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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 1st 2011, 12:14 pm

A hum.

A honk.

An angry yell.

A hop. A skip. A jump.

Hands, folding to grasp a metal bar. Parkour; a new sport that had Becca whizzing through the Big Apple. She made a dash to have herself wall bounce. A fatality occurred, though. Her foot slipped, her balanced being ruined. She fell onto her ass with a painful thud and sighed as she hunched over her bent knees. She moved a hand up, rubbing it through her mop of hair. Chipped nail polish peeked from the white and pink locks, roots a silvery gray. The green polish looked odd against her hair. She looked up, raising a brow when she noticed a hand outstretched to her. A small child, lingering away from a mother babbling on her cellular. "Hi!" came a chipper, nearly flamboyant cheerfulness. The freckle faced, dark haired boy resembled the motherly figure standing only two or three feet from Becca's sitting form. "Hey.. Thanks." she said, smiling while she took the kids hand, but mostly helped herself up. She only let him think he was helping her.

The boy came up to her hip, the mop of curled ebony barely covering his larger auricles. She smiled inwardly, her lips holding a smaller, polite smile. "How did you do that?" he asked, tugging on Becca's shirttail, insisting she bend down. "Are you one of those super heroes?" he asked, his whispering voice holding a bit of a lisp while he cupped both hands around one of Becca's ears. She chuckled and held a finger to her lips with her left hand, her right doing the same to his lips. "Yes, sorta, kiddo.. But it's our secret, okay?" She winked and patted his shoulder with an open palm, squeezing gently. At precisely that moment, the mother had snapped her cellular closed and shoved it into her overstuffed purse. She allowed a gasp to pass her lips, looking toward Becca and her son. "Gregory! No strangers, please!" The mother scowled and held a glare upon Becca's icy eyes.

Becca shrugged and rolled her eyes, giving the kid a tiny push to have him go back to his mom. "See ya' round, kiddo." She gave a short, little wave and turned from Gregory and his mom. The corner of Becca's eye caught a scolding session; a wagging finger, a pat down, and then a shake or two. She heard a sniffle from the boy, and then a defensive statement, "She's a hero, mom! A real one, like Pain!" Becca let herself think that through, her heart skipping a beat at the same time.

Pain.. her dad. She hadn't talked to him in almost two weeks, not since the hospital visit. She swallowed hard and let herself pick up her pace. She started at a fast walk, which transformed into jog, run, and sprint. She was moving through the crowd, her eyes finding open spaces she could slip through, dodging traffic, and moving passed unknowing pedestrians. She hopped a short wall, took a daring bound from a parked car to one nearly a block away. She slid through a fruit stand, and then found herself slowing to the smell of her favorite cafe. She paced outside the doors for a moment, her eyes catching the owner's for a moment. She blinked and shook her head, moving to open the door. But then, she stopped. She felt a sob catch her throat and that only made her growl at herself, out loud. It made a man holding the door open for her scurry away, letting the glass door close to hit the bells. She pulled the door open anyway and stepped inside.

"The regular," she said, sitting in a booth, away from watchful eyes.

Her mind started to wander helplessly. Back to the hospital visit from dearest dad, and then the fight before the hospital that put her in there. She had been so certain in that fight against Deluge that she was going to kill Pain. She was going to be the one to end his life. But now.. now she was confused. She had come face to face with Pain before she even fought Deluge, and witnessed the death of Chaos.. her only friend. The only person she actually knew within the walls of Pain's city. She really couldn't stand being there, seeing his face on posters and such. But.. somehow.. just, somehow.. seeing his face comforted her. If he had never came to see her while she was in the hospital.. she would surely have believed he had given up on her again. He apologized, didn't he? Sure, he did. Did he mean it? Can he really love such a fucked up daughter like herself? Was she even worth a father like him? She shook her head and let the sound of the bells over the entrance annoy her for the last time.

She stood up and ripped the bell from the wall space above the door and walked to the counter, slamming it down. "Enough with the annoying ringing, she said, referring to the cacophony that she was sure other people were sick of. "I'd like a to-go-cup; the order that Scarlet gets, Harry." The man behind the counter, his name being Harry of course, did not even question Becca's actions. He made the coffee, and another of Becca's usual iced latte.

With both cups grasped at the bottom in her right hand, she fished in her pocket for the cellular she had purchased last week. She put Scarlet's number in there, and only Scarlet's number. She had it set at speed dial one. She pressed one firmly and pulled the phone to her ear. "Yeah, Scar? It's Becca. Meet me at the park. Pronto." She didn't even give time for Scarletta to answer her, or even respond. She wasn't in the mood to be talked to, she wanted someone to listen.

Last edited by Paine on October 4th 2011, 8:47 am; edited 1 time in total

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Arcana October 1st 2011, 12:57 pm

" Sit still, and smile for the camera." The painfully memeorable voice chimed, as he looked to see the redhead holding a camera. Her green eyes were like emeralds in her head, as the bright flash nearly blindied him. Yet he heard the wonderful, almost heart rending laughter. All the people he once called his friends surrounded him, an arm over his shoulder. The person he once called his lover smiled warmly to him, brown eyes locked with him. Along with a kiss, only like fire to him. His voice was like ambrosia in his ears, as he felt like the would utterly collapse."Happy birthday sweetheart."

Sean woke with a start, as arms were still wrapped around him in a sort of embrace. The hot breath came down his neck, as he rolled out of the bed, quickly putting a pair of jeans with ripped up knees. A simple white t-shirt, as well as smoothing his blonde streaked black hair down. With a quick motion he woke the guy up, explaining he had to go. Reluctantly he nodded, as Sean lead him out. Handing him his clothes, as he walked out. Leaving him to do whatever, which was a pleasent jog. Leaving a note on the refridgerator for Alice, he walked out of the house into the muggy day. Making sure not to forget his special black backpack, for special purposes. Converse meeting the dew misted sidewalk as he began his walk.

Plugging in the headphones, as the memory of his dream continued to haunt him. It was like a phantom pain that never would leave him alone, yet he knew it never would. So he had to deal with what was given with him, even if it was an unsavory prospect. Water danced along his fingers, condensed from the air like a serpent. Carressing his skin, as a young child walked over to him. He looked up at Sean with amazement, as his eyes glowed an icy blue. "Woah, you're just like that hero lady." He said with unabashed amazement. As if he were some sort of celebrity, which he was a little wary about. This kid was just walking up to people without a thought of if they were a villain, or just a psycho.

"Who's to say if i'm not a badguy?" Sean answered coldly, as the water lightly tapped his cheek, but with enough force to knock him on his butt. He cried, as the mother came to him,glaring at Sean with baneful eyes."You should watch after your child, there are some people who would kill him if he keeps this up."

"Hes not a hero" The child sobbed.

" No, I guess i'm not much of one." He sighed, hands digging into his pocket, voice somewhat morose. He only was being harsh to protect the kid, there were assholes in the world that would kill him without a second thought. Sean was actually a very caring person, he just had his own way of going about doing things. Pain may have not liked it, but thats how he worked. As long as bad guys were taken down, it was right. Wasn't it? With a sigh he reached his favorite park, taking a seat on a bench. As he rested his head in hand, thinking over events that had transpired lately. Out of the corner of his eyes he thought he saw soemone. Was it Paine? he had fought the girl not too long ago, but was never expecting to see her anytime soon. She looked kinda upset, and he couldn't guess why.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on October 4th 2011, 4:27 pm; edited 5 times in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 1st 2011, 2:00 pm

She had walked around the park for a bit, finding herself edging closer and closer to the swings. She sat herself down on one of the wide seats, her thin frame fitting quite nicely. She leaned and placed both cups of coffee on the spongy surface surrounding the swings. It was so smaller children that liked to jump out of their swings would land softer, rather than in pain. It had only been ten minutes since she called Scarletta, but dang.. that woman was never late. Becca only hoped that she would make it here soon. The usual hot coffee for Scar was getting cold. Becca looked down at her worn out shoes. Slip on Vans, today. A hole on the inside of her right foot, showing a bit of her black, ankle high sock. She pushed off, swinging gently. She sighed and held on to the chains supporting her, pushing off with her feet every so often. She looked up from the ground swaying beneath of her feet just long enough to spot a familiar face. Deluge. She rose a brow and looked at him for a bit, and then decided she could standing chatting with him while she waited for Scar.. after all, he did come to the hospital with her and arrange for Pain to be there, sort of. "Yo! she called, slowing her swinging down as she waved at him.

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Arcana October 2nd 2011, 4:25 pm

Sean sighed, allowing the music to pour into his ear canals at high volume. It was sort of soothing to him, allowing him to drift off into his own world. Where he had never had his perfect family torn apart so painfully. He was just a young man going to college, with an over worried mother calling him constantly. Father just doing his usual act of not seeming to care, but he did. It was a wonderful life, and he didn't want it any different, well except for his 19'th birthday. That was the catastrophe that set it all off. With world weary eyes he looked down at his hands, which he could almost see all the blood on them. A single tear made its way down onto his palm, sliding down till it fell to the ground. The only indication of the his emotions on that. No one was around, as he quickly wiped away the small tear that threatened to form. He sighed, stomach growling,as he paused his music for a second. As thoughts became a torrent in his mind, of how his life used to be. Though a familar voice reached his ears, it was Paine. That girl he had fought not too long ago."Hey Paine. How ya doin?" He said with a fake smile, raising an eyebrow. Not expecting to see her here, or anytime soon really. Though it was a pleasent surprise.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on October 3rd 2011, 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 3rd 2011, 5:06 pm

"Angel don't be scared, it won't hurt. " Last nights nightmare had been the worst one she'd ever had. She hadn't found comfort in Pain's arms or watching him sleep. The usual things which kept the dreams at bay hadn't worked and so she'd resorted to good old medicine, a sleeping drought her old partner had created for times like this. She'd passed out and been out of it for the rest of the morning till the phone buzzed on her chest. Bleary eyed she looked around the room, the shower was on and she stretched slowly with a smile. Pain or Valk were probably using the shower which meant comfort, people. The buzz on her chest brought her back to the reason why she was awake as she tangled herself up in her blankets and laid on Pain's still warm pillow.
"'Ello?" she murmured sleepily as she breathed in the familiar smell of home and comfort, her accent was strong and firmly London. Hearing it was Becca she sat up quickly, the covers falling from her chest and pooled around her waist. Her blonde hair was an untamable mess. She opened her mouth to speak but the phone was dead. The girl didn't sound good. With a groan she rolled out of the comforting bed and grabbed the clothes closest to her.

Scarletta was out of the house a moment latter in her high waisted shorts and a off one shoulder top which was tucked into the shorts. The purple colour complimented and contrasted with her green eyes and the jokes famous lines 'why so serious' were plastered across her stomach. She loved the villain and thus wore the top proudly. It was hot outside in New York city and she was glad of her shorts and cool thin fabriced top. She made her way to the park, her hair had been straightened using a little fire power and so she looked sightly more composed. Two pieces of hair either side had been pulling back and clipped in place with a thin, small blade. It looked like a normal clip but it was a deadly weapon.

When she entered the park she was already craving coffee and so when she saw Becca, she only registered the cup of coffee and not the fact Sean was with her to.
"You. Are. My. Angel." Scar said as she took her coffee happily and plopped down on the grass in front of the pair, nodding to Sean with a small smile.
"Kiddo. So why the phone call darling?" she blinked to Becca while sipping her coffee, looking right at home in the grass and sun with her tanned body and bright green eyes.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 4th 2011, 8:19 am

Becca rose a brow at Sean's facial expression, taking in the blatantly fake smile etching his face. She wanted to shake him like an etch'a'sketch and make him less gloomy. She couldn't deal with her own sorrow, and this near-to-stranger's own emotional affliction. She cleared her throat and shrugged toward Deluge. She thought about giving him her real name, maybe it was time. "I'm good, but call me Becca when we're in places like this, got it?" She nearly barked at him, her weight shifting backward. She looked up from her lap for a moment, catching a mess of tangled blonde hair. She let her eyes smile with a bit of hope, and then allowed a scowl place her lips. "Not even close, Scar," she retorted, hating that she'd been referred to as her angel. Paine scratched a hand through her hair and stood from her swing, taking into though Scarletta's question. She could talk about this, but not with Sean here. "Hey, Sean, let me give you my number," she stepped toward him and held out her hand, expecting his phone.

As soon as his phone was handed over to her, she dialed herself and gave him his phone back after pressing ignore on her own cellular. "We'll catch up later or something, dude." She gave him a slightly cold stare and nodded toward him, making it certain that she wanted him to scram. As soon as Sean was gone, Paine sunk back into the swing and took a deep breath, but exhaled quickly. She opened her mouth once or twice and then looked Scarletta in the eye. "Has he even--" and there came an interruption. Her phone started to ring. She looked around before even motioning to grab the small, silver device. Sean was no where in sight, and she had saved him in her phone as S. It would be hard for anyone to get her number, so a private number calling her would have to mean it was someone who knew Scar. "Maybe it's 'Daddy-dearest'," she mumbled, pressing her thumb over the 'send' button, allowing the call to come through. "Yeah?" was how she answered, like an annoyed daughter would when she answered the phone to an upset parent. But, was it even Pain?

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Hana Saku October 4th 2011, 8:28 am

Chaos traveled in his human form, Rascalov, looking around in a positively bored manner. He would happily slaughter people if he wasn't trying to be discreet. After all, he was reported as dead to all these ickle squishies so he couldn't just go around slaughtering people needlessly like he used to. After all, he may be considered thick-headed but he knew when to capitalize on a situation. As he thought about what to do to alleviate his boredom, his mind drifted to his beautiful Amelia, that wonderful new partner of his. He let his mouth hang open slightly as he drooled over the image of his stalker/obsessor/lover Discord with a perverted grin on his face, his fangs poking out from the bottom of his top lip as he grinned. He combed a clawed hand through his white hair as he thought of what to do when he came to great idea. He would call his wonderful friend Paine and check up on how she was doing. He pulled out his cellphone and called her number. The phone rang for a little while and then Paine's voice came on the other end, going 'Yeah?' as she answered the phone. He chuckled in that silky voice of his and addressed her. "Well well well, how are you doing my scrumptious little cupcake? Has it been lonely at nights without your little Rascalov teddy bear for you to squeeze at night?" he asked Paine in an amused manner.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 4th 2011, 8:45 am

Her eyebrows stitched, and she let the words that crept from the other end of the phone sink in. She had nothing to say right now. She looked at Scarletta, and then down at her vacant caffeine. She grabbed the cup, bending to do so. She lifted the icy coffee to her lips and drank a large portion of the cup, trying to make things look casual to Scar. It was going to be hard to get this one passed her. "Give me a second," she said, mashing the mute button on the phone. She looked at Scarletta and felt pain welt up inside of herself. Chaos was dead. Paine was there when he died. She was almost the reason for his death. She was the reason. He was dead, and she was living with that guilt, may it be buried deep, but how was he talking? Was this a recording? How was this real. She took a deep breath and exhaled, taking a moment to give Scar a smile. She was waiting for the sleepy, un-caffeinated woman to jump up and snatch the phone from her, demand to know who it was, and then bark at them. Becca wasn't going to let that happen, though. It was her phone that was called. Paine didn't need parents now; she had been living without them for a while. She cleared her throat and unmuted the phone. "What the FUCK? You're supposed to be dead, Rascalov. And, don't you fucking even start with that teddy-bullshit. You were only carrying me when I was too tired to stand on my own, you fucking.." she had her teeth gritted, and her left hand was flailing as she talked. A mother walking with her daughter covered the girl's ears and rushed off down the sidewalk with her. Paine was that loud, and that furious. She sunk into her swing and shook her head. "Rascalov is dead, you sick mother fucker. Quit trying to impersonate a CORPSE!" She snapped the phone shut, ending the call. She stared at it, half expecting it to ring again.

. o O (Okay, so now Scarletta has to post, then Chaos, if he wishes to call back.)

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 4th 2011, 11:25 am

Scarletta couldn't help but wink at Becca as she said she wasn't even close and put the coffee to her lips and sipped at it. She made an appreciative noise that the girl had got her blend and close her eyes in pure bliss. She opened one eye when she started on her sentence but closed it again to go back to appreciating the Saint Coffee while she took her call. Scar was quite happy to let the girl go about her personal life while she enjoyed the sun and coffee. She pretended not to have heard the screaming match and opened her eyes to see the mother give her a foul look.
"Aren't you going to control your child?" she spat and stormed off with the little child who was repeating the word 'fuck' over and over again. Scarletta frowned slightly and went to make a retort but the phone clamped shut and the swing creaked as Paine moved.
"I meant Coffee Angel, I needed this," she said softly to break the spell. She could see how much Becca was annoyed and she swiftly moved to her feet and sat on the swing beside the girl, pushing her feet and thus herself, back and forth slowly.
"Would you like to talk about the phone call or your dad first?" she said softly. Scar wasn't one to talk when there was an issue, she listened, let her speak. It was how she got Pain to unwind as well. Rummaging in her pocket she pulled out a chocolate bar she'd snatched off the side and broke it in two, handing half to Becca.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Hana Saku October 4th 2011, 11:48 am

Rascalov looked taken aback, holding the phone away from his ear when she starts to scream into the phone. He was about to admonish her about watching her language before she hung up. He stared at his phone in shocked silence, his jaw practically hitting the ground at all she said to him, his face settling into a 'WTF' expression. He scowled at his phone and called the number again. He waited a few minutes as the phone dialed the number, being rather impatient with the damn phone and waving it around frantically, as if doing such a thing would make Paine pick it up faster. When he finally heard the phone pick up, he immediately responded. "Now now now, my delicious, juice-filled apple, you should learn not to speak in such a manner. You might hurt your one true love's feelings. It's not like a lot of people have your number so of course it's gonna be me" he said, pretending to whine like a child.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 4th 2011, 12:17 pm

Paine was fuming. The parent with the balls to speak up against her screaming hit another button. "I HOPE YOU GET HIT BY A FUCKING CAR, BITCH!" She then raised her right hand with a firm middle finger, a disgusted scowl stealing her expression. She sighed and cleared her throat, looking over to Scar with a chuckle passing her lips. "There goes society; pinning you as my mom. You look like my older sister or something. Step-sister." Paine laughed and moved a hand through her hair, her laugh a bit darker than it should've been. She was mad, though. Happy or cheerful wouldn't and couldn't describe her mood. Paine nodded to Scarletta's comment about her being the Coffee Angel, not just an Angel. She then let Scar continue on, and listened to her question of concern. "Chaos is dead, Scarletta.. so how the fuck did he just call me?" She asked, looking at Scarletta with glassy eyes. She was on the verge of tears, her chest tightening with anger and sorrow. She felt the phone vibrate first, and then ring. Paine flipped the phone open and pressed the speaker button, allowing the voice to speak not only to Paine, but so Scarletta could hear as well. She snarled and let out a furious scream. "Dude, fuck you! You're the one that's suppose to be DEAD! And, juice-filled apple?! The fuck, man?!" Paine was clenching her hand around of the phone, closer and closer to snapping the device into tiny pieces. "If you're really Rascalov, then why're you acting like a whiney little bitch, eh?" She still could not let herself believe it were him. But, letting Scarletta hear the voice might give her some hope. Maybe her friend was alive.

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs October 4th 2011, 3:57 pm

Scarletta frowned with slight worry and swung her swing to the side slightly, half standing up as she brushed a strand of hair back from her face and cupped her cheek gently, looking into her eyes. The girl was obviously distressed and Scar wanted to take that pain away.
"I don't know hunny... But Chaos was strong... very strong," she smiled softly. "Not many people who can give your dad and you a run for their money hm?" she teased. They were very strong, both of them, and they were brilliant fighters as far as Scar was concerned. She didn't paticularly want Chaos to still be alive, the mutant had torn half her insides out and left her for dead. If Pain hadn't of turned up... Scar didn't even want to think about it. But when your friend - or little sister as Paine was calling her older sister - liked someone as a friend, you sucked it up and tolerated it. Pain probably wouldn't but ...

The phone rang.

Scar looked down at the flashing name and raised a slight eyebrow before looking back to Paine. By the look on her face it was Chaos. Scar didn't know how he could use a phone with those large blade like hands which could slice through flesh like you would through melted butter... Scar briefly shut her eyes then re-sat on her swing and watched Paine's reaction. She listened to the voice at the other end as it was on speaker phone and her blood turned cold.
"That's either a very...very sick twisted person who has an identical voice or the guy who cut my insides out is alive, neither sounds like a nice option..." she mumbled.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Hana Saku October 4th 2011, 4:05 pm

Chaos, or Rascalov as he was known in his human form, snickered in an immature manner as she snapped at him, seeming very unconcerned with how angry she was just by him calling. He didn't know why but he found her ire at him very amusing and yet so very arousing at the same time. Nothing hotter then a woman who's mad enough to spit fire at you, as far as he was concerned. "You know, my tasty little carrot, I find you angry at me so very delicious and arousing a thought. You have no idea how much your anger is affecting me my morsel of a marshmallow you" he hissed into the phone in what was his best version of a seductive manner, though it came off as very menacing. He chuckled in an amused manner at his nicknames for her so loudly that he didn't even hear Scarletta, which was probably very good.

Last edited by Chaos on October 4th 2011, 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Paine October 4th 2011, 4:17 pm

Paine looked at Scarletta and sighed inwardly. "I'm sorry, Scar.. but what if it is him?" she asked, having mashed the mute button for a moment. She then unmuted it after Chaos went on about how Paine was a carrot and then a marshmellow. The fuck? "Dude, are you hungry or something? Stop and have a salad with apples and caramel or something. Jesus Christ." Paine rolled her eyes, her mood changing a little bit. She stared at the phone and looked up at Scarletta. Without adverting her gaze from the blonde, she moved the phone closer to her mouth. "What's my favorite food? What's my middle name? What's my favorite color? How old was I when I left my mom?" she barked the questions into the small cellular and just waited, hoped, and waited for the answers to come back correct. She felt the tightness in her chest again and closed her eyes, fighting back those tears. She was not going to give into her emotions so easily. Not yet. She hadn't even had time to talk about her father yet. She hadn't even had a chance to mutter the first words about how she felt. This phone conversation better not be a waste of time.

Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Vywjf8
Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Paine1
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Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only) Empty Re: Acrimony At It's Finest (Invite Only)

Post by Arcana October 4th 2011, 4:43 pm

Sean raised an eyebrow at her expression, but didn't protest. Though the look in his eyes said it all, he was somewhat hurt. His own sister was treating him like that? Though it might've been her just having a mood, or maybe it was something important? Whatever it was, he wanted to know. Afterall, what brother didn't care for his sister? So he decided to stay a respectable, yet inconspicuous distance to listen in. Blending as best as possible in with the crowd when he could to catch bits of their imformation. When that grew boring, rather quickly, he went for a quick cup of coffee. Sipping lightly on a thickly blended frappuchino, generously topped with whipped cream. FIlled nicely with chocolate, and caramel to his liking. As he looked at the two from afar, siping somewhat disapointed in this whole matter. Why couldn't she trust him with the information as well?

"Maybe she just doesn't like you?" The voice offered, having been oddly dormant, yet coming back as if it was never gone. Though Sean tried to ignore its taunts, even if they felt true."Come on, she brushed you off like a pest. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"Maybe shes just angry at something." Sean mentally replied, with a scowl on his brows. Drink now half empty, as he thought over what to do. When she started yelling, which he considered a good enough time to wander. With a brisk pace, he walked over to the two. Replying any stare that was hostile with a glance that could kill.

"Woah, you're yelling kinda loud. Can hear you from across the street sis, and believe me. People are talking. They think you're arguing with your boyfriend or something." Sean said, stating simply with an undertone of teasing. Raising an eyebrow at the two, as he prepared for any negative reactions. Though his face was a pleasent smirk. Still sucking lightly on his drink.

Last edited by Sean Collin on November 29th 2011, 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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