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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 12th 2011, 10:38 pm

Astrid was on her way to attend to Death, she knew he was waiting for her, as she was behind schedule. If she took too long they might even send him after her to make sure she was okay, she didn't need the humiliation of that. Her car had gotten a flat tire, and so she had decided to take a cab, but it had just gotten jammed in traffic. She wouldn't sit there and wait, she would make it to her destination one way or another. Astrid had left the cab in the middle of the lane, traffice at a standstill and little danger to her. She Bolted to the sidewalk and begasn jogging in the direction that lead to where her patient was. No doubt Death would be irritated with her, well, if it was possible for him to be anyways.

Astrid's pace was even and her breathing smooth, she ran all the time for fun as it was. Her silver hair flowed behind her and she neared a corner of the block and paused, making sure she was going in the right direction. Her eyes went wide as a hand closed over her mouth, and jerked her backwards into an ally. She was not that far from her destination and she hoped that they would in fact send Death in search of her. She was no use in a fight. She was hauled kicking and jerking into a sidedoor, and quickly thrown into a chair. She managed to get a good look at her captor and the other men that were in the room her eyes turning spitefully upon them all. She was bound to the chair with rope that chafed her wrists. The leader of the group squatted in front of her, assessing her. She spat in his face, and with a curse, her slapped her. She onnly smiled at him in return.

"If you really are as important as my contacts say you are, then whomever you work for will pay good money to keep you from getting carved up I would think."

Astrid raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. "You have no idea what you are getting yourself into by doing this to me." She was rewarded with another slap, and a cruel looking knife was waved in front of her nose.

"If you don't shut up you little bitch, you are gonna lose that tongue.Now, let us know who you work for so we can get our money and you can go whore yourself to your boss"

Astrid chuckled and shook her head. "If you knew my boss, you would know that sex with him is impossible. As for telling you any other information? Fuck off assehole, you gotta work harder for that."

The man took his knife and drug it across her cheek, hot pain seared her and she yelped as crimson blood trickled from the slice. She glared with hatred at the man, but said not a word. He raised the weapon again for another go at her, and she could only hope that Project Perfection was smart enough to come looking for her.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 12th 2011, 11:02 pm

Project Death had been waiting after the fight with a local meta human, an escaped Project actually, when he starts to realize Astrid did not show up. It only occurred to him because of the simple fact that he got badly burnt from this flame manipulator who couldn't control their powers making him shake his head as he calls it in. The scientists simply tell him to go look for her and help her if needed be. Turning dowb the allyway he starts walking only to turn into a side ally and see Astrid get abducted by some thug which makes Death frown. Only he abducts projects, people who work for the family, of are of interest to them; besides all that he was told to protect her so damn it he will protect her. Sprinting at the building he bashes through the wall, door being to small, into the room where she is being held standing up to his height of 6'5". Looking around he walks up to the man with the knife his expression never changing, "If you wish to live you will drop the knife and leave now." The skeleton reject mutters out softly crossing his arms over his chest.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 13th 2011, 12:51 am

Astrid couldn't hide her relief as Death charged through the door, she glanced at the man with the knife and smirked. "I suggest you do what he says tough guy. My friend here could eat you for breakfast." The men in the room looked frightened for a moment, but collected themselves quickly. There were ten in all, and the leader only smirked and waved his knife in front of Astrid's face again.

"I suggest you just stay were you are, before I cut off your pretty little girlfriend's ear." He held the knife dangerously close to her skin and her face went white as she looked at Death with a silent plea for help. The other men advanced on death, various weapons, including knives and guns aimed at the brute of a man, they were greedy men, and didn't want to lose their prize.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 13th 2011, 7:05 am

Project Death stands still watching as the men start advacing upon him and slams his foot down as hard as he possibly can sending a shockwave and ripples through out the ground around him at all of the men sending them off balance. "I suggest you leave now, I am allowed to give you one last chance before I kill all of you. This is not a threat but a promise if you do not leave now then this will be your final resting place." He mutters still unmoved by the advancing men knowing their foolish mortal weapons can do nothing agaisnt a god like creature that he is.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 14th 2011, 5:01 pm

Astrid watched silently as Death did his thing, sending the men off balance. It made her slightly irritated to know that Death was giving them a second chance, and she would be certain to let him know how she felt in the matter after she was rescued. As the men regained their balance, they continued on their offensive. They didn't care who or what this guy was, they weren't going to give up.

Astrid mumbled something about the stupidity of men as she watched, the leader now joiing the advancing men, sputtering curses and threats at Death. Astrid looked at her bleeding and raw wrists with distaste. She hoped they would heal, along with her cheek. She couldn't stand to have her beauty marred by stupidity.

She watched with avid fascination as she awaited the destruction of her captors. She had never seen Death in action, and she wanted to see what he could do. She kept her eyes locked on Death and healed his wounds from the previous battle without a word or flicker of movement. He would probably appreciate it, now having to fight yet again.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 14th 2011, 7:08 pm

Project Death shakes his head in distain at the foolishness of these people and looks ahead as the bullets simply bounce of his skin, denting themselves inward."Foolish mortals, now you die for messing with the family." He says grabbing the closest man by his head with one fist and squeezes as hard as he can popping the skull like one popping a grape or something in his hand. With that done he flings the lifeless bodies at two others as hard as he can watching as they go flying through the wall, all done faster than one can blink an eye. Turning upon the next two now hesitant victims, or 'captures', Death punches straight through ones chest grabbing his heart before rinching out of the body and looking at it. "Odd, I've never seen a human heart out of the body before tis nothing like I imagined. Care to see?" He mutters throwing it as hard as he can at the next man knocking his head clean off. After that action is done he steps forward ontop of a body hearing a crunch noise all now dead except for the leader. Cracking his knuckles death looks at him, "Care to see your heart? I'm sure I can make your death quick and painful, they do call me The Hero Killer, The Destoyer, Project Death, and Cmetp for a reason you know."

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 24th 2011, 10:47 am

Astrid flinched slightly as she watched Reaper destroy the men with ease. She felt a tremble of excitement shudder through her. Astrid knew she should be terrified, but she did not feel the slightest fear as she watched Reaper rip out the heart of one of the men. She glared at the final man left standing, anger in her eyes as Reaper allowed the man a choice. The man didn't even hesitate as he ran out of the building, his face ashen and full of fear.

Astrid looked at Reaper, her angry eyes now on him. Her wrists and ankles were bloody, along with her cheek. The ropes had rubbed her raw and she winced slightly as she assessed the damage. "Get me out of here Death. Next time just kill them, they aren't important, they aren't the ones you are sent to capture. Don't give them a choice, just kill them!" She trembled slightly, the fear finally hitting her. Silent tears dripped down her cheeks, the pain and the violence both causing the flowing tears.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 24th 2011, 3:45 pm

Death watches as the man runs out hearing astrid yell at him but tones it out as the scientists tell him he did good. The guy will now run to tell the legend of the skeleton man, no one will believe him because of how twisted the story is soon to become, thus hidding up Project Perfection even more."I am sorry for doing what the scientists said to do, they have reasons for everything. I must comply to their wishes; I have no choice in the matter." Walking over to Astrid he rips the bonds from her hands and picks her up with ease before lightly setting her down on her feet."You are safe miss Astrid, none will try to harm you now or they shall feel my my fists and the wrath of the family."

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 25th 2011, 7:33 pm

Astrid sat silently as Death freed her and set her on her feet. She wobbled slightly in pain, but her eyes held a hot fury in them. She shook with anger, her fists curling with the intensity of her emotions. She knew she couldn't be angry with Death, it wasn't his fault, but she was so angry. "Fuck the scientists Death! I'm more important than they are, I'm Doctor Necrodium's personal healer! I'm your healer! I could have been killed, then you all would have been at the mercy of The Doctor!" She was sure the scientists could hear her too, her voice rising into hysterics.

She was more angry then she could ever remember being angry, and she swung her fist at Death, her anger clouding her judgment for a brief second. As her fist hit him, she yelped at the pain in her hand and she looked up at the big man. A few tears slid down her cheeks and she sat hard on the floor. Astrid looked at Death for a minute, suddenly feeling very bad. "I'm sorry Death, I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at the scientists. Thank you for finding me." She sniffled and looked at her hands in her lap as she sat on the ground. She doubted she would get any sort of reaction from him, but her anger had dissolved, replaced with self pity and guilt.

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 25th 2011, 8:04 pm

Death stands there taking in the yelling not sure what to do the scientists all scarred out of their mind he can hear them quivering and muttering in fear. When she punches him he ohonestly does not feel it untill she hears her crying which makes him look down at her confused. The scientists telling him to nod his head then leave but he doesn't listen, yes Death does not listen to the fools, he takes out the ear piece and slowly places it in a pocket before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Madem Astrid, why are you crying? You have no reason to be sad or feel guilty in any sort of way for it you were angry at the scientists for telling me to give the people a chance to live; thus making you mad at me and because of this you lashed out. If I understand human emotions, which I do not seem to at all though I believe I am getting better from your lessons, it was natural for you to do this." Project Death says all this with an emotionless face his mind wondering how he was able to do all that, how he was able to dissobay the family, and why he did it in the first place. Not only is it wondering that but also how he seems to understand human emotions now, oh sure Astrid is giving him lessons but he never thought they would honestly work. Though it seems only half working he understands them yet still feels them not at all.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Astrid October 25th 2011, 8:24 pm

Astrid flinched slightly as she felt Death's hand on her shoulder, she recovered quickly though and looked up. Confusion crossed her face for a moment, and then the realization that he wasn't wearing his ear piece, made her gasp softly as she looked up at him. Never did she think that he would be able to do that. Her tears stopped as she looked up at Reaper with sheer awe. "Death, I feel bad because it's not you I should be angry with. You had no choice..or I thought you didn't have the choice. Point being, it wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have hit you. Even, if it didn't hurt you any."

Astrid scrambled to her feet and looked at Death with fascination. "Have you really been learning from me? I never thought you truly listened, or that it would even work." She hesitantly hugged him, not sure how he would react. She was excited, but he might possibly be confused and unsure how to react. She could make a wrong move and end up getting hurt. Blood still pooled from ehr cheeks, and her wrists and ankles were still raw, but she didn't even notice those things. She just couldn't believe what was happening. "Are you okay Death? You aren't gonna freak out and kill a bunch of people, are you?"

Your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall, we follow like Alice and just keep diving down the hole.

You can't offer your poison to me in your kingdom of filth.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2011-08-25

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

Post by Swordsmaster October 25th 2011, 8:55 pm

Project Death waits and listens to what Astrid says simply shrugging at what she says. "You should still not feel bad it was a 'natural reaction' was it not?" He says slightly confused trying to remember everything she had said when telling him everything about human emotions and what not. Nodding his head at what she says afterwords, "Yes I listened but what do you mean by it would work? I am onfused about that." Death says tilting his head to the side trying to comprehind what she is saying honestly not getting what she was saying. Death, Destruction, the Destroyer, the Grim Reaper, whichever you choose to call him looks down at the healer who is wrapping his arms around him. "I am 'okay' as you put it I only kill on the families order, but are you okay madem? Why are your arms wrapped around me like so, I thought one only did that to one he felt love to."

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death) Empty Re: Sometimes I wish I didn't hit like a girl...(Death)

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