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Children of Chaos

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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 11:52 am

Psycho titled his head up slightly, putting his hand to his chin in a thinking position and making an audible 'Hmm' sound, wondering whether or not to take his brother up on his offer. After a moment or two he looked back to his brother and slowly shook his head.

"Nah, don't really feel like it." He spoke casually, not really feeling up to it at the moment. He went silent as he then turned to the pictures of his father and others he didn't know, imagining what his father was like and if he were alive, would he and Psycho have the father and son relationship he had always imagined? One where they would more or less play baseball with human body parts and go on killing sprees for no real reason. He then looked at the journals that littered his father's place. He could only imagine what stories they held, the things they could teach him about his father...pity he couldn't read. Psycho considered asking Vengeance could read from some to him some time. As his mind wandered to thoughts of Vengeance, his brother and maybe friend, he was wondering if they should try to get to know each other more. Of course, there wasn't much for Psycho to say about himself. He was born in a lab, he got out of the lab, that was pretty much it. Vengeance had already told him a little about his mother, but he wasn't really interested in that, and of course he remembered who is father was. At this point, Psycho was now trying to come up with ways for him and his brother to relate to each other more, a way for them to bond. Just then an idea struck him.

"Ooh ooh ooh!" Psycho burst out suddenly. "I Have an idea! Why don't we go commit a crime together! Oh we can have so much fun! We could rob a bank or just kill people...Oh and if we have time can we burn down a hospital? I hate doctors." His voice spoke with a strange childlike enthusiasm and equally childlike maturity, with the exception of the final part which was spoken with odd seriousness, he really hated doctors.


Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest November 26th 2011, 11:31 pm

Vengeance shrugged his shoulders, as if to say 'Alright then' and dropped the subject, watching his brother silently as he looked around the apartment and seemed to be thinking deeply about something, most likely their father. After all, he often thought about his father and what type of relationship they would have together so it was only right for Pyscho to think the same. All children of any race of creature felt that way if they never met their father, it was inevitable. His brother suddenly spoke up, surprising him immensely as he had grown used to the silence. His brother talked about how he came up with the idea of committing crime together, apparently having forgotten he already suggested that but turned it down. He shrugged his shoulders though and decided 'Why not?' and nodded his head. "Yes, that's a good idea. Let's start off with a simple slaughter. Whoever kills the more people at the end wins" he said with a dark, twisted smirk on his humanoid-but-also-demonic looking face.

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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho November 27th 2011, 3:07 pm

A large toothy smile spread across Psycho's face, it's twisted nature matching that of his brother's. Psycho started hopping up and down a little in eager anticipation. No one ever offered to play his kind of games with him. His excitement wasn't even lessened at the fact that Vengeance wasn't going to let him kill any doctors, despite his usual desire to do so. Almost like a kid in a candy store, or in Psycho's case a butcher's, he started speaking/shouting to his older brother.

"Yes yes yes, let's do that!" He was now literally twitching with excitement and began tapping his foot repeatedly.

"Oooh, I am so gonna win this! YEAH! Come on, come on we got people to kill and bodies to eat!" Sprinting to the door, Psycho waited eagerly for his sibling / friend to leave with him.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest November 27th 2011, 3:12 pm

Vengeance chuckled softly to himself as he placed his veil over his face and nodded to his brother. He then wrapped an arm around his neck and lead him out the door, to commit unsavory and menacing acts of terror and really, when you are the children of Chaos, that's the best kind of terror for them. "Patience little brother. Good things come to those who wait. I have a lot to teach you brother. Lesson one, the more patient you are when fighting a worthless superhero or committing a crime, the more patient you are and taking the soonest opportunity as soon as it comes, the reward is that much grander. Father took great pride in mindless slaughter but you see, things that are planned out and succeed are that much more delicious" he said to his brother in an affectionate tone as he smirked behind his veil, believing it was his job as the older brother to help teach his younger and more psychotic brother the greatest aspects of crime and villainy.


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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho November 27th 2011, 3:38 pm

Psycho listened to his brother's words intently, doing his best to pay attention. However you can't fight your own nature and with Psycho being the extremely moronic and insane mutant he was, the lesson he was being taught so affectionately by his brother would most certainly be forgotten. Though that didn't mean he couldn't be polite and listen anyway. Being led out the door, he couldn't wait to get back to playing with the unsuspecting (Or at this point in the world, where villains run around freely and go on killing sprees all the time, very suspecting) citizens of New York with his brother.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Children of Chaos

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