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Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Los Angeles, California
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Alice flinched as Wendy was taken hostage, her arms once again secured with tape.... this certainly was not an ideal situation. As Lucy's terms were made, Alice blanched at the thought of what might happen to the poor reporter, but she had to agree. Alice knew that she had one great advantage in this... the doppelganger was unaware of her powers. She'd have to let the hostage go sooner or later.... besides, an old factory is sure to have ALOT of shadow's lying around. "... o-ok." she stuttered nervously, nodding slightly in agreement. She really hoped that she and the reporter would survive this...
Nightshade- Posting Master
- Number of posts : 413
Registration date : 2011-02-13
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
(Post Order June, Lucy, NK. Go ahead and post after June this turn with Sac and then we'll go back to regular order afterwards).
Mitsy's Boutique
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Registration date : 2010-11-18
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Sachin watched in the shadows, still hiding quite poorly. He put his hand on his pistol, which was in his pants pocket. He briefly wondered if he had reloaded it in the morning. He generally carried it around mostly for show so that nobody tried to attack him, since actually hurting people was something that was abhorrent to him, for religious and moral reasons, and because said person might hurt you back.
So far he wasn't completely sure of the situation. It seemed like the girl who had walked into the alley was the bad guy here, having threatened to snap necks and all. That gave off a bad guy kind of vibe. Last time Sachin checked, the usual good guy didn't threaten to snap necks, unless they were one hell of an anti-hero, like the one in his comic book. The Indian boy debated if he should interfere. He did have healing abilites, but he'd only used them a few times, and only one time did he have a mortal wound. He wasn't sure of his limits.
So he decided to wait. He'd follow them to this factory and then he could try being a big damn hero. He wondered if anyone of them had superpowers like him. That would suck, but it was possible considering the girl was threatening to kill her own twin. (You still look like Wendy, amirite?) Shapeshifter? It was possible, or she might just be a psycho twin. The comic book geek proceeded to wait and draw upon his knowledge of shapeshifters.
So far he wasn't completely sure of the situation. It seemed like the girl who had walked into the alley was the bad guy here, having threatened to snap necks and all. That gave off a bad guy kind of vibe. Last time Sachin checked, the usual good guy didn't threaten to snap necks, unless they were one hell of an anti-hero, like the one in his comic book. The Indian boy debated if he should interfere. He did have healing abilites, but he'd only used them a few times, and only one time did he have a mortal wound. He wasn't sure of his limits.
So he decided to wait. He'd follow them to this factory and then he could try being a big damn hero. He wondered if anyone of them had superpowers like him. That would suck, but it was possible considering the girl was threatening to kill her own twin. (You still look like Wendy, amirite?) Shapeshifter? It was possible, or she might just be a psycho twin. The comic book geek proceeded to wait and draw upon his knowledge of shapeshifters.
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
(ok, I honestly have nothing to react to so pass. GO LUCY!!!! XD)
Coraline Li
Nightshade- Posting Master
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."
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Registration date : 2011-02-13
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Violence needed to stop acting as her first line of reasoning. Even though it did remove the girl from the dumpster and allow her to recapture her prey. Maybe violence should act as the first line, and then talking will follow up. Violence now held its arm against the woman's neck strangling the fight out of her. "Lets move this little party in doors." Her head made a nudging gesture showing Alice the way to the factory.
Factory doors open more easily when you use a reporters head to open them up. Lucy maintained a tight grip on Wendy as she forced her way into the dimly lit machine shop. She violently choked her back, as she searched for the lights to the floor. Darkness proved no counter point to the ever searching fingers of Lucy. With a flip of a switch lights shown down on the floor.
"We're going to do a public service announcement on how not to die in a factory." Lucy left the doors unlocked behind her, while she dragged her news piece over towards a metal shredder. "This looks mighty dangerous." While holding her hostage firmly around the neck, Lucy reached over and initiated the main power into the shredder. It sprung to life with gripping teeth spiraling at the air. "Okay, I need a close-up of the machine..." She directed to Alice. "...Then do some fancy camera angles and zooms while I throw her into the shredder. Pause for effect. And then we find out what to do with you. Got it?"
Factory doors open more easily when you use a reporters head to open them up. Lucy maintained a tight grip on Wendy as she forced her way into the dimly lit machine shop. She violently choked her back, as she searched for the lights to the floor. Darkness proved no counter point to the ever searching fingers of Lucy. With a flip of a switch lights shown down on the floor.
"We're going to do a public service announcement on how not to die in a factory." Lucy left the doors unlocked behind her, while she dragged her news piece over towards a metal shredder. "This looks mighty dangerous." While holding her hostage firmly around the neck, Lucy reached over and initiated the main power into the shredder. It sprung to life with gripping teeth spiraling at the air. "Okay, I need a close-up of the machine..." She directed to Alice. "...Then do some fancy camera angles and zooms while I throw her into the shredder. Pause for effect. And then we find out what to do with you. Got it?"
Lucy Brillows- Status :
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Registration date : 2011-04-18
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Sachin waited till they left the alley, and pulled out his phone.
He heard a voice on the other line. "911, what is your emergency?"
"My name is Sachin Makar. I just heard a woman threatening to kill another woman and a young girl." Sachin said quickly. "They've just gone into a factory located at Burns street. Be careful, the potential killer might be a superhuman."
"Hold at your location, sir. How are you sure she might be?"
"Well, she looks exactly like the woman she was threatening to kill. Either she's a superhuman, a shapeshifter, or the woman's psychopathic twin." he explained.
"Do you have any other information?"
"The woman was saying something about making a movie, or something." he said, after a second's pause.
"We're on our way, sir. Please stay at your current location, and give us your number." Sachin gave it, hung up, and waited. (Sorry for my poor knowledge of 911 calls).
He sat outside the factory, and began to think. He almost hoped the woman was a superhuman. It would be great inspiration for his comic.... he shook off that thought. What was he thinking? This wasn't some sort of movie, comic book, or Internet superhero rpg. This was real life, and people could die. His finger rested on his pistol. Should he wait for the cops? Should he be a hero?
After a few minutes, he decided it had been long enough. He walked through the doors, gun in hand...right as soon as the sirens were heard.
Shit. Now he had risked his life for nothing, and attracted the attention of an insane potential superhuman. For such an intelligent person, he was bloody stupid sometimes.
He heard a voice on the other line. "911, what is your emergency?"
"My name is Sachin Makar. I just heard a woman threatening to kill another woman and a young girl." Sachin said quickly. "They've just gone into a factory located at Burns street. Be careful, the potential killer might be a superhuman."
"Hold at your location, sir. How are you sure she might be?"
"Well, she looks exactly like the woman she was threatening to kill. Either she's a superhuman, a shapeshifter, or the woman's psychopathic twin." he explained.
"Do you have any other information?"
"The woman was saying something about making a movie, or something." he said, after a second's pause.
"We're on our way, sir. Please stay at your current location, and give us your number." Sachin gave it, hung up, and waited. (Sorry for my poor knowledge of 911 calls).
He sat outside the factory, and began to think. He almost hoped the woman was a superhuman. It would be great inspiration for his comic.... he shook off that thought. What was he thinking? This wasn't some sort of movie, comic book, or Internet superhero rpg. This was real life, and people could die. His finger rested on his pistol. Should he wait for the cops? Should he be a hero?
After a few minutes, he decided it had been long enough. He walked through the doors, gun in hand...right as soon as the sirens were heard.
Shit. Now he had risked his life for nothing, and attracted the attention of an insane potential superhuman. For such an intelligent person, he was bloody stupid sometimes.
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Alice nodded, following Lucy to the old factory. She winced at Wendy's abuse, "watching" as Lucy groped through the darkness to find a light switch. She felt the need to act, but with Wendy's life still in jeopardy, she knew it was not a good idea. Alice closed her eyes as the lights came on, the brightness hurting her eyes slightly. But when she heard a loud whirring, Alice forced her eyes open to see Lucy had turned on a very scary looking... thing. She felt herself pale when Lucy told her what she was going to be filming... but it also meant she was going to let go of the reporter... which meant a split second to snatch Wendy from the teeth of the machine. Plan made, Alice made as if to take her iPod out, but her mind was focused on the shadows around. She had been working on controlling her powers, and she had managed to gain some control over the shadows without waving her hands around like a fool.. So the element of surprise would be hers.
Her suddenly heard the sound of sirens... someone called the police? Right as that happened, the factory doors opened and what looked like a college student stepped inside. "Shoot." Alice muttered, ready to raise the shadow barrier at any time, not knowing if his appearance would cause Lucy to act... she sincerely hoped not.
Her suddenly heard the sound of sirens... someone called the police? Right as that happened, the factory doors opened and what looked like a college student stepped inside. "Shoot." Alice muttered, ready to raise the shadow barrier at any time, not knowing if his appearance would cause Lucy to act... she sincerely hoped not.
Coraline Li
Nightshade- Posting Master
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."
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Location : Kill me
Age : 28
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Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
What a great day. Lucy threw Wendy onto the belt that fed into the mouth of the beast. "Camera angle! Camera Angle!" Lucy shouted to Alice as she lifted Wendy's legs up feeding her head into the shredding teeth. A shrieking cry erupted from Wendy, as she felt her immediate death inching closer and closer to her. "Are you getting this! I want to win an award for this sequence!" Lucy enjoyed this event far too much. Lucy released the fabricated pants of Wendy and turned to here the sirens. "Haha."
"Step two: suicide by cop." Spring a mirror from her bag and slamming it down onto the ridge of the metal belt, Lucy leaped into the mirror and took the image of Alice from her. The mirror began to follow the path of destruction the belt lead to.
"Step two: suicide by cop." Spring a mirror from her bag and slamming it down onto the ridge of the metal belt, Lucy leaped into the mirror and took the image of Alice from her. The mirror began to follow the path of destruction the belt lead to.
Lucy Brillows- Status :
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Registration date : 2011-04-18
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
(Let me get this straight, she turned into Alice and is now going to watch Wendy die, amirite?)
Sachin held the gun at the shapeshifter. It was confirmed, she was a superhuman. "Freeze!" he yelled bravely, trying not to piss himself. He shot the mirror at the ridge of the belt, and through sheer luck the bullet broke it. Sachin almost sighed in relief. He was a crap shot, and hadn't practiced shooting very much. It was amazing that he shot the mirror. He decided to do so because the mirror MUST have been important if the shapeshifter was carrying it. Sachin was savvy enough with superhero stuff that he knew items superhumans carried with them had some sort of meaning, otherwise it was dead weight.
He heard the sirens getting closer, but it would still be a few minutes. He ran toward the end of the belt, trying to save the woman before the shapeshifter got there.
Sachin held the gun at the shapeshifter. It was confirmed, she was a superhuman. "Freeze!" he yelled bravely, trying not to piss himself. He shot the mirror at the ridge of the belt, and through sheer luck the bullet broke it. Sachin almost sighed in relief. He was a crap shot, and hadn't practiced shooting very much. It was amazing that he shot the mirror. He decided to do so because the mirror MUST have been important if the shapeshifter was carrying it. Sachin was savvy enough with superhero stuff that he knew items superhumans carried with them had some sort of meaning, otherwise it was dead weight.
He heard the sirens getting closer, but it would still be a few minutes. He ran toward the end of the belt, trying to save the woman before the shapeshifter got there.
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Alice acted as soon as Wendy was thrown on the belt, running to save the reporter even as Lucy lept back into the mirror. She got to Wendy in the nick of time, pulling the woman off the belt and to safety. As she did this, the mirror was shot into pieces. Alice gave the thumbs up to the other man before crouching down next to Wendy. "Are you ok?" she asked. She looked up again towards the man, "Thanks for helping us." she said, wanting to sigh in relief. The police was coming over and Licy had no way of getting out... right? She couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen... "I hope I'm not right..."
Coraline Li
Nightshade- Posting Master
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."
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Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
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Registration date : 2011-02-13
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
The feeling of intangibility left Lucy as she stepped from an upstairs mirror into a blackened men's restroom. Her bag of tricks of the trade always gave her a little edge to produce trouble. Opening the door to the the foreman offices, Lucy peered out from atop the second floor to see the two heroes making nice with the hostage. We'll see how long that lasts.
Under the ever deceiving disguise of Alice, Lucy walked to a window overlooking the flashing lights of the squad car. Someone called the cops. That really makes me happy; I love to get them involved whenever I can. Lucy starred into the window pane and looked Alice over. Showtime. She pulled out a pistol from her bag and fired two shots out the window. Lucy placed her hand in the bag and used it to punch open the window without cutting herself. Bullets rang out from her window towards the squad cars. Making sure she addressed the attention of the boys in blue, Lucy directed her pistol downward and let a few bullets fly towards the officers, before pulling back into the building and walking away from the window. "Later honey." Lucy walked the way so that Alice could get a good look at what set of events took place in her head. "Try to get the top bunk in jail." She laughed. "That is if they don't shoot you on sight."
Under the ever deceiving disguise of Alice, Lucy walked to a window overlooking the flashing lights of the squad car. Someone called the cops. That really makes me happy; I love to get them involved whenever I can. Lucy starred into the window pane and looked Alice over. Showtime. She pulled out a pistol from her bag and fired two shots out the window. Lucy placed her hand in the bag and used it to punch open the window without cutting herself. Bullets rang out from her window towards the squad cars. Making sure she addressed the attention of the boys in blue, Lucy directed her pistol downward and let a few bullets fly towards the officers, before pulling back into the building and walking away from the window. "Later honey." Lucy walked the way so that Alice could get a good look at what set of events took place in her head. "Try to get the top bunk in jail." She laughed. "That is if they don't shoot you on sight."
Lucy Brillows- Status :
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Registration date : 2011-04-18
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
(Feel free to skip me, I'll be a while before I can post.)
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
Alice quickly busied herself peeling the tape off of Wendy. Suddenly though, she heard bullet fire and the shouts of the police outside. Fearing for the worst, she finally managed to peel all the tape off of Wendy. "Ok, depending, we may have to run soon." Alice said frantically, looking around. She knew bullets alone couldn't take down all the police but who knew what other tricks the doppelgänger would have up her sleeve. Suddenly, she heard what appeared to be her own voice coming from upstairs. Alice looked up to see something that caused her to pale. It was herself holding a gun. Alice quickly pieced two and two together. "Fuck... if she gets away, you guys will vouch for me right?" she asked, voice weak at the thought of what could happen. She prayed that the police would catch a glimpse of the "other Alice" and maybe put two and two together... she was counting on it.
Coraline Li
Nightshade- Posting Master
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."
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Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
Job : Dying
Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13
Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
The police burst in. "Freeze!" one shouted. There were six cops in total, all holding guns. "All of you put your hands. This will be simpler if you come quietly." one turned to Sachin. "Then we can figure out what's going on."
Sachin wasn't concerned. They were the good guys. The innocent had nothing to fear. And this was coming from a guy who was crazy about comic books.
Sachin wasn't concerned. They were the good guys. The innocent had nothing to fear. And this was coming from a guy who was crazy about comic books.
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Re: Sometimes... Life just Sucks.
The poor, stupid souls would face a hard time explaining this to the police. You should always trust the police; they want whats best for you. Lucy chuckled under Alice's breath at the old fallacy young children were fed. Lucy walked over to the mirror in the bathroom and jumped through mirror to return to the hotel room she occupied just hours earlier.
Wendy put her hands up as the officers moved in towards the group of three. The situation looked dire. And from what they could deduce of the situation the evidence seemed damning. When bullets flew towards officers, they rarely stopped and asked questions without taking people into custody first. "It wasn't her..." Wendy spoke out in defense of Alice. She tried thinking of how to explain the situation, but what happened stood so far outside the norm that any explanation would fall on deaf ears. "She was trying to save me." It seemed well to start with the motives and then work towards the actions that brought this entire situation towards the calamity they now faced.
Wendy put her hands up as the officers moved in towards the group of three. The situation looked dire. And from what they could deduce of the situation the evidence seemed damning. When bullets flew towards officers, they rarely stopped and asked questions without taking people into custody first. "It wasn't her..." Wendy spoke out in defense of Alice. She tried thinking of how to explain the situation, but what happened stood so far outside the norm that any explanation would fall on deaf ears. "She was trying to save me." It seemed well to start with the motives and then work towards the actions that brought this entire situation towards the calamity they now faced.
Lucy Brillows- Status :
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Registration date : 2011-04-18
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