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Cyan Empty Cyan

Post by ProwlerKnight August 11th 2024, 4:22 am


"Shine bright, heroes might."

The Bio

Real Name: Ben Harper
Hero Name: Cyan
Title: The beacon
Alignment: Hero
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Alien
Hair: Black
Eyes: Cyan blue
Height: 6’
Weight: 193lbs

The Looks

The Personality

Ben was always a ray of sunshine whenever he stepped into a room, vibrant and joyous as much as he could be. He liked to make people laugh and smile, and never seemed to take things seriously, a smile always on his face, even when things were looking grim.
So it was common to underestimate the hero, but that would be a mistake, as inside the happy-go-lucky little man, was a fierce hero with an unstoppable will to save lives, and protect his world.

The Story

Ben Harpers grandmother would always tell him he came out of his mother with a smile on his face. Ben was the social butterfly wherever he went, his upbeat attitude and smile earning him plenty of friends. He was popular in school, and excelled in all his classes.
One day, when Ben turned 16, however, his life changed forever. As he was at a party being thrown by one of the football team members at their house, Ben had ended up picking up someone elses drink, which someone had spiked. Instead of passing out, Bens body began to get really hot, and his eyes started to glow a Cyan blue shade. As he rushed outside, he suddenly found himself flying through the air, his body glowing bright like a shooting star.
When he landed, he instantly purged everything inside his stomach, passing out from the stress. When he woke, the sun was high in the sky, as he was drenched in sweat. It took him over two hours to get back home, where his parents would reveal that Ben wasn’t human. He was from a dead Alien race who’s planet was destroyed years ago. Ben was among a rare subspecies of his race, which were able to channel and manipulate hard light energy.
The next few years, Ben was taught how to manage his powers, learning to manipulate the energy inside him into hard light constructs. He would learn how to shape the hard light into whatever he could think of, and various other abilities it allowed him to do. When he watched as the people of London were killed by Ascendant, Ben decided he could not sit by and do nothing. His father, seeing his intentions, passed down a suit from their homeworld, which he wore when he left with Bens mothers.
Now, wearing the suit, Ben would take to the city, using his powers to protect the people of his new home, the people he grew up with. He would be called Cyan, after the color of his Hard Light energy, and join other heroes in the fight to defend Earth.

The Powers

Hard Light Construct: Ben is able to manipulate an energy inside his body, creating Hard Light constructs out of it. Using his mind, he can shape the energy into anything he can think of, down to the smallest detail. The strength of the constructs is dependent on his concentration, and mental fortitude. He can make a hammer that can smash through solid concrete, or even make barriers and bubbles that can hold some of the strongest of people. He can make something as small as handcuffs, mouth gag, or as big as an aircraft. He can choose what can and can’t pass through his constructs. At his current mental strength, his constructs can become strong enough to endure direct hits from tank rounds, protect those inside from the intense heat or cold, and can smash through concrete walls with ease. Currently, his constructs can reach a range of up to 300 yards before they lose hold and disperse.  

Flight Channeling his energy inside of himself, Ben can fly, reaching up to Mach 12.

The Weaknesses

Mind over Matter: Bens Hard Light constructs require mental fortitude for their strength, and while he can make incredibly strong constructs, there is an upper limit to how much they can withstand before they crack. Each time they take damage, they will lose durability, until they finally break.

Human Physiology: While an Alien from a dead world, Bens physiology is relatively similar to humans, such as his strength, durability, and so on. While he can protect himself using his energy, he is still just as weak as a human underneath.

The Items

The Minions

The Fluff

Athletic: Ben is on the athletic side of the human spectrum, though not at his peak, he can still compete in terms of strength, speed, and stamina.

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 155
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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