportunity like this was hardly one to pass up. “What do you think Ace?

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Bliss November 24th 2011, 4:12 am

"Mr. Khan?" The name sounded around in her head. She knew the name, but from where?

"We need to try the subject out. Get them to show us something." The order came through the headset of a pilot hovering over the target zone. Metal doors creaked open from the helicopter that retained a long enough distance to keep it out of the view of the average on looker. Two metallic spiders dropped from an unmarked cargo helicopter. They shot down with their appendages tucked behind them to brace for perfect aerodynamic free fall.

"I met an older gentleman several months ago by that name who was more than he seemed." Ice began to melt from the cup; water built up around the edges leaving behind water marks.

At a height of one hundred yards above impact the two spiders released their appendages slightly, allowing a webbed design between the joints that connected their appendages to their main body to break their fall.

"He doesn't happen to have a repertoire of cables in his body does he..." Before Bliss could finish her sentence she felt the glass of the window erupt, sending her to the floor. Trying to regain her bearings as to what happened, Bliss looked to see one of the menacing spiders standing five feet away from her. The long legs of the spider elevated its form eight feet off of the ground, giving it considerable reach over any escape Bliss could attempt. While thinking of her next move she spotted a sinister weapon peeking out of from the inside of the appendage. Resting six inches away from the blade like end of the leg a stun baton laid in wait, ready to deliver a final blow to any hero who would fall under it.

Cutting off the escape the second spider moved towards the waitress and stabbed the long bladed leg towards her upper body. The emotionless creatures acted without regard for life to carry out the details of their mission.

Ice shot out from her hands. Metal screeched along the ice barrier, but Bliss managed to buy herself sometime against the automaton. "Amy!" Bliss yelled out in the chaos of the attack. To deflect anything from harming Amy, Bliss jumped on the table and began to summon a wall of ice to shield off the attack. Layers of ice built upon one another as Bliss moved herself from a crouched position to a firm stand. Chunks of ice flew as the blades stabbed and sliced into the ice block.

Defense could only withstand these creatures for so long, and if Bliss wanted to keep these machines from killing all the witnesses she would need to change her tactics. In the moment of tactical thinking one of the blades tore through the barrier and punctured Bliss in her shoulder. Tearing just deep enough to draw the odd bodily fluid that replaced Bliss's blood, but just superficial enough to keep the baton out of reach.


Mitsy's Boutique


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Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Ace November 24th 2011, 9:28 am

"Well all I got from Sullivan before he got cut off is she's a fugitive, not sure why or how but she is" Ace answered Ryan. Ace was about to order when Ryan suggested going over to the girl's table " That's a good idea, let's-" The window shattered and a large metal blade smashed through, promptly ripping through the building to enter. "Ok this is odd" Ace yelled to Ryan over the sound of metal and brick colliding  "First task get rid of all the civilians from the area", Ace looked around, most people had either fled or was leaving by now, the unlucky ones were skewered by the large spider-like weapons. "Ok BlackOut" Ace yelled, switching to his Superhero alias to protect identities "From now on I'm ElectricBlast, let's save these people, Civilians first then supers".

Ace ran towards the first spider-robot, grabbing its hind leg and jumping through it to the top of it's base. Ace observed it's leg movements, it's main objective seemed to be the ice lady, harming people wasn't what it seemed to be aimed at, but that didn't mean it didn't cut down on doing it. Ace shocked the legs separately causing them to swoop away from any oncoming citizens. Ace lost his balance when one of the legs went through into the ice shield, he fell off the spiders base, crashing on his back to the floor. Ace was faced with a metal spear reflecting against some of the only lights in the cafe that were still lit. "Well this is just perfect" said Ace before shooting half way across the room "I finally get to use this thing" releasing his grip on the trigger of his grappling hook and flicking his fingers out to stretch. Ace thought Ryan would have the other civilians under control, so he shot back to the spider, the hook locked into it's undercarriage, Ace waited for the time to strike.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Guest November 24th 2011, 10:38 pm

A smile returned to her face, as she placed her elbows on the table, folded one hand over the other and rested her chin on her soft knuckles. She wondered how well known Mr. Kahn was. Bliss tried to recollect where she met him. Describing him as a man who is 'more than what he seems', Amy wondered if it was in a good or bad way. To her, Mr. Kahn was definitely more than he seemed. By the way he showed compassion and care for someone he didn't know.

Bliss began to ask a question regarding his cyborg nature, Amy was assuming by the way the sentence began. But before Bliss could finish her sentence the window shattered nearby. A mechanical spider robot flew threw the opening it had created, followed by a second spider. Acting with agile speed, the spider indiscriminately stabbed the waitress with a blade-like leg and made his move towards the two young women.

Upon seeing the blood spray out of the opening of the waitress' chest when she was stabbed, Amy's pupils constricted in pure shock. Not understanding what was happening, she was as frozen as the ice rabbit statue that laid on the table. Scrambling across the floor the spider hurled itself at Mist, only to be blocked by a wall of ice put up by Bliss. It wouldn't hold him for long though, as the spider began chiseling through the wall with rapid speed. Amy's eyes darted back in forth, her body stood still like a statue as the grotesque creature viciously attacked the barrier.

"Amy!" Bliss' voice rang out as the mechanical spider broke through. At mentioning her voice she came to her senses. The spider threw his body at Amy's, but millisecond's before making contact she utilized her supernatural power. Her entire body burst into a cloud of water vapor with her same physical outline. The spider robot dug both it's blade leg's into Amy. The entire robot flew through the water molecules and sliced the chair she was sitting on in half, rendering Amy unharmed.

Amy moved her body behind the spider and reformed back into her normal human self. Throwing her fist's up, she took a defensive stance that she learned in martial arts training with Mr. Kahn. She couldn't land a hard enough punch against steel, but if she used her with she already knew how to destroy these robots with her power. Unlike living creatures, they could be effected by her power if she concentrated enough. She needed Bliss for an easy kill though. Looking over to her friend, she appeared to be bleeding.

"Bliss! Are you okay?! We can take these things quickly I know it, I just need you to give me a hand. Then we can get you to a hospital. When the opportunity arises to jump in, you'll see it." Amy faced the spider-like creature boldly, waiting for it to strike. It harmed her friend, and it was going to die fast.

"Come get me!" she taunted it.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by BlackOut November 25th 2011, 9:25 pm

The sound of shattering glass and crumbling brick sucked the calm atmosphere out of the once quite café and replaced it with shout of fear and panic. The dust settled from the initial impact and Ryan saw the spider like robot clamor their way into the building. They made a b-line for the young Asian woman but were immediately stopped in their tracks by a wall of ice. Ace leapt out to help going after the closest robot but that was all Ryan saw before he devised a plan of his own.

The remaining civilians were funneling their way out of the café through the fire exit in the back of the building. Ryan joined them trying to blend in until he was near the back of the building. Breaking off from the group he slid into the bathroom and quickly started to disrobe. If there was one thing he had learned from being a superhero it was how to undress really fast. The tight black and yellow fabric that made up his suit was easy to conceal under his street clothes. Pulling his mask over his face he smashed the back window and flew out into the alley behind the shop.

Changing into his costume with his enhanced speed only took him seconds so but the time he flew around the front of the shop nothing really major had happened. Getting in gear for his first strike Black swooped inlaying an electro powered punch on the robot that was closest. The spider-bot staggered and turned its attention to BlackOut. Raising on of its claws it thrust the spear like leg his way. Black managed to duck under the strike as the robot’s leg flew by going right through the wall behind him.

The robot retracted its leg, leaving a gaping hole in the wall. With another swift motion the bot struck downward smashing its claw into the ground where BlackOut had been fractions of a second earlier. Rolling to his feet, Black let off a blast of electricity from his palm. The electrical energy flew through the air forming into a ball as it did. The ball of energy struck the robot dead on sending it careening into the back wall of the building.

That was easy enough.” Black said smiling at his good work. With the hostile machine lodged in the wall of the café, and not moving; Black turned his attention to the other attacker. As he prepared to combat his second threat he heard a whirring sound coming from behind him. Looking over his shoulder he saw the spider-bot pulling itself from the wall and launch its body toward the four supers, and its comrade. "Okay, these things are definitely tougher than I thought."

Post Mate
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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Bliss November 26th 2011, 1:15 am

A clear liquid poured out of Bliss's shoulder. A normal person would would look down feel the warmth of blood trickle down their shoulder. Any means of normalcy fell from her. Her shield still held part of the spider's blade within its grasp, curtailing it from pushing further into her shoulder. The heat of the charged baton flickered with a sinister intent as it began to saw through the ice. Inch by inch it grew closer and closer to electrocuting her, whiling causing a more severe loss of fluid from Bliss's body.

A frozen expansion grew from her hands to encompass the stun baton. She wanted to hold this creature down, but the violence of its movement tore apart the lightly forming ice barrier Bliss tried to save herself with. The spider ripped the blade away from Bliss's shoulder, tearing away at the the muscles in her superficial shoulder. Thrusting with in spite of the setbacks, the spider lunged the baton into Bliss. Ice surrounded the baton, shoving Bliss to the ground.

Amy moved into view of the scene and made a distracting scene to draw the attention of the spider from the injured girl. Bliss turned onto her side, holding the wound in her shoulder. Amy looked confident in her stance against the mechanical beast. Making quick calculations of her stance and movement the spider turned from Bliss and locked onto the more lively Amy. It swiped in a downward direction to make a slash against Amy.

Unbeknownst to Bliss Amy possessed a power that would allow her to easily befuddle the targeting computer in these beasts. Tingling crystals seeped into Bliss's wound to cover up the loss of whatever fluid made up her body. "We may need to find something a little different than just a hospital." A few chunks of ice fell from the shoulder as she pulled herself up from the ground.


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Ace November 26th 2011, 4:03 am

Ace hung from the underbelly of the spider-robot, it lunged further into the ice sphere and Ace decided it was time. He gained some momentum and flung himself through the hole in the ice. Ace saw there was already a problem in here, the ice lady was on the floor with a wound dripping what looked like coolant and the girl he was supposed to recruit, was vapor, clumped vapor but vapor still the same. Before Ace could speak the spiders leg jabbed through again, Ace sent a bolt at it, making it smash through the side of the ice sphere. "Looks like that's our way out, Vapor girl I need you to-" Ace was interrupted by a leg smashing through the other side of the sphere "I'm trying to have a conversation here" Ace yelled as he hurled a bolt at the spider through the hole, it seemed unphased by the bolt, not surprising as it had probably discharged most of it in the air. "ok,as I was saying I need your help to get the ice lady out of here, see if you can distract the robots or something. 

Ace loosened the grappling hook from around his wrist and threw it to Bliss, "Put that on". Then a leg came through the top of the ice sphere, ripping part of Aces jacket and tearing off a pocket. The pocket contained his tracker, so Sullivan could see his position. As the leg rose the pocket was still attached tracker and all.

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Post Adept
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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Guest November 26th 2011, 1:55 pm

Her plan had apparently succeeded in drawing the spider robot away from Bliss. She didn't need to land a blow or even fully evade the creature. She had her plan in her mind, and knew the typical robotic program. It was probably calculating her stance and already had a solution for the best possible way to kill her. The problem with robots is that unlike humans they can't easily adapt to a changing environment. For example, the robot will be incapable of assessing the full capabilities of her power.

Her only goal was evasion, that was all she needed to defeat it. Whether she was successful or not would depend on the next few seconds. The robot's long sword-like legs clanked against the floor as it moved in on her location with intense speed. Ace tried to say something to take control of the situation, but Amy already had her plan set in her mind and would carry it through. She didn't have time to change it. Amy would wait last minute to change her posture so that she could evade the robotic spider. It's bladed legs swung high in the air and aimed to pierce her once again in the chest. Amy shifted her right foot backwards and got ready to dodge. Inches away before the robot made contact, Amy flexed her body backwards so that her back almost touched the ground and threw her hands up at the spider robot.

Making contact, she placed both hands on the underbody of the spider then activated her ability to transform her body into a cloud of water molecules. Just like her clothes, she can transform objects she touches the same way. Though larger objects take more concentration, the robot didn't require too much. And she wasn't capable of doing such effects to a living creature.

Visually, it looked like the robot collided with Amy, creating a streak of mist as the Robot passed over her head and behind her. Amy stood back up and spun around to face the robot who was now the same cloudy water vapor as herself. Water was just water, the robot had the same molecular structure and vulnerabilities. The only way the robot could change back was if Amy shifted herself back to a normal human, which she wasn't ready to do.

"Freeze it now, Bliss!" Being that the robot was pure water molecules, it would freeze thoroughly to it's core and become nothing more than an ice statue. Then all they had to do was shatter it. When Amy transforms out of her cloudy appearance back to a normal human, the frozen robot would transform back to steel as well, but be in pieces all over the floor.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by BlackOut November 26th 2011, 4:35 pm

Black managed to put up a wall of electricity in front of him, shielding himself and the others from the spider-bots massive flying frame. The body of the spider smashed into the wall, bouncing backward stunning itself. Dropping the wall of electricity Black flew toward the spider cocking back his fist and letting electricity dance around it. The spider anticipated the move and tried to impale him with one of its claws. Seeing the spider’s outstretched claw waiting for him Black managed to alter his trajectory flying up over the spear like claw. Black was unable to avoid the spider’s follow up attack and took the broadside of one of its legs.

The leg connected with Black’s stomach knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying across the room. Black’s body slammed into the wall behind the register and slid down to the ground. “Shit.” Black said as he tried to shake off the pain that was now radiated from his back. Black looked up seeing the spider approaching him, the robot’s frame cast a shadow over him menacingly as it calculated the best way to kill him. Immediately the spider thrust its leg toward Black’s body. Black threw up another shield and the spider’s leg crashed into it. This time the robot did not recoil, it continued to try to force its leg through the wall of electricity.

As the spike came closer and closer to Black’s face he noticed something. Inside of the spiders leg he could see the top of a stun rod. “I can work with that.” he smiled to himself, as he came up with a plan as fast as he could. Black used the electricity from his shield to blast the spider backwards hoping he could stun the spider long enough so he could get to his feet. Black scrambled to his feet as the robot stumbled backward, and quickly climbed onto one of the spiders raised legs. Locating the hidden stun baton with his had Black felt the warm rush of the electricity flowing into his body. Reversing the flow Black unleashed a torrent of electricity into the robot through the weak point. He hoped that the extra electricity would overload the machine’s circuits and disable it, maybe it would even explode. At least he hoped that how robots worked because if not he was in a very vulnerable position.

The spider-bot flailed his limbs around trying to fling Black off, but he clamped down tighter with his arms and legs forcing as much electricity as he could into the robot as he hung on for dear life. Finally Black started to see the effects he was hoping for. Sparks started to shoot off of the spider-bots frame, and small fires broke out on its joints. The spider-bots behavior started to get erratic it stop trying to shake Black off and started stumbling around bumping into walls. The robot then collapsed to the floor and smoke started rising from its body.

Black climbed off of the robots broken frame and managed to drag himself to the nearest wall outlet. Sliding up against the wall he rested his hand on it and drew electricity into his body, recharging himself. Looking over toward the two girls and Ace who were fighting the other spider-bot Black leaned back and rested his head on the wall. “I’m sure they can handle it.” He said watching the battle and allowing his body to recuperate.

Last edited by BlackOut on November 26th 2011, 10:33 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammer)

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Bliss November 26th 2011, 10:18 pm

Where blood should pour forth from her shoulder, the poor pressure of her circulatory system barely pushed out any liquid from her shoulder. Darting into the frozen embankment that Bliss conjured, Ace put his display of powers to good use. Every instance that the spider attempted to impale either of them with its legs, Ace met him with a jolt of electricity. The jarring match looked like a stalemate, but with Amy's action that would work.

With a closer eye on Amy Bliss could now manage to see more closely what she could truly do with her power. When she stood before the spider in defiance of its abrasive display of power Amy looked completely in control of the situation. Her skin turned into a mist and she took to action. Bliss laid motionless on the ground. Taken by the young superheroes at her side. Out of the corner of her eye Bliss felt a grappling hook hit her in the arm. "Ouch, no throwing things." Bliss responded while waiting for her shot. "I've got this. I'm a little tougher than you would think."

Water moved and took over the form of the spider. Amy came the call for power Bliss could bring. Her ice shot through the body of the spider and began creeping through the legs of the construct. The water molecules expanded under the new form that turned the creature into ice. Just as quickly as the creature attacked, it found itself turning to hardened ice. A few weeks ago destroying the ice would only take a matter of seconds for Bliss to demolish. Now, she was on the other side of that mayhem.

"Amy are you okay?" Light shined off ice sculpted spider. "Did I freeze any part of you?"

With the spider taken out of the immediate battle, Bliss turned to see a man seemingly absorbing electricity from the wall socket. Smoke rose from the discarded form of the second spider; that looked dangerous if left to burn. A layer of ice froze over the metallic surface of the destroyed spider. The young hero looked well enough with all the circumstances at hand.

"Anyone have any clue who those things were after?" The question seemed probable enough, but speculation did not sit well. "I guess I could try to hack one of these things and find out what I can."


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Ace November 27th 2011, 8:51 am

Ryan was right, they could handle themselves, hell they could handle themselves better than he could. Ace's tone changed "Sorry" Ace said to Bliss, He picked up his hook from the ground and promptly secured it around his wrist. "I'm going to the roof to see if I can get a signal from this damn thing" Ace reached into his pocket, well he would have if it was still there "Oh right" Ace muttered to himself, he grabbed the pocket of the metal skewer that used to be the spiders leg and walked out the hole in the side of the building. 

Ace climbed up the piping of a small apartment building next to the coffee shop, after deciding that if he tried to stand on the roof of the coffee shop he would have found an easier way to defeat the spiders. He stood on top of the apartment building, fiddling with his communicator, *Your not leading the sentinels right now Ace, your supposed to be working with them, not yelling orders at them* Ace thought to himself, he often had little conversations with himself like this when he thought he'd done something wrong *You could have atleast not thrown the grappling hook but no you had to go fu-* Ace's argument with himself was cut short when Sullivan burst into his ear "ACE! Are you ok? My radio signal cut out and I saw the spiders and-"
"I'm fine Sullivan, not a scratch on me." Ace said, his voice was low and slightly depressed "What were those things?" 
"Robots I presume."
"No Shit, I hadn't figured that one out myself." 
"If I could get their motherboard I could send it off to forensics and-"
"We don't have time for forensics Sullivan, I need you to scan the area for anything out of the ordinary."
"Ok then. How about the main mission, how's that going" 
"The main mission?"
"The girl, Ace"
"Oh that mission" Ace had completely forgotten about that when he started “fighting” the robots "Il get started on that, you just look for the out of the ordinary." The line went silent, Ace needed to get back to the task at hand. He looked down the building *Ok how am I going to get back down?* He thought.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Guest November 27th 2011, 11:06 am

Relaxing her shoulders, it was finally over. She turned to Bliss and smiled. "No I'm fine, if I was still in contact with it then it would probably freeze me too. But the only link we share now is my special ability..." When she thought about it, she purposely didn't tell Bliss about her ability. Her eyes darted away and her cheeks felt like they were on fire from embarrassment. Though, the effects of blushing wouldn't show while she still remained in her cloudy form.

She looked around to quickly end the awkward moment. Bliss raised an interesting question. Just what were they after? "I don't know where they came from.. But we still aren't safe. Even though that robot is frozen fully, it will return back to steel once I return back into my normal self. I know you're hurt Bliss, but you need to destroy it. Otherwise we'll be in danger again. I can't harm a fly as I am now." Amy had never changed back to her normal human form from the fight, knowing full well the robot would be active again.

Some of the survivors that were hiding peaked their heads to look at the situation now that the chaotic voice had calmed. Amy's eyes darted around, she needed them to hurry up before anyone recognized her. It seemed Bliss and the others haven't yet. Inaudible whispers started to get shared around the room of those that recognized a young girl on the news a few short years ago.

"Hurry..." Was the only thing the nervous young girl was thinking as she looked back to Bliss in desperation.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by BlackOut November 28th 2011, 11:50 am

The younger girl seemed to have turned the robot into a cloud of vapor with just a simple touch. So that is her power. he though t mesmerized by the scene in front of him wondering what their next move would be. BlackOut watched the fantastic display as the ice took form, with girls disabling the robot by freezing it solid. With both of the enemies seemingly eliminated Black smiled and pushed himself to his feet, sparks shooting from his hand as he pulled it away from the outlet. Black started to walk across the half demolished café toward the two young women and the frozen spider-bot. The younger one who Ace claimed was a fugitive seemed to be quite on edge. From what he picked up as he approached them it seemed that the two of them were having trouble destroying the machine.

I can take care of this for you ladies.” he said smiling placing his hand on the frozen robot and pushing it across the floor with a bust of electricity. With a crash it slammed into the wall and shattered into pieces. “Now that is out of the way.” He said rolling up his mask just far enough so that they could see his face. “I’m BlackOut and my friend’s wherever he went is Ace. Those things were most likely coming after one of us four, it seems like just too much of a coincidence that to murderous robot spiders attack the coffee shop that just so happens to have four supers sitting in it. I know that I have my fair share of people that want me dead and I wouldn’t be surprised if you two do too. I think that it would be best if we got out of here, before we put these people in more danger.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Bliss November 28th 2011, 5:37 pm

A hesitation rested in Bliss. The original power she used no longer laid dormant in her, and she needed it more than ever. Surveying the room around her she formed the idea of using a chair; she hoped that Amy really enjoyed life as a cloud of vapor. Pulling her ass out of the fire Blackout stepped forward and took over the job. The robot crumbled and lay scattered on the floor. Good.

The smaller hero darted off somewhere outside of Bliss's sight. Most likely nothing too bad could happen in the matter of seconds Bliss lost sight of him, but if anything else happened they would need to stick together. The triad of Blackout, herself, and Amy made her feel more relaxed at the situation, but the wound in her shoulder looked far worse than she first realized. "Shit" Bliss never saw the new blood source that coursed through her body; it flowed slowly and stuck into the fabric of her scarf. It really did not leave her with any unnerving feelings, but she could feel an odd feeling that those around her would notice the odd fluid coming from her shoulder.

"So you guys are two guys who met up in a cafe to talk about having powers?" Bliss questioned with a smile. Any of the other supers within the cafe would watch her back. Bliss normally assumed people would just fall into the orders that she never actually said, but there were some set backs in the past to this. Smoke from the robot died down, but the heat definitely lingered. Luckily for the ice girl she could handle heat. Only a small amount of ice came from her hands to cool down the surface; she did not want to freeze the body so she could not get into the brain of the creature. She could not get the hatch open, but she could use her original tactic of using the chair. Once she froze the fringes of the hatch with a small layer of ice, she picked up the chair to smash it against the head. Within seconds her shoulder told her abruptly that her plan was stupid.

With a loud crash the chair fell to the ground. Bliss went down in pain moments there after. She grimaced and grabbed her shoulder. "Okay someone needs to get that thing's head open. And then grab what ever looks like a..." The time for actions in the cafe looked slim. "...Just break off the head and let's get out of here."

"I live two blocks away; can you get us there with some subtlety, Amy?" Giving the girl's name may upset Amy, but they needed to leave this cafe as quickly as they could. She remembered the request made by Amy to go to a hospital, but that could not happen. Any kind of recorded incident needed to stay undocumented, but at least Bliss unpacked her tea maker at home. "Ace, are you coming?"


Mitsy's Boutique


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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Ace November 29th 2011, 9:52 am

Ace was staring down at the coffee shop *So much destruction, but why?* Ace asked himself *it probably has something to do with one of the 4 supers at this cafe, but who and what could they have done to attract that much attention*. Ace's thoughts were interrupted by his name ringing in his ear, "Yes" he yelled down to the cafe. He slid down the piping to the fire escape before jumping down. He walked back into the coffee shop and looked at Bliss "How do you know my name?" he questioned before it hit him "Actually, I think I know" Ace pivoted on his feet and turned to Ryan "Sometimes I like to keep my name a secret, even if it is so farfetched you wouldn't think it was a name" a smile darted across Ace's lips, his humor had returned, at-least for the moment. 

Ace turned away from Ryan and faced Amy "Could I talk to you without the general populous listening?" Ace asked waiting for an answer.

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We Become the Robots (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: We Become the Robots (Open)

Post by Guest November 29th 2011, 8:04 pm

As soon as the iced robot shattered from BlackOut's attack, Amy shifted back into her normal human self again. The robot ice statue transformed back into shattered remnants of steel rather than ice chunks. Her attention was focused on BlackOut who had gotten the two of them out of a jam. But quickly Amy's senses came back to her. She remembered Bliss got hurt pretty badly. Diverting her attention to Bliss, she noticed something she didn't before. When the droid punctured Bliss' skin, Amy had originally thought Bliss was bleeding but it appeared to be of a different internal liquid. In the chaotic moment, it must have been only an afterthought to check whether or not it was blood.

Amy rushed to Bliss who suggested a way to get to her house two blocks from here. "Yeah, that's not too far. We should put some pressure on that wound to stop the loss." Amy took off her outer jacket and tried to tie it around Bliss' shoulder. Though Amy wasn't very strong she tried to offer Bliss help getting up, and possibly offer her shoulder to lean on. She knew that blood loss can make a victim weak.

Ace reappeared to the scene and needed to talk to Amy about something, but it would have to wait. "I'm sorry, she's really hurt. We need to get her some help right away. We can talk later."

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