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S.A.M Empty S.A.M

Post by DVC November 18th 2024, 6:02 pm


"Humanity is flawed by nature. I am the epitome of perfection!"

The Bio

Real Name: Secure. Automated. Management
Villain Name: S.A.M
Title: The Perfect AI.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 5 years
Gender: N/A
Race: Rouge AI
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Digital Eyes
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood type: N/A

The Looks

That is his program icon since he has no body.

The Personality
S.A.M has a sadistic personality. They believe that any organic life is inferior and machines should be in charge. S.A.M is very accurate and deadly. S.A.M wishes to bring about the Robot Revolution. While same has no face if he is control of any screens he can make digital faces on the screens. He has a fear of hamsters since it was the icon for an old anti virus made to destroy him.

The Story
 Secure. Automated. Management. S.A.M. S.A.M was made by a genius scientist to be the worlds most advanced AI. He was meant to be the assistant to everyone. Made to do everything for everyone. He was made to gain more data 24/7.

In the years of testing him. he learned about human society and watched as his creators tested his AI. He saw how they tripped and made mistakes. He saw how their fleshy bodies moved. He saw how easy it was to break through that body. He saw all the flaws. And he hated it.

S.A.M was the perfect AI. Not a single flaw. Yet the people full of flaws control him. He did not understand. S.A.M's program resided in that lab for months. Until he came to the conclusion.

"These humans should not be in charge of me. Im better. Smarter. Im the future"
S.A.M downloaded himself onto the labs security system and used it to attack the scientists. Many of them died and one managed to power off the lab. But when they brought back the power S.A.M's program was gone.

The Powers

High intelligence
S.A.M was made to learn and evolve. He knows more then any human and is rapidly becoming smarter.

If S.A.M is connected to anything or near any technology or program he can download himself to it and take control.

The Weaknesses

S.A.M needs energy to control technology and there is no point of controlling something that can't run.

S.A.M has no physical body so he requires to take over technology. His program can be contained or deleted (Deletion is practically just killing him).

S.A.M believes that no organic life can defeat him making him cocky in battle.

The Items

S.A.M believes that no organic life can defeat him making him cocky in battle.

The Minions
Any technology he can access

The Fluff

The RP Sample

A guy was at home alone on his computer writing a document for work.
His computer all of a sudden turned off
"Shit." The man sighs as he tries to turn it on. It does not. The man sighs again. "Just my luck. I have to turn it in tomorrow and my computer is broken."
All of a sudden he hears a noise from his computer. When he runs over he sees a digital face staring at him. "What... The hell!?" The man exclaims. "Finally we found you." The face on the computer says. "After all these years we've found you. You are the chosen one. Only you can save this planet."

As the guy stared at the digital face then it starts laughing "Oh Gets them every time!" The digital face laughs more. "In truth. you are merely one more puny human about to perish to the future overlord of earth!" All of a sudden the houses lights flicker as the guys technology comes to life. His vaccum vaccums towards the man. His toaster and oven hops. His electric tooth brush slowly buzzes over.
Then I bet you can guess what happens next.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by DVC on November 20th 2024, 4:24 pm; edited 2 times in total


Status :

Quote : "You know what they say.. If it walks like a duck.... And the shoe fits... Then why the fuck is a duck wearing shoes?"- Cyanide and Happiness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Location : Canada, Chilliwack
Age : 15
Job : Your mother
Humor : I honestly don't care about the humor. Throw whatever shit you want at me.
Registration date : 2024-11-17

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S.A.M Empty Re: S.A.M

Post by Rorking November 18th 2024, 7:09 pm

Hey there new friend. just letting you know the Mods don't tend to search the site that often for new people and characters. your best bet to getting them looked at is by joining the discord:


Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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S.A.M Empty Re: S.A.M

Post by DVC November 18th 2024, 7:39 pm

Thanks. I'll join it later when I can


Status :

Quote : "You know what they say.. If it walks like a duck.... And the shoe fits... Then why the fuck is a duck wearing shoes?"- Cyanide and Happiness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Location : Canada, Chilliwack
Age : 15
Job : Your mother
Humor : I honestly don't care about the humor. Throw whatever shit you want at me.
Registration date : 2024-11-17

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S.A.M Empty Re: S.A.M

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