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Children of Chaos

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Children of Chaos Empty Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 3:48 pm

Today was quite an average day in New York city, nothing was really out of place. Rain was beating down hard from a heavily overcast sky; loud obnoxious citizens were pushing and shoving their way through the crowded streets, only really concerned with their own business; the roads were jammed full of taxis and other miscellaneous vehicles, it was quite amazing anyone could get anywhere in this city driving...oh and an insane super powered villain was currently on a rampage, massacring all those unfortunate enough to cross his path. Though this kind of thing almost seemed standard when living in New York by now, which probably comes with being one of the most known cities on the planet.

This current villain was the mad 'man' known as Psycho, the son of the mutant Chaos and one of the failed experiments of the evil scientist Scourge. Unfortunately for anyone in close proximity to Psycho at the time, he was presently in one of his worse moods. Something had set him off, what exactly not even he is sure of, and so was almost uncontrollably slaughtering every man, woman and child in sight. He roared at the top of his lungs as his arms took the form of blades and he started hacking and slashing through the tightly packed crowds of people. Those not in the direct path of destruction were sprinting away from all directions as fast as they're legs could carry them. Those in the nearby cars panicked and abandoned their vehicles, hoping to make it away on foot, though many of them did were unlucky enough to be caught by the tentacles which sprouted from Psycho's back and either impaled them, or grabbed them and tossed them around like rag dolls. Eventually, after almost everything nearby was covered in crimson blood, which was slowly being washed away by the rain, Psycho had forgone his screams of anger for maniacal laughter. He had forgotten that he was doing this in anger and was finding the killing far too much fun not to laugh.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 3:56 pm

Vengeance was busy patrolling around New York, taking in the sights of his new home town ever since he moved into his father's old place. He was about to buy a hotdog when people went running passed him, screaming about a mutant monster killing people. From behind his black veil that covered his mouth, Samael raised his eyebrows up into his hairline. The muscular hybrid son of Chaos was shirtless, his feathery black wings out in the open for all to see. He had on black leather pants and black combat boots. He chose to investigate this phenomena and flew over in the direction people were coming from. When he arrived at his destination, the black-haired, violet-eyed Incubus Demon/Mutant hybrid found a black-skinned creature with green eyes that bared a remarkable resemblance to his father Chaos, tentacles, morphing ability, appearance and all. Something in his blood fired up, telling him that this creature was familiar somehow. He knew it wasn't his father. After all, he was reported to have been killed in battle by Pain. Deciding to alert the creature to his presence, he spoke up, making sure to keep his distance. "You, whatever your name is, you'd better watch yourself around here. Pain or some other superhero might just try and stop you. My name is Vengeance, I am the son of Chaos, the Big Bad, and Alruna the Succubus, who also happens to be the daughter of the Devil" he said calmly with narrowed violet eyes as he tensed up for battle, preparing to go to war with this creature.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 4:18 pm

Psycho hadn't paid heed to the strange newcomer's presence as he was busy finished off one very unfortunate man he had trapped under the weight of his right foot. Putting a great deal more pressure on said foot, and thus the man's chest, Psycho heard the glorious sound of snapping bones. Grinning madly he bent over to get a better look at the man's face, never letting up on his foot. Looking straight into his eyes, Psycho cackled slightly as he plunged his right bladed arm into him, quite clearly piercing his left lung. The obviously now dieing man began to cough and choke on his own blood as started gasping for his last breaths. After a few seconds of delicious agony, the life in the man's eyes faded and he stopped his futile struggle for life. Psycho, seeing this, removed his bladed appendage from the corpse and reformed it back into it's normal state. Satisfied with his work, Psycho got back from his crouched position on the body and took a few steps back to appreciate what he had done. Raising his arm, he noticed the blood and seemed to admire it slightly, to him at least, it was the sign of a job well done. Returning his arm to his side, he turned to face the odd winged person behind him. Despite what he was doing at the time, he had been vaguely paying attention to what the man was saying and was about to respond.

"HA! They can go ahead and try! They'll just end up corpses like the re...wait. What did you just say?" Psycho asked, rather confused. For a moment there he thought this guy just said he too was a son of Chaos, or the "Big Bad" as he was known. That would mean that somehow, out of all the people he could have met in the world, he just so happened to see his half brother purely out of coincidence. No, that couldn't have been it, he must have just misheard what he said, he hadn't really been paying that much attention.

"Did you just tell me that you're chaos' son?" He spoke, putting emphasis on the word 'you're'.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 4:23 pm

Vengeance raised an eyebrow in interest with the way this creature reacted to him saying he was Chaos's son. He wondered why Psycho reacted in such a way to him being the son of New York's most recognized villain. He had no idea who this was, or that he was related to this creature in anyway so he was completely befuddled as to why this man reacted so strongly to his statement. Deciding to get to the bottom of this, he nodded his head in a positive manner before speaking up. "Yes. My father laid with my mother years ago and the result was my conception and inevitable birth. Why do you ask? Do you know of my father?" he asked him with a raised eyebrow. The blood of his father and everyone of his senses screamed out at him, trying to tell him something important about this creature in front of him. He had no idea that this creature was going to completely shock him.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 4:44 pm

On the inside Psycho was grinning like a madman, outside however he just let himself smirk slightly. This guy had no idea who he was. That they shared they same father. That they were half brothers. Oh, how he was going to enjoy watching the look of surprise on his face when he told him. Mentally laughing, Psycho spoke to his brother.

"Know him?...Nope, never had the pleasure of meeting pops myself before he died, but I do plan on killing the fucker who killed our dear old daddy. though." Psycho said putting extra emphasis on certain parts just to get his point across as clearly as he could, his grin threatening to split his face in two at this point.

"I mean, what kind of a son would I be if I didn't want to avenge him? Know what I'm saying bro?" OK, at this point he was just rubbing the newly discovered fact in, but he didn't care, to him it was all just so funny.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 4:51 pm

Vengeance's eyes nearly popped out of his head as Psycho talked to him, putting emphasis on certain words having to do with family. This guy was his half-brother? Well, that certainly would explain his rather similar appearance to Chaos. How could he have not seen it? The signs were that were there made it obvious. He nearly gave himself a facepalm at the sheer stupidity of himself for not realizing this guy was his brother. He snapped out of his surprise and grinned in good-natured manner. "So, we're brothers then huh? Nice to meet you. You're not the only one who wants to kill Pain for killing our father. I figure you and me should work together to take Pain out" he hissed in a menacing manner as he chuckled evilly. He ripped the black veil off of his face and opened his mouth, causing his lips to stretch around to the back of his head and revealing a set of monstrous, sharp, long, serrated, dagger-like teeth dripping with green saliva. That one part of his appearance sealed the deal on him being related to Chaos.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 5:09 pm

If possible, Psycho's already inhuman sized grin only seemed to increase when he saw his half brother remove his veil, revealing his own set of monstrous teeth. Yep, there was definitely a family resemblance. Psycho was even considering his brother's offer at teaming up to take out Pain. Psycho had always thought that if he had ever met Pain, he would just attack him and hope for the best, thinking that he may actually stand a shot at taking out the world's greatest superhero. Now, Psycho's life didn't actually center around avenging his father's death, in fact he barely even thought about it that much, but he did feel he needed to take out the guy who killed Chaos. While others wouldn't hold strong feelings for someone they've never met, Psycho's way of thinking wasn't exactly logical and he felt that he owed it to his father to take out Pain, even if it meant taking him on one on one. The idea in itself was not only obscured, but insane. Though Psycho isn't called 'Psycho' for nothing. Staring straight into his brother's eyes Psycho decided to give his answer.

"Sure, why not? Seems fitting that Pain get taken down by the sons of Chaos don't ya think?" Psycho walked forward, closer to Vengeance and outstretched his still bloodied right hand.

"Name's Psycho, nice ta meet ya bro!" Psycho said in an overly enthusiastic tone and volume.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 5:22 pm

Vengeance grinned in a cruel manner as he flew over to his brother and gave him a hug. It felt good to know he had some family somewhere besides his mother, who's still in that dimension with other Succubi, and his Uncle Raide that was banished back to his Hell after he lost to Pain, another thing he hated Pain for, considering he never got to meet his Uncle. He gave his brother a friendly grin and placed an arm around his brother's shoulder. He was going to lead his brother Psycho to somewhere important, somewhere he felt would his brother would enjoy. "Well, as you know, my name is Vengeance, though the birth name my mother gave me is Samael, related to a Fallen Angel. I'm half Incubus Demon, which is a male version of a Succubus demon, which I'm sure you've heard of. Now, let me lead you to our father's old apartment, where I am now staying. It has pictures of him when he was young, some journals he kept his thoughts in and old recorded videos of himself" he said to his newly found half-brother as he lead him away from the scene of the crime. He was going to take his brother out of here before any worthless heroes showed up to interfere with the brotherly bonding.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 5:52 pm

The sudden hug Psycho got from his brother was surprising to say the least and he struggled to keep himself from reacting violently to it, lets face it not many people would hug someone like him and he was far from used to it. He decided to not try hugging him back, mainly because of the slight fear he would slice up his brother's wings if he were to put his claws anywhere near them. He chose to just go with what his brother wanted him to and let himself be led away, trying not to question what exactly a 'succubus' was as he was sure it would somehow annoy his newly found family. Psycho was genuinely happy and excited with what had just transpired. He had met up with what, as far as he knew, was his only living relative in the entire world and he had a rather impressive kill count for the day. Yeah, everything was going great.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 6:01 pm

Vengeance made sure to lead his brother through dark alleys, thus making it easier to avoid the stupid police and New York crowds. The people around the two looked at them in fear and were prepared to either attack out of pure terror or run away, though they probably chose not to do either since they weren't causing trouble. Vengeance considered that a pity, since he wouldn't mind killing some foolish, as his father would say, squishies that tried to get in his way. He finally lead his brother to an apartment complex and lead him up to a high-tech reinforced steel door with a numberpad and cardkey system. He swiped in a card and locked in the code, causing the steel door to open. He lead his brother into the apartment and the door closed behind them. All around the place were pictures of Chaos, some with blood red skin while others with gray skin. The pictures were of him with Alruna, with an angel known as Tenshi, him slaughtering people, with a strange redhead, one with two other creatures that looked astoundingly like Chaos himself. There were also journals and tapes scattered haphazardly around the place.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 6:18 pm

Psycho had to restrain himself the best he could as his brother led him away. Whenever he saw someone giving them a fearful look, he had to force himself not to slaughter them and for Psycho that is really saying something. He didn't want to mess up and anger his brother for some reason, maybe he just felt some attachment to him, maybe it was the strange sense of having someone like him around, in truth Psycho wasn't really sure himself. All he knew was that he didn't want to piss off Vengeance in any way right now, maybe later, but not now. As they entered Chaos' old residence after Vengeance was done unlocking the door, Psycho couldn't help but look around at all the memorabilia of his father. Looking at one picture in particular which seemed to focus up on his face, he couldn't help but make a comparison between himself and Chaos. There really was a bit of a family resemblance between them all. One thing that seemed to set him apart a good deal was his green eyes though, for that he was happy, he liked being unique, not being a carbon copy of anyone else.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 5th 2011, 6:25 pm

Vengeance let go of his brother and laid down on the expensive leather couch he had 'acquired' or in other words stole, and looked around at the place. He had the place fixed up and cleaned with the help of his friend and it was now much more liveable. He looked at his brother and could tell he was tense. He smiled at his brother as he went to lay back on the couch. He thought over what he could do to help his brother settle in and decided on something particularly cruel. "You stay here. I'll be right back to help welcome you to your new home" he said as he opened the steel door and tore off a door to another apartment. He grabbed the druggie that was passed out on the couch and dragged him into the apartment that he and his brother now occupied. "Say hello to your little housewarming gift. A filthy, weak human for you kill slowly and painfully. I got him for you since you appear to be a little tense. Have fun" he said as he laid down on the leather couch after he threw the now awake and terrified druggie at his half-brother, letting his brother have his fun.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 5th 2011, 6:40 pm

"Aah, for me? You shouldn't have!" Psycho said in a fairly casual tone, despite the fact that it basically meant he was about to tear into the drugged up man like a fat woman into a cake. Several tentacles burst out of his back and swiftly caught the man who was thrown to him in mid air, careful not to harm the 'present' just yet. Lifting the man so that he was hanging upside down in the air, facing Psycho with a clearly terrified expression. Before he could even let a scream that was undoubtedly about to erupt, he found his throat being tightly gripped by one of the tentacles that were being used to lift him. Psycho gave a truly monstrous smirk before wrapping up each of the man's limbs and slowly putting more and more pressure on them. The man convulsed widely as each of his appendages were being crushed and blood started pouring from his mouth and onto the cold hard floor beneath him. Not long after, the man stopped moving altogether and was dropped carelessly to the floor.

"Oh...I broke it already..." Psycho spoke in a fairly odd and overall creepy way.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Guest October 6th 2011, 1:18 pm

Vengeance laid back, thinking of moments in his life while his brother played around with his new toy. He remembered back in his childhood that he had always wanted a sibling and now he had one. It felt strange to know that he had some sort of family out there. What made it even better was that Psycho wanted to kill Pain like he himself wanted to. Thinking about killing the world's greatest hero just brought a sick smile to his face. Oh, he would pay for killing his father and nothing was going to stop him from achieving that goal, of that he was sure of. He snapped out of his thoughts when his brother spoke up and turned to see his brother had killed the person. "Pity. Now, I suggest you and me go out and commit crime together. We use this as a time to do some brotherly bonding" he suggested as he stood up and rubbed his hands together in a menacing manner.

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 11:52 am

Psycho titled his head up slightly, putting his hand to his chin in a thinking position and making an audible 'Hmm' sound, wondering whether or not to take his brother up on his offer. After a moment or two he looked back to his brother and slowly shook his head.

"Nah, don't really feel like it." He spoke casually, not really feeling up to it at the moment. He went silent as he then turned to the pictures of his father and others he didn't know, imagining what his father was like and if he were alive, would he and Psycho have the father and son relationship he had always imagined? One where they would more or less play baseball with human body parts and go on killing sprees for no real reason. He then looked at the journals that littered his father's place. He could only imagine what stories they held, the things they could teach him about his father...pity he couldn't read. Psycho considered asking Vengeance could read from some to him some time. As his mind wandered to thoughts of Vengeance, his brother and maybe friend, he was wondering if they should try to get to know each other more. Of course, there wasn't much for Psycho to say about himself. He was born in a lab, he got out of the lab, that was pretty much it. Vengeance had already told him a little about his mother, but he wasn't really interested in that, and of course he remembered who is father was. At this point, Psycho was now trying to come up with ways for him and his brother to relate to each other more, a way for them to bond. Just then an idea struck him.

"Ooh ooh ooh!" Psycho burst out suddenly. "I Have an idea! Why don't we go commit a crime together! Oh we can have so much fun! We could rob a bank or just kill people...Oh and if we have time can we burn down a hospital? I hate doctors." His voice spoke with a strange childlike enthusiasm and equally childlike maturity, with the exception of the final part which was spoken with odd seriousness, he really hated doctors.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Children of Chaos Empty Re: Children of Chaos

Post by Sponsored content

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