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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Alpha October 1st 2011, 12:09 pm

"Theresa, i'm out for the night. Keep things, and a close the office down will you?" Elena asked plainly to her most trusted secretary, as she walked from her office. Young woman silently saying yes in a sheepish voice, as the villainess walked down the hallway of her company office. Heels clicking on the linoleum, as she thought over the companies progress. She only had control over a dew of the branches, but that was soon to change once she was declared the CEO of the entire incorporation. Luckily her husband had signed it over a year before their unfortunate turn of events, his death made it easier. She had the resources, to do whatever she needed. No one could really stand in her way, and that was a good thing indeed.

Her trusted mercenary stood around the corner ahead, his silver hair combed neatly. Grey eyes scanning her with a sort of calculating purpose, as he reclined against the wall. A cigarette hung loosly in his mouth, as he offered to escort her home."You do pay me, so the least I can do is escort you home." She eyed him, scrutinizing his intention. Till it was proved satisfactory, as she allowed him to walk her to her limo. He knew where she lived, so it was a simple enough task. Quickly they both walked to her personally parking garage of the building, as the long black limo came in sight. Elena unruffling her sleek black dress. Flame red hair flowing down her back smoothly. Now she could go home, and take a much needed rest.

What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Swordsmaster October 1st 2011, 12:25 pm

Project Death watches the lady known as Elena, or the Crimson Witch, walk out of the building only to meet up with some man. He furrows his brow muttering to himself, wondering who this man is and if he will be a problem or not. He waits till they get to the parking garage jumping down and landing ingfront of them making the ground crack and break, sending out a small shockwave in every direction. The brute of a man stands up to his full height of six foot five looking down at the two people, turbing twoards his target he smirks. "Miss Collin I presume? You have caught the attention of Project Perfection, feel honored. Now either come with me willingly or I will be forced to resort to my way of doing things, it is your choice." He says in his thick russian accent, voice raspy and dark from not being used, the voice of death; something that strikes fear into all who hear it. Adding to the 'effect' is his blood shot eyes as if glowing out of the hood covering his skeleton like face, black cloak covering the rest of his body. Making him appear like he was the grim reaper come to take the soul of those who have come to the end of their line.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Alpha October 1st 2011, 9:11 pm

The man who jumped to meet them caused a considerable shockwave, though Elena easily kept her footing. While ehr escort almsot fell over, using her as suport, which she didn't mind. She turned to the man, eyes covered by her black sunglasses. Ass he considered what he said, especially about Project Perfection. Considering that from whats he could guess they seeked a sort of perfection. What did she need with that, she was after all the perfect being. Never aging, and forever beautiful. Still he gave an interesting offer." You presume correctly. Now explain who you are, and who you work for. I am not a patient woman, and will not be given the run around. Explain about this Project, and I MIGHT just go with you. Its your choice" She said icily, urging with her hand for the man to be silent. She waited for the project to react.

Last edited by Elena Marie on October 1st 2011, 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Swordsmaster October 1st 2011, 10:36 pm

Project Death listens as the lady talks then simply shrugs and nods in agreement. "Project Perfection is a group of people who experiment on humans, making them metas like Pain whom they also created which I assume you know? We are not intentianaly an evil orginization, we do kill and murder but only for the good and advancement of the human race in attempt to become 'perfect' or anything close. He stops to take a breath not used to talking so much, before continuing. "I am the latest success, I am called Project Death, the Destoyer, or the Hero Killer" Death mutters this part out in Russian without meaning to, just not used to saying his name in english at all. After the sentence is completed he continues in english, "All we ask is for a few DNA samples and maybe an un-offical, yet still official, agreement or partnership with your company. In return you can have a list of as many hero's you want, for we are told you find tracking them down a hobby."

Posting Master
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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Alpha October 1st 2011, 10:45 pm

Elena listened to the man as he spoke, somewhat interested in what he spoke. So this project could help her, and that would be perfect. Especially since they offered her a list of heroes, which may prove useful in the right hand."I understand Death, i'll come along with you. You've caught my interest. Perfection is an interesting enough concept." She said, as her mercenary lightly nudged her, unsure of trusting this guy. She turned to him with a somewhat disarming smile."Don't worry too much about me. I'm perfect afterall." He nodded walking away, leaving her with the project."Lead the way." She motioned with a bemused voice, wondering if anyone was leading, and controlling this man.

What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

Post by Swordsmaster October 1st 2011, 10:54 pm

Project Death nods and a white van drives up to them, the side doors open and a couple scientists walk out to greet miss collin. Death motions for her to get in the van while he slowly changes back into his 'normal' human form blinking slightly as his vision changes from the height differencial. "In you go Miss Collin, the van will take us to where we need to go, after that is done you will meet the good doctor and he will explaine what I can not." Death then waits for her to get in before getting in himself, the doors close afterwords and they take off.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death). Empty Re: What need do I have for perfection? I am it(Closed to Project Death).

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