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Dorabella (Story NPC/Minion/Boss)

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Dorabella (Story NPC/Minion/Boss) Empty Dorabella (Story NPC/Minion/Boss)

Post by Cynical_Aspie January 1st 2025, 5:35 pm


"Nothing can stand against the Arcane."

The Bio

Real Name: Dorabella (born “Arlana”)
Title: Ethereal Sorceress, Head Mage
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Cyan (originally brown)
Eyes: Gray
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 115 lbs
Blood type: O-
Faction: Disciples of Virtue

The Looks

Low neckline aside, Dorabella dresses rather conservatively with a black and blue color scheme. Her long hair is contrasted by an off-black dress and witch’s hat. Thanks to her mastery of magic, she appears to be in her Late-Twenties to Early-Thirties.

The Personality

Though she was mischievous and often shirked her responsibilities in her youth, Dorabella grew up into a well-meaning, compassionate, though still occasionally hot-blooded woman. All that being said, she’s quick to ignore - or “creatively reinterpret” - orders she feels are unjust. Given her effective biological lack of aging, Dorabella is extremely lonely - becoming a Disciple of Virtue has granted her an opportunity to not only escape her isolation, but also to do good by humanity in the process. Compassion is simultaneously Dorabella's Lady and her friend.

The Story

Dorabella’s origins and past are a great mystery and often a subject of great rumor among the Disciples of Virtue, but she is believed to have been born in the northernmost regions of modern Scotland to a druidic family sometime in the 6th Century, under a completely different name. That name was “Arlana”, meaning “noble”, or “oath”. Sometime in her life, she found herself further south.

Sometime over the ages, she simply took a different name to distance herself from the legend of the Matter of Britain.

Dorabella herself loves to keep people guessing and tweaks her life story each time she tells it, but one thing remains the same: she supposedly apprenticed under Merlin himself. The very same Merlin that was referenced prominently in the legends of King Arthur. She claims to have tutored under him for years before his disappearance.

The authenticity of this claim is confirmed, as only Merlin himself could confirm or deny it. And since sources differ as to his ultimate fate - be it by demise at the hands of the Lady of the Lake or by eternal imprisonment - any chances of this happening is astronomically small, at best. The only thing that is truly known about Dorabella is that she is the head mage of the Knighthood within the Disciples of Virtue, and her mastery over the arcane and offensive magic is nearly unparalleled.

Despite her playful nature, her intentions for humans are ultimately noble and good, living up to her assumed birth name.

The Powers

Black Mage: A long time student of the arcane arts, Dorabella has a mastery over magic, with a heavy specialization on offensive magic, with no particular attribute. She’s been known to make bolts of magic rain from the sky around her, vaporizing all enemies of good.

The Weaknesses

Overspecialized: Her mastery of offensive magic comes at the cost of lagging behind in healing and support magic. As such, she is almost always working with a fellow Knight or even with a member of the Seraphic Court to cover her weakness.

Killable: While her knowledge of magic has left her generally unable to age, she is still vulnerable to being killed through conventional methods.

The Items

Sorceress Staff: Effectively a long wooden rod with a crystal embedded on the end of it, this is Dorabella’s primary tool of magic. Being deprived of this sharply limits the power and type of magic she can use.

The Fluff

Ageless: Dorabella’s mastery of magic is so great that she has stopped aging beyond her late Twenties.

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Number of posts : 194
Age : 33
Job : Pharmacy Technician
Humor : Pun, Dark, Military
Registration date : 2023-01-18

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