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Seraphic Court (Boss NPCs)

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Seraphic Court (Boss NPCs) Empty Seraphic Court (Boss NPCs)

Post by Cynical_Aspie September 11th 2024, 4:49 pm

Seraphic Court (Bosses)

"We safeguard and we guide."

The Bio

Real Name: Varies on individual
Title: Varies
Alignment: Entire Good Spectrum
Age: Variable; generally greater than 2000 years
Race: Mostly Divines, one Human
Hair: Variable
Eyes: Variable
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Blood type: Variable
Faction: Disciples of Virtue

The Looks

The appearance differs from court member to court member. Almost all of them use white and gold within their color schemes. Exceptions, of course, exist.

The Personality

While all members of the Seraphic Court are variable in personality, all have one thing in common: an unflinching commitment to the safeguarding - and guidance of - humanity. Some are more militant in this goal than others.

The Story

The exact formation of the Seraphic Court is not entirely understood. However, it is believed to be older than human civilization. As time went on and humanity advanced both in its capacity to build and its capacity to destroy, the Seraphic Court would become split - especially at the turn of the 20th Century on how to deal with mankind’s increasing propensity for self destruction.

Several members saw humans - and by extension, Meta-humans - as threats to the stability of the world, citing the susceptibility to the manipulations of otherworldly beings, with demons being chief among them. However, other Divines could see sparks of hope within the humans, even if the sparks were still too small right now. They firmly believed that humans were flawed, but still had the potential to bring great good and beauty to the world - all that they needed was some guidance that would help them display this beauty.

To that end, while most of the Seraphic Court remained isolated from the human realm, several others willingly gave up their immortality to act as guides among humans. Ultimately, the debate reached a stalemate. Both sides were equally matched and neither side was willing to relent. To this day, the Seraphic Court lies only below both the Three Ascendants and Compassion herself in the loose hierarchy in the Disciples of Virtue.

With the reveal of the incoming mass invasion of the Heralds of Order, the Seraphic Court at large has been forced to reevaluate its general non-interventionist stance on occurrences within the mortal world. Up to this point, the Seraphic Court had taken to mostly remaining silent observers, only being of indirect influence to humanity. The conclusion became that the Courtiers that had thus far taken a more direct role in guiding humanity had the right of it.

Physically speaking, members of the Seraphic Court run the gamut from being angelic beings to simply taking the appearance of creatures of mythological folklore, such as a youkai.

The Powers

The exact nature of a court member’s power varies between individuals. All that remain Divine, however, hold one thing in common: functionally, they are immortal when walking on Earth, unable to be killed for good unless in their own realm.

For example, Caius - a frumentarii in his life during the Roman Empire - is effectively the Court’s Spymaster, having eyes in basically every spot on Earth and even a few other realms where he - theoretically - shouldn’t be while remaining undetected.

Another example, Clotho (named for one of the Fates of Greek mythology), is effectively both a healer and a precog.

For the sake of brevity, the list of the Courtiers (in order: name, title, and (powers)) is as follows:

-Talos, Metal Giant: Divine Giant of pure metal. Tougher than other Divines and dedicated tank.
  • Metal armor is tougher than even the most well-armored tank that the nations can field.
  • Physical strength can leave a dent of about two feet deep in titanium armor.

-Elmer, Stone Sentinel: Divine golem of rock and earth; brandishes a blade and is a geomancer - chief warden of the Seraphic Court.
  • Physically tougher than an armored personnel carrier
  • Physical strength is just shy of Talos's listed above.
  • in the presence of rock and earth, can manipulate the local geography with his abilities - useless when at sea.

-Eudora, Eternal Flame: Among the oldest of the Seraphic Court, she is known for holding the power of the Phoenix, despite her name implying water powers.
  • Pyromancy.
  • Can be reborn from her own ashes, ignoring the typical Divine requirement of having to reincarnate in their realm if killed.

-Caius, All-Seeing Spymaster: Divine angel of secrets; spymaster who can see everywhere, with little combat potential.
  • Can see inside both mortal and other realms undetected, even realms he shouldn't or couldn't possibly be in. One of the few members of the Seraphic Court who can see into the Realm of Order without Justice's knowledge.
  • Strength, endurance, and speed are only marginally above the human baseline.

-Serafina, Chalice Guardian: Divine healer; a guide to the departed.
  • Holds the legendary Holy Grail, using it as a conduit to channel her healing abilities.

-Catherine, Wheel of Destiny: Divine Courtier of Fate and Predictions; chronomancer with the ability to slow or hasten time within a radius around herself.
  • Can manipulate time within a certain area, hastening her allies or slowing her enemies.
  • Negligible increase in strength, speed, and durability over the human baseline.

-Victoria, Winged Victory: Divine Angel of conquest; general strength to cut through even steel with her blade.
  • Flight, able to reach the sound barrier.
  • Superior strength and speed to a human, able to use her blade to cut through industrial-grade steel girders.

-Karnak, Lord of Machines: Divine lord of progress; father of holy-infused machines.
  • Can build divine-infused automatons out of basically nothing. The automatons all had strength to put a significant dent in tank armor and can shrug off anti-material rounds.

-Lachesis, Moira of Fate: Divine healer named for one of the Fates of Greek Mythology.
  • Uses her staff as a conduit for her healing abilities, can also induce regeneration in allies.

-Mei Fang, Warrior Maiden: Divine swordmaster; affiliated in some way with the dragons of China, whose souls augment her strength enough to cut even through toughened tank armor.
  • Can cut through industrial-grade steel naturally.
  • Can call upon the power of the ancient dragons to further enhance her physical power to tear even tanks asunder.

-Talia, Fox Enchantress: Divine nine-tailed fox; a matron of the kitsune youkai of Japan and holds dominion over illusion magic and the manipulation of the mind.
  • Can summon kitsune youkai for aid.
  • Commands the power of illusions and hypnotic suggestion, with greater effectiveness against male foes.

-Talanis, Thunderheart: Divine mistress of lightning and storms; smites evil with the raw power of lightning.
  • Manipulates lightning, able to fry unprotected humans with a single bolt.
  • High durability, able to tank a few anti-materiel rounds. Strength similar to Victoria, as listed above.

-Clotho, Moira of Destiny: Divine Predictor of the future and healer of the injured.
  • Healing powers that effect herself and allies.
  • Uses the power of the stars to summon barriers on up to two allies.
  • Uses her seer's stone to predict future possibilities and determine the one most likely to happen.

-Atropos, Moira of Demise: Mortal woman who deliberately gave up her Immortality to live and aid humans; bringer of faith and morale, her magic is all about bolstering the strength and resilience of the noble-hearted.
  • Baptism of Dawn: With the power of the Divine Light she retained upon becoming mortal, Atropos enhances the physical strength of allies by a factor of three, effectively tripling the amount they can lift and the force of their strikes.
  • Light of Prayer: Atropos provides minor healing to allies for each hit they land on their enemies.
  • As she gave up her immortality to live among humans, Atropos can be killed through conventional means.

The Weaknesses

  • Most of the Divine members' powers can only function for relatively short spans of time when in the human world.
  • In addition, they are vulnerable to specific weaponry - generally demonic as well as anti-Meta.
  • When killed in such a manner, they are sent back to their home realm and must spend time recovering. Eudora - with the power of the Phoenix - is exempt from this weakness, rising from her own ashes, but can be banished with other forms of magic. Atropos is one of the few members of the Seraphic Court than can be killed through conventional methods.
  • Most of the Divines cannot actually harm a human of pure heart.

The Items

The items tend to vary between members, but most act as the focus they use to make use of their abilities.

The Minions

Only two members have minions of any kind: Karnak and Talia. Karnak, as a lord of machines, can summon divine-infused automatons to his side in battle. Talia, however, has dominion over kitsune spirits and youkai, and can summon them to assist in her illusion.

The Fluff

The Seraphic Court, at present, harbors thirteen Divines and one human who willingly gave up her immortality.

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Seraphic Court (Boss NPCs) Empty Re: Seraphic Court (Boss NPCs)

Post by Arcana October 1st 2024, 5:43 pm

Bosses approved

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Registration date : 2011-02-08

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