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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Illya October 3rd 2011, 2:06 pm

Doctor Necrodium sat within his private medical chamber, thinking about the events that were happening in the current time. It was well for him to be in his current position, all of the operations were working on full efficiency, each working within the expected parameters. With all of the tissue that has been collected, Project Perfection should have been happy with the results he has made. However, with each little piece of tissue, Necrodium picked up a small sample for himself, keeping them hidden away from all others. It wasn’t too much of the samples to make any sort of viable reason to question what Necrodium was doing with it, which was just fine for him.

As he sat in his small dome, Necrodium pulled out a locket from his cloak and opened it, revealing the picture of his mother, Illya Vanko, the biggest reason why Necrodium was doing what he was doing. Necrodium always did this when he was doubting his means to his goal, it was his pillar of support when he does the horrendous things he does, with a lonely sigh, Necrodium closed his locket and prepared himself for the next course of business.

"I will succeed Mother, or all of this will have been for nothing..." Necrodium whispered to himself, picking himself up slowly from his throne, ready to begin. "Everything will fall into place..."

Doctor Necrodium pulled his staff towards himself from where it was left to hang, the menacing tool of destruction flew effortlessly into his hands, then was clanked against the ground. As he began his march to the meeting room, Necrodium made the all to familiar clanking sound, the sound of metal against metal as he walked, the sound of his staff banging against the metal over and over again as he made his progression. Once inside, Necrodium was face with 4 supervillains, each of different ranking in notoriety, but each having a usefulness to Necrodium's goals.

"Good Evening Gentlemen, and Lady" Necrodium began, a simple but elegant introduction, showing enough recognition for the villains. "I would first like to thank you all for agreeing to meet with me. I believe you are all wondering why I have requested you here, and I am here to answer that question. I represent the organization known as Project Perfection, and we want a simple thing, domination. I'm sure some of you wish for a similar thing, but this is what we want. We have selected you because you all have a trait or aspect that we require for success and we wish to ask for your cooperation in our endeavor, with the promise of compensation up front and later on down the road. Any questions?"
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Alpha October 3rd 2011, 3:49 pm

Elena reclined in a smooth leather seat. Tapping impecably painted nails against the chair armrest, as she thought over recent events. Which were all in all quite eventful. More so than before her unexpected death, but that was to be expected. Being a villain had some perks, and this was just one of them. Meeting like minded individuals, who with the correct dealing could prove a useful ally. Though she knew very few of the people in the room with her. Only one was really Nightkill, and she knew very little about the individual to claim to know him personally. Though she did know Chaos, the self proclaimed Big Bad, though he was just another psycho to her. True he had his strengths, and they would prove useful in whatever the endeavor was. True Huntress was really against associating with anything like this, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

"A very interesting group of people we have here." Elena mentally noted, with a silent smirk on her red painted lips. Murky green eyes outlined with metallic purple scanned the room. As if looking for any type of surveilence, though none was in veiw. It was what she would call an average conference room, but she felt at home. Being the buisness woman she was, why wouldn't she? Finally the man she was expecting came in, though his appearence gave her a sort of feeling. As if the stench of magic clung to him. Though she quickly put that at the back of her mind to register later. Listening to what he said with an interest as her heeled left foot tapped ever so lightly against the floor. Slim black dress hugging curves, as her light skin seem luminescent in the light.

When he asked for questions, she was the first to raise her hand."I have only a few. What sort of domination do you have in mind, as well as how do you plan to achieve it? Secondly ,what what do you plan to do with the plethora of heroes that are around?" She asked simply, hand resting on her thigh, as she waited for the other questions. A neutral expression resting on her face as she waited. True her questions had obvious answers, but someone had to ask the easy ones first. Get them out of the way.

Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) CjhXQha
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Hana Saku October 3rd 2011, 8:03 pm

Chaos looked around the room, taking in all of his surroundings. He had to admit, he was impressed with Project Perfection so far with what he's seen from this place. He also had a feeling his talents were gonna be used to their fullest potential when it comes to the goals, though what the goals of Project Perfection were, he had no idea. They were a secretive group and he didn't know much about them, other then the fact that they made Pain, his old nemesis. Then again, not a lot of people knew about Project Perfection anyway, so he figured he could count himself lucky. He wasn't sure if he should have joined at first. After all, he personally didn't like scientists and the whole spitting in the eyes of God thing they had going on. He was the sole creation of scientific meddling in the laws of nature and laws of matter, what with him being a biological super weapon designed for the sole purpose of killing those with super powers. He hated scientists so he was hesitant to work for any of them again like he did so during the first few years of his life.

As he went off into his land of thoughts, a bit of green drool slid down his face as his blank, expressionless face portrayed that he wasn't really registering anything at the time. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the man, Doctor Necrodium, speak out to them, talking about how they each had different traits and goals that made them useful to Project Perfection. He rolled his ghoulish eyes at the, in his mind, pretentious speech, wondering why all scientists needed some elaborate speech for everything they did. He then asked them if they had any questions and he nodded his head, raising his hand in the air. "I only came here because you Ickle Project Perfection people had information I could use to destroy ickle Scarface. Where is that information? I want it" he said with a bit of impatience and immature whining in his tone. He was never patient and hated having to wait for too long to get wanted.


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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Guest October 4th 2011, 12:20 am

Nightkill, sitting comfortably in his alien form, his tail swishing slightly, had already looked around the room, and hid his admiration with Project Perfection behind a stone mask. There was one man here he did not recognize, but he knew Chaos and Elena here, and he knew Chaos well. They were some of the few supers still left from what Nightkill mentally considered the old days. Definitely not good old days, but old days all the same.

So Project Perfection had made Pain. Now there was something interesting to note. He had heard of that, but always assumed the group had disbanded, as they had not done much noticing since. The sheer secrecy they kept showed why even Nightkill had not heard the name of Project Perfection for a long time, or known what they were about.

Nightkill was going to ask a question, but Elena had addressed it. He nodded to show his agreement, then spoke up himself. "And my own group of the Harbingers wishes for domination as well. We should make sure our goals do not conflict." he said.

"Also, a thing to note. When you sent out that man, Project Death, to kidnap me- rather rude, I have to say, you could have just asked me to come-, his partner, who I understand to be known as the Unicorn Man, tried to kill my butler- something I also disapprove of- and went to the extreme of flooding the Macy's mall with zombies. He suddenly pulled back and left after he had murdered sixty people, and still hadn't fulfilled his goal. He came dangerously close to breaking your carefully kept cover, and displayed incredible stupidity and poor judgement. In my suggestion, you should punish the Unicorn Man severely." Nightkill said. "The media considers it a freak superhuman attack, but has New York terrified. They have not connected this to you or me, and probably will not."

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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by The Cowboy October 4th 2011, 9:13 pm

Johnny Snow sat at the table with the other villains, looking from one to the next, it was obvious that the group was strong or simply unorthodox in how they went about things. None of them seemed to be true scientist, at least not of the same caliber as Snow was to any extent. They wanted world domination which did not seem to effect Johnny in any direct outcome since he worked for Reginald and that would never change. Whispering into the microphone in his ear, “Sir, they’re talking about world domination and asking a few questions. Should I say something?” His words were growing in panic, being a big bad was not something he enjoyed doing.

“That will not be required, my dear boy,” Gentleman Crocodile, or as some knew him Reginald, was sitting in his room, elaborately decorated, as everything he decorated was, watching the meeting and listening to the meeting. “The simple act of being there is enough. You see by sitting there and not asking any questions you give the impression that you are both a leader of some type in the group and so well informed that you need not ask any meaningless question. Do you understand?” The crocodile man asked of his employee, the boy was smart when it came to building and freezing but he lacked very greatly when it came to implementing fear effectively.

“Alright sir, I’ll sit here and not ask any questions,” And with that said Johnny sat still and watched everyone in the room with a fake uninterested stare. Though the man holding his fear in, with varying levels of success, he let it slip here and there and hopefully only the smarter people in the room would even catch a glimpse of it. Things never went the way the simple scientist wanted, though he was required to do this for his employer he had yet to get used to the occasional guise of a leader. Things had never been easy for Snow and most likely they never would.
The Cowboy
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Illya October 10th 2011, 12:45 am

Doctor Necrodium looked around and observed the others sitting at the table more closely and looked through his eidetic memory in order to remember the details that his spies had found on them. He spoke truth when he said that each of them had some sort of use to him, but not in the form of respect, but in the form of a tool, a pawn on his chessboard. There are few people who would ever get Necrodium's respect, for he was not one to give it easily.

The first was the most well known of all, the being known as Chaos, a powerful experiment well known all over the world. Chaos himself wasn’t much of an intellectual, but he was one of Pain’s enemies and would serve a fine distraction while he moved in the background. The next is the woman known as Elena, a woman who had powers based in the realms of magic, the . She had run-ins with the elusive Phantom, which would give a good distraction as well. The third was the alien creature known as Nightkill, sources said that he was up to something, but details weren’t clear, but his power and his reputation would quickly rise, and it would make it easier on Necrodium if all his enemies were distracted while his plan commenced. The last member was one that Necrodium knew prior to the meeting , Johny Snow, who was a stand-in for Necrodium’s actual financial investor, Gentleman Crocodile.

Necrodium's mind snapped back into reality, he knew that each of these questionable individuals wanted something out of the world and out of his organization, and that was fine by him, he didn't care about Project Perfection's resources, he was going to bleed it dry by the time he was finished in order to have his final goal realized. Not like any of the Project would mind if they thought that their goals were being realized, or at least the attempt was being made. Either way, Necrodium would continue to use them in his little game until the end was realized, or when someone more useful arrived.

"To answer all of your questions and requests, just like you all likely would, Project Perfection wishes to keep some of its methods a secret, but as honesty is the best policy, I'll put it in simple words for some of our less gifted individuals. To put it simply, we wish to make an army to rule the world, simple and elegant, nothing more than that. However, the reason I have called you all here is for a simple agreement. The agreement is that each and every one of us not get in each other’s way until we deal with the problem of these heroes, otherwise there will be more complications. Until they are dealt with, I suggest we all refrain from interfering, and possibly even work together on operations in order to make sure that at least one of our plans to rid the world of these so called heroes is finished. Once that is over and done with, we are all free to take care of the opposition, with this, we won’t be killing each other, rather than dealing with our already deeply rooted enemies. Another thing is that I wish for you to respect is that you don’t reveal the presence of Project Perfection to anyone else, we have already given you the courtesy of a simple offer, you have already seen that we are capable of finding you, any hindrance to our plans will be dealt with, this isn’t a threat, it is a promise.”
Necrodium said simply, his tone steady and easy. He wanted to let these people know that he was not one to be messed with, or they would end up like all those that attempted to hinder his plans, dead or serving his plans in a different way. “And Nightkill, that man has nothing to do with Project Perfection, a simple pawn if you will, his interaction can and will be taken care of. You’d be surprised how much influence we have. But in order to appease you for such an inappropriate approach, I will deal with the matter personally. You don’t have to accept this offer, but the terms stand as they are. As a sign of good will, you won’t be harmed if you deny this, but even then, do not reveal Project Perfection, it is harder than you think and we do not like to have people get in our way. We are not doing anything insignificant as of right now, but when we do, we would appreciate you not getting in the way. If you agree to these terms, then make yourselves at home and feel free to make use of our facilities, if you don’t agree, please leave the premises via the matter transporter, you should be able to tell what it is by looking at it. If you’ll excuse me, I will be taking my leave to complete the rest of my operations. My Necrobots will take care of you while you enjoy your stay. Oh and try to infiltrate the systems, you'll find nothing of use, you'd find things easier just by exploring the ship. Farwell”

With a click of his staff, Necrodium disappeared from the room in a neon green flash, leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke in its wake. Upon his departure, Necrodium's Necrobots came into the room, beings that shared a daunting likeness to the good Doctor, but instead of his ornate staff, they wielded strange and menacing weapons that looked similar to a mix of a tube and a standard rifle, pulsing with green energy. With an entire squad of these constructs approached the villains and made their respectful bows.

"Greetings, what is your requirement?" Each of the Necrobots asked the individual villains, their voices speaking in unison and sounding like a resounding echo of Necrodium's dark voice.

(At this point, I will give you free reign, and I will post again after you have all posted and made a request from the Necrobots, ask them to go to any part of the ship other than the Private Quarters of Necrodium)
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Alpha October 10th 2011, 10:45 pm

Elena kept murky eyes upon the almost inhuman being. Though she had the gut feeling that he was more than he appeared, as if there was magic about him. She never ignored when that feeling hit her. Masking it, she nodded lightly when each point of the speech she deemed important was spoken. Legs crossed, thought he left foot tapped against the metallic floor in a slow, steady rythm. So he wanted them to work together, and not mess with one another? That was possible, if it was gone about the right way. She doubted this truce would last long, as all groups were destined to fall. Especially if there were so many with such selfish motives. Granted she had motives of the same variety herself.

Next he left them to these starnge robots, which had an odd likeness to the doctor. They asked what her rquirment was, and she answered simply."I would like a tour of this facility, if that is within reason." She said, standing from her seat. Waiting for the being to lead her, if it said that was possible. Which it did, as it lead her on, to the tour she wanted.

Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) CjhXQha
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Guest October 28th 2011, 7:27 pm

Nightkill turned to the Nercobot. "Please take me on a tour of the facility." he said, parroting Elena's request. It was a reasonable one. He'd look at what the Doctor wanted him to see, and especially look for what the Doctor did not wish for him to see. It would be useful knowledge.

Speaking of the Doctor, what a strange man. Quite the intelligent one, obviously, and possibly one of the few Nightkill could consider a challenge. He wondered how the man would play chess. Would he stare at the board for an hour before making a move, or would he make quick decisions on reflex? Chess was a great game for understanding your allies and enemies. It was one he had often played with Ferrum when they hadn't been trying to kill each other.


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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by The Cowboy November 10th 2011, 12:21 pm

Johnny Snow watched and listened to the people around him and tried to keep himself from being the object of fascination, it would be best if they forgot he was ever there to begin with. When two of the people asked to be shown around the ship Snow took it as a sign that he would be able to slip away with little effort but he knew that he would need to ask for permission first. Whispering so that no one in the room would hear him he asked Reginald a simple question, “It looks like everything is done with. Do you think it would be alright if I left?”

“Yes, you may leave now,” Reginald said in his typical regal tone, almost as though he was talking down to everyone he had ever met, which he was. “Just be sure that you do not speak to anyone and come straight to my room, we must discus our next moves.” Without another word the human crocodile man turned off the communicator.

Johnny was sure to stand with attempted intimidation which might have worked on a five year old but most likely not anyone in the room at present. He then continued past everyone and to the door but as he left he gave Doctor Necrodium a curt nod and without a word he was gone.
The Cowboy
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Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill) Empty Re: Going to the Doctor's [Agreeing group] (Closed to Chaos, Elena Marie, Gentleman Crocodile and Nightkill)

Post by Hana Saku November 26th 2011, 11:10 pm

Chaos listened intently as the more intelligent people talked amongst themselves, questions being answered and information being given out. He wasn't all that intelligent and he already got his question, well more like whine, answered so he was satisfied enough. He absorbed the information about Project Perfection making Pain and all other information that was being exchanged and decided to play a game of yo-yo by turning his right middle finger into a yo-yo and performing tricks with it to amuse himself as he 'let the adults talk amongst themselves.' He had perked up when they were dismissed and Chaos nodded his head in a crazed, rapid manner, almost as if he was head-banging to some heavy-metal tune as he spoke up to tell Doctor Necrodium where he wanted to go. "I'll find my way to a teh awesomesauce room for myself and make myself comfy. I don't want to spend that much time walking around some ickle base. Why would I want to do something stupid like memorize a base layout when I can walk the dog with a yo-yo?" he cackled out as he skulked out of there.


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