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Heralds of Order

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Heralds of Order Empty Heralds of Order

Post by Tybrid August 12th 2024, 2:42 am

The Heralds of Order

“They shall be my most steadfast agents, these souls who surrender their humanity to me. Like raw material, I shall shape them, and in the crucible of order, I shall temper them. They shall possess wills of iron and bodies of unyielding strength. In the most impenetrable armor shall they be clad, and with the most formidable weapons shall they be armed. They will be untouched by the frailties of mortality; no disease or decay shall taint them. They shall wield such strategies, tactics, and powers that no adversary will defeat them in battle. They are my bastion against Chaos. They are the Enforcers of Order. They are my Heralds… and they shall know no doubt.” -Justice

The Bio

Real Name: The top three ranks of Heralds still get to keep and use their human names i.e. Seraphim Alexander. All other Heralds are just referred to as their ranks.
Villain Name: Herald; 9 different ranks of hierarchy for each Herald: Seraphim, Cherubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Principality, Archangel, and Angel.
Title: His Shields, Swords, and Banners, Agents of Justice, The Host of Order, The Cruel Angels
Alignment: Lawful Evil - Lawful Neutral
Age: Millennia old to their newest being as young as their 20s.
Gender: Varies
Race: Herald
"Hair": Iridescent feathers
Eyes: Glowing, ethereal white
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Blood type: Blood burned away by Justice during their reshaping. Injuries instead leak gold, blue, and silver fluid which is the magic that helps constitute their beings

The Looks

The Personality

Justice's Heralds, once transformed, embody a rigid and unwavering sense of duty and loyalty. They are driven by an absolute commitment to Justice's vision of order and are relentless in their pursuit of this ideal. The process of their transformation strips away much of their former humanity, leaving behind beings who operate with a cold, calculating efficiency. Compassion, empathy, and individuality are sacrificed for the greater good of the cause, and they see themselves as enforcers of a divine mandate.

Their personalities are marked by a profound sense of purpose and a belief in the righteousness of their mission. They are disciplined, methodical, and ruthless when carrying out Justice's will. Each Herald believes deeply in the hierarchy they are part of and the necessity of their role in bringing about a new world order, free from the chaos and disorder they so despise.

However, remnants of their former selves occasionally surface, particularly in those who were once strong-willed or passionate before their transformation. This can lead to internal conflict, as they struggle to reconcile their past identities with their current existence as Heralds of Justice. Despite this, their loyalty to Justice is unwavering, and they will go to any lengths to fulfill their master's commands, even if it means suppressing their own doubts or moral reservations.

Justice's Heralds are characterized by their stoic, determined, and often merciless natures, driven by a single-minded focus on enforcing order at any cost. They view their actions as necessary for the greater good, even if it means sacrificing their own humanity in the process.
The Story

In the earliest days, when civilizations were forming in Mesopotamia, Justice chose his first Herald, Melekshar, from among humanity's most virtuous leaders. Melekshar was transformed into a powerful being, tasked with maintaining order and justice in the world. During these early millennia, the Heralds were benevolent and stalwart figures, embodying the principles of fairness, law, and protection. They intervened in conflicts, promoted peace, and helped establish the foundations of early legal systems.

Throughout ancient history, the Heralds were revered as protectors and advisors. Their influence was seen in the formation of empires, the codification of laws, and the unification of fractured societies. They were viewed as divine emissaries, their presence a reminder of the importance of order in a chaotic world. The Heralds, while powerful, were humble in their service, committed to guiding humanity toward a better future.

The Heralds did not limit their guidance to the early civilizations of the Middle East. As humanity spread across the globe, so too did the influence of Justice's Heralds. In ancient China, a Herald known as Liánshū was dispatched to guide the early emperors in establishing a harmonious society based on Confucian principles. Liánshū’s teachings emphasized the importance of hierarchy, family, and respect for authority, helping to shape the bureaucratic systems that would govern China for millennia. The concept of the "Mandate of Heaven," which justified the rule of emperors, was subtly influenced by the Heralds, who sought to ensure that only the most just and capable rulers ascended to power.

In India, the Heralds played a role in the development of the dharma, the moral and ethical codes that underpin Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. A Herald known as Dharmapala, who took the form of a wise and ascetic sage, influenced the early Vedic texts, guiding the priests and scholars in their understanding of cosmic order and justice. Dharmapala's influence can be seen in the emphasis on karma, the law of moral cause and effect, which served as a divine mechanism for maintaining balance and order in the universe.

In the Americas, the Heralds took on forms that resonated with the native cultures. Among the early civilizations of Mesoamerica, a Herald known as Quetzalhua was revered as a feathered serpent deity. Quetzalhua taught the early peoples the importance of social order, agricultural practices, and the balance between life and death. The Herald’s influence is evident in the complex calendars and societal structures of the Maya and the Aztecs, who believed that maintaining cosmic order was essential to the survival of their civilizations.

In the North American continent, the Heralds influenced the diverse tribes of the Native Americans. One such Herald, known as Niyohontésha, appeared among the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) and helped establish the Great Law of Peace, a constitution that governed the Five Nations. Niyohontésha’s teachings emphasized the importance of unity, collective decision-making, and respect for nature, principles that would guide the Iroquois for centuries and serve as an early model for democratic governance.

With the rise of Christianity, Judaism, and later Islam, Justice recognized the profound influence these religions would have on shaping the moral and ethical frameworks of humanity. The sight of his Heralds, awe-inspiring and powerful, often provoked fear or reverence among the followers of these emerging faiths. However, this fear was not always constructive, leading to misunderstandings and resistance to the Heralds' true purpose.

To adapt to this new religious landscape, Justice rebranded his Heralds, aligning them with the Christian hierarchy of angels. He divided them into ranks, each corresponding to a level within the celestial order: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. This rebranding served a dual purpose: it helped to integrate the Heralds into the theological frameworks of these religions, making them more palatable to the faithful, and it allowed Justice to exert influence over religious institutions, steering them towards principles of order and justice.

During this period, the Heralds were seen as divine messengers, beings of immense power who acted on behalf of a higher order. They were involved in shaping the early Christian and Islamic empires, guiding rulers and religious leaders towards just and orderly governance. However, their involvement also planted the seeds of conflict, as different interpretations of their messages led to schisms and wars among the faithful.

As the world grew more complex, the Heralds faced increasing challenges. The medieval and Renaissance periods were marked by religious conflicts, the rise of powerful monarchies, and the beginning of exploration and colonization. The Heralds, who once worked to unify and protect, now found themselves struggling to maintain order in a world that seemed increasingly chaotic.

The Crusades, the Inquisition, and the rise of feudalism were seen by the Heralds as failures of humanity to live up to the principles of order and justice. They began to intervene more forcefully, their methods becoming stricter as they sought to impose order on a world that seemed determined to resist it. This period saw the first signs of the Heralds' growing disillusionment with humanity. While they still believed in their mission, the seeds of frustration were being sown.

The alignment with the Christian hierarchy of angels also had a profound impact on the Heralds themselves. Once benevolent and humble, they began to see themselves as divine enforcers, their authority unquestionable. This shift in self-perception led to a gradual erosion of their compassion for humanity. They became more distant, more authoritarian, believing that only through strict control could they maintain the order they were tasked with preserving.

The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in the history of the Heralds. The rapid technological advancements and social upheaval of the 18th and 19th centuries challenged the Heralds in ways they had never experienced before. The rise of democracy, capitalism, and the shift from agrarian societies to industrial ones created a world that was increasingly difficult to control.

Justice and his Heralds watched as the old orders crumbled, replaced by new systems that seemed to thrive on chaos and competition. The world was moving faster than ever, and the Heralds found themselves increasingly out of step with the times. Their interventions became more desperate, and their frustration grew as humanity seemed to slip further into disorder.

Despite their efforts to guide humanity, the Heralds began to feel that their role was being diminished. They were no longer seen as protectors but as relics of a bygone era. This growing sense of irrelevance only deepened their frustration, leading to a more rigid and authoritarian approach in their dealings with humanity.

The 20th century brought with it the greatest challenges the Heralds had ever faced. The First and Second World Wars were cataclysmic events that shook the Heralds to their core. They had always believed in the possibility of guiding humanity toward a peaceful future, but the unprecedented scale of violence and destruction during these wars shattered their faith. The senseless loss of life, the atrocities committed, and the devastation wrought on entire nations were seen as humanity's ultimate betrayal of the principles of order and justice.

During the World Wars, the Heralds attempted to intervene, to guide leaders and nations away from the brink of disaster. However, their efforts were largely ignored or met with resistance. The rise of nationalism, militarism, and totalitarian regimes created a world where the Heralds' influence was increasingly unwelcome. The very rulers who would have once sought their counsel now turned away from them, driven by hubris and the belief that they could shape the world without divine guidance.

The Cold War that followed the Second World War only deepened the Heralds' despair. The world was now divided into two opposing blocs, each armed with weapons capable of annihilating all life on Earth. The constant threat of nuclear war, the proxy conflicts, and the ideological struggle between capitalism and communism created a world teetering on the edge of chaos. The Heralds, who had once advised every king and emperor, now found themselves shut out from the corridors of power. No longer were they the guiding hand behind nations; they were relics of a forgotten era, dismissed by a humanity that believed it had outgrown them.

The arrogance of humanity in rejecting their guidance sparked the first true anger within the Heralds. They had watched as the world plunged into conflict after conflict, as millions died, and as the very fabric of society was torn apart. The Heralds, once noble and patient, began to grow cold and haughty, their frustration with humanity transforming into a simmering resentment. They saw the wars of the 20th century as a direct affront to their mission, and their anger fueled the fire of Justice’s plan.

By the end of the 20th century, there were no Heralds left to guide any governments. Humanity, in its hubris, had decided to leave them behind, to consign them to the past along with the myths and legends of old. This rejection was the ultimate insult to the Heralds, who had devoted millennia to protecting and guiding humanity. The world had become a place where chaos reigned, where the teachings of the Heralds were ignored, and where the very idea of order was under threat.

The early 21st century brought with it a series of events that would push Justice and his Heralds to their breaking point. The destruction of London in 2029, a cataclysmic event caused by a battle between superpowered beings, was a tipping point. The devastation, the loss of life, and the chaos that ensued were seen by Justice as irrefutable proof that humanity had failed. The mass loss of life was one of many effects stapled onto the broader tragedy that left Justice and his Heralds reeling.

This event was followed by nearly a month of worldwide monster attacks, where terrifying creatures emerged to wreak havoc across the globe. Cities were destroyed, governments were destabilized, and the unknown amount of lives that were lost. The chaos was unlike anything the Heralds had ever seen, and it solidified their belief that humanity was on the brink of collapse.

For Justice, this was the final straw. He could no longer stand by and watch as the world descended into anarchy. The decision was made to begin his campaign for absolute order, to bring the world under his control and eliminate the chaos that had plagued humanity for so long. The Heralds, who had once been noble guardians, were now cold enforcers of Justice’s will, ready to impose his vision of order on a world that had rejected them.

And so, as the 2020s neared their end, the Heralds' transformation from benevolent guides to ruthless enforcers was complete. They were no longer interested in guiding humanity—they were determined to control it, to bend it to their will, and to eradicate the chaos that had led the world to the brink of destruction. Justice’s campaign for order was not just a response to the chaos of the modern world; it was the culmination of millennia of frustration, anger, and despair, a final attempt to impose the order that humanity had so thoroughly rejected.

As they prepare to march on the human world, the Heralds, once revered and respected, are now feared and loathed. They will enforce Justice’s will with an iron fist, their compassion long gone, replaced by a cold determination to see their mission through to the end. They are no longer the guardians of humanity; they are its judges, and they have found it guilty of the ultimate sin: rejecting order in favor of chaos.

Though they believe themselves to be the original humans they once were, uplifted and transformed into beings of divine power, the reality is far more sinister. Justice, despite his immense power, cannot simply transform a human into a Herald. Instead, he must strip away everything that makes them human, effectively killing the person in the process. Their memories, abilities, and personality traits are harvested and used as a base template to construct a new being—the Herald—who believes with absolute certainty that they are the original person.

In the beginning, Justice saw this process as a necessary step, a way to honor the legacy of exceptional humans by enshrining their memories and abilities into a form that would serve his vision of order for eternity. It was a twisted form of immortality, one that would ensure the greatest among humanity would never fade into obscurity but would instead continue to shape the world as his agents.

However, as the centuries passed and his views grew more rigid, Justice came to see this act as a necessary evil, a small cruelty that was justified by the greater good. The Heralds, in his mind, are not just tools or soldiers; they are the highest form of life, beings stripped of the flaws and weaknesses of humanity and reborn with a single purpose—to enforce his will and bring about a world of absolute order.

This twisted kindness, as Justice sees it, is his way of “uplifting” humans into their higher forms, ensuring that they serve a purpose far greater than they ever could as mere mortals. He has convinced himself that this process is an act of mercy, that by removing their imperfections and re-forging them into Heralds, he is granting them a form of immortality and a chance to contribute to the salvation of the world.

None of the Heralds, not even the Seraphs, know the truth of their existence. Alone in this fact are the Dominions, Justice’s enforcers and inquisitors, who are expressly trusted with this secret alone that they may know what to look for should another Herald look for or discover the truth. The other Heralds all operate under the belief that they are the same individuals they were in life, merely enhanced and purified for a divine purpose. This belief is carefully maintained by Justice, who goes to great lengths to ensure that no Herald ever discovers the truth. The memories and personality traits they possess are merely echoes of their base templates, carefully curated to maintain their loyalty and effectiveness.

To date, no Herald has uncovered this dark secret save for fanatically loyal Dominions, and none have questioned the nature of their transformation. Justice’s meticulous control and the sheer power of his will ensure that the Heralds remain oblivious to the true nature of their existence. However, the possibility of a Herald discovering the truth, though remote, is a constant threat that looms over Justice’s carefully constructed order.

The revelation of this truth would be catastrophic, not only for the Heralds themselves, who would be forced to confront the reality of their existence, but also for Justice, whose authority and vision of order could be irrevocably shattered. It is a secret that must be kept at all costs, for its exposure could unravel everything Justice has worked for over the millennia.
The Powers

  • Superhuman Strength and Durability: All Heralds possess strength and durability far beyond human capabilities. They can lift massive weights, withstand extreme physical punishment, and endure harsh environments.
    -Weakness: Prolonged combat or exposure to intense, sustained damage can wear them down. Heralds are not invulnerable and can be destroyed with enough force or through exploitation of their specific weaknesses.

  • Immortality: Heralds do not age and are immune to natural diseases and illnesses. They can recover from injuries over time and are effectively immortal unless killed in battle.
    -Weakness: Though they do not die of natural causes, they can be killed through powerful attacks, particularly those targeting their essence or by specialized weapons designed to harm their kind.

  • Flight: Heralds can fly at great speeds, with some capable of supersonic flight. Their wings (whether physical or ethereal) allow them to maneuver quickly and efficiently in the air.
    -Weakness: While flying, they are vulnerable to aerial attacks or anti-aircraft defenses. Severe damage to their wings can impair their ability to fly.

  • Enhanced Senses: Heralds possess heightened senses far beyond human limits, including enhanced vision (able to see in darkness and detect auras), hearing, and smell.
    -Weakness: Overloading their senses with extreme stimuli (e.g., blinding lights, deafening sounds) can temporarily disorient them.

  • Telepathy: Heralds can communicate telepathically with one another and can read the minds of lesser beings. They use this ability to coordinate in battle and influence the thoughts of mortals.
    -Weakness: Strong-willed individuals or those with mental defenses can resist telepathy, and powerful mental attacks can disrupt or block their telepathic abilities.

  • Energy Manipulation: Heralds can harness and manipulate various forms of energy (e.g., light, fire, electricity) to create powerful blasts, barriers, or other effects.
    -Weakness: Excessive use of energy manipulation can drain their reserves, leaving them vulnerable until they recover.

  • Regeneration: Heralds can heal from wounds much faster than mortals, recovering from injuries that would be fatal to a human. Some Heralds can even regenerate lost limbs.
    -Weakness: Healing requires time, especially for severe injuries. Repeated or extensive damage can overwhelm their regenerative abilities, potentially leading to their demise.

  • Shapeshifting: Heralds can alter their physical appearance, allowing them to blend in with humans or take on more terrifying forms to intimidate enemies.
    -Weakness: Shapeshifting is an energy-intensive process and can be disrupted by anti-magic fields or other powers that negate transformation abilities.

  • Invisibility: Heralds can render themselves invisible, moving unseen to carry out Justice’s will or to avoid detection.
    -Weakness: Certain types of magic, technology, or highly perceptive individuals can detect or counteract invisibility.

  • Portal Creation: Heralds can open portals to travel across vast distances or to transport others. They can also create gateways to Justice’s pocket dimension.
    -Weakness: Creating and maintaining portals is taxing, especially over long distances or with heavy traffic. Portals can also be closed or disrupted by strong enough magic or technology. To teleport somewhere in the world that is not in sight of the Herald requires a telepathic connection with another Herald to act as the channel to open that portal elsewhere on the world.

  • Aura of Authority: Heralds exude an aura that commands respect and obedience from mortals, often making it difficult for humans to resist their influence or commands.
    -Weakness: Strong-willed or highly rebellious individuals can resist this aura. The effect is also diminished when Heralds are weakened or injured.

  • Soul Manipulation: Heralds can manipulate souls, guiding them, binding them, or even using them to fuel their powers. This makes them formidable against both the living and the dead.
    -Weakness: Soul manipulation can be resisted by beings with strong spiritual or magical protections, and excessive use can drain the Herald’s strength.

  • Weapon Summoning: Each Herald has a signature weapon that they can summon at will. These weapons are imbued with Justice’s power and are nearly indestructible.
    -Weakness: If the weapon is somehow destroyed or nullified, the Herald will be significantly weakened. Additionally, the weapons are extensions of the Heralds themselves, so harming the weapon can hurt the Herald.

  • Memory Extraction: Heralds can extract memories from mortals, using them for intelligence or to influence their actions. They can also erase or alter memories to serve Justice’s cause.
    -Weakness: Individuals with strong mental defenses or magical protection can resist memory extraction. The process is also not instantaneous and can be disrupted. Usually they are only capable of performing this on incapacitated individuals due to the time, concentration, and delicacy of the power.

The Items

Weapons of Order:
Justice’s Heralds wield weapons that are both a manifestation of their power and a direct extension of Justice’s will. These weapons, regardless of their form—whether they are swords, spears, axes, or other instruments of battle—share a set of abilities that make them formidable tools of order and destruction.

Each weapon is forged in the Realm of Order, imbued with the essence of Justice’s power and the unyielding will of the Herald who wields it. The weapons are indestructible by conventional means, capable of withstanding the most extreme forces without suffering damage. They are crafted to be perfect tools of war, with a design that reflects the personality and fighting style of their respective Herald.

Their weapons bear intricate designs that reflect the ideals of order, with motifs such as scales, chains, and geometric patterns that signify the unyielding nature of Justice. They emit a faint, cold light that grows more intense when their powers are in use, often creating an aura of dread around the Herald. The weapons are not just tools of war but symbols of the Herald’s dedication to Justice’s cause, serving as both a badge of office and a constant reminder of the unrelenting mission they have been tasked with.

-Unearthly Designs: Although barely susceptible at all to weapons of Man’s craft, weapons and powers from beyond the mortal world, including magic abilities, treat their weapons as no more than forged weapons from anywhere for the purpose of breaking them.

-Of Good Heart and Soul: The weapons of the Heralds follow the laws and designs of the world as Justice sees it and as such their weapons will resist or outright be incapable of harming people who are genuinely good or fit into Justice’s ideals for how someone should be.
The Minions

Each Herald follows the Christian Hierarchy of Angels for their rank structure, following commands from higher ranked Heralds. Seraphs take their commands from Justice alone.
The Fluff

Justice has a total of 447 Heralds in total at the moment divided out amongst the ranks as follows with their specific rolls listed with them:

-15 Seraphs: His most powerful and trusted Heralds. Each Seraph is given different rolls and tasks by Justice as befits their high status. He trusts them absolutely. There is a Seraph at the head of each other rank of Herald.

-28 Cherubim: These are also powerful but slightly less so than Seraphs. They are the keepers of sacred knowledge and guardians of his most secret plans.

-34 Thrones: Heralds of immense power who oversee large regions of the world and report on the events of these regions back to Justice.

-37 Dominions: Enforcers of the lower ranks, ensuring that Justice’s will is enforced effectively. Each Dominion has the strongest powers of obedience and dominance outside of the Seraphs and Justice himself. As his enforcers, acting in a roll akin to inquisitors or commissars, the Dominions alone are knowledgeable of the truth of their origin as they compose the most zealous and devoted of the Heralds. It is their task to ensure this truth is not discovered.

-46 Virtues: Heralds responsible for influencing and guiding human leaders and events from the shadows. They spread and preach the virtues of Justice and his cause.

-52 Powers: Warriors of considerable strength, often leading battles or specific missions.

-74 Principalities: Guardians of cities and large territories, enforcers of Justice's regional control. Answering to their respective Dominions

-78 Archangels: Messengers and emissaries of Justice, carrying out his will in more direct ways. It is the archangels that Justice has approach mortals directly usually.

-83 Angels: The most numerous and least powerful Heralds, tasked with minor duties and enforcing order on a local level or to serve their higher ranked Heralds in whatever role they are required for.

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