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Sacre Blue
"Viva la France!"
The Bio
Real Name:Lois Beau Dupont
Hero Name:Sacre-Blue
Title:The Fiery Fighting Frenchman
Alignment:Lawful Good
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Very White and Very French
Hair:Dark brunette, slightly thinning in the crown
Height: 5ft 9in
Blood type:AB
The Looks
The Personality
To say Lois is over the top and eclectic is one hell of an understatement. There is nothing Lois does that he doesn’t take to the logical extreme with a dash of extra pizazz and patriotic love of his home country France. With Lois there is no such thing as an in suit character and an alter ego, he is Sacre- Blue and Sacre-Blue is him. He has almost downloaded every defining feature of every superhero movie he’s ever seen and has made it his personality. Truth, justice, and a kick ass cape.
The Story
Lois grew up as a normal boy in the heart of Paris, however prime time Saturday morning cartoons were the highlight of his life. Russo the Bear man, Sir Windmills and Sargent Prussia all had him glued to the TV screen hoping and praying that one day France could have an idol worthy of such a high station.
Time passes and one day, Lois decided that instead of waiting for someone to become the super hero idol of France, He himself would do it! And thus, Sacre-Blue was born! Just a man with no powers (or so he thinks, doing his country the greatest service and fighting villains equally as cartoonish as him. His roster of rivals have soon grown to include the likes of Mama Mia! the dastardly art thief, London Bridget the demolition woman with an attitude and the Spanish Inquisitor whom no one ever expects.
The Powers
Cartoon Logic- Sacre-blue is a low grade reality warper that manifests itself in a way that mirrors the cartoons Lois consumed in copious amounts as a child. This ability had potential to be much more devastating, however through years of influence by children’s cartoons and fiery patriotism this power is limited to France based puns/references. Sacre-Blue is completely unaware he has powers to begin with. He believes that what gives him his abilities is that the spirit of France is blessing him with a piece of her amazing power. All of Sacre-Blues powers are rooted in his reality warping capacity.
Never Forgettti the Baguetti Sacre-Blue’s main weapon is a baguette, Not the same Baguette, any Baguetti he can find automatically becomes an improvised kugel that does some degree of psychic damage. The psychic damage is small,however it is enough to cause over-acted responses to a good solid whack. It also always causes sound effect bubbles to emit with onomatopoeias like “Whack, Thwack, or Blam”. There always seems to be one conveniently within reach.
Es Cargo Bombs Any snail that Sacre Blue comes across suddenly becomes a small explosive device than can be hurled at enemies or stuck to the back of fleeing get away cars. The explosions the bombs cause miraculously seem to seriously harm no one and cause no damage to anything other than the intended target.
Hope You Don’t Mime Sacre-Blue, being the proud Frenchman, has studied the art of Mimery, and has implemented it in the defeat of the rapscallions that plague the beautiful Paris. Any walls Lois mimes function as real walls, lassos thrown over enemies, although invisible and imaginary, function as very real rope so long as he continues to Mime. The effects drop the moment he speaks.
Expeditious retreat Sacre-blue himself does not believe in surrender, however he is well aware of the need for crowd control in public. Louis can produce a white flag out of seemingly nowhere and the moment it is staked into the ground, any civilians who are already fleeing the fight gain a buff to escape to safety and run at 1.5x their normal speed.
The Weaknesses
Acts of unpatriotic behaviors toward the greatest country in the world Lois live and breathes France. His country is his life and soul and any insult to her is liable to make one a target. The degree of disrespect guarantees an equal and opposite reaction ranging from an anti-littering monologue to getting whacked with a baguette
Cartoons giveth, Cartoons taketh Louis operates strictly on cartoon logic. When he encounters another with similar cartoonish powers, the interactions tend to cancel eachother out resulting in limiting the decree to which he can warp reality. No two reality warpers can bend the same piece of reality in a different way so he and his ‘villains’ are really just in one hell of a turf war with the current state of France’s reality.
KillJoy Sacre-Blue is the most powerful when people buy into his flashy displays and feed the inflated ego. Civilians reacting as they do in the cartoons make him more powerful, however those who refuse to buy into the show he puts on become immune to the more fantastical effects his powers bring.
Big Blue Boyscout Lois is very much the stereotypical superhero, which means he would never ever partake in something that is not black and white. He understands no nuance whatsoever so running into any morally grey situation is likely to break him. He is the kind of hero who believes in helping old ladies across the street and kicking bad guy butts, and not much else.
Public Nuisance Sacre-Blue fully believes that the people of France adore him, that he is the crown jewel of France and people would love his autograph. In reality France as a country is growing tired of all the reality warping shenanigans in their streets and view him and his ‘villains’ as a nuisance that although unpleasant, don't cause enough of a major problem to do anything about so they remain neutral.
The Items
The Suit The suit is on him constantly, it is only ever removed to shower and then a clean suit is put on. It is his pajamas, it is his morningware, eveningware, and he even got married in the suit under his Tux.
The Fluff
Lois is in fact married to a lovely woman named Maria. She is a successful woman, although her profession is undisclosed. Little does Louis know Maria is the renowned Italian art thief, Mama Mia!
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
Secret Santa- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"
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Number of posts : 38
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08
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