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The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Villains
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"Run, you nerds, run, you’ll only die tired."
The Bio
Real Name: Samuel Jones
Villain Name: Samuel
Title: Spirit of pain
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: 6’
Weight: 210lbs
The Looks
The Personality
Samuel was a violent and aggressive bully when he was alive, and he only got more violent as a demon.
Snarky, rude, crude, and an overall jerk, Samuel was the biggest asshole of his school.
But he was always able to hide his true nature around the teachers, though they most likely looked the other way, due to him being the quarterback of the football team.
The Story
Samuel Jones, the star quarterback, destined to go pro, son of town mayor, the kid was a prodigy.
At least, that was when he was alive.
When the adults weren’t looking, Samuel showed his true nature. He was violent, crude, perverted, and overall the biggest bully of his high school. He would beat up on any kid who would look at him wrong, make advances on the girls, even when they didn’t want it. He even tortured one of the nerds in his class, who corrected him one day.
Naturally, his victims put a plan together, to ruin his reputation, and expose him as the monster he is. They organized their scheduling, so that when he went after one of them, there was someone there to record the incident in secret. They eventually gathered enough evidence, and only needed to edit it together to show the teachers.
As one of the victims was putting the video together, he received a call from his girlfriend, who was panicking.
Samuel had showed up to her house, knowing her parents were out of town, and tried to get her to her room upstairs for some “Fun”.
She protested, but he managed to get her to the top of the stairs before she had enough, and pushed him.
He tumbled down the stairs, snapping his neck, but didn’t die.
Paralyzed, but still present, he watched as the others arrived, carrying him out of the house, and loading him into the back seat of one the vans they drove to the place. They drove out until the road disappeared, until they were deep enough in the woods, before getting him out and carrying him into the trees.
He watched as they dug a hole, which they would throw him into, burying him alive. He eventually suffocated to death, unable to dig himself out.
All this because he said some mean things?
He awoke inside an office room, sitting across a dark wooden desk was another man, tall, blonde hair, charming smile. He introduced himself as a Demon, and he had a deal for Samuel. He would give Samuel an opportunity to exact his revenge, so long as he followed the Black Beasts orders, and became one of his soldiers.
Samuel didn’t hesitate, he had a chance to inflict his sick sadistic ways on the world, and get revenge, it was a win-win.
Upon returning to Earth, Samuel took his time, enjoying his revenge, torturing those pathetic nerds with new powers he was given. He terrorized every last one, savoring their screams as he left their bodies twisted and unrecognizable.
Now, with his revenge done, Samuel walks the Earth, doing his masters bidding.
The Powers
Demonic Body: Samuel is a demon, and cannot die by mortal means, he does not need food, sleep, oxygen, or anything to sustain himself. Any damage he takes from mortal weapons and elements will heal instantly.
Mental Insanity (Permission based): Samuel has the ability to mentally manipulate his victims, making them see things so vividly, that they believe it is real. He can make them see monsters, their worst fears, people who have died, he can make them see the walls close in around them. Whatever his sick and twisted mind can come up with, he can make them see.
Demonic telekinesis: (Permission Based): Samuel has the ability to manipulate peoples bodies and inanimate objects. He can choke people without touching them, make them float in the air, unable to move, slam doors, throw loose objects, and even rip things off the walls and floors.
Hellfire: Samuel can summon hellfire from the Earth below, which he can encase his victims in, burning them alive. The fire is demonic in essence, and negates natural defenses.
Teleport: Samuel can teleport, appearing anywhere he chooses, and disappear in a blink of an eye.
The Weaknesses
Holy: Samuel is a demon, and thus can be injured or even killed by holy weapons and tools, such as holy water.
Note: Crosses do not work, and injuries sustained from holy items will eventually heal after some time.
Hallowed Ground: Samuel cannot step onto hallowed or consecrated grounds, if he tries, he will start to decay, and must step off the ground to recover.
Magic: Like most demons, Samuel is susceptible to magics influence.
Exorcism: If Samuel is exorcised, he will return to hell, and will have to wait some time before he can return.
Illusions: Samuels mental manipulation is physically harmless, intended to purely scare people.
Someone smart enough, or with enough will power, can break the hold on their mind by facing the illusions, revealing them to be fake.
The Items
The Minions
The Fluff
The RP Sample
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
ProwlerKnight- Post Mate
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Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:
“No, you move.”
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Age : 32
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Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29
Re: Samuel
Demonhunter- Post Adept
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